I'm looking for an option to adjust the grid size and to snap-to-grid.
For some purposes, you can find a way around this, but it is a pain when working on a project that requires perfect precision.
The topic has been brought up before, but I'm hoping to hear of any news on the possibility of implementing it. I don't assume there has been made any plugins to cater this need since earlier posts on the matter, so I'm hoping to persuade developers to implement the feature in a new version of paint.net instead.
If you need to know more specifically what I'm looking for, then it's basically what you have in Adobe Illustrator or any decent 3D modelling software you will ever come across. It would work pretty much exactly like the grid already in place, except you would not be limited to working only with individual pixels, but rather groups of pixels as you zoom further out. The grid would preferably have thicker lines every 5, 10 or 15 lines, etc. for user to position the various elements.
Printed some rectangle that are 7.5 x 14.5 inches wide on the corel page on the monitor, but they did not actually print 7.5, they were about 1/4 inch smaller! the 14.5 dimension was fine. got to measuring other images I have printed and some are perfect, some are off.
I have a problem on resize images. How to resize the images from 72dpi to 300dpi without changing the image size in Photoshop CC? It enlarges the images or pixels, but i just want the pixel to stay the same.
I'm working now on a project with canvas size A4 (5600x4200).i'm working with large objects and small objects each in its own layer.i wanted to align few object in a certain way and i wanted to use the grid for this.however the grid is so small and can only be seen using 66% and more zoom in. which makes it impossible to align the object since i can't see all of them together.
is there any way to adjust the grid to be in proportion to the correct zoom or not window ? as a workaround i found is the grid plugin , but with it i must recreate the grid for each zoom size and its hard to work like this. having the grid adjusted automatically or at least allow max/min setting for it so it can be seen in an A4 size canvas.
I'm working in laser cut and very often I need to know how long is the path I'm going to cut with my laser machine. It is very useful to know the length (and the area) of each path while you're designingin Illustrator. I know you can already measure lines or whole objetcs, what I mean is to know the exact path lenght of the lines included in a logo, for exemple, or in a complex drawing.
How I could get this informations in Illustrator CS6?
I've been looking for an option to change the size of the grid (32 x 32, 64 x 64, that sort of thing) but I can't seem to find it, I also can't find any option to snap to grid.
how to size the grid and set it to snap to the grid. I work with 96 dpi pixel art and need it to snap to each pixel which is actually 6 pixels at 96dpi.
I was wondering if it is possible to measure the total length of lines I have in one layer without using the measure tool on each individual line. In searching other posts a lot of answers reccomend using LISP. Since I am not familiar with LISP at all and haven't purchased the add on is there a simpler way using AutoCAD LT?
In an attempt to aid purchasine I have started adding a length and width parameter to our models. These parameters are converted to a purchase parameter either in square feet or per foot length depending on how the material is purchased. I would like the paramater to also automatically update if the part size is changed. I now come to a part made of a round shaft that is bent and am looking for a way to get an accurate length for it. The part is made with a sweep and the square corners are radisuesd in the sewwp. I could pull the three dimensions in the sketch and add them together to roughly appeoximate the length but that would not be quite accurate. As the number I come up with will also be used by fab to cut the rod before bending I would like it to be correct. Is there a way to generate an accurate length that can be saved as a parameter? In SWx I would create a datum axis in a sketch that could be used but I am not seeing how to do that here.
well i have a homework for the exams and i have no time,The question is, how i can measure the exact length of an arc (or a polyline) ? See the pic. ghrrhhr.JPG
Is there a tool where you just click on any line and it tells you how long the line is from end to end?
Basically I am drawing a curvy line that twists and turns here and there, but the line has to be less then so long. So I have to approximate the length by doing strait measurements and multiplying, it's really a pain.
I'd much rather just click the line, and it tell me how long it is from end to end, across turns and rounded edges and corners.
Is there any way to quickly measure the perimeter of a part, and also measure the length of any circles?
Our estimator is taking the drawings supplied from the customers and needs to quickly know what the cut length is around the part, and then also know the cut length of all holes or internal openings.
Lenovo Think Pad Windows 7 SP 1 64 Bit. Inventor 2013 ACAD Mechanical 2013
I have just started to use ilogic, what i want to do is measure the length of a loop in a sketch and then use this measurement as a parameter.
I have found this rule that will measure the loop length and display it in a message box
Dim se As SketchEntity = ThisDoc.Document.ComponentDefinition.Sketches(1).SketchLines(1) MsgBox(ThisApplication.MeasureTools.GetLoopLength(se)*10 & " mm")
but i do not know how to capture the measurement as a parameter .
I have been using LR since version 2 and since upgrading to LR5 I can't find a way to view the jpeg files next to the raw file. in grid view it just shows RAW + JPEG on a single photo but I want to split them so I can see the jpeg type. I changed my preferences to 'treat jpegs as separate files' but what do I do with all the files I already imported and corrected?
I am trying to create a iLogic Rule that will measure the Length, Width and Thickness of a part and ut it into the custom fields we have. I am having a hard time remembering how to get it to do it from the assembly level. I want to run this on the assembly and have it populate all the parts inside of it. The code below will do it for a part but what is it I add to get it to drill down into the assembly?
Then I want to add this formula to the Stock Number iProperty = <Length> X <Width> I can get it to add the values but I can not get it to add the formula to the stock number.
I have tried numerous times to make my paper size and actual plot size the same. My paper size is 24 x 36 but for some reason it rotates the paper and the output is 36 x 36, every time! When I look at it on the preview, it looks correct but then the paper comes out with a foot of paper at the top of the drawing. I've created new page sizes, etc.
I really can't believe that it is not possible in Corel Draw.
1) How to define size of object, for example rectangle before I actually draw first time the custom shape of the rectangle? So far I draw any rectangle and then change the size which is not professional way I guess, because it causes many problems. (like for example I cant change ratioif it is going to be rectangle with rounded corners)
2) Very often in my work I need to change % size of my artwork or object because a client wants to have something 80% size or 20% smaller. I found it impossible to do because CorelDraw keeps remember all % transformations since original size was created. Now, provided that my 1) problem has no solution we end up in such a situation:
- my first rectangle is always NOT in correct, precise size
- when I amend the size it has a correct size but already has different than 100% value.
- Corel Draw forces me to choose: 100% value and not precise size or correct size and for example 113,9%
I completely don't understand what for is the feature that remembers the original size, it's not so needed in practice especially that IT IS A VALUE BASED ON ALWAYS WRONG INITIAL SIZE. Is it so difficult to place a button next to % value called RESET to 100%? (without going back to initial size of course) I know there are tricks for exampleto group the object temporary with other object but it is not a proper way, is it?
Graphic Designer, Web designer and playing with Video and Audio mixing and editing as well ;-).Working for Large Format Printing company Carrick Signs.
I want to place the outline of a grid over a section of the image; something transparent - apart from the lines of the boxes - and scalable, in the manner of a MS Word table or a MS Excel worksheet. I tried a gridmaker plugin, but it insisted on covering the whole work area; which isn't what I want.
I am sure that you must be able to do it...surely..but how can you see images side by side, so that the original is on the left and the edited on the right?
can a watermark stay the same size even when an image size is altered? say if its text and it gets too big when i enlarge the image how do i shrink the watermark ? when it is already merged and flattened as one picture without a separate layer.
such as a php or java script to keep the watermark distinct in a way even in a flattened pic or to select the watermark to erase it and re-apply it in the right font size back onto the resized pic?