I've got an image with two types of sand in it (light and dark), and I need to try and quantify the quantities of each for a project. Using the threshold tool seems to isolate the two (luminosity, black = 150), but I can't figure out how to tell how much of each color (white and black) there are.
I'm going through the list of plugins, but I'm not seeing anything (perhaps I don't know what to look for though).
Am a very recent purchaser of Pro X6, and was wondering the best way to separate or 'lift' the darker areas of an image from lighter areas. I have attached an image as an example. Ideally, I'd like to separate entirely everything in the image that is yellow, from everything that is not.
I have a picture of a person I'm trying to alter. The person is wearing a very light yellow shirt and I am trying to replace the color with a more striking dark red. Also I'm trying to turn her skin a very pale white color (Like a geisha). I've been fiddling with the color replacement tool, but the best I've been able to get is a milky whitish red matching the light shade of the shirt. No matter what shade of red I use it always replaces the yellow with the same light red.
Is there a way to tell the color replacement tool to not keep the same light shade as the shirt and instead stay closer to the shade I've selected from the swatch?
I am simply using this image as practice ( since I already have a goal image made by someone else ) The Origin Image is the original image, the goal is the image I am trying to reach near, or identical too in terms of color scheme. The Current Modified image is my modifications done to the "Origin" image to look like the "Goal" image.
Okay a few problems and I'm kind of stumped... is there any kind of wacky photoshop trick to get the ears and tails to match the goal image, without actually redoing shading and losing the image quality?
The colors of the ears and tail on the origin image are reversed on the goal image.
how to change the blue to red (using a brush in Color mode), but the problem is I want to make the whole ribbon solid red (the same look as the right-most stripe). Cloning the red part over the rest? tried painting with Multiply in the middle stripe and Color in the lefthand stripe, but that still gives me obvious distinctions where the stripes were.
Why bother providing an "Antialias Guides and Paths" setting if it's going to look this bad when projected on a dark background? Yes, this is with that setting ENABLED:
It's not quite as unacceptably nasty when the path is dark on a light background, but it's still a good ways off perfection! If Photoshop should not be held accountable for being pixel-perfect, what application should be? This is not even close enough for government work!
Here's the PSD file with which you can generate the above if you'd like to reproduce the appearance shown...
Edit: Just to show that it can be done well, consider these two images, which I did by stroking the path in linear space.
I really like the effect in this poster. I see this effect all the time taking one color and making it light and dark in different areas. Like the banner on this site, but can never do it myself.
I'm working on a drawing for a part and am getting annoying flickers from light to dark. What I am seeing happening is that everytime I pan or zoom (in or out) the drawing, the drawing lights up, and remains lit up until I move my mouse cursor over a view. When I do so, the entire drawing turns dark and remains dark until I pan/zoom the drawing again. So I am getting a constant dark - light flicker that I find very distracting.
I am only seeing this in this one drawing, however I do remember having this problem previously. In other drawings I have done, they will either be light (which I correspond to being normal) or the entire drawing will be dark. This I read has to do with the lighting in the source part file, but it never really bothered me.
Im on 2012 Iventor Pro, and Windows 7 Pro. 64bit with SP1.
I finish editing my pictures, save as PSD and a 2nd as jpeg. i view the picture in windows live gallery (windows 7 64bit) and it has changed to a dark deep contrast.
I open the jpeg or the PSD file and they both appear as i originally saved them until I select/ click on it. and i get the darker deep contrasted image.
I have tried to have Photoshop elements 9, in preferences set to windows color and I tried it at Adobe no difference.
Jpegs are saved as sRGB but it is affecting all images, fine while editing but when saved and reviewed it changes and when opened i get to different contrasting views of the same image when selected. This is really anoying me as you think your done and it looks completely different when you review it.
How can I change with photoshop the color of below pencil from dark green to light green similar to the one in same photo? URL....Usually I use Tonality/saturation with good effect but with this special green I don't find a good solution.
1.) When moving the the dark or light value sliders, why does it also move the midrange slider? Aren't midrange values independent of light or dark values?
2.) I understand that every histogram is different and there is no right histogram. With that said, it does show if an image is too dark or too light and if I am just aiming for a good balance I am dragging the white slider to the left to lighten it up, and I am dragging it to where the histogram is just touching the bottom. Is there also some guideline to follow for the midrange slider where I can look at the histogram and determine which way to drag the slider?
