Lightroom :: Zoom To A Fixed MP Setting

May 9, 2012

1)  Additional Zoomrates, such as 1:1.41 - to view an image at 1/2 of the side length.The best would be configurable zoom rates. That should be really easy to do.
2) Zoom to a fixed MP setting. I want to view all my images at 6MP, 12 MP or any other. This would be useful to check the details visible at a certain printsize.
3) Global switch to disable De-Noise rendering. This would speed up handling of D800 files a lot. De-Noise seems to take up most of the performance.
4) Possibility to view original, embedded JPEG Data in JPEG. (i.e. as reference)
5) Auto Histogramm:This function should move the left (black) and right (white) point of the curve to clip black and white at a minimum.
6) Sort and filter images by width and / or height in pixels
7) Sort and filter images by megapixel value
8) Autostack files with same name, such as xxx.NEF + xxx.JPEG. This is useful in case images were not combined at import.
9) When a folder is synchronized missing JPEGs should be removed from RAW+JPEG auto stacks.I see no way to reset this property, although it does not seem to disturb LR that the JPEG is gone.
10) Possibility to do a no-copy export. The purpose: copy the original file to the same name (which of course does nothing) and start an external application (such as RAW converter) with it.

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Illustrator :: Setting Pointer Based Zoom

Mar 5, 2014

Can I set illustrator zoom like photoshop zoom?

I mean photoshop zoom tool oprates according to pointer position . In other word, pointer location is the center of the zoom and this capability choose zoom area by pointer.

But adobe illustrator zoom doesn't have such preference

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Photoshop :: Fixed Width Function Did Not Work When Draw A Fixed Width Rectangle

Nov 2, 2012

The fixed width function did not work when I wanted to draw a fixed width rectangle. Is there a new way to do this in CS6?

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Lightroom :: Constraining To Fixed Width Regardless Of Height?

Apr 17, 2013

Can Lightroom constrain images to a fixed pixel width regardless of height and orientation?
None of the options in the image sizing dialog seem to be suitable; for instance constraining the "long edge" would work for horizontal images but not for vertical ones.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Intersection Osnap Appears On Zoom Out But Disappears When Zoom In

Feb 22, 2012

The AutoCAD doesn’t show the “intersect osnap” at certain zoom!

The “intersection osnap” between a “hatched rectangle” and a “DASHDOT2” line appears and disappears depending on the amount of zoom!

As I zoom out the “intersection osnap” appears but when I zoom in, it disappears

Why the "intersection Osnap" should disappear as I zoom in?

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Middle Mouse Button (wheel) Set To Zoom All / Zoom Extents Double Click

Feb 27, 2013

I am working on getting some settings done, moving from 2008 to 2012. How do you set the Middle Mouse Button (wheel) to either Zoom All or Zoom Extents when you double click it?  I thought it was set in the Main CUI file.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Assign Keyboard Zoom + / - Key To Zoom A Drawing In / Out

Jan 8, 2013

My keyboard has a zoom key with + and - selections.  I use to use this key in drawings to zoom in and out when in the AutoCAD application when we had Windows XP.  Now that I have Windows 7 I can't do this.  I can't find out how to assign this key on the Microsoft Keyboard interactive software either.  I have the other keys assigned as desired.

Can I still use my keyboard zoom key to zoom in and out in drawings?  If so, how do I set this up in AutoCAD, or do I need to do this through a Microsoft keyboard application?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Zoom / Pan / Rotation At High Zoom Level

Apr 5, 2013

I am having problems with zoom, pan and rotate at high zoom level. The movements becoming jerky and delayed. But for whatever reason the problem exists in some assembly files and not in the others.

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Photoshop :: Zoom: No Anti-alias ( Pixel-exact Zoom)!

Feb 15, 2006

I use Photoshop CS2 to create Designs for webpages. These designs have pixel-exact elements, e.g. a 1-pixel-line from top to bottom.

Now when I zoom in (>100, then I have sort of anti-alias, so that the 1-pixel-line isn't only one blue anymore, but it has different blue tones. I guess for photo manipulations etc. this anti-aliasing zoom is great, but for webdesign it sucks because I don't know if only the zoom make the line "corrupt" or if it really is corrupt.

Is there a way to change this zoom?

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Lightroom :: Is There A Way To Speed Up 1:1 Zoom

Jul 4, 2012

I use Canon 7D dng files.  When I zoom to 1:1, it takes about 7 seconds to render the view.  When going through 200-300 images to check focus, obviously this adds greatly to the time.  I use one 24" monitor @ 1920x1200, and if I make the image display area as small as possible, it still takes about 6.5 seconds to render the view (loading...). 
Is there a way to make this faster?  Can I preload zoomed images into the database for a collection of photos?  I love LR, and I'm not interested in bashing the product.  I just want to maximize its potiential.  Also, I know that the "Lightroom is slow" thread discusses 1:1 preview.  I just wanted to ask this question specifically as to not make it a part of a general complaint about LR. 

