I'm friends with an individual with disabilities, and it is difficult for him to hold down the left click and move the mouse (in his case, a joystick) at the same time. I was curious if there is a way so that when he presses left click, the brush will continue to "stroke" until he presses left click again.
If not, any software that could accomplish this task?
I've had to reinstall CS5 after a new Windows installation. Never had a problem with it before, but now I have the issue where if I click on a tool that has sub-tools, it now expands to show them. Before, to access them, I had to click and hold for them to appear. Now with them expanding on the first click, it's interrupting my work flow.
Additional issues have arisen while I'm here, such as, when doing web work, I'll change the rectangular marquee to single pixel horizontal (e.g.), make the selection, do what I want with it, then press M to adjust another single pixel line, but it'll return to the full rectangular marquee, like it resets.
I'm running a test at the moment with Open GL disabled, to test drivers or display issues, but it's doing the same thing.
When i click my mouse to draw the cursor moves up and to the left of the position i started which makes any and all editing impossible. Imagine trying to draw a line but the starting point is a half to a full inch up and to the left of where you wanted the line to start. I've tried a clean install even changed my mouse. doesn't do it it drawx4 only photo-paint x4.
I just bought Photoshop CS6 and it seems that it isn't working properly. I run Windows 7. The left click and left alt are not working. The buttons work perfectly on other programs.
I use cs2 and when in photoshop when i left click on any of the tools for instance the pen tool it brings up the menu to select pen tool, freeform pen tool, etc.. rather than just selecting it. I am use to having to right click on the the pen tool to get that menu, i was wondering how i would change it back. Same thing happens when i left click on all the tools on the tools menu, just used the pen tool as an example.
I have a problem with using the excel spreadsheet to hold my parameters and then making them auto update in the model.
I have the excel 2003 spreadsheet saved in the same folder in the projects directory as the model. When I create the spreadsheet and enter the parameters and values etc I save and close the file.
When I am in inventor 2013 64 bit with SP1 installed, I open the model and can link the spreadsheet to the model and the model reflects the values in the spreadsheet. I also click update on the parameters dialog box.
I then open the spreadsheet and make some changes to the values, save the file and even go to the extreme of closing the file. When I go back into Inventor it recognises there has been some changes in the underlying spreadsheet. The update button is active in the tool bar. However trying to update the models by what ever means does not update the model parameters to those in the spreadsheet. Even closing the model and reopening it does not make a difference.
The only way I can get this to work is disconnecting the file and then reconnecting the file through the links option in the parameters dialog box. Then the model reflects the correct values and updates the model accordingly.
My concern is there is quite a bit of stuff on the net about 2013 not working with 2014 inventor anyway.
I recently bought an intuos 4 and I want to start learning digital painting. I come at the end of a paintful configuration of keystrokes, scripts, gimp painter etc...
Now I can stat painting
But what is the best way to hold a stylus? I read somewhere that I shouldn't hold it in a scholar manner but it's like any other way doesn't give me access to my stylus buttons.
i have problem with 3Ds Max 2012. When I go to click on one of my mesh and select and left click the pannel that is soposed to pop up doesnt. I dont know if I locked it some how or if there is a bug.
I have a tablet and I am trying to change brush size and hardness with the pen but I keep creating new layers. Is there a way to turn this off because I would like it to flow better. With the mouse if I ctrl+alt +left mouse is gives me a new copy of my layer. With the pen I get the pressure/size to come up but it is fickle and mostly just resorts to creating a new layer copy which is what I want to disable so it just does the brush size/hardness option. It seems the left mouse click doesn't display in any keyboard shortcuts.
Had problems with left click text edit function not working?
I am using AutoCAD 2011 and I have been always used the Left click double click to edit text and now its not working. Is there a setting I'm not aware of that I can change.
When holding down the left mouse button in the scroll bar area for just a fraction of a second too long, the scroll bar moves several positions. In the past, it wasn't this touchy. It's so touchy that it's impossible to CONSISTENTLY click once and make the scroll thingy move just one position. In previous versions, it works like a charm. Is there a way to adjust this mouse issue?
I use it on every image for cloning so that I can check one section at a time. For this reason, I've now gone back to CS5, but also because CS6 crashes on me and it sometimes gets stuck on Auto Saving files (possibly because they're big).
By default when we left click in AutoCAD and move the mouse, a selection window appears. Something went wrong in my system and now if I left click no selection window is appearing. For selection window to appear I have to drag the mouse instead of just moving it (which is the normal behavior).
