Lightroom :: Importing - Do Not Get The Option To Move Photos?
Mar 13, 2014Latest version of lightroom 5. Runing windows 7, 64 bit. The catalog I am importing from is on my laptop which is conected to my Homegroup via the internet.
View 2 RepliesLatest version of lightroom 5. Runing windows 7, 64 bit. The catalog I am importing from is on my laptop which is conected to my Homegroup via the internet.
View 2 Repliesis there an option to delete photos after importing from a camera or smart phone? For example, import selected photos from a camera and then delelte those photos on the camera after importing them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI normally choose to "Move" images from my memory card to a hard drive folder when importing into Lightroom so that the card is then clear to use again. I cannot think of any settings I have changed Lightroom no longer gives me the option to move or add from a card. Is this an undocumented "Feature" of v3.3
View 13 Replies View RelatedMy import window does not allow me to pick the "move" option. How do I access it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedPicture Import Problem LR4.3 Win7: When importing from an SD card, the File Renaming and Destination options are available. But when importing from disk, they are not available. Why? Is there a work around or configuration problem?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy does LR4 not import ALL my photos from the selected folder on my portable hard drive? "Include Subfolders" is checked and "suspected duplicates" are allowed. The difference is about 10,000 photos per the info from Windows Exployer (approx. 175,000 vs 185,000 files). I can view the missing photos in exployer and not in LR4. I have tried deleting the catalog and starting from scratch. I have tried importing from subfolders. Sometimes I get different results, but not much different.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn importing raw files as DNG the photos are coming in as b&w next to JPEG photos of same image in color. Why? I can change the b&w to color in the develop mode. How do I get the raw images to import as DNG in color.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat happened to the option/enter command in the move object dialog that has been around since the early days of Illustrator??? Instead of having to mouse click the "copy" button in the move object window, one could just hold down option with Return or Enter and the Copy command would happen rather than a simple move. Immensely useful for prepress work!
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the import screen, on the left side of the screen, i start opening my tree to find the folder of photos I want to import but it doen't scroll down. The folder I need is further down, what can I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I want to import foto's in Lightroom, I doesn't see any foto's, only frames.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using Lightroom 3 on a Mac OS. I wanted to download "Focus Magic", but apparently that is an impossibility. I installed it on my PC, on which also have LR3, made the adjustments I wanted in "focus Magic", then copied them to a disc. When I go to copy them into LR on my Mac, it won't allow it, as the photos "already exist" on the system. I have also tried this on different occasions for different reasons with the same result.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow do I import my photos from my Nikon D610 onto Lightroom 4?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhy after exporting photos they looked darker
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm am trying to import 593 photos directly from my 5D Mark III into Lightroom 4.4 using a USB cable. I received the following error message: "Some import operations were not performed. The following files were not imported because they could not be read (128)." I had previously tried importing the photos prior to the Lightroom 4.4 update. I also did the update to 4.4, restarted the computer and attempted the import again (received same error message). The error message didn't indicate what was causing the problem so I attempted to import the photos to iPhoto and received the message "The following files were not imported as the file type .CR2 cannot be read." All of my software is up to date, computer has been restarted numerous times and I always shoot in RAW. If 465 of the 593 photos were able to be imported to both photo programs, from the same CF memory card, and the file type/format did not change between photo shoots, why would 128 be unreadable?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can manually import photos to the correct location, or using a new catolog move / add the photos return to the last catolog to find half my photos missing. at this point LR allows you to 'find missing photos' If you find one missing photo it magically finds other missing photos from the same folder (exact same date) If Adobe would only allow its app to go out a directory or two when finding other missing photos this problem would go away for me, and its super easy to do, and it does not open up adobe to any new issues, only fixes a huge amount of mistakes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter importing 71,000 photos into version 4, I somehow ended up continuing to use version 3 (even though 4 was on my computer). Now, 1,000 more photos later, I discover that version 3 is still on my computer and is actually the version I am using! What is the smartest way to get the most recent 1,000 photos into version 4 and GET RID of version 3?
