Lightroom :: Cannot Open Images In PSE9 From LR3.5
Nov 29, 2011
I cannot open images in PSE9 from LR3.5. I have checked all settings. PSE9 open but without the image. I can open the image in PSE9 using Finder, but without LR edited changes. I also have difficulty in saving from PSE back into the LR catalogue. I have checked maximum compatibility.
I'm traveling right now and so not in my natural environment, dont have full resources. I'm using my Mac Book Pro and doing some light editing. I can not, however, get Lr3 and PSE9 to play nice together though. If in Lr3 I request <Edit in PSE9> it only tries to launch PSE even if it is already open but will not open the imaged. If I drag the images from Lr3 to PSE it will be locked and I can not even create a duplicat layer.
I just recently installed photoshop from a disk, and I opened a new image the first time easily through the organizer, and everything went fine. But now when I click the editor from the home screen the whole application shuts down, and when I click it from the organizer, nothing happens.
After using Elements 12 for a months trial and then uninstalling it, I can no longer find Elements 9 listed when I right click on a picture file and select "open with". How can I restore it to my list of programs with which I can open the file. I'm using Windows 8 which list aps and some other programs but not Elements 9.
I've recently bought lightroom 4 which I'm using with elements 9 and I know that lightroom 4 will slightly alter the look of photos previously edited in elements which hasn't been a problem so far. My problem is that photos edited in lightroom/develop look completely different - unusably diiferent in fact - when I move them to elements/editor from lightroom. What am I doing wrong? The photos were moved using 'Ctrl +E' or 'Photo/Edit In/Edit in Adobe Photoshop Elements'.
I decided to check the photos that had been edited in lightroom by going into elements/editor via via elements/organiser and they were fine - only slightly different - but then when I opened the lightroom/library again I got a warning exclamation mark 'Error writing metadata' (not the warning exclamation mark 'Update to current Process (2012)' that you get in lightroom develop).
Am I missing something in the 'Edit Photo With Adobe Photoshop Elements' dialog box?
When I go to import and look at my photos (previously edited in PSE9 and saved as a jpg on an external hard drive) they look great. But when I import them some of the photos look weird - too bright usually or the colour has gone all funny. I've deleted them out of LR and then tried importing them but it happens again. Only on a certain few. They are jpgs.
What is happening? In finder on the mac they look normal too. under Import on LR4 they look normal. It's just once they are imported.
I cannot get LR4 to open images in CS6 using "Edit in". LR opens CS6 with no problem but no image appears. I have tried everything I know - uninstalled both, reinstalled both, cleared out registry, checked I have latest upgrades and both using same ACR (7.2) etc but it still won't work. Using Windows 7 by the way.
I've been running both LR3 and CS5 for months and months, and now suddenly, when I go to "Edit in Photoshop CS5..." an image, it won't open in CS5! It always worked great before. Now, instead, CS5 does nothing, or throws up an open dialogue box of its own. What gives? And, sometimes, after trying to open images to edit them in CS5, I'll notice that CS5 now has, in its "Open Recent..." drop down menu under the File menu, some strange file names with an .ini suffix, or long strings of letters and numbers that mean nothing to me. I'm running Mac OS 10.5.8
I am using Lightroom 5 with two external hard drive which I have had no problems with untill now, however I can not now open any of my folders or image, the files are shown but greyed out. I can successfully get the images with no problems when I use my Adobe CS5 software, the harddrives are connected to a Belkin Hub I can not understand why they work on CS5 but not Lightroom 4.?
Using a picture browser or other image management application, after selecting one or more raw files (maybe from different folders), what is the syntax for a call to Lightroom to open those files (best directly in the develop module)? Right now I can ask to open the images in Photoshop/ACR or to open a folder on Bridge, but I can't find out how to do that with LR. I just can't bypass the catalog part which is useless to me.
For some reason, I am no longer able to move files over to photoshope from within the Lightroom developments module. The option to "Edit in photoshop" is greyed out.
I have a Canon Rebel. I am using Mac OS X Lion. When I download my Raw images onto my computer, they are just black squares where the pictures should be. I have tried in Lightroom 3, Lightroom 4, and iPhoto. All the same thing....
I just update lightroom to version 3.6 from the last current version. I am on a Mac pro operating system 10.6.8. Everything appeared to be normal until I tried to open an image in the develop module and nothing happens and the program freezes with the lovely spinning rainbow wheel and the program must be forced to quit.