I know this problem is really simple, but I just can't seem to get it to work. I should be able to left-click on a layer, hold in the shift key while left-clicking on a layer further down the list to select multiple layers. It doesn't work, I can't even get the (Alt-Left Click) command to work, allowing me to select individual layers.
Both these commands work in Image Ready and Flash just fine.
I have checked the keyboard settings, but I am not really sure what to look for - nothing seems out of the ordinary.
I've been using PS and PSE since 2003 so I'm not what you'd call a new PSE user. I upgraded to PSE9 a few years ago but now I can't get the clone stamp to work correctly. I keep getting black spots on the distracting elements that I want to remove. I've gone through Scott Kelby's PSE9 book a million times but still can't get the tool to work correctly.All I get are the black spots. I'm working on photo submissions and time is running out. Here's what I'm doing.
1) First I select the Clone Stamp tool and then the brush size I want to use (usually around size 45)
2) Then, I sample the area just to the left of the distracting element that I want to remove. (I use Alt + left click)
3) Then I run the tool over the distracting element and left click. But instead of getting my sampled area clone, I get a black spot.
I thought that maybe I was using too big of a brush but that's not the case. So, what the heck am I doing wrong or is there some kind of an update or tool that will allow me to remove distracting elements more easily?
I am using CorelDraw 12, and recently when I try to drag a drawing, I do a left click and drag. But in doing so, depending on how far I move the object, and how long I hold the left click down, it will just continue making duplicate copies of my object. So as I drag the object, it is also copying. I have had to restart my computer to get it to stop, but this is getting old.
how to disable the drag copyiing? Everywhere I have looked, I find that people are right-clicking, so to clarify, this is a left click issue with my mouse.
Can not click on multiple objects or lines for erase,trim or extend commands. Is there a mode that I have turned on by accident , driver warning also comes up in trim offset command.
I still want it to have its normal behavior while in a command, but when not in a command it still enters the selection mode, which does not work, but if it would enter a zoom window command, it might be a more useful command.
Currently using 2013. In 2011 or 2012 when Anchoring Right (or Left) a palette Auto-hide has behavior that seems odd to me. If you click Auto-hide on an anchored palette to open it (and presumably keep it open) it detaches from the anchor. And then when you close it you lose the palette on the anchor. To me this wastes time. I'd like to keep that palette open to work a bit and not have to hassle with it by not having it open, but at the same time don't want to waste time later calling it up and anchoring it again. Is this still happening in 2013?
Some friends noticed that the text tool does not support RTL languages meaning that mixing Hebrew and English text together making the text almost unreadable.
Hebrew, Arabic and several other languages are written from right to left, as such there are several adjustments that should be made, unicode has a special definition for characters that are written in that direction, punctuation symbols are context related, lets say I want to write some text and the general directionality is LeftToRight, it should look something like that:
The reason that dot is in the beginning and not at the end is that I wrote the complete sentence just like it should look like but since that last symbol has no RTL unicode character after it the symbol is acting like an LTR symbol like the environment itself for the current line or text box.
I work with X3 at home and I wonder how I can do this. I have a image and What I try to achieve is that it fades out to white from the left to the rigth side. So on the left side the image is fully seen and on the right seen it turns into white.
I must have hit the wrong key somewhere along the line. Until yesterday,, the ruler on the top and the left side of the canvas was in inches.. now it is in ???? Starts on the left with 0 and ends on the right with 3400 !
I have managed to great a canvas size for A4 paper and managed to put 4 different photos spaced roughly equally around the page. The problem comes when printing, when the page is printed I get a 1cm margin down the left side of the paper every time even though the preview print does not show this 1cm margin.
I have 2 separate image files and wish to create one new image file comprised of the two initial images on the left and right. Is that possible (and novice practical) with the software?
When I add a image to my background my background shrinks to the top left hand corner of canvas. I have been trying to do this every night for a week now and held out posting until I gave up. Also when I try to paste an image I get a message saying I don't have enough memory (I have 20 GB of memory free). I tried to find Pleska plugin for adding from file but could not find it.
I need to mix left to right and right to left (hebrew) text in a textbox. How can I do that? If I copy/paste hebrew text the text is inserted as if it was left to right, that is: reversed. Can I somehow work around that?
I have photoshop cs4 and I cannot find the Auto smart fix, auto levels, and auto contrast nor the adjustment for each that I had with photoshop elements.