View 1 Replies View RelatedLightroom 4 imports photos and videos from my iPhone and puts them where I want them to go, and names the directories the way I want. All good. But it also leaves the photos on the phone to be manually deleted. Is there some way to have it delete the photos after import?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just imported all my photos into LR 4 and would like to delete them from my phone. how to do this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have found that I cannot delete any photos from LR 4.1 using any delete command (from disc choice). Ctrl+Backspace method or right click -> delete method. No amount of fussing going to other files and then back to the ones I want to delete works. Rebooting the program doesn't work. Google search shows that this may be a known bug.
I cannot delete anything in LR (from disc) and can only delete one file at a time from explorer (directly from LR - that is, LR will not show me more than one file at a time in explorer). I am on new computer (never had this issue before): Windows 7 professional 64 bit, processor i7-3770 3.40 GHz, 16GB RAM.
Now I find that I cannot move files at all through the LR 4.1 interface.Perhaps windows is not giving permission to LR to move anything?
I imported them without moving them. So they're in the catalog.How do I transfer them to the drive which contains the entire catalog. (I should have hit "move" right?)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using Lightroom 5 and moving photos to a sub folder. Here's where I'm running into a problem:
My photos are in a folder named "to file"Inside "to file" I create a folder named "2013-05"I select some photos from "to file" and click and drag them into "2013-05"They appear in "2013-05" as expectedThe problem is, they still appear in the parent folder "to file" My question is, once I move photos to a sub folder how can I prevent them from appearing in the parent folder?
I tried Command key to select several images, then dragging the photos to targeted folder.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have several catalogs on my iMac and I need to move a set of images from one catalogue to another.All the files and catalogs are on the same iMac/HDD and the files are RAW format. I am using LR4.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I was just importing all my xmas shots yesterday, and I kinda did it wrong in a result, the folder I created is now the "main folder" i.e the one that has all my photos under it, as subfolders and as a result, ALL my photos has now gone offline or missing.
The new folder I created sits on top of the hieracy, and I dont want that of course, I want it under my "2011" folder, which was the main... I cant move the new folder called "xmas 2011" and If i try to delete it, it says do you want to delete 2200 pictures, which is everything I have under the original "2011" folder...
Im pretty new to lightroom, and the file handling and renaming of libery's seems very confusing, but this is really bad and its ALL my pictures being listed as missing of offline
I tried to open via backup, but the lastest backup I can find is from Aug 2011, which I know isnt true, as I back up everytime I have used lightroom, but I cant find any other back ups !!
I downloaded the Lightroom 4 trial program. After watching a tutorial on importing and organizing I imported a few photos from the hard drive on my laptop. All the functions of the program are working but the images of the photos don't show up.Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the program? Can I do that and still have the trial time of 30 days? Is there some other on/off thing I need to do to make this work?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI can not see my photos that have been imported onto the palette, it show 201 photos and they are blank, what is wrong. I am using 4.3 with Win8.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have a folder containing all my photos (15000 photos: 70% JPG, 30% NEF) in a sorted folder-structure.
I am trying to import that filestructure to Lightroom, but after some thousand fotos the import-process just stops. Lightroom is still usable, the "import-progress-bar" shows the correct value (something below 50%) but import action is frozen.
I can shutdown the program and them try to restart them import, but it does not work.
When I then try to import the fotos "year by year" then it also has the same behaviour after some time...
Seems to me quite a bug for the sake of a photo-management-tool?
LR 3.6 has worked OK before, but now stopped importing photos (jpeg and raw) from my cameras (Canon 5D Mk 3, Canon Powershot 100). Program goes to "does not answer" - status and must be closed. The problem seems to be similar in my Elements 8. Importing from my Canon G10, LR says that there is not preview available, but importing succeeds. All cameras import photos to Windows (7) or Picasa normally.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhile importing photos, I would like to add keywords selected from my full list of keywords. not add new keywords where I can use an existing one. I think I used to be able to see it but can't remember how I accessed it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy problem is that when I'm importing photos from my folders on the computer to my catalog in Lightroom 4, Lightroom doesn't import all photos from my folders. It imports the first 3-4 photos rom my folder.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDespite the LR folder being connected to the right folder on my Drobo which contains all the photos
I am importing photos from an Aperture export (NEF file with XML side car). The folder contained 400 photos. 200 imported correctly and 200 were blank! I deleted the blank photos with a view to reimporting them. I also deleted the folder in LR and on my Drobo to ensure the photos would not be considered duplicates. I then reimported the photos the same way I have done the others only to end up with blanks once again but this time with question marks in the top right corner.