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Lightroom :: 3.6 / Can Set The Zoom Ratio Default

Jun 7, 2012

i'm running lightroom 3.6 (is the last v3 version?) under w7
i would like to have zoom in fill mode or 1/3 
is there a way to edit the preference to have lightroom load in develop mode or library mode and use the fill mode or the 1/3?

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Lightroom :: Zoom In While Using The Straighten Tool?

Aug 2, 2012

So I can zoom in align the Straighten Tool precisely to the edge of something..

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Lightroom :: Zoom In Print Module Of 4?

Oct 15, 2013

Is it possible to zoom in on the page you are creating in LR4? I intend to make a poster apx. 50x80 cm with a lot of small photos on it. Without a zoom it will be difficult to position each little photo correctly

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Lightroom :: How To Zoom In / Out With Scroll Mouse

Aug 7, 2013

Is It possible to Zoom In/Out with Scroll Mouse In Lightroom,  just like you can do that In Photoshop. Also, I noticed Inside the Library you can Zoom In and Out with the  Zoom Slider In the Bottom of the page. But there Is no Zoom Slider Inside the Develop Mode, Why there Is no Zoom Slider Inside the Develop Mode ?

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Lightroom :: Loading When Zoom In On Any Photo?

Nov 11, 2013

IT was all working perfectly until today. I have LR 5 and cannot zoom in on any photo anymore. LR says "Loading" and does not do anything. Also, I tried to tell LR to build 1:1 Previews, and LR initiates but does nothing.

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Photoshop :: Zoom Tool Defaults To Zoom Out

Feb 21, 2008

recently my zoom tool changed from default zoom in + to zoom out -

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3ds Max :: Zoom About Mouse Pointer And Zoom Speed

May 27, 2012

I can't find in new max (2013) settings for zoom. I want to set Zoom about mouse pointer and adjust a bit zoom speed (now it is too much for one mouse wheel step).

I can't find zoom settings in 3ds max 2013. Where they are? I think that in previous max it was in Customize -> Viewports tab. But now it is not there.

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Lightroom :: Use Hardware Zoom To Make Out Controls

Jul 10, 2012

With the combination of tiny font size and the inability to set the contrast of the text and background, this batcave thing  makes the interface text almost totally illegible on a glossy 27" monitor.
I am constantly having to use hardware zoom to make out the controls. Productivity is way, way down and eyestrain induced headaches are way, way up.This shows a huge disconnect on the part of Adobe.
If every user was on a 17" non-reflective screen in a darkened environment and dressed like a ninja, I guess this would work. It sure doesn't work in the real world.
I can't wait a year for the penny to drop. I have work to do today - and a ton of it. A year ago, before the Helen Keller interface change with Adobe apps I could get things done.
For example, the photo lables in the library: text: 89% backbround: 77% - a difference of only 12%! Twelve percent? When you overlay this with a reflection of around 30% white, it is impossible to make things out.

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Lightroom :: Easiest Way To Zoom When Using Local Adjustments?

Apr 23, 2012

When in the local adjustment panel the usual click to go 100% then click to go fit-to-page don't work, is there a shortcut I have missed?

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Lightroom :: Left / Right Panning In Zoom With Shortcuts

Feb 28, 2013

I would like to continue using the Adjustment Brush outside of a currently zoomed area without having to jump out to pan with the mouse to the next area of the image. (If I change from the Adjustment Brush to mouse-click driven panning, I simply lose the end of my formerly brushed (painted) area, because it can be 're-activated' only with its pin, which is outside of the new area where I have just moved by panning with the mouse.)
I can move up and down with the scrolling roll without quitting the Adjustment Brush, but I have not figured out how to pan horizontally with a shortcut (e.g. something like Shift + Left/Right arrow key).
I am aware that by using the Shift + PgUp/PgDn keys I can pan up to the top, then down to the bottom in the adjacent strip, and then up again in the third strip, etc. But this 'vertical zig-zagging' is very time consuming and does not necessarily take me right to the targeted next area.
Is there any shortcut for horizontal panning in Zoom?

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Lightroom :: How To Go About Setting Up LR4 For Two Monitors

Nov 4, 2012

How do I go about setting up LR4 for two monitors?

