Lightroom :: Merging Catalogues In V5

Jun 13, 2013

how to properly merge our old Lightroom 4 catalogue to the new Lightroom 5 catalogue which is automatically created?

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Lightroom :: Merging Catalogues Which Have Same Photos

Jan 25, 2013

I have multiple edits and collections of the same photos.... the problem is they are in different calalogues. I find myself in this situation because I mistakenly opened and worked within backup catalogues. 

I'm now wanting to, 

a) merge all my catalogues under a single master catalogue,
b) preserve the edits and cataloges I've created,
c) not create a mess of duplicate photos in the new master catalogue.

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Lightroom :: How To Move Catalogues From 3 To 4

Feb 24, 2013

what do you have to do to move catalogues from lightroom 3 to lightroom 4

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Lightroom :: How To Remove Catalogues From 4

Jun 27, 2012

How do I remove catalogues from LR4

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Unneeded Catalogues

Dec 4, 2012

I have multiple catalogs each containing many of the same images. How can I get rid of the catalogues I don't want anymore.... So that they don't show up as a catalogue option when opening LR4?

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Lightroom :: Delete LR3 Catalogues After Upgrading To LR4?

May 28, 2012

Should I delete LR3 catalogues after upgrading to LR4?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Open Catalogues?

Oct 28, 2013

I've bought Light room 5 10 days ago. Last week, I've created several catalogs. Today, when I try to open recent catalogs, I don't fin them anymore.

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Lightroom :: How To Convert 2 Catalogues To Upgraded 3

Apr 23, 2012

I recently upgraded from LR2 to LR3.  I was not prompted to convert my catalogues even though I have read I should have been.  Now what?  I have two programs on my computer.  I want all catalogues in the new LR3 program. 

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Lightroom :: 5 - Unable To Update Large Catalogues?

Jun 13, 2013

I've got two large catalogs (one business, one personal) that work perfectly fine in LR4.4, but when I try to upgrade them to LR5 I get the error, "Lightroom couldn't update the format of its catalog file because the file appears to be damaged."
The catalogs sure don't seem damaged as they work perfectly in LR4.4. I've been able to update a few small single-shoot catalogs, is this a known problem with updating large catalogs (65k photos in one, 180k in the other)?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Import Any Images Into Catalogues

Jan 17, 2013

I have recently downloaded the latest Lightroom 4 update to my mac, which is Lightroom 4.3 and now I am unable to import any images into my catalogues.

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Lightroom :: Start From Scratch With Multiple Catalogues?

May 17, 2013

I have just installed Lightroom 4 and want to get started by setting up more than one catalogue but I am not sure if you have to have one catalogue for every photo in addition to the separate catalogues I want for subsets of photos. Can I just go ahead and make several catalogues and sort my photos (which are on my hard drive) into them without making a catalogue that references every photo? Maybe it's a good idea to have one complete catalogue as well in order to make it easier to find that missing photo?Also I have read that it is a good idea to store catalogue files in a separate folder in the root, which appeals to my sense of organisation, but do I need to make separate sub-folders for my individual catalogues or can they just all go into the one folder? Can't wait to get started!

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Lightroom :: 4 Catalogues And Photos On Attached Drives?

Sep 30, 2012

i  have all my raw photos (many1000's) and many lightroom 4 catalogs on my apple time capsule 2TB drive.    my new mac book pro only has a 256GB solid state drive.  but I have 16gb ram and quad core processor. I get an error message when I try to open a catalog complaining that I can't open catalogs on a network drive.   all professional photographers can't possibly only use local drives.  since network or external drives have existed for 20+ years,  I don't get it.   what am I doing wrong.  very sad.  have lots of work to do.  i have the drive connect to my computer with a cat5 cable.  it is also accessible wirelessly. 

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Lightroom :: Moving Catalogues From One External HD To Another - Images Are Missing?

Jul 24, 2013

I had to move my cataolgs from one external HD to another, but when I open a catalog the images are missing.  I know my original images are stored in one place and the catalog is stored in another.  Shouldn't the images be found if they are all on the same HD? 

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Lightroom :: Common Keyword List Which Can Be Shared Between Multiple Catalogues?

