Paint.NET :: Image File Size Minimal

May 24, 2011

I want to create images with minimal file size using .net.

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AutoCad :: How To Create Minimal DXF File That Has Polyline

Jan 31, 2014

How to create a minimal DXF file that has polyline. I am using a C# program to create DXF File. Also if i want to hatch a closed polyline what might be the best way.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Locate WDP File With Minimal User Input

Sep 23, 2013

I am trying to locate a .wdp file with minimal user input.  this is what I have so far

;All file saved in this folder

(setq filedir "I://PROJECTS//")

;User will put the following in, but there might be a small description after 915-01.  That is why I have a wildcard

(setq filename (strcat "915-01*"))

; string together everything

(setq nextlevel (strcat filedir "JOB " filename "*" "//ACAD"))

;; the final path should look something like this:

I://Projects// JOB 915-01(something here... could be anything or nothing)//ACAD//915-01(something else could be here as well).wdp

;set file extension

(setq fileext ".wdp")

; search files

(setq wdp_file (vl-directory-files nextlevel (strcat filename "*" fileext)))

I am confused on where and when I can use wildcards for searching directories.

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Paint.NET :: When Image Size Altered Watermark Stay Same Size

Oct 1, 2011

can a watermark stay the same size even when an image size is altered? say if its text and it gets too big when i enlarge the image how do i shrink the watermark ? when it is already merged and flattened as one picture without a separate layer.

such as a php or java script to keep the watermark distinct in a way even in a flattened pic or to select the watermark to erase it and re-apply it in the right font size back onto the resized pic?

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Paint.NET :: Save Onscreen Image (Near 100%) As Final Image Size

Mar 8, 2013

If I load a large image (say 5400 px sq.) in (or similar) & choose a zoom level where I like the look / size of individual elements, in ONE area. Image is still no where near 100%.
I select a rectangle so the ACTUAL size of rectangle_AND the way the selection looks AT THAT ZOOM level, is what I want. Say, to use as Fx header background.

Problem I've had: Because the image I initially cropped wasn't at 100%, when crop it - the PHYSICAL size of the rectangle may be 1920 x 180 px, but the prgm still thinks / knows it's really 3500 x 450 (or such), at 40% zoom. I can't just save the image - as it looks on screen - & it be that size when reopen it.
I DON'T want to resize / resample it, because (sometimes)  that changes the current look (size of certain elements in the image). The only way I've found (gotta be another way) is take a screen shot of the cropped image, at it's CURRENT zoom level. Then it will save as a 1920 x 180 px image, NOT as a 3500 x 450 px image that was at reduced zoom.
If I resize & save at a REDUCED %, it can change the look & size of elements. Every thing I've tried to save the image - at it's PHYSICAL size on screen - say 18.5 in. x 1.75 in. (when image is NOT @ 100% zoom), results in saving a much larger image.  I understand this, but looking for a way around it.  Used various settings & tried to trick the apps many ways - cropping in one app, copying to another - you name it.

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Photoshop :: Image Size Vs File Size

Apr 29, 2009

  When I save a file to jpeg the image size in photoshop remains the same as it was as a tiff file BUT according to the information that comes up in windows properties the file is much smaller (300k vs 2.9mg).   Can you advise me which is the correct file size?   If the correct size is the one showing in windows (300K) does mean that the file compressed in JPG and lost a lot of information?

  and if this is the case how can I prevent that from happening and still save the file as a JPG?   [ I would like the image to remain the size photoshop shows it to be] .  Thank you very much.

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Paint.NET :: JPG File - Small Changes Double File Size

Nov 10, 2011

If I open a jpg file and draw a single line just a few pixels long, when I save the file it doubles in size (as in disk space, not pixels). How can I prevent that from happening.

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Paint.NET :: How To Re-size Image

May 13, 2013

I don't want to re-size the image or something like that. I'm doing a comic strip and need more room to make more of it. Is there a way I can do that?

