Paint.NET :: Reduce Drawing Image Size Without Changing Resolution?
Dec 17, 2012
I have some really large blueprints (black and white). Some of them exceed 30000 x 8000 in size. I want to reduce the overall size of these but when I try this my image gets really fuzzy. Is there a way to make these images smaller without messing up the clarity?
What is the best way to reduce an image's file size (say by 50%) so that someone with limited RAM can work on the file and then when they are done restore the file back to its 100% size for final output--without sacrificing resolution or pixels. File is a layered psd and will eventually be going to print.
ok it can be supressed on a session basis, but the number of clicks to acheive anything keeps creeping up and I'd rather not see it at all - AFAIK there is no way to suppress it permanently, but the default setting can be increased in the registry
I have my setting at 8000
the registry key is 'ImportSize' in Options > Filters [ verified in designer pro X]
changing registry settings is only for those who know what they are doing and who backup first
How to resize the image without changing the size of the background? When I try it makes the picture fit exactly into the background when that is not what I want to do. Also the image is in a different layer than the background .
I have a question regarding the best way to reduce the size of a drawing from possibly 8” x 10” to 1”x1”. I am going to hire an artist to draw a characture of one of my clients
and use that as buttons for the website. I am thinking my options are to scan artist’s drawing into PS and reduce image, but I will definitely lose quality. Or I can retrace the drawing in Illustrator and develop a vector drawing, which I can resize . . . but how do I trace color?
I've just gotten an ASUS Zenbook ultrabook, and I have to say that it runs PS (CS5) beautifully. Just one problem: with the 1920x1080 resolution, the menus, tools, etc. are tiny. Is there any way to change the size of the font in PS itself without changing the resolution on the whole computer?
when i bind the xref's the file size is increasing up to 50mb. the size of the file before binding is 4.5mb. i tried all the options whic ppl given in the discussion here. purged(all regeapps,zero txts etc.),wblock even some lisps. but all in vain. even i tried to audit but it took 2hrs and nothing happened. this dwg containing only lines poly lines, blocks, txts etc. no images and not even dence hatches also. 1500 drawings like this. i have to submit the softcopy soon.
I've heard that you can reduce file size using polyline instead of line while drawing (or vice versa... don't remember) is it true and what exactly should be used. I think, why we would need the line tool at all if polyline more convenient.
I made a 5x35 image using a gradient that i'll use as background for a div.I saved it as .jpg. Its size now is 325 bytes.Is there any additional method to make the size smaller?
I have an image that I took in RAW with a Canon 5D. I then masked a large portion of the image using the adjustments brush. The result was what I wanted but the image is now very large. I exported the image to a DNG to retain editability. The resulting DNG is 53,679 kb. If I export the image to a JPG at 25% quality limiting the size to 2000 pixels on the longest edge I still get a 7,795 kb image. Â I have had this problem with masking before. Is there any way to get rid of the bloat that the masking caused?
I want to take my out of camera image, which is at 314ppi at about 9x12 and crop it to 8x10 at 300ppi. But, when I go to the crop tool, and click 8x10 preset, the resolution is set at 72ppi, and i can't see how to change that. So, the preset crop tool gives an outline of the crop area that is very small. The picture itself when it comes up is something like 33 " x 38" at 72ppi. If I go into resize image, it gets time consuming; you'd think I could just select the 8x10 preset at 300ppi and get a file that is about 2400 x 3000 ppi....8x10, 300ppi.
I am a fairly novice user of Illustrator. I have my company logo in an .AI and .PNG format. I need to "shrink" the image while perserving the image quality. I am trying to design an ad for my business and the file is too big for the dimensions of the ad in photoshop. When i attempt to reduce the file size (Edit--> Free Transform) I am able to "shrink" the logo down to fit (about 70% reduction), but it turns out very blurry and not sharp. The sharpen filter does not seem to work. Â I have been told I need to take the .AI file, and shink the logo there, then converting to a PNG to be placed into the ad. I **think** I did this, but the image still turns out blurry.
w: 8.5 x h: 5.47 inches  How to achieve this without the picture looking stretched, in terms of it's height. Everything looks constrained when you just do the image or canvas resize.
how do I reduce the size of an image and place it adjacent to another image. Let me explain it a bit better. I live on the Corner of two streets . A lamp post with the name of one of the streets is on the corner. I want to reduce the size of and place the image of the other street on the same lamp post.
I have a vector that is 1000 pixels wide and 500 pixels high. How do I reduce it down to 1000pixels wide and 120 pixels high? Can I do that without distorting the image?
