Lightroom :: Won't Acknowledge Changes Made And Saved In Photoshop Elements 11?
Feb 7, 2013
I purchased Photoshop Elements 11 and Lightroom 4 to use together.However, I used both together in trial versions and did not have this problem.
When I start in Lightroom with an image, then take it to Photoshop to do some work with liquify, save it, return to Lightroom... Lightroom is not acknowledging the new changes made in Photoshop. When I ran the trial versions, they did. How do I get that feature to work again, is there a setting I'm missing?
Why does Lightroom not "see" the photos from my catalog since the latest update? Ever since the latest update it says file not found but I can open and work on the photos in other programs. How do I get the prgoram to "see" my photos again?
I'm having a problem saving changes to tiff files. Example: I open a new tiff (scanned image, 16 bits RGB, I duplicate the image, close the original unchanged. I then make simple changes, e.g. levels or calculations, and then "save as" with a new file name with the tiff extention. CS2 grinds away. When I open the new image it is the same as my original tiff, none of my adjustments are saved. I HAVE reset my preferences, no dice. I rebuilt my cache, no dice.
Standard Winxp2, I have a cache drive, computer has good speed and drive space,
Basically we have a number of different procedures that need to be written in each drawing. Each drawing uses one of 5 or so procedures. Usually we type it out every time which is a pain or copy paste. We also tried making word documents and inserting them that way but it got a little buggy. Is there any way to have 5 or so pre made text blocks to pick which to insert onto different types of drawings but that can be global used across a few systems?
We have a small group of workers all on the vault server. Basically I just want to be able to have a finished drawing. Click something that will open a list of my pre made text blocks, and insert one into the drawing that I can scale etc. We use Inventor 2011.
Set-up- LR4, LR3, Bridge and PS4 and Elements 10 on a MacBook Pro (OS 10.6.8), calibrated 24” HP ips monitor
Problem : The corrections made on my DNGs in LR4 are not being acquired by BridgePS4 or Elements 10. The neither the images in the filmstrip nor the DNG file when opened in PS4 or Elements Camera Raw reflect the LR4 corrections. Puzzling, since the Cropping and Corrections Applied Indicators are shown with the Bridge filmstrip images. And, when I re-Save Bridge does acknowledge that it is doing new thumbnail extractions .
I’ve done all I’m aware to do.Save in LR4 in Library Mode with filters off. Did an Update DNG previews and metedata. Automatically write changes to XMP is ON. Restarted the machine
To troubleshoot, I brought a few of those images( again DNGs) into LR3, did corrections and saved.These images were rendered properly in Bridge’s filmstrip and corrections were carried into Camera Raw without issue.
When a raw file badge shows that the file has been changed, I use Metadata Save to File & for the large majority of my images, the badge goes away and Metadata Status Changed does not show the file. For some of my files, however, the Save to File command doesn't work properly. If I am only displaying files with changes, the file briefly disappears, then returns. Even if I go to Windows Explorer and delete the xmp file, then again Save metadata to file, it pops up again with the badge saying it needs to be saved. I'm using Lightroom 4.3 64 bit on Windows 7.
I have created city/landscape artwork using photoshop line and box tools. If you go to URL... then click on the link that says (click here to view Gotham City) you will see one of the images I am talking about. Can this image be made to look the same in vector.
I have tried to save my changes made in the editor of Photoshop elements 12 to the organizer, saved in a version set. Does not seem to save, but can only find it when I click on 'Open recently edicted files in editor'. I have used Photoshop elements 10 and never had this problem
I earned a free 8 by 8 photobook with shutterfly. I tried making one on their website but I could not find any that I liked. I would like to professionally print my photobook I already made with adobe photoshop 7. I need step by step instructions how to put my photobook made with adobe onto shutterfly. I would also like to know some websites that will print pre-made adobe photoshop books for cheap in case shutterfly does not work.
I think that is it name were you can put the image in to the text, bevel and embos so the text looks like a water mark made up from the image. can this be done in elements 11
When I open a file from PSE 11 Organizer in ACR 7.4, make my edits and hit done, the edits made in the Detail tab are not reflected when the file is viewed in PSE 11 Organizer. I had this problem a while back and found a thread that provided a cache or directory change that fixed the problem.
