I process my images to taste in LR4 and then export them as jpgs in the sRGB color space. When I open them in programs like "Windows Picture Viewer" they look just like they do in LR but when I upload it to my website or view it in a program like IrfanView the images look terribly over-saturated. I should also mention that it seems like I need to add quite a bit more saturation than normal to get them looking right in LR. I'm guessing that there is some setting that I have wrong.
I'm currently using Lightroom 3 on a 17' Samsung Syncmaster 920NW on two different desktops. The hardware configuration for each machine is also identical, with only a few minor exceptions. However, the images on one machine display drastically differently in Lightroom, as opposed to any other Windows application. I've updated the video drivers for both computers, reinstalled the monitor drivers for both, and have uninstalled/reinstalled Lightroom on both with no success in remedying the discrepancy.
I run Windows XP Professional, and have made Microsoft Photo Editor my default image editor. I do not wish to change this. Until recently when I installed Photoshop CS3, I could preview any image file in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer by right-clicking and selecting Preview. Now, however, attempting to preview a .bmp file launches Photoshop CS3 (.jpg and .gif files still preview in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer).
I have searched but I did not find a "How to, . . . " I do not want Image Ready 2 to continue as a default viewer for all pictures (JPEG) on my pc. I have looked in the prference menu to no avail.
Very new with this software...watched several videos, and I'm still confused. Went to send some pics to a friend last night, and noticed that many "folders" are not in the pictures library in Windows 7.
In LR4, some folders have a destination of C://users/eric and brenda/windows/pictures...which is great, but others have this destination C://Brandon(which is just the folder name).
I have Lightroom 4.0, and I'm editing pictures, but I have come to notice that the panel between the Filmstrip and the Viewer is missing. This was the panel that gave me the ability to check the "Show Mask Overlay" and set the Mask Pins to different display options (Auto, Hide, Show, etc.). I can't figure out how to get it back. Toggling all of the panels does not work.
How do I embed an Airtight AutoViewer web gallery into my own homepage? I have the viewer-file, gallery-file, swfobject-file and the index-file ready but I dont know how to embed the gallery into my own homepage - with my own banners, other text etc.
Why can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only works on Windows 7.
I have Photoshop Extended as part of CS4. I am trying to open RAW files from my Canon 5D Mark II for batch processing. Each time the RAW file is opened it brings up some form of viewer where I need to click OPEN Image. This prevents me from automating my actions on multiple files.
We have someone who doesn't need any cad fuctionality just the ability to view dwgs and occasionally print. I got to looking and found there are various versions of free DWG viewers. What is the easiest one to use? Esp for someone who doesn't normally use cad?
We've a customer using Inventor and Inventor Publisher. They ordered an iPad sales support App from us. Is there a programming library for iOS available with the same visualization component as the IPM Viewer App that we can integrate it in our App? If yes, how to get it? If no, how do I get into contact with the product management?
I somehow managed to turn on the 'Metadata Viewer" window, and cannot figure out how to make it go away. I can close the window, but every time I switch drawings it re-appears in its previous location. How to turn it off permanently?
trying to find a .net DWG viewer component that actually works. I tried DWG Viewer from SkySoft and cannot get it to register in VS 2010, I downloaded and installed SolidWorks eDrawings viewer and tried to use that. I could not get that to register and place the control on the toolbox. I also tried TrueView and I'm beginning to thing it can't be done. It seems like this should be fairly easy but it's not.
All I want is to be able to display the .dwg drawing on a Windows form. I have a .net WinForms app that I would like to show the drawing to the user. I already have the bitmap preview and would like something larger.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 on a Win 7 64bit machine.
I am a software developer. I've spent a lot of time in the last few years building crazy GUIs for a simulation product. I had previously discovered Xara Xtreme for doing software design illustrations and other documentation, so I decided to try using it for making icons and graphics for GUIs. We had some pretty old graphics in our system from 15 years ago, so the bar was pretty low. I was able to teach myself some basic techniques and I think I did a fair job at tremendously improving our graphics. We have artists, but they are generally doing 3D models for the simulator, not GUI graphics.
Anyway, I was very impressed with what even a motivated but untrained programmer could do with Xara. Constantly having to export bitmaps was a bit of a pain, though. What I really wanted was to be able to draw the graphics I had designed in Xara directly in my software, and I wanted to do it on the mac.
There was many a stumbling block, but I managed to be able to draw all of the geometry correctly and I have also implemented solid and linear fills. No shadows, contours, bitmaps, molds, text, effects, etc. I got frustrated with Quartz because it could not render every fill case. I also got frustrated with the Xara spec that was obviously out of date and had many omissions in it.
My initial goal was to write a card game that used vector graphic cards in Xara format. My renderer can actually draw everything I need for decent looking but basic card designs, but I wanted to round out the feature set a bit more and support more effects like edge feathering, more fills, shadows, text, etc. I did one drawing of a court card from a pack of Bicycle Cards, and then I did some research on playing card artwork and bought a pretty old deck of cards with some of the original designs that modern cards are based on. I did one drawing from that deck as well. As I understand it, as long as I don't copy the back, the Ace of Spades, or the Joker designs I'm ok from a copyright perspective. These cards are so old they are probably beyond copyright anyway. Furthermore, the printing techniques back then were so imprecise that my end result is more of an interpretation of the original than a copy.
Using Navisworks Freedom as a viewer? I read that Revit needs a Navisworks plugin to export a .nwd file. Or is it Navisworks Freedom needs a plugin for rvt files? Revit and Navisworks have full cross reading and writing capability so it seems a short step to a common viewer.
I also understand that Autodesk have suggested installing Revit in viewer mode as a viewer. Its too big an install to expect clients to use this approach. Must be possible somehow with NV Freedom!
I want to get good color like these people below. There pictures have such pop I don't understand how it is done. There backgrounds have such good color but the subjects skin tones are still pretty accurate. I have done a ton of research before asking this question. I have messed with vibrance, saturation, Hsl, tone curve and the brush tools. My images get close but not all the way there.
Is there a PSD file viewer program that allows someone to toggle between Layer Comps so that one does not need the full blown Photoshop application to view layer comps in a Photoshop document or be limited to viewing only the default Layer Comp?
I'm the IT manager at a rather large company which uses graphics quite often. Currently, our art staff uses CorelDraw x3 & x4. Most of what they work with is CDR & EPS files but occasionally PLT as well..
I have looked all over Google for a program that will display a CDR file, but cannot find a good one. A found a couple that will display the thumbnail, but not much else. I wouldn't mind that, but it's not legible on most images.
What we are looking for is an app to install on our reps machines so that they can view these files with a customer.
"Open in viewer when done" is checked. I've unchecked it and rechecked it but the Adobe Reader does not launch after plotting in background completes. It does launch when plotting directly to the DWG to PDF.pc3 plotter. What am I missing?
I'm working with AutoCAD 2012 x64 and I need a control to view DWG files selected in my ListView. I tried using DWG True View 2013 and it worked well, but this is more than my requirement. My requirement is to simply show a preview of the drawing. But DWGTrue View is an advance control and is not standalone i.e. Users have to download and install its full installer.
This might require some customization to code in order to fix TOP View and do a Zoom Extent: Currently not succeeded.
I also seek using DWGThumnailviewer.ocx referenced in this post but unfortunately, I couldn't find DWGThumnailViewer.ocx with AutoCAD 2012. I guess it was discontinued.
Other option could be to generate a raster graphic file (*.jpg, *.gif, *.png, *.bmp) and display that into a picture box. I tried some code from this thread and this one but at some small dwg files, it is unable to read bytes.