Lightroom :: How To Move Catalogues From 3 To 4

Feb 24, 2013

what do you have to do to move catalogues from lightroom 3 to lightroom 4

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Lightroom :: How To Remove Catalogues From 4

Jun 27, 2012

How do I remove catalogues from LR4

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Lightroom :: Merging Catalogues In V5

Jun 13, 2013

how to properly merge our old Lightroom 4 catalogue to the new Lightroom 5 catalogue which is automatically created?

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Unneeded Catalogues

Dec 4, 2012

I have multiple catalogs each containing many of the same images. How can I get rid of the catalogues I don't want anymore.... So that they don't show up as a catalogue option when opening LR4?

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Lightroom :: Merging Catalogues Which Have Same Photos

Jan 25, 2013

I have multiple edits and collections of the same photos.... the problem is they are in different calalogues. I find myself in this situation because I mistakenly opened and worked within backup catalogues. 

I'm now wanting to, 

a) merge all my catalogues under a single master catalogue,
b) preserve the edits and cataloges I've created,
c) not create a mess of duplicate photos in the new master catalogue.

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Lightroom :: Delete LR3 Catalogues After Upgrading To LR4?

May 28, 2012

Should I delete LR3 catalogues after upgrading to LR4?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Open Catalogues?

Oct 28, 2013

I've bought Light room 5 10 days ago. Last week, I've created several catalogs. Today, when I try to open recent catalogs, I don't fin them anymore.

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Lightroom :: How To Convert 2 Catalogues To Upgraded 3

Apr 23, 2012

I recently upgraded from LR2 to LR3.  I was not prompted to convert my catalogues even though I have read I should have been.  Now what?  I have two programs on my computer.  I want all catalogues in the new LR3 program. 

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Lightroom :: 5 - Unable To Update Large Catalogues?

Jun 13, 2013

I've got two large catalogs (one business, one personal) that work perfectly fine in LR4.4, but when I try to upgrade them to LR5 I get the error, "Lightroom couldn't update the format of its catalog file because the file appears to be damaged."
The catalogs sure don't seem damaged as they work perfectly in LR4.4. I've been able to update a few small single-shoot catalogs, is this a known problem with updating large catalogs (65k photos in one, 180k in the other)?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Import Any Images Into Catalogues

Jan 17, 2013

I have recently downloaded the latest Lightroom 4 update to my mac, which is Lightroom 4.3 and now I am unable to import any images into my catalogues.

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Lightroom :: Start From Scratch With Multiple Catalogues?

May 17, 2013

I have just installed Lightroom 4 and want to get started by setting up more than one catalogue but I am not sure if you have to have one catalogue for every photo in addition to the separate catalogues I want for subsets of photos. Can I just go ahead and make several catalogues and sort my photos (which are on my hard drive) into them without making a catalogue that references every photo? Maybe it's a good idea to have one complete catalogue as well in order to make it easier to find that missing photo?Also I have read that it is a good idea to store catalogue files in a separate folder in the root, which appeals to my sense of organisation, but do I need to make separate sub-folders for my individual catalogues or can they just all go into the one folder? Can't wait to get started!

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Lightroom :: 4 Catalogues And Photos On Attached Drives?

Sep 30, 2012

i  have all my raw photos (many1000's) and many lightroom 4 catalogs on my apple time capsule 2TB drive.    my new mac book pro only has a 256GB solid state drive.  but I have 16gb ram and quad core processor. I get an error message when I try to open a catalog complaining that I can't open catalogs on a network drive.   all professional photographers can't possibly only use local drives.  since network or external drives have existed for 20+ years,  I don't get it.   what am I doing wrong.  very sad.  have lots of work to do.  i have the drive connect to my computer with a cat5 cable.  it is also accessible wirelessly. 

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Lightroom :: Moving Catalogues From One External HD To Another - Images Are Missing?

Jul 24, 2013

I had to move my cataolgs from one external HD to another, but when I open a catalog the images are missing.  I know my original images are stored in one place and the catalog is stored in another.  Shouldn't the images be found if they are all on the same HD? 

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Lightroom :: Common Keyword List Which Can Be Shared Between Multiple Catalogues?

Jan 15, 2013

Is there a way to have one common keyword list which can be shared between multiple catalogues?

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Photoshop Elements :: Merge Two Or More Catalogues Into One?

Sep 28, 2012

How can I merge two or more catalogues into one? I wood like to add the content of a onel catalogue to another one.

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Photoshop Elements :: Moving Catalogues From PC To Mac?

Mar 20, 2014

I have created several photo catalogues on my PC using Photoshop Elements 7. I have now moved to a Mac computer. I have imported my photos tom my new computer, and into iPhoto. However I would like to continue organising and editing them with Photoshop Elements. To this end I intend to purchase the Photoshop Elements for Mac software. However if I do this how to I move the catalogue (and stack details) for my photo collection to the Mac?

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Photoshop Elements :: Transferring Catalogues From V5 To V9

Sep 18, 2012

The process should be an easy one -- BUT, my new copy of Elements 9 does not list under the FILE column, anything that looks like or works like "Catalogue".
Instead of the listing as per the Adobe tutorial as follows: FILE (then) Get Photos & Videos, (or) New, (or) Open recently edited in Editor, (or) Catalogue
My new software lists the following: FILE (then) New, (or) Open, (or) Open As, (or) Open recently Edited File, (or) Duplicate. 
[No sign of Catalogue to be found anywhere -- hence impossible to transfer files/catalogues.]
Note: I use elements for its catalogue function with Photoshop CS5 and Bridge CS5.  New camera required updated RAW-read ability from the old Elements 5.

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Photoshop :: Can't Move Just The Layer I'm Trying To Move With Move Tool

Dec 1, 2006

I try to select and move a layer using the Move Tool, another layer is immediately selected and moved instead.

