Maya Modeling :: Offset A Face With Rounded Corners
Feb 24, 2011
is there a way i can offset a face which has rounded corners. i have managed to extrude a face and by altering the offset in the channel box editor i can offset a new face and delete that.
attached image is what i am aiming for, i basically would like to create a rounded hole in each face of a polygon object, a hole with rounded edges.
Any way to fix this (Picture 1) in either at the poly or subd stage. I have experimented with bevel and can reduce it but is there a way to smooth it out completely.
how i can create a rounded like tubular fonts in maya?kind of like the aspect you get when you apply the mia-roundcorners? but i would like to do it with meshes?
I have been trying to figure out if there is a more efficient way of doing this for some time. It seems so basic but it always comes to play in my smoothing process.
For all you more experienced modelers, what is the best way to have the edges and corners stay at their 90 degree angles when smoothing while not compromising the roundness of the surface with artifacting or pinching in the corners. I find this problem when creating extrudes with sharp corners on curved/ round surfaces then smoothing them.
I'm sure I have accidently set some mode that does this, but when I select a face and do a move function, the entire object moves instead of just that 1 face.
The entire object turns yellow when selected, or yellow/red depending on the size/shape.
I put rounded corners [from the decor part] onto my image, and when i saved it, it came up with these extra bits at the corners; which make the image actually rectangle. How i can get rid of them? i just want the plain round corners. =x
I have modeled a face and body of a character separately. I want to join both of them but the border edges are not the same . so whats the method to join both of them together .
I have a large object from which 3 small legs protrude out as in the 1st picture. The faces of each of these legs are at a slight angle in world coordinates.
I have a small cylinder which I want to snap to a face seen in picture 1. My problem is that I simply don't know how to snap the cylinder's side to the face. As you can see in picture 2, a part of the cylinder is in the object, the other part is outside of the object.
I know I could use the rotate tool, but I want perfect face alignment. 1) Is it possible? 2) How
I worked for some time with the free program blender to create my scenes and objects. Because I want to study the subject 'Technical Directing' I started learning how to work with Maya, the more "professional" software.
Although I read through the considered topic of the GettingStarted tutorial, I've still a question to you:
How can I create a face between already existing vertices? This would really improve my workflow.
I'm a beginner in Maya and have to model an object for college. I've modelled an iPhone 4 in Maya 2012 and I've added colour to it but i want to add an image to the screen face. I've added the image using lambert but the image is blown up and i don't know how to resize it. I've fiddled with the settings in '2d Texture Placement Attributes' but the only thing i've been able to do was rotate the image so it's not upside down, it's still blown up. Is there another editor window to resize it?
I've also tried using the UV Texture Editor but everything is a mess on top of eachother and everytime i move things around maya crashes . Is there any other way to add the image to the face?
i am modeling a cello.... the forward edge of the body frame is a single face. in order to bevel it, i have to select all the edges... there are lots. for reasons that surpass understanding, MAYA does not recognize the edges of a 'corner' to be an edge loop. nor will it retain the selection with a selection mode change as some apps will (ie: select face, change to 'edge select' and have all the edges selected).
is there some simple way to select ALL the edges of a face?
I have attached a picture of what it continues to do when I attempt to select a face of this polygon I revolved from a cv curve tool line. Accidentally copied dual screen. I have been running into countless problems while trying to manipulate this revolved surface like a polygon but there is something stopping me. How do I just select an edge or a face without the entire thing lighting up with yellow dots and not actually selecting anything! I try to hold shift and click other faces but that doesn't work either!
If I could somehow delete the action of revolving a line to treat the independent tessellations as one uniform polygon. I am very new to this program and I don't know where history might be.
How I can check if an object is within a polygon face on the y axis?
On another note, would it be possible to get a world coordinates of the U or V vectors of a vertex? I had been trying to calculate it from two vertices that has around the same V values, but in some cases they don’t exist.
I am trying out Maya 2012 and when i select faces or vertices and try to move on individually, the whole model move. I don't need that, i just need to move the face or vertice alone not the whole image. Also is there any way to download tutorial and installing it into Maya 2012. where i am working with Maya 2012 don't have internet to browse right away.
I have a mesh that is made up of all quads and is a pretty dense object. I need to reduce the number of faces so can make it easier to work with and edit.
Whenever i use the reduce tool it takes my mesh that is all quads and distorts it to create a mesh that looks like the second picture above. How can i reduce my face or poly count without distorting my mesh so badly and keep only quads.
I'm using the Make Live feature on a low poly object to create new objects. For example, using the live object as a shell to create new polygon with the "create poly" tool. It seems to only want to snap to the center point of each face on the object.
I am using MAYA 2012 on Windows 7. When I import audio (.WAV) it works fine, but if I offset it to a later frame the waveform moves to the right frame but when scrubbing the audio stays at 0. Making if very difficult to lip-sync. I have tried re-caching, playing the scene all the way through and all other options I have seen online.
This may seem like a relatively stupid question but...
I want to make my own graphics for a website. I want the tables to have rounded corners similar to the ones on the following website. (the main window that says article has a rounded left corner)
page with rounded corner
I don't want to "rip" them I want to know how to make these things on my own. I could do just a plain rounded corner with no problem it is the 3d effect that I'm interested in.
If someone could just point me to a tutorial or something like that for basic website graphics I would be grateful.
with my rounded corners looking jagged, so I must be doing something wrong. I use the rounded triangle, changed the radius and even tried smoothing the selection but they still come out rough.
Im working on a little project and i have a design im almost happy with. All of the corners are square so i want to change two of them (top left and bottom right) to rounded corners while still having the red border in proportion.
I love that Photoshop CC has a way to modify rounded corners on rounded rectangles, but when I try to scale the rectangle with the transform tool, the rounded corners keep the same measurements rather than scale in proportion to the rectangle size. Is there an option that I'm overlooking here?
I'm trying to figure an easier way to change the coners on a rectangle so that they are rounded. I want the sides to remain straight though. Now I could use the pen tool and drag them,