Jan 15, 2013

Is there a way to have one common keyword list which can be shared between multiple catalogues?

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Lightroom :: Merging Photos To Panorama From LR4 To CS4?

Aug 30, 2012

When merging photos (RAW files) from LR3 in CS4 then all the modifications done to the photos (files) are reconized in CS4 and the Panorama has the same appearance in respect of exposure and color parameters.

When merging photos (RAW files) from LR4 in CS4 then the modifications done to the photos in LR4 (files) are not reconized in CS4 and the Panorama has the appearance of the untreated photos, same as imported. CS4 does not recognice, implement the LR4 modifications!
I need first to export the photos to an other format and then merge them so that the LR modifications are implemented.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - Splitting And Merging Catalogs

Jan 13, 2013

My main catalog (LR4.3) has grown quite big containing about 122000 pictures, mostly RAW and the lrcat -file is 2.24Gb. In the beginning of this year I decided to start a new catalog, year 2013, a "working catalog" and when this year's works are done, I'll merge it to the main catalog and start a new catalog for year 2014, and so on.

It's just that I'm a little concerned about how well LR behaves in this kind of fusion. I mean all metadata transfer, especially the keywords.
The reason for this operation was that the big catalog is quite slow to use.  This new and this far tiny catalog though behaves almost lightning fast.

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Lightroom :: Merging 2 Catalogs From 2 Computers

Aug 12, 2012

I have a master desktop catalog and temporay laptop catalog, both OSX computers with Lightroom 4.  I am trying to copy the catalog and photos from the laptop to the desktop with little success. On the desktop when I try "import from another catalog" and choose the laptop catalog I get different errors that make it so I cannot import.  For one, the drop down box "copy new photos to a new location and import" DOES NOT SHOW UP! I can only "add new photos to catalog without moving."
So I am thinking permissions and.or ownership issues. I have tried to login as a different user,change ownership of the catalog and preview files and the photos and gave r/w previlegious and login in as ADMINISTRATOR also, nothing working. I did have success keeping the stream simple:  Created a new account as ME on the laptop, creating a new catalog while loged in as ME and did the import of the catalog as ME on the desktop. 

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Lightroom :: Catalogue Merging - 1 Drive To 2 - Old To New Computer?

Nov 8, 2011

I have been using Lightroom since the beginning on an older PC running Windows XP (currently ver 3.5). The way I began using LR was to only import those images which I wanted to work with. Basically these were all in the same parent directory (/images) and reasonably well organized. Having just set up a new Windows 7 PC with plenty of memory and speed, I would like to import all of my digital photos (100K+) to LR. I would also like to have my old catalog, containing metadata on ~2,600 images that I have worked with.
I would like to have the catalog on my boot drive; all images are on another, larger drive. So far, I have not been able to make this work. Most attempts result in the catalog being on the boot drive and unable to find the images. No parent folder shows up in the C: folder (cataloged), so I can't point the whole batch of cataloged images to the right drive. It seems the only alternative I have is doing this folder by folder.

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Lightroom :: Merging An Imported Library Not Working?

Nov 26, 2011

I have a folder of images that I want to export from one library and then import (merge) into another librarry. So I select the folder, rightclick the folder and select "Export this folder as a catalog". I put it into a temp folder. Then I open the other library, select File > Import from catalog..." When I do the import, it place the folder above the folder that has the same name instead of inside the folder. This is so fristrating. Why will it not put it in the same place?

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Photoshop Elements :: Merge Two Or More Catalogues Into One?

Sep 28, 2012

How can I merge two or more catalogues into one? I wood like to add the content of a onel catalogue to another one.

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Photoshop Elements :: Moving Catalogues From PC To Mac?

Mar 20, 2014

I have created several photo catalogues on my PC using Photoshop Elements 7. I have now moved to a Mac computer. I have imported my photos tom my new computer, and into iPhoto. However I would like to continue organising and editing them with Photoshop Elements. To this end I intend to purchase the Photoshop Elements for Mac software. However if I do this how to I move the catalogue (and stack details) for my photo collection to the Mac?