I am very torn about the layers palette. I love that layer via copy will respond to groups as well as individual layers but I hate the color. I find it much more difficult to quickly find what I am looking for with the names and info inverted on a black background.
It is also more difficult to see the separation between layers and tell when one ends with its effects. Overall I feel my productivity regarding the layers palette has slowed down and become more frustrating. Everything else seems to be great. Is there a way I can convert over to a light toned color palette instead of a dark one?
I am trying to get the light blue bow to look as the other bows (dark blue) When I use the color replacement tool and sample the color from the dark blue bow and try to paint the light blue bow it just wont work..it color it with light gray instead of dark blue that I sampled.
I am attempting to build a facsimilie enigma machine, I would like to know how best to create an effect so that when a key is pressed a corresponding letter appears to light up. Btw I am not looking for an animated image, I can take care of the transitions between on and off, I just need to create the two image states.
How do I change the default toolbar background from dark gray to light gray in illustrator CS6? In the older versions, the toolbar backgrounds were light gray. It easier to read on light gray backgrounds. THe same question applies to Photoshop CS6. InDesign CS6 has light gray backgrounds.
I open up either PSPX4 or PSPPX3 and the RAW photos start streaming in looking absolutely beautiful... and then one by one they darken-up and and bland out. This does not happen with my JPEG's. I can then edit them in the Adjust and Edit tabs to lighten them up. Makes me wonder if my codecs are messed up... however a complete reinstall of Win 7 64 bit has changed nothing.
If I increase exposure or ISO, I either get blury image due to long exposure or noisy sensitive photo from high ISO. And the flash just looks ugly. So I took a fairly dark shot and wants to imporve it using Paint .Net. Is there plug-in or tutorial for this? I tried to use auto-level, which is horrible looking. Recently I have seen a pretty effective HDR Simulation effect on Fantacia Painter Free on my WinPh7. The result is natrual and yet brighter. How do I make something like that. Making a fairly dark photo (not too dark) to a better brighter and still natrual looking one?
Implement the option to change the transparency grid colors, even if it's only a simple toggle between dark/light grids. It would work when drawing light objects.
This shot was actually taken in the middle of the afternoon. It's about two stops under exposed and taken on a dark drizzly day. Minimal retouching to bring out the trees on the far side of the lake.
PS: I never cease to be surprised by how much information there is in what appears to be a black blank area. At the other end, I have never found anything in saturated areas. I guess that's the nature of the light sensitive diodes in the CCD.
how do you light and blend with paint.net?also, are there any tutorials on lighting or blending? i know a little bit, but i'd like to watch a tutorial preferably using paint.net
I saw a very neat tutorial for spotlighting a photo in PS [URL]. I tried my darnedest to translate to PSP X4. I naturally went to the the menu bar in PSP, EFFECTS> ILLUMINATION >LIGHTS...
Basically, I can get the light everywhere but the actual area I want spotlighted.
Is it possible to create 'Light painting' or drawing, with PDN. Or is there perhaps a plugin that allows you to do that. Here are some examples of what Light Painting is [the images are too big so I just posted links]: [URL] .....
My friend has taken some engagement photographs and unfortunately the couple have dark hair and the background is also dark - I think you can see her problem with the photos. Somehow the background needs to be lightened and neither of us know how (we both have Photoshop 7)
Since I'm from Photoshop and they have lighting effects, I'm wondering if I can make a light focus on one direct object, and the surrounding objects are blackened out a bit.
I am trying to edit some pictures that a customer of mine has taken. They are of silver utensils wrapped with beads and the way she has taken them, there is a huge shine reflection on them. There are 25 current pictures all using the same dark background.
I have fiddled with the adjustment brightness and highlights, but they come out looking gray and fake, so I removed those adjustments.
I tried using burn the bright spots and then dodge the coloured stones to bring back some luster. No matter what i am doing, it no longer is a silver utensil, it is a picture that has been poorly edited, and that simply isn't okay.
Here are some examples of the raw picture I am working with [URL] ...........
I need to reduce the glare/reflection and the stones need to be vibrant.