Photoshop Elements :: Change Something After Flattened And Saved?
Mar 14, 2013
Is there anyway I can re-edit after I flattened and saved? I noticed afterwards I still have splashes of color left on the pony's head !!!! Or do I just need to start all over : Elements 11
I want to change the text that says ''gangsterturk25'' I created this file like a year ago, and saved it on my pc, because I thought I might want to change it one day, and the day is today. I made this with the use of a tutorial so I can recall how I dit it exactly. I am a ''noob'' in photoshop so to say. How could I possibly change this.
When I import files into Elements 12 Organizer, I want to use the Instant Fix Smart Fix option. The CR2 files are being exported to the PNG format, and I want them to be PSD files, I don't have a way to return to the options of how to save my files by using the Instant Fix button.
I'm using elements 10. I've been uploading to picasa, editing in elements, saving a psd file to picasa, then exporting to a folder as a jpeg. As of last night, my saved files are now xmp??? and are useless to me. I don't know what happened?
I had a saved PSD file and I opened it to edit it. I flattened it and hit save by mistake. How can I go back to PSD if all the "step back" is not going all the way back to PSD?
I have created an image at home using Photoshop CS for an assignment at college. We've been asked to hand it in in .psd format and retain the layer information. The version being used at college is version 7 and when I loaded it on this the image had been flattened. I wondered if I had saved this incorrectly but I opened it back up in CS and it was fine.
is there a way of saving in CS to an earlier version of Photoshop? Or is it possible to convert a CS .psd to a version 7 .psd?
Each time I leave photoshop elements 10 (bought on Apple Store), A windows says that I don't have the required rights and my preference are not saved. Each time I restart the program it is re-installing the effect as if it's a new install. Any change done in preference window is not taken into consideration. I understood that this is because Photoshop is trying to save on root directory, which is not possible as protected. How can I change the right or tell photoshop to save the preference file somewhere else? I use Mountain Lion.
I am using Photoshop Elements 8 and I successfully created and saved 3 albums and copied them to my IPAD using ITUNES. They were in the correct sorted sequence. I then went back and tried to make a best of show album with my 3 star pictures and every time I sort them and save them (with Done), they go back to the original sequence (not the one I want and I saved!). The 3 albums I created earlier are now out of sequence as well and cant be resorted either.
When I add location data to my JPG images, that data is not saved with the picture. Viewing the picture in OneDrive does not show the location, it only shows in Photoshop Elements Organizer. How do I get that data into the file?
When I flatten the files that I have been working on into TIFFs for delivery to clients, sometimes the preview (or thumb nail) shows only a single layer of the original layered file that I was working with. When the file is opened in Photoshop, the complete image is there.
Is this a bug or is there a way to correct this before I flatten the image? Btw, I have seen this same issue through many versions of Photoshop... from CS3 through CS6. When saving the same flattened image as a JPG, the preview saves correctly.
I've got a background layer which is a solid colour, and the layer on top of that is a picture with some advanced blending done to it.
When I try to flatten, the picture just reverts to how the picture looked before the advanced blending was done.
I've tried collecting it all in a single layer with no luck. I've tried making a postscript of the PSD file but that bombs in distiller. I've tried combinations of other single-colour layers below.
When I edit a picture and save the result (using either "save" or "save as" and making sure there are ticks in "Save in Elements Organiser" and "Save in version set with original"), the edited copy is often (perhaps 3 times out of 4) treated not as a new version but as a new file. When I close the edit, I am told that there is a new file in a watched folder. When I accept this, I am offered any tags which were applied to the original (which works a bit) but then have to find my way to the edited file and the original, and manually make them into a set. It adds a couple of minutes to each edit. I am using Photoshop 11 on a Windows 8 laptop with a 1000GB hard disc (with about 100GB free). My catalog is quite big- about 70,000 items. I am a long-time Elements user (since the original?). This problem is fairly new (ie months not years)- certainly since I moved to V11. This is independent of the format of the original (in my case, RAW or jpeg) or the edited file (in my case usually jpeg).
I have Photoshop elelments 10 and recently purchased 11. Under 10 I saved to "online album" With 11 I have saved albums to Revel. When I try to find them I wind up back at the old online album. How do I access the photos on Revel?
I currently have Photoshop Elements ver. 10,11, &12 on 2 computers. I have done the requested conversions to use older Elements photos. Is there a program or feature that will let me use any of these saved images on any computer, only on version 12, or are these images just lost? I have several CD/DVD sets of saved images that I am not able to access and have I lost the use of these images? Further, why does every version of Photoshop Elements need to save older images and "convert" them for the latest product version? I have used 8 different versions since Elements first came out and this problem of conversion has been a source of trouble and confusion from the start. Further, there is the problem of dispensary in the forwarded images and the "lost" connections to images.
How can I transfer some photos from PE11 to be saved on my new IPad? I know I can use Adobe Revel but that relies on an Internet connection. The person I wish to show the photos do not have internet connection.
I am importing images saved in both Raw and JPEG format at the time of capture. There seems to be a color shift - toward green for the JPEGS and red for the Camera Raw images. Why is this happening?
I created an album, and then a slide show containing almost 200 slides. I was sure to save and name it; now I can't find it. When I open Photoshop Elements 9 there are no menu items,( i,e, File, View, Edit) across the top, so I see no way to "Open Saved Project". I can see the album listed on the right, and can access the original photos from there, but I can't find the slide show.
1) I created a slide show project in Photoshop elements 9 which was not completed. I saved the project but now I can not find it on my computer. I see that I've used up all my storage space (2gb). Will I find my project if I purchace more storage space?
I have been using Elements 9 for more than a year. Today it started doing something crazy. When I edit a photo (did this using "guided edit"), instead of saving the edited version (in a version set), all I get is a grey screen with an hour glass. When I go to my hard drive, I find both the original and the edited version saved, but it no longer shows up in Organizer.
Every-time I save something in PSE 11 that has text or graphics, I feel like the clarity is not even remotely close to what I was seeing in PSE. The whole thing often has a blurry/pix elated look to it. I am sure that any graphics are large files for clarity and in PSE 11 they appear very clear and sharp, I am usually saving in .png The resolution is 300.
What can I do to make sure that they save crystal clear and sharp so that once they are uploaded (to somewhere like Facebook for a timeline cover) that they don't loose that sharpness to text and graphics that I see in PSE? What is the best format to save in? I don't have this issue with pictures I am editing, it seems to just be stuff I am making.
I purchased Photoshop Elements 11 and Lightroom 4 to use together.However, I used both together in trial versions and did not have this problem.
When I start in Lightroom with an image, then take it to Photoshop to do some work with liquify, save it, return to Lightroom... Lightroom is not acknowledging the new changes made in Photoshop. When I ran the trial versions, they did. How do I get that feature to work again, is there a setting I'm missing?