Also, if I have layers inside a folder and try to move one of those layers, the entire folder is selected and all layers within that folder move.

I have not grouped any layers together.

I'm using Mac OS 10.4.8 with PS 9.0.1

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Lightroom :: Is It Possible To Move Photos

Nov 28, 2012

I can manually import photos to the correct location, or using a new catolog move / add the photos return to the last catolog to find half my photos missing.  at this point LR allows you to 'find missing photos'  If you find one missing photo it magically finds other missing photos from the same folder (exact same date) If Adobe would only allow its app to go out a directory or two when finding other missing photos this problem would go away for me, and its super easy to do, and it does not open up adobe to any new issues, only fixes a huge amount of mistakes. 

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Lightroom :: Can't Move Raw Images In 4

Nov 19, 2013

I've watched all of the tutorials and read all I can to get to the bottom of this to no avail. I understand that I need to use the foilders panel in the library module to move photos, my problem is that the folder module does not show any destination folders at all!
When I import my images I create a job and place the images in a subfolder named Raw Files eg.  2013 Jobs > 075 Robert and Jess E-Shoot > Raw Files
This way all of my images are in a folder that is job related. Occasionally, however, I will forget to change the import folder when importing the Raws, and the images for the next job will go into the Raw folder for the previous job. I'd like to be able to move the raw images to the correct folder, but in the folder panel the only path showing is the path I've imported to.
In the case above, my 2013 Jobs file should show 75 subfolders of individual jobs, but there is only one showing. I need to be able to see the destination folder in lightroom to move the Raws to their proper home. As I can't see the destination folder I can't move any files, and I end up having to try to work it out in the operating system.
how to get all of the subfolders to show?

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Lightroom :: Move Catalog From PC To MAC

Apr 6, 2014

I have lr 4 on my pc.  I upgraded to lr 5 on my mac.  I have the upgrade, but no catalog.  I went back into adobe and downloaded lr 4 on my mac.  Still no catalog. 
Do I have to physically move the catalog from the PC to the mac and then apply the upgrade?

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Lightroom :: Move From IPhoto 11 To 4

Mar 30, 2012

I am looking to start using Lightroom 4 as my primary photo editing/management software and how to transfer all my images and import them in to Lightroom from iPhoto 2011 (I have about 8,000). My biggest concern is not duplicating my files. I do not have an external hard drive so these will remain on my internal. I have not really made any edits of my images with iPhoto, so I am not really concerned about losing those edits.

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Lightroom :: Can't Move From 4.3 To CS5 For Further Editing

Feb 19, 2013

I am trying to move a RAW file I have edited in Lightroom 4.3 over to CS5 for further editing.  When I select the photos, then select "Edit in Photoshop" under the Photo menu, Lightroom tells me it can't open any of the photos I have selected.  Am I doing something wrong?

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Lightroom :: Move Presets From 2 To 4?

Apr 3, 2012

How do I move presets from LR 2 to LR 4 ?

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Lightroom :: How To Move LR3 Catalog To New PC

Dec 22, 2011

I had LR3 running on my laptop, but due to slow performance, I got a new machine and just installed LR3 and would like to move the Catalog over. I backed up ALL of my pictures to the new machine already (JPG, PSD, RAW, etc...)  So I have all of the files on the new machine, but I'm not sure the best method to get only the RAW files back into LR3 like I had them on my old machine.
I can do an import of each folder, but that would take forever!

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Lightroom :: How To Move V3 Presets To V4

Jan 11, 2012

how to move my Preset Folder in Lightroom 3 to Lightroom 4.

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Lightroom :: How To Move Photos From 3 To 4

Mar 17, 2013

After importing 71,000 photos into version 4, I somehow ended up continuing to use version 3 (even though 4 was on my computer). Now, 1,000 more photos later, I discover that version 3 is still on my computer and is actually the version I am using! What is the smartest way to get the most recent 1,000 photos into version 4 and GET RID of version 3? 

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Lightroom :: Move Everything To A New External HD

Mar 1, 2013

Using Mac Mountain Lion and LR 4.3. I want to have everything on one external HD but need to move it now from a smaller drive to a new larger one. How?

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Lightroom :: Cannot Delete / Move Photos In 4.1

Jul 14, 2012

I have found that I cannot delete any photos from LR 4.1 using any delete command (from disc choice). Ctrl+Backspace method or right click -> delete method. No amount of fussing going to other files and then back to the ones I want to delete works. Rebooting the program doesn't work. Google search shows that this may be a known bug.
I cannot delete anything in LR (from disc) and can only delete one file at a time from explorer (directly from LR - that is, LR will not show me more than one file at a time in explorer). I am on new computer (never had this issue before): Windows 7 professional 64 bit, processor i7-3770 3.40 GHz, 16GB RAM.
Now I find that I cannot move files at all through the LR 4.1 interface.Perhaps windows is not giving permission to LR to move anything?

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Lightroom :: How To Place / Move The Duplicate

Sep 17, 2013

The new ability to allow duplication of an adjustment brush marker is great, but I can't seem to find a way to place/move the duplicate. It seems to just get dropped right overtop of the original which makes it completely indistinguishable. Seems the only way to access the original marker(s) underneath is to delete the one(s) on top. Am I missing something?

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Lightroom :: Move Collection From One Catalog To Another?

Sep 20, 2013

In Lightroom 4, I would like to copy a catalog from machine 1 to machine 2, and while someone else is working on machine 1, I would like to create a collection on machine 2, and then just move that collection back onto machine 1's original catalog.  The user on machine 1 is also making collections, so if I just copied the catalog back from machine 2 when I was done, it would destroy the new collections on machine 1, so I think I want to just move the collection I create on machine 2. 

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