Paint.NET :: Background Color Disappears In Banner
Feb 13, 2012
I am making a banner with a picture that is right justified and the remaining part of the banner a color I pull from the photo. I am also trying to make a gradient to smooth the photo into the background.
I am able to crop and re-size the photo. I create a New Layer, color pick and fill the background and my banner looks good. I then select the gradient tool and select Transparency mode. I click on the photo and the background color disappears and starts
showing the transparency checkerboard. I create the gradient and select another tool to deactivate it. After that my background color never reappears.
So my banner has a photo that fades into a blank area.
I do not know the 1stthng about PSCS5 or any other art program. Tryin to make a banne w/a jpeg logo, w/a grey background. How do I put grey in the background of my banner?
I am new to I am trying to learn how to make a color picture into a black and white picture with one item in the picture in color. I have searched the web and the site and have not found any thing. I searched through the Plug ins section looking for some kind of "Mask" and what I am supposed to be looking for - where to find one specifically for
Specifically when I lasso a section of a screenshot and move it, I would like to leave behind a chosen background color in its place. This was easy in Paintshop but I can't figure out how to do it here. Instead, I seem to have to grab another selection, copy it and put it over the transparent part. Simple enough to do but cludgy. Looked at the manuals and couldn't find a mention.
I'm testing the trial of X4, and it opens in an unpleasant window which has a dark gray background - is it possible to change the color of this background?
I want to create a background color of #666666. I have both paintshop 7 & just got X5. I know how to use colors from the chart. But how do I specify a color by number?
Installed the SP1 and changed to the light grey work space color....but how or can I get rid of the dark grey application background. That didn't change when I changed the other.
I took a pic of my kitty against a pretty white wall but it was late at night so the wall came out very gray. I had to catch it before she moved. Can I change the color of the background and not the kitty or the hat?
That's the program that came packaged with ancient windows versions.
(What I don't like about is the missing "show grid" option available in any zoomed size, but anyway back to my problem).
I'm making a product flyer (8.5 X11) for our store and we will pass them around the towns in my area. I will take pictures of the products with my camera and up load them into The picture will need to be downsized to approx 1 X 2in, so dithering will be needed to get the same quality has the original. Now downsized, I will need get rid of the photo session backdrop, then create a new canvas of the flyer and paste them in without the background.
How to crop free hand? That is zoom in the picture and using the pencil option define the boarder of the wanted image, then define outside of it has transparent? Or any other method tom achieve the same results.
I was wondering how do I change the white background color to another color? I do enjoy using Paint.Net very much, it does suit my needs, in fact it's better than the windows paint program, far better!
Corel SP1. I now have toolbars I can see clearly, but the black background makes it impossible to tell if an image has a thin black perimeter border. Last release I could drag the window to size it larger than the image and it was easy to see. The attachment shows the trouble and I can't find where or how to change just the background color of the work surface without changing the color of the workspace that now works best for me.
I have 1 picture with a blue background and a metal steel basin. I would like to remove the background and change the color to white.
Background is a material so it's not all perfectly the same color, very slight different shades of blue in the picture. The tutorials say outline it but this is a circular metal object. I tried using the circle tool but I can't get it exact and there seems to be no way to select a circle.
I remember seeing a post about a plugin which allows you to remove the background from an image...
Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the plugin....
Or if you can point me to a Tutorial that deals specifically with removing a background colour from a complicated image i.e. an image with a complicated outline...
I have an image that has a white background. I want to change this background to be transparent.
I can of course select everything around the image and delete it, but the pixels near the edge are a combination of a colour and the background colour. I want to be able to change these to the colour semi transparent (ie remove the background colour portion of the pixel). Is there some easy way to do this?
how to make a PNG in PP so that there is not a residual trace of the background color. Notice on the picture below. There should be the white circle around the red circle, but then there is also the trace of yellow, which is the background color (and what I chose under PNG Export as the Transparency > Image Color. This has always happened for me using PP and PNGs, and I assume there must be some setting to avoid that so there's a smooth PNG export, but I can't seem to figure it out.
Reference tutorial=> Remove Photo Backgrounds with the Background Eraser {URL]
a) I follow the tutorial above to remove backgrounds. However, the background has similar color than picture (in this case "white" - picture attached - FIG_2). So, when I use "background eraser" tool, it erase part of my picture as well. So, how to handle it properly?
b) The tutorial was usefull to other image that has different backgound color (FIG_3 attached). But using other software (Gimp) I could just take the transparency index (color=> color to alfa) with "one click" without the request of erase background manually. So, is there any similar way to do it easily in Paint Shop?
I intend to make a signature to be inserted in digital documents. I signed in a paper and scanned that. The resulting image (attached) has a "paper color/texture" background I would like to remove, maintaining the blue ink from pen and black ink from computer character.
just downloaded a week ago. I am trying to convert a color logo from it's original design to a white log over a solid background, like the image attached. I need the solid background separate from the logo so I can change the color.
I have tried or anything similar. I am trying to make a banner for my website. I have managed to put a single picture onto a canvass and 2 pics side by side, but I would like one with 3/4 pics on it, 1 large at each end and 2 small in the middle. Is this possible with paint?
I just upgraded to AutoCAD LT 2012. I am having a problem with background jpg's disappearing when you pan. It comes back once you stop but it really, really annoying. I have to trace drawings off of jpg's and I have to do a lot of panning. It didn't use to do this in AutoCAD 2010. Ohh I am doing this in Model space. Is there a new setting or something that I don't know about.
I have this banner background for a PHP class I'm taking but it seems that a portion on the right hand side is a darker red than the rest. How would I go about getting the red to be consistent throughout the banner.
I have painted a banner and now I will create an animated gif, so the banner should be waving (like in reality). I have tried it with Effects -> distort -> twist but I couldn't realize it that it looks real.