I placed a .psd image in Illustrator CS5 at 100% at 600ppi. My link information is telling me that it is at 600ppi. But when I do a 90degree rotation, my link information is now telling me that I have a picture resolution of 859ppi x 420ppi. Why is that? From what I know and learned, a resolution doesn't change except when we change the scaling of an image but not rotating it. Â This made me wonder because when we receive files from customer with embed images, how can I know that this image wasn't rotated and that the link informations panel is giving me the right numbers?
I want to change the size of the image in Gimp to 3957x4429 px (67x75 cm) at a 150dpi (the image we have has a 300 dpi.) When i do this in image - print size it keeps changing the width.
The system is not allowing me to get the picture a few cm larger. Is there any way I can overwrite this?
Been a CorelDraw user for a long time. Just installed x6 (previous X4), and tried to export an image to jpg. X6 seems to have this dialog box with all these presets. How do I manually set my resolution, pixels, etc. as in the previous versions?
How do i reduce the ppi's of a given image in the Photoshop CC? Changing it in the image size, in the Resolution field, it accomplish nothing. It logs an entry in the History panel, but nothing changes in the picture. Did Adobe changed how this works, or it's just a bug?
I have been a Photoshop user since it was on floppy disk. Now I use CS2. My hobby is photography and Photoshop, of course, is a natural extention of that hobby. Despite all the years of using it I am anything but a master. Maybe a master of slow learning. I got a degree in that. Currently I am assembling sport collages and therein lies the rub.
Firstly, I work in jpeg. Everytime, no matter what I set my target size to (the frame) when I drag a photo in, it seemingly jumps to a larger size inside the frame. I am expecting it to be semi-locked at the size it is set to, normally 4 X 6, and maintained, relative to the frame, at that size when dragged to that frame.
This latest frame is 24" X 36". I drag a 4 X 6 picture in it and it's bigger than the frame. How can I consistently constrain the picture size I drag in and what am I not understanding about this process?
I know it's wrtten down in black and white, and we have covered this before. I am mainly designing little hand out flyers printed on that thin, glossy, card board, 4 x5 flyers, and cd album covers. Is it safe to go with the color profile Adobe RGB (1998) setting? If not what is? When I create these projects do I create the canvas with the size I am printing out in? For instance 4.75" x 4.75", and I am not sure on the resolution to go with. The res always gets me. I read about it, and it doesn't click for me. It starts out with a default of 72, but when I view as print size it looks smaller on screen. I am doing a big project for a big Minnesota band, and I don't want to mess it up. Especialy dropping in font so it doesn't look "pixly", shrinking photos so they don't lose quality is another one I haven't mastered yet. I have 4 days after tomorrow to complete this project. It's all from scratch except for the font which they are putting on disk for me. Little time to research, so I am asking for a huge favor. I want to make a good impression. This is my ticket for a free billboard.
I couldn't find this question anywhere else, but I can't be the only one who's come across this:
I have an image in a folder...finder/explorer tells me that it's 638px X 479px, and 234KB.
I open it in Photoshop and go to Image Size. PS says it is indeed 638x479pixels, but that it's 5.4" x 4.06" at 300pp and the "pixel dimensions" add up to 895KB?
(Then, when I place it in InDesign, at 100%, it measures around 2.1" x 1.6"? What's going on? If I input those dimensions into the Image Size dialogue box in PS, without resampling, it would have to be 750.25ppi. Obviously it's not.)
I've noticed that when I open a jpeg file on Photoshop CS2 from my computer the files will open with different resolutions e.g. 72 ppi, 180ppi, or 300ppi. even when they are from the same camera set to the same compression i.e. superfine, and large. Why does this happen and what can I do if anything to prevent this?
Does it matter if the resolution is set to 72,180 or 300 if I have these photos downloaded to one of the online photo developers like Walmart or Walgreens.
I like to have images in 300 dpi resolution. I notice that, if I specify a certain size image, say, 11 x 14 at 180 dpi, it prints out a different size than 300 dpi although the length and width are showing up the same .... 11 x 14. I've never really understood the correlation between dpi and resolution.
Need to prepare images for a slideshow I am creating in ProShow Producer. Not understanding their suggestion to convert my images to jpeg 1.5.The projector is 1920 X 1080 and will be shown on a 26' wide screen at a movie theater.I correct the RAW image and then Save As tif (dimensions are 5184 X 3456 at 300 ppi).Usually I resize the tif at this point and Save As jpg. When I resize I have always put in the dimensions 1920 width for landscape images and resolution 300 ppi.   Would you just change the pixel Dimensions and leave the Document size alone? They want me to Save As jpeg 1.5.
I have very high resolution pictures on Photoshop. How can I save the picture for a good resolution (not stretchy) for my website, good quality too. and have it weight like 100KB