Lightroom :: Can't Find Photo Already Imported On Catalog
Feb 16, 2012
Photos in folder on hard drive (XP) can't import because 'Photo Already Imported'. I can't find it on LR Catalog (All Photographs), Collections or Folders Local Disk (C:) in LR.
Back in LR1 and LR2, when I tried to import images that were already present in the catalog, I had an option to show me / select the already imported images. This is gone in LR4. How can I find in the library the already imported images without fecthing them one by one ?
This entire upgrade sucks! Took me forever to figure out how to get my catalog from 3.0 imported. Now I am missing plug ins, user presets in develop module, paper pre-sets in printer module. Why isn't everything imported? Why aren't all default settings imported? Why do I need to set up the layout etc. again. Horrible upgrade! I was on line with Adobe tech support. They say they know the problem, try back in a few days! I spent $79 to upgrade andthe product doesn't work!
I have imported images from my Canon 5D markIII and somewhere along the way, I've made an error in the settings. The images are on my computer but not showing up in a folder in the LR4 do I get them into the catalog? When I try to find them, they are all greyed out and I can't move them - a message says that it seems that duplicates are already on the computer (or something like that).
Yesterday Bridge would not let me move files without shutting the program down after it moved the file. Today, I cannot find my catalog in LR4.2, nor can I find the backup, even though it has backed up every day.
I have had this happen to a few of my pictures recently:
I had already edited this picture and 30 minutes later suddenly this happened (the above is a re-import of the CR2 file). Photos that have had this happen have come from different cameras and different CF cards. I'm using LR4.3 on Win7.
I have LR3 on a Mac running OS 10.6.8. My catalog, cache and images were stored on an external Lacie 1TB drive (partitioned so it can be used by a pc and mac). My catalog backup files were saved on another external drive MXTR as well as copies of all my images. The Lacie had started self ejecting while running LR3 and I thought it was maybe a problem with the cable, as it would work fine after rebooting. Yesterday it crashed LR3 and never remounted. I used Disk Utility to try and repair the disk and it instructed me to erase the disk and start over. I was not worried, since my catalog was backed up to another drive. . Another 2 hours to copy my images from the MXTR to the Lacie (again the drive never self ejected during this time either). So now I go to find my most recent backup catalog. The most recent one I could find was dated 2/09/2012. I am baffled. What happened all those times I was backing up? I upgraded to LR3 in 2011, and I don't remember ever telling it to backup to another folder or drive.
When I go to import photos from my external drive into lightroom 5 i am unable to select any of the photos because it says that "this appears to be a duplicate of another photo in the catalog" . This means I may have imported them previously but I cannot find where i imported them to. Is there any way that i can find the photo in the catalog? When i click on Library and Find and search for any of the file names it none of them ever come up. I can uncheck "Don't import suspected duplicates" but i would rather make sure that i did my best to look for the previous import.
Adobe Lightroom is amazing. Hear this, when you need to delete one image it pops up a dialog box and asks ou if I want to remove the photo from catalog or delete from HD. When you have multiple images selected, Lightroom cares less to ask you and just deletes them. Here is the flaw. Aparently with lightroom you can create a selection within selected group of photos (thats amazing I know). When you select a particular photo within selected group and you want to delete that one photo, Lightroom just deletes all the selected photos. That means, if you selected all the photos in your catalog, it will delete them without any warning, just like that.
Now, why am I ranting about this? Because of this double selection business, sometimes you are not aware that you have multiple photos selected; sometimes you still think you only have one photo selected. So when you think you're deleting only one photo you are deleting multiple photos, and Lightroom does not even warn you or ask you "Are you sure you want to delete 5,000 photos?". This is driving me nuts, I already delete multiple photos from the catalog several times. Yes, you can dig your trash and add them back, but all the editing and adjustments you may have done to your photos, evaporated.
How I can enable something in Lightroom to warn me if I'm deleting multiple images?
I have several Lightroom catalogs from over the years, many of the from older versions and many of the catalogs contain develop settings from photos I have on my current catalog.
The thing is I have some picture folders with rates, develop setings and more things from an old catalog that I want to transfer to my new catalog from Lightroom 4.4. I want to transfer just the settings and rates, nothing else, i already have the photos, sometimes with many photos rated and developed.
Is there a way to transfer just the settings and rates of a certain set of photos from one catalog to another one?
While trying to load a photo from catalog in Lightroom 4 Develop Module, load fails and I get message "an unknown error occurred." What does this really mean, what is the fix? Using PC and Vista.
How can I find out what type of sharpening, if any, was used when a photo was exported from Lightroom 4? I have a photo with a watermark that is slightly different from the original but I am not sure what type of sharpening was used when the photo was exported.
I am finding that while reviewing / rating my pics lightroom will often lose a pic (pics located within a folder on the desktop - move them to a nas drive later as faster to work from hard drive than accross the newtork when importing and exporting and creating previews etc). I will have a pic on my screen and then use the numeric keypad to rate the pic or the arrow keys to progress to the next pic and then out of the blue lightroom announces that the pic is missing. I look at the hard disk and find that there is now a .swp and .tmp file left in the directory where the pic was. eg below
I can then either rename the tmp file back to a jpg and all is OK but I have just started dragging another copy of the image from the card again. This is not just a lightroom 4 issue I used to have it in Lightroom 3. Its got to the stage where I am now keeping a copy of all images while I do my initial shortlist just incase I lose something which frustrates me somewhat.
I create a graphic in Corel Draw X4 and export it as a .png file. It is a button with rounded corners. It will be going on a black background when put into an iphone app. So as to not have the little white corners show up from the rectangular export window, I made the button on top of a black rectangle, slightly larger than the button. I then selected the black to be transparant during the dialogs of exporting to png. When viewed in an image viewer the black is indeed transparent and does not show up. All looks fine.