I use the Lightroom 4.1 export feature to export my HDR panorama images as 16 bit tiff in a temporary folder and after that to open the images automatically in PtGui Pro 9.1.x. The problem is if I export more than 25 images PtGui Pro starts one time for the first 25 images, then a second time for image #26 till 51, and so on. This happens during all my test with multiple image formats like 8 bit tiff with/without compression or with jpegs. It makes no difference whether the temporary folder is located on an SSD or a regular hard drive.
Additional I tested LR4 Export to Hugin 2011.4.0 (32Bit) and Gimp 2.8 (64Bit) and the result is the same like with PtGui Pro: After the 25th image a new instance of the program started.
Because of this behavior in different programs, I must assume that the fault must be with Lightroom. Is there any hardcoded limits by handover of pictures to external programs?
(Windows 7, Lightroom 4.1 and PtGui Pro 9.1 are 64 Bit versions)
The option to edit in Photoshop CS4 from Lightroom 4 and return is just fine. However, the option to Open images as layers in Photoshop is grayed out as well as the option to open as Smart Object or Merge.
According to 'About Lightroom; this is what I'm running: <Lightroom 3.6, Camera Raw 6.6>
I used to 'merge to panorama', or 'open as layers' in Photoshop regularly, but today it no longer works. When I try, the message comes up: "This version of Lightroom may require the Photoshop Camera Raw plug-in version 6.6 for full compatibility. Please update the Camera Raw plug-in using the update tool available in the Photoshop help menu."
When I go to Photoshop Help Menu, 'no available updates at this time' is the message that comes up. I manually downloaded the Camera Raw 6.6, but to no avail.
When attempting to edit using PS, the program DOES open, but nothing happens... the files do not appear. They DO open individually when Edit in Photoshop CS4 is selected, but I prefer the 'open in layers' option, and often use the 'merge to panorama'...
Loaded Photoshop Elements 9 on a computer that is not on the internet and works fine as long as the user logging into the computer has admin privileges but a user who does not have admin priviledges gets an Error:6 that says to uninstall and reinstall the product. Uninstalling and reinstalling the product has no effect. I believe this to be that the normal user doesn't have permissions to a file somewhere that it needs to write to but can't seem to locate that file as I have given write permissions to Adobe under Programs & Common Files but no success.
I had PSE9 & PRE9 installed on my Windows 8 machine. Upgraded to Windows 8.1, disliked it, reinstalled 8.0 and am trying to put my computer back to where it was. No problem with CS4 re-installation but PSE9 & PRE9 reach almost the end of the installation process, then roll back the installation.
I currently have installed and successfully used PSE9 for a number of years. I recently purchased and installed PRE11 in order to do some video editing however I first created a slideshow in PSE9 with the intent to burn it to a DVD. The completed slideshow includes 140 still photos (all resized to 1000X750 maximum), transitions, text and music but no video) and when I tried to port it to my PRE11 using the "Edit with Premiere Elements" command, I received the following message "The feature you selected requires Adobe Premiere Elements" and then an option to download a 30-day trial. I did some research online and have read that different versions of PSE and PRE are not compatible and therefore I have the following four related questions.
1. is it correct that my PSE9 will be unable to port to my PRE11? And, if that is not correct, then how do I get past the above error message in order to burn my completed PSE9 slideshow to a DVD via my PRE11? I do not want to convert the slideshow to a WMV to created a CD due to the lower quality.
2. If it is correct that I cannot port between different versions of PSE and PRE then does any program I can use to take my completed PSE9 slideshow out of PSE9 and burn a high quality DVD of the slideshow?
3. If I have to upgrade my PSE9 to PSE11 in order to port my slideshow to PRE11 and thus burn a DVD of my slideshow, is there any way to move/copy/cut&paste my existing PSE9 slideshow to the new PSE11 or will I need to totally recreate it in the new PSE11?
4. If I must purchase and install PSE11 in order to do the above, is there any guarentee that the new PSE11 will allow me to port the slideshow to my existing PRE11?
Seems like an awful lot of work just to produce a slideshow DVD but I'm willing to do whatever it takes since I've already spent quite a few hours getting the PSE9 slideshow exactly the way I want it.
My system is Windows 7 Home Premium, DualCore CPU, 64 bit operating system and 4 GB RAM.