I transfer my adjustments from lightroom to photoshop for additional editing. The adjustments show in the new Photoshop file. However, when I make a selection from that file and copy and paste it into a different Ps file, it does not show the adjustments. I even tryed saving the adjusted photoshop file as a jpeg and then opening it up and reselecting what I want.....Copy and paste it.....and the adjustments still don't appear on the different Ps file/photo. How can I keep the adjustments made in lightroom as a selection to copy and paste to a new file?
When I import files into Elements 12 Organizer, I want to use the Instant Fix Smart Fix option. The CR2 files are being exported to the PNG format, and I want them to be PSD files, I don't have a way to return to the options of how to save my files by using the Instant Fix button.
I'm using elements 10. I've been uploading to picasa, editing in elements, saving a psd file to picasa, then exporting to a folder as a jpeg. As of last night, my saved files are now xmp??? and are useless to me. I don't know what happened?
Is there any way besides creatng "family" components, other than starting with a "canned" system family component, to import details into a Revit Project?
Right now, I'd like to draw something in another app, and plunk it onto a wall in my project file.
I am familiarizing myself with Sketchbook Designer, and would like to draw something there, and drop it as a 2-D into my project. I have this sinking feeling that I might be SOL.
Is there any way to create a component in Sketchbook (or any other ADesk app), and export it as a file that can be brought into Revit as a family component? If not, how am I supposed to create custom components that are far removed from what's available in system families? The item I want to create has no similarity to anything available in Revit Families (but maybe it doesn't have to even remotely resemble anything in available system families to be created?).
Working on raw files, when I right-click the raw file in the filmstrip to 'edit in CS5', sometimes a box appears asking me if I want to edit with the changes made in LR4, other times I dont get the box and my file goes directly to CS5 but without the changes. Why don't I get the option to edit with changes everytime I want to edit in photoshop? Also, sometimes it seems even when it does import, some things like split toning changes are not included.
I am working on a MacBook Pro with both Lightroom 3 and Lightroom 4 installed. I wanted to test my assumption DNG is a DNG and that changes made to a DNG in LR4 would be visible in LR3, so I made changes to a DNG in Lightroom 4, clicked Update DNG Preview and Metadata and then exported that file as a DNG. I imported that DNG into a different Lightroom 3 catalog and the changes were not visible, even after choosing Read Metadata from File. Those same DNG changes were not visible in Bridge either. The changes are visible in the Finder, but not in Preview. how I can make Lightroom 3 recognize the DNG changes made in LR4?
Sometimes, the edits made in LR 3 are not applied when I print. They also do not show correctly if I choose them as the desktop background accuratly (afterexporting it as a jpg file).The photo is colorful but my desktop is not!I've exported a number of files and then printed them through windows. Some print fine and some don't.
Is there anyway I can re-edit after I flattened and saved? I noticed afterwards I still have splashes of color left on the pony's head !!!! Or do I just need to start all over : Elements 11
Each time I leave photoshop elements 10 (bought on Apple Store), A windows says that I don't have the required rights and my preference are not saved. Each time I restart the program it is re-installing the effect as if it's a new install. Any change done in preference window is not taken into consideration. I understood that this is because Photoshop is trying to save on root directory, which is not possible as protected. How can I change the right or tell photoshop to save the preference file somewhere else? I use Mountain Lion.
I am using Photoshop Elements 8 and I successfully created and saved 3 albums and copied them to my IPAD using ITUNES. They were in the correct sorted sequence. I then went back and tried to make a best of show album with my 3 star pictures and every time I sort them and save them (with Done), they go back to the original sequence (not the one I want and I saved!). The 3 albums I created earlier are now out of sequence as well and cant be resorted either.
When I add location data to my JPG images, that data is not saved with the picture. Viewing the picture in OneDrive does not show the location, it only shows in Photoshop Elements Organizer. How do I get that data into the file?
How can i outline a visual shape made of a group of elements (vector shapes) without outlining the individual elements or merging them togather. I would normally go by merging them togather but client requested they be unmerged.