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Photoshop Elements :: Transferring Catalogues From V5 To V9

Sep 18, 2012

The process should be an easy one -- BUT, my new copy of Elements 9 does not list under the FILE column, anything that looks like or works like "Catalogue".
Instead of the listing as per the Adobe tutorial as follows: FILE (then) Get Photos & Videos, (or) New, (or) Open recently edited in Editor, (or) Catalogue
My new software lists the following: FILE (then) New, (or) Open, (or) Open As, (or) Open recently Edited File, (or) Duplicate. 
[No sign of Catalogue to be found anywhere -- hence impossible to transfer files/catalogues.]
Note: I use elements for its catalogue function with Photoshop CS5 and Bridge CS5.  New camera required updated RAW-read ability from the old Elements 5.

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Lightroom :: How To Recover Missing Folders After Merging Two Annual Folders

May 25, 2013

I had two 2013 folders, each with about 100 daily folders. The dates were differnt in each annual folder. I dragged one into the other. The folder where the daily folder was dragged from is now empty but those folders do not appear in the recieving folder. All the photos are still in the catalog, but do not show in the folders (left side panel).

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Photoshop :: Merging Two 3D Spaces

Aug 13, 2013

After merging two 3D objects into one 3D space, I am unable to delete one of the objects nor will it hide when clicking the eye icon.

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Merging Layers Isn't Quite Same

Dec 18, 2012

I have a document with three "normal" layers and two hue/saturation adjustment layers. They're at the top. The next two layers, and the adjustment layers, have layer masks. The bottom layer has no mask. The blend mode between the fourth and fifth layers (counting from the top) is "Hard Light".  The blend mode for all other layers is "normal", and all opacities are 100%.
When I flatten the layers, what I get is not what I had before the layers are different, hard to describe exactly how.  I notice that if I merge the fourth and fifth layers (with the "Hard Light" blend mode), and only those two layers, I get the same behavior as when I flatten the entire image.
So why would merging two layers that have the "Hard Light" blend mode at 100% opacity look different than when the layers aren't merged?

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Photoshop :: CS5 64 Bit Merging HDR Image?

Jan 12, 2012

I am doing a HDR image lesson (Adobe CS5 Classroom in a Book, page 139) using three .DNG files from the training CD.If I use CS5 32 bit all (model's face and background) is ok. if I use CS5 64 bit the image has bad background colors and a portion of the model's face is dark red.if possibly the DNG was created by CS5 32 bit and cannot be opened and processed in CS5 64 bit HDR?
Note:Each DNG image looks good using CS5-64 File Open. I have two jpg if needed to show.

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Photoshop :: Merging Photos Together

Sep 1, 2013

I am looking to merge a picture of a friends head onto 3 photos. I have tried and failed several times.

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Photoshop :: Merging GIF To JPG Picture

Apr 24, 2013

Ive got a .gif an a .jpg pic i want to merge them both together. I want the jpg to sit faded in the background of the gif pic.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Merging Two Cells In A Row?

Aug 12, 2013

I am trying to merge two cells in one but i cannot find proper method to do that.

I am creating a table with dynamic number of rows and columns: 

for (int i = 3; i < tbRight.NumRows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < tbRight.NumColumns; j++)
if (num2 == numCircles - 1)
Cell c = new Cell(tbRight, i, j);
c.TextHeight = 450;
tbRight.SetTextString(i, j, (num2 +


 First row of the table is the header and i have two free rows with two columns each. I want to merge all of them to look like one row.

On the other hand, is it possible to align the text in the table in the middle and also the vertical align to be in the middle.

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Photoshop :: Merging PS Brushes

Apr 17, 2004

I have a long list of photoshop brushes and I was wondering if I could somehow take them all and roll them into one set so I dont have to search through each brush file every time.

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Photoshop :: Layers Merging By Themselves

Jun 26, 2009

I have just bought CS4. I was using PSP X2 so have some knowledge of how things work.

I'm having a problem with layers.

I open up a background layer - fine.

I add a second layer and add an image - fine.

I add a third layer but when I add an image, the first two layers automatically merge together into a new background layer.

The images are all the same size and being added from the bridge.

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