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Photoshop :: Automation In Saving Image File With Specific Max File Size

Oct 18, 2013

Background info:
We got several image files every 2 weeks which should be edited and mainly reduced in size for web purpose. This work needs 1 work day for one man/woman to do, because he/she has to open the file save for web and then set the quality to a value were the file is nearly about 150-200 KB in size.
The images are different, some have few colors, some have a lot of colors and there are also different in resolution. But they should not be reduced in resolution, only in quality. All other specs of the image should be kept 
Is there any possible script, plug-in or similar which can do the same (Saving with a specific max. file size) in some automatic and faster way?

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Paint.NET :: Change Size Of Image?

Oct 16, 2013

I want to change the size of a image for instance image size 6"x4" I would like to change this to 3"x3"  or 4"x4" without distorting the image.  It is easy to do this in

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Paint.NET :: How To Increase Image Size Low MB To Between 1 - 30 MB

Aug 27, 2012

I need to increase a few images that are low MB (they vary from 2.51KB to. 4.78KB) to between 1 to 30 MB. Is this possible from this program ? How would do this?

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Paint.NET :: Get Pasted Image To Be Same Size To One That Is Cut

Apr 21, 2012

I have stitched together a picture and cropped it to by 21"x7" so that it can be printed as three separate 7x5 photos and framed together to make a pano. Right now the "master" image is perfectly sized at 21x7. When I try to cut out the first 7x5 portion, it resizes to 5.25x3.75 when I paste into a new image. If I resize it from there it becomes distorted. I've been using the rectangle selector set to fixed size (7x5); and selecting cut from then paste into new image from the edit menu.

How can I get the pasted image to be the same size as the one that is cut?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Display Image Size

May 10, 2012

In pre X4 releases, I could glance in the lower right of the program, hover my mouse over an image and it will tell me it's properites (color depth, size, etc...).

How can I turn this feature back on in X4?

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Paint.NET :: How To Resize Image To Exact Size

Dec 6, 2012

I want to produce images that are exactly 4" x 6" to use as masters to make 4" x 6" borderless photo prints. I use Resize > Canvas Size > Absolute Size > 4.00 width > 6.00 height. When I save a print the resulting images are not exactly 4" X 6" so they do not produce useful borderless photos. Different photos have produced different size images using those same settings. The only way I have been able to learn that they are not the exact size that I need is to print and measure them.

Is it realistic to expect to produce images that are exactly 4" x 6"?

Is there a better way than printing and measuring them to determine that the images are the desired size?

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Paint.NET :: Custom Image Size Templates

Aug 20, 2013

A feature where when you press File, New, you can choose from a set of default and self defined size templates, for example, kinda what photoshop does, but you make the list yourself? So my most popular resolution is 1920x1080, but i use 1801x2528 and other sizes, i would love to be able to save and name these sizes to be selected from the File, New option. I know i can create blank canvases and save them to open and save again.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Getting Minimal Polygon That Contains Given Point?

Nov 9, 2012

I am about to implement an algorithm that takes a point and gives minimal polygon that contains it. (or null, be there no such polygon) Observing the hatch command, one would think there is already functionality that covers this. But I fail to get on its track.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Reduces File Size?

Nov 25, 2013

I'm new to this, but have noticed that whenever I choose the "save as" command for an open photo file, the saved file is much smaller. Even when, for example, I name a picture and make no other changes, the file size goes from say 2.4MB to 640 or so. And these are jpeg to jpeg saves. I have to think this diminishes resolution and options for future edits. Is there a way change some save settings or something?

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Paint.NET :: Large Print File Size

Jun 7, 2013

I need to prepare a very simple poster (one color for back ground and one for the font, no further editing at all) but it has to be around 50x50inch size which is big. I have never worked with such a large images before hence my question.
When I click 'new' and then set print size to 50x50 and 150ppi resolution the file size is around 250mb. Does it really have to be this big? It seems like my laptop cant handle files this big.
Is there some way around it? Vectors? Inscape?
My laptop is Hp Pavilion g6 Core i3
Attached Thumbnails

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Paint.NET :: Change Size Of Image Within Or Stop It From Being Tiled

Dec 10, 2011

So some of you may have used, are using or heard of the Fill from clipboard plugin. Is there any way that you can get it to change the size of the image within or stop it from being tiled? Tiled as in picture next to picture next to picture?

