After importing 71,000 photos into version 4, I somehow ended up continuing to use version 3 (even though 4 was on my computer). Now, 1,000 more photos later, I discover that version 3 is still on my computer and is actually the version I am using! What is the smartest way to get the most recent 1,000 photos into version 4 and GET RID of version 3?
I can manually import photos to the correct location, or using a new catolog move / add the photos return to the last catolog to find half my photos missing. at this point LR allows you to 'find missing photos' If you find one missing photo it magically finds other missing photos from the same folder (exact same date) If Adobe would only allow its app to go out a directory or two when finding other missing photos this problem would go away for me, and its super easy to do, and it does not open up adobe to any new issues, only fixes a huge amount of mistakes.
I have found that I cannot delete any photos from LR 4.1 using any delete command (from disc choice). Ctrl+Backspace method or right click -> delete method. No amount of fussing going to other files and then back to the ones I want to delete works. Rebooting the program doesn't work. Google search shows that this may be a known bug.
I cannot delete anything in LR (from disc) and can only delete one file at a time from explorer (directly from LR - that is, LR will not show me more than one file at a time in explorer). I am on new computer (never had this issue before): Windows 7 professional 64 bit, processor i7-3770 3.40 GHz, 16GB RAM.
Now I find that I cannot move files at all through the LR 4.1 interface.Perhaps windows is not giving permission to LR to move anything?
I imported them without moving them. So they're in the catalog.How do I transfer them to the drive which contains the entire catalog. (I should have hit "move" right?)
I'm using Lightroom 5 and moving photos to a sub folder. Here's where I'm running into a problem:
My photos are in a folder named "to file"Inside "to file" I create a folder named "2013-05"I select some photos from "to file" and click and drag them into "2013-05"They appear in "2013-05" as expectedThe problem is, they still appear in the parent folder "to file" My question is, once I move photos to a sub folder how can I prevent them from appearing in the parent folder?
I have several catalogs on my iMac and I need to move a set of images from one catalogue to another.All the files and catalogs are on the same iMac/HDD and the files are RAW format. I am using LR4.
was trying to move a photo to another location and I clicked on something and it asked if I wanted to create a new catalog. I said yes. Now none of my photos are appearing in my lightroom.
FIRST: I cannot move photos from one folder to another, drag and drop does not function at all, and there is no 'move' command with a right-cllick on a photo. I can move folder locations, drag and drop on the folder view works, but I want to move individual photos. I am sure I could do it with previous versions.
SECOND: If I click on HELP, I simply get a box up from Adobe AIR saying: This installation of this application is damaged. Try re-installing or contacting the publisher for assistance. I am loathe to re-install as last time I did that, I had a grand hassle over number of activations, even though I am only running on my one and only machine.
For some reason I'm unable to move photos or folders from within lightroom 4. The drag and drop system from the library module does nothing for me. I'm pretty sure I just watched an AdobeTV demonstration where the presenter had no problem moving files inside the "Folders" panel in the Library. I've even tried highlighting the photos I want to move from the grid view, control+clicking on the folder where I want them to go, selecting "Move Selected Photos to this Folder" from the flyout, and nothing happens.
My cursor shows a green plus(+) icon when I mouse over the destination folder when dragging the photos, as if LR were going to add the files to the folder.... but then nothing happens.
Am I losing it, shouldn't this be a completely intuiative process? Is it possible I've locked my files/photos?
Latest version of lightroom 5. Runing windows 7, 64 bit. The catalog I am importing from is on my laptop which is conected to my Homegroup via the internet.
How do I move numerous folders and subfolders of photos to a different hard drive?
The hard drive I want to move to shows up in the LR Library Left Panel under Folders, but I can't drag and drop the photos from the C Drive to this D drive.
I have been working with LR for about a month; and I've uploaded about 2000 photos I have taken since about a year ago; organized by folders for year and date. I just realized LR has been putting almost all my photos on my C Drive. There is one folder of photos in LR on the D Drive. I don't recall how I got that folder to go on the D Drive while the rest are on the C Drive.
I don't want any data on my C Drive. I use my C Drive primarily for my Operating Systems and applications.
I'm a newbie trying to create a collage of photos in Lightroom 4 on Windows 8. I've done lots of videos and other tutorials online but am having a problem with the Print module. I can drag my photos onto the print page and resize them without issue, but what I want to do is effectively crop a certain part of the photo to the container size, but only within this print page (I don't want the photo in my library to be cropped).
I hit the Ctrl button and the little hand icon appears (as do the little squares on the edges of the photo for changing the size) but when I drag with the Ctrl button held down, nothing happens - I was expecting the photo to move within the container but it's not. What I'm trying to do is exactly the same thing done (by holding Ctrl) in this video at 1min 11secs: [URL]
Trying to move some photos to a different folder in the Library Module. I highlite the photos, click on the folder I want to move them to and press "Move Selected Photos to this Folder." Then I get an error message that the photos are already in the destination. OK. 1 Problem I just made the folder. My computer crashed about 3 weeks ago. Got it back up and reinstalled LR3.
Made 2 catalogs;
1. Personal and 2. Work Photos.
All of my personal photos I put in the personal cat with no sub-folders, my work went into the work which I made sub-folders. Today I finally got the time to set up my Personal folder. Made 3 new folders, one was Vietnam, which I divided into sub-folders of the place I was stationed and my R&R to Hawaii. Started separating the photos, all went well till I tried to move photos to a sub-folder call Phu Loi. Then I got the error message.
I've created a BIG catalogue with photos from various drives. And each time I've used "export" to copy the photos to an internal drive on a brand new computer with a huge drive.
I'd like the main catalogue to ALL refer to the files on the new huge drive?
I store my photos on an external hard drive. Recently, I inadvertantly imported five days of photos into the catalogue but stored them on my laptop's internal hard drive. I'm trying to move the photos and thumbnails down to the external hard drive so they'll be there when I plug back into my desktop. how to move them from the internal hard drive to the external?
I've seen several adobe tutorials and youtube videos that show moving photos or folders by drag and drop in the library grid view. I cannot get it to work.
Steps: 1. Mousedown on a photo (not the frame) in the grid 2. Drag the mouse to a folder in the "Folder" pane (left of the grid) 3. Mouseup on the destination folder
Results: Nothing happens. The mouse cursor doesn't change from the arrow. There is no indication I can drag and drop. The photos are not moved.
The photos are stored on a NAS. Of course I can move them around via Windows Explorer, but I want to do this from inside LR4 for obvious reasons. From LR4, I can create new folders, but I still cannot move photos into those folders. I also tried creating a new folder on a local drive. Again, I was able to create the folders, but was not able to move any photos into the folder.
This should be an easy task and I am familiar with editing a photo taken from the organizer and then returning it to an album or folder. My problem is with a photo sent to me as an attachment to an email in another program (often Picasa). This photo can be opened in Elements Editor and worked with in the usual fashion but I am stumped on how to then move it in my Organizer and appropriate folder or album.
I have the majority of my photos located on an external drive. Recently after upgrading to PSE 11 I noticed that when I import photos from my sd card that they are located on my c: drive.
1) How do I safely move the files located on c: to my external drive?
2) change the default location so file will automatically be saved on the external drive?