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Lightroom :: Series Of Images - Reset Zoom Position?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a series of images taken with different settings and I want to quickly compare them at 1:1 in different areas of the image, center and corners. I have discovered that if I select the series I want to examine and then go to the first image and zoom that image to the position that I wish to when I use the arrow keys to move to each subsequent image will be shown zoomed into the same position
If I don't ever go to any of the other images and zoom anywhere this works just fine. The zoom location is remembered just for the first image. However, if i accidentally or deliberately zoom on one of the other images it will remember that zoom location forever which breaks the technique described above.
how to remove the remembered zoom location from an image like it is when you first import it into LR?

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Lightroom :: When Image Go To Full Screen (zoom To 1:1) It Become Blurry

Jul 13, 2013

When I zoom to 1:1 with LR5 in the Develop module, I get a sharp image almost instantly, but when I then go to full screen (or go to full screen first and then zoom to 1:1), the image is blurry and stays that way, and the only way I can fix that, strangely, is to use the left or right arrow key to go to a neighboring image, and then return, at which point the blurry image comes into sharp focus in a second or so. My system seems to handle everything else in 64-bit LR5 with ease. Any thoughts re what's happening and how to fix it. A great product overall, and I love the full screen feature in other respects.

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Lightroom :: Zoom Doesn't Work / When Click On Photo

Aug 11, 2012

lightroom 4.1
Mac OSX 10.7.4
Raw images from Canon 7D
I've used lightroom for a few weeks. I was playing around with the Navigation bar settings. Now my zoom won't work.
1. When I move the cursor near a corner or edge of the photo, the cursor appears as a magnifying glass, and the zoom works just fine.
2. When the cursor is anywhere else on the photo, then the cursor appears as an arrow symbol. And when I click once or twice on the photo in order to zoom, the photo being displayed just switches to another other photo a few behind or forward in the sequence.
I used to be able to click or double click anywhere on the photo being displayed, and I could zoom in on that spot. I wish lightroom were working as it was.

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Lightroom :: Setting Up Email - Not Connecting?

Aug 6, 2013

Need setting up my email in lightroom. For some reason it's not connecting.

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Lightroom :: Camera WB Setting In LR Metadata?

Dec 22, 2011

Is is possible to include the camera WB setting (e.g. daylight, cloudy etc, or temp K) in the LR metadata?

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Lightroom :: Setting Preferences In Camera RAW?

Jan 29, 2013

Where to set this preference in Camera RAW?  This note is from the Lightroom 4 ReadMe.  I can't seem to fine prefs for "Camera RAW."
Viewing Lightroom settings in Camera Raw

Before working in conjunction with Lightroom and Camera Raw please set the Camera Raw preference to: Save image settings in: Sidecar ".xmp" files. By default Camera Raw will display the image adjustments exactly as performed in Lightroom‟s develop module.

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Lightroom :: Setting Pixels Per Inch?

May 21, 2013

I would like to display actual document sizes (real inches as in 5" X 7") in the print module in Lightroom.  I can calibrate pixels per inch for my monitor in Photoshop but can't figure out how to do it in Lightroom - i.e. on my 24" monitor 94 pixels per inch will display my print size document in it's real size on my screen. 

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Lightroom :: Re-setting Authentication But It's Not Working?

Jun 25, 2013

I've tried re-setting my authentication but it's not working.

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Lightroom :: Setting LR To Print To Different Sizes?

Jul 24, 2013

I have a picture package I want to create. This needs to be the same image on different sized outputs. But you can only create a print package with one custom file size. Is there a way of setting LR to print to different sizes?
I know I can select page size as master size, and print with different sized cells on each page, but I actually want the page size to be different.
For example
page 1 = 8x10 page size, with 8x10 cell
page 2 = 8x12 page size with 8x12 cell
page 3 = 8x6 page size with 8x6 cell
page 4 = 8x6 page size with 2 of 4x6 cells.
I single image, printed on 4 different size pages...
Could you modify the LRtemplate file? Its the global settings bit that concerns me, I dont want a global setting of
_globalSettings = {customFileHeight = 576,customFileWidth = 432,I could do with these file dimensions different for each print.
Can it be done?? has it been done??
even if itspeople pointing me towards different software.
PS - I'm using LR4 but LR5 doesnt have this option either.

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Lightroom :: Setting Up 4.3 Publishing Services

Mar 31, 2013

I am having a problem setting up Lightroom 4.3 Publishing Services.  Each time I click “OK I’ll Authorise button in Flickr it goes to a blank screen with no completion of the process.  After many attempts over the last couple of days, this morning I was able to get error message from flickr that says “Oops! Flickr doesn't recognise the "oauth_token" this application is trying to use.” And goes on to say “You don't really need to know what this means, except that you can't use the application until this problem is fixed. (It's a third-party problem, not a Flickr problem).

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