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Paint.NET :: How To Resize Image Without Changing Size Of Background

Apr 28, 2013

How to resize the image without changing the size of the background? When I try it makes the picture fit exactly into the background when that is not what I want to do. Also the image is in a different layer than the background .

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Paint.NET :: Change Default Size Of Loading Image?

Mar 24, 2011

Is it possible for me to change the default size of the new image which loads when is started?

It would be useful for me to start with an image size of 1024 x 1024.

I am aware that I can change the size of images, and that the size of any new image created after loading is the same as the last image.

Edit: I just realised a workaround. I saved a blank 1024 square pdn file to my desktop. Clicking this starts with this sized image.

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Paint.NET :: Resize And Crop Image To Certain Size Frequently

Feb 28, 2011

I need to resize and crop an image to a certain size frequently. I took a look at pyrochild's ScriptLab, but it doesn't seem to support these features. Is there any way I can automate this in I know I could use other programs like IrfanView, but I really like Paint.Net and would like to use it for everything.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Screen Capture - Image Size Measurements

Jul 8, 2011

I have PSPro X.Often when I capture an image, figures show which I presume is the image size measurements.What can I do to avoid these figures being seen in the screen capture target area.

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Paint.NET :: How To Change Background Image Canvas To Original Size

Jun 15, 2011

I wanted to combine two images one needs to be fit to the scale of the background image. So basically I followed the instructions.

Open up your background layer which was 800x600 landscape photo.

Then I imported my other image which was 600x800 portrait photo too. Layers -Import from file. I resized it then copied into a new layer. That was fine.

The problem is as soon as the new image is imported, the background image changes so that it only takes up half of the canvas. So now I've got a white area for half of the canvas. I can't seem to change this.

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Paint.NET :: Resize Image In Program But Prints Full Size

Aug 28, 2012

just downloaded recommended by our IT manager. I need to be able to print an image 5"L x 1.875"W. I figured out how to resize in the program, but it still prints full size.

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Paint.NET :: Reduce Drawing Image Size Without Changing Resolution?

Dec 17, 2012

I have some really large blueprints (black and white). Some of them exceed 30000 x 8000 in size. I want to reduce the overall size of these but when I try this my image gets really fuzzy. Is there a way to make these images smaller without messing up the clarity?

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Paint.NET :: Change Default Canvas Size When Creating New File

Jul 21, 2012

How to change default canvas size when creating new file ?

Default canvas size are 800x600 px . I want set it to 500x414 px by default .

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Paint Shop Pro :: Masks - Automatically Stretch To Size Of Target Image?

Aug 22, 2012

Do masks automatically stretch to the size of the target image?

In PSP8 I opened my target, 1615 x 1066 px:

Then, following the instructions, I opened this circular mask, 450 x 450 px:

But after completing the procedure my result looks like this, with an elliptical 'see through' area instead of a circle:

If this is by design, how would I get the circular effect I want? There are simpler ways of doing it for an all black/white mask.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Adjusting Photograph (new Layer) To Default Image Size

Dec 20, 2011

I created a image (with blank background) with dimensions 640 x 480 (its my default working image).

I have copied photograph with dimensions 7300 x 4200 and pasted as new layer on the image (640 x 480). Obviously, the pasted photograph is bigger and it couldn't be showed totally. I am adjusting the size of the photograph manually, dragging and dropping its corner lots of time.

I tried to use "image => resize" / "image => canvas size". But it just act on my default image (640 x 480), not the photograph (even when its layer is selected).

So, is there any way of resize the photograph automatically to fit in the default image (640 x 480)?

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Paint.NET :: How To Measure Length Using Grid And Viewing Image In Actual Size

Jan 15, 2014

I'm using ver. 2.6.

I'm trying to measure length using the grid and viewing the image in its "actual size", but 'm getting a wrong value (e.g. 3cm instead of 1cm).
Is there a correct way to measure length in

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Paint.NET :: Make Program To Stop Rounding When Setting Image Size?

Jan 31, 2013

Is it possible to make the program to stop rounding when I try to set the image size? I'm putting in a size that is like 4.569 and it rounds it to 4.57 and I don't want it to round it.

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