To test what it will look like when put on top of a black background, I also make a black square and export it as a .png. I then open the black background in Corel Photopaint and then import the graphic into the background image. A siloutte of it shows up with the marque borders but the graphic itself (the colors and contents of the graphic don't). When combined with the black background it just disappears. Why doesn't it just lay on top of the other graphic?
I wish to transfer my Elements 4 based photo collection from an old PC (Win XP) to a new PC (Win 7) with Elements 11. Can the Version 4 organiser catalogue and photo content be converted and imported into Elements 11? What is the best process for this transfer?
Just downloaded GIMP on Vista and tried to import a PDF file that I need to work on. I got the file into the Import (?) window, clicked on Import and the program whirred away for a while but I can't see or find the file - there's just a blank window.
How can I find my file to work on it? Do I need to load it into GIMP in a special way?
I loaded Photoshop 10 and then imported/moved my catalogs from Photoshop 6. They are all scrambled - do not honor import dates/sequence and have dates and file names all intermingled. It is really a screwed up mess. I haven't found a way to unscrew it! - Or tell me I get to live with it!
I don't want to have the original files on both laptop and desktop.
I want to make a copy of a Lightroom 3 catalog to put on my laptop so while on the move I can be geo-tagging and keywording to 8000 photographs. I don't want to drag an external drive with me. I just want to be able to work on the catalog metadata and have all the updates/changes stored there (on the laptop)(in the catalog) and then transfer the catalog back to the desktop (to the primary archive) and have all the updates/changes pushed back into the DNG's or the XMP sidecar files alongside the CR2's. These changes would be only keywording and possibly writing GPS data into them….NOT image edits (that would probally require access to the original image files)
As a test, I tried "exporting as catalog", TWO images (with the source images "unavailable"). I flash-drived the resulting catalog to my laptop. I opened the catalog in LR3 and made changes to the metadata. I tried both "saving metadata to file" and "updating DNG previews" (which would be useless anyway since I could not write data back to the missing originals) and also tried doing nothing and just closing LR, then pulling the flashdrive and plugging it into the DESKTOP.(knowing the changes are stored within the catalog itself only) I open the 2 picture catalog in LR and see the keyword updates. Hurrah!
I switch over to the master catalog. All I want to do is import the updated metadata (keywording, contrast, etc…) back into the master catalog and push the data into the original DNG or XMP. On import I select "replace: Metadata and develop settings only" (with or without "preserve old settings" checked) and click import. Voila! NOTHING HAPPENS and the updated keywords are NOT picked up.
I know that the metadata updates were carried out because they showed up when I opened it separately in LR! For some reason they don't seem to making through the import process to the master catalog…
I will be managing a small portion of a client's overall image workflow by updating their web prescence on a regular basis with new work and retagging/uploading old work. I believe this requires the catalog and the image library to be housed on an external hard drive that can travel between the two of us. We are both working on PC's with LR 5.3.
The workflow would look something like this:
Client downloads new images onto external hard drive and imports into LR "ClientCatalog" is created Flags Picks and Creates a Collection from those Picks.Hard drive is handed off to me where I open "ClientCatalog".Make suggested edits to images add detailed tags and metadata upload to various social media sites and websites return hard drive to client
Is there potential problem with this workflow? My assumption is that if everything is housed on the external hard drive then there are no worries about the catalog containing all the latest updates. Are there any "safety protocols" you would add in to this workflow (besides mirroring everythign on another hard drive)?
Where in my folder tree is the catalog I use for Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 likely to be located. I have just installed Elements 11 and i want to find my old catalog? I have got Windows 7 Home Premium IE9
I have both PSE11 and PSE10. I have removed all my catalogue files off my MAC. PSE10 cannot find any catalogue files but PSE11 loads up with one. I search the hardrive for pse10db or any other catalogue files but find nothing. Where the heck is PSE11 locating the catalogue?
I'm using Lightroom 1. I tried to merge catalogs by importing a catalog into a master catalog, but there were some problems. The one I noticed immediately was that the collections are not correct. It imported the collections, but for example one collection now has only 4 photos when the originbal had 140? How can I fix that? (Although not necessariy a problem, it seems to have the wrong number of photos imported too. It says the previous import was 3175 photos when it was more like 10,000.)
I had to reinstall an OS in my computer due to a virus. As a result LR 3 in no longer installed. I still have the catalog on a backup disk and have just installed and updated to LR 4.4. What is the best way to merge the V3 catalog with V4 and are there any things I should expect or look out for?
I was trying to create a simple slideshow with sound when first my computer warned of low memory (something that doesn't seem plausible), and then Photoshop Elements 9 and the associated organizer crashed. When I brought it back, several photos were "grayed out" and my organizer is completely frozen. The error suggests that there are corrupt files. I tried to follow the instructions on the website, but cannot find any sort of Catalog menu or means of changing anything in the catalog or organizer as indicated in the troubleshooting and restoration instructions.
i have an 8 giga LR4 catalog (about 300000 images).just installed the new LR5 and tried openning the LR4 cat in LR said it needs to upgrade, but in the middle of the prosses i had this messege: "lightroom encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of LR"
i saw that there is an option to export all my LR4 catalog as a new catalog and than import it into LR5.i haven't tried that yet since i'm worry that i might loose some info. will this process (of exporting and importing) keep all my LR settings? like develop user presets, keywords and collections?
I only want ONE cataglog. Today I installed and upgraded Lightroom from v. 3 to v. 4.3 which was OK.I wanted to upgrade my ONE and ONLY existing catalog keeping the same name.LR created a second catalog and added a - 2 to the name and it's a .ircat.
How can I return to having only ONE catalog and library?