Lightroom :: Windows 7 Desktop - Sync Catalog And Previews To Notebook

Apr 27, 2013

I primarily use LR on a win7 desktop. Several 100 gigs of images. I have a win7 notebook. I can't store the images because of disk space. But is it possible to have the catalog and previews synced to the notebook, so I could say show someone full screen previews? I know you can't go to the develop module. And until LR smart previews works with my existing catalog, I'd like to know how, and if I would be able to view full screen from the catalog not connected to a harddrive with the original files?

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Lightroom :: Can Update Catalog On Laptop And Then Transfer Updates To Master Catalog On Desktop

Jan 13, 2011

I don't want to have the original files on both laptop and desktop.
I want to make a copy of a Lightroom 3 catalog to put on my laptop so while on the move I can be geo-tagging and keywording to 8000 photographs. I don't want to drag an external drive with me. I just want to be able to work on the catalog metadata and have all the updates/changes stored there (on the laptop)(in the catalog) and then transfer the catalog back to the desktop (to the primary archive) and have all the updates/changes pushed back into the DNG's or the XMP sidecar files alongside the CR2's. These changes would be only keywording and possibly writing GPS data into them….NOT image edits (that would probally require access to the original image files)
As a test, I tried "exporting as catalog", TWO images (with the source images "unavailable"). I flash-drived the resulting catalog to my laptop. I opened the catalog in LR3 and made changes to the metadata. I tried both "saving metadata to file" and "updating DNG previews" (which would be useless anyway since I could not write data back to the missing originals) and also tried doing nothing and just closing LR,  then pulling the flashdrive and plugging it into the DESKTOP.(knowing the changes are stored within the catalog itself only) I open the 2 picture catalog in LR and see the keyword updates. Hurrah!
I switch over to the master catalog. All I want to do is import the updated metadata (keywording, contrast, etc…) back into the master catalog and push the data into the original DNG or XMP. On import I select "replace: Metadata and develop settings only" (with or without "preserve old settings" checked) and click import. Voila! NOTHING HAPPENS and the updated keywords are NOT picked up.
I know that the metadata updates were carried out because they showed up when I opened it separately in LR! For some reason they don't seem to making through the import process to the master catalog…

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Lightroom :: Sync Option On Desktop?

Apr 8, 2014

I downloaded the lastest LR version and the mobile APP; however I still do not have the sync button on the LR Desktop.

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Lightroom :: Why Can't Windows Explorer Show Thumbnail Previews Of DNG On Windows 8.1 64bit PC

Dec 2, 2013

Why can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my  Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having  the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only  works on Windows 7.

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Lightroom :: Catalog Doesn't Render Previews

May 28, 2012

I had some trouble with my hard drive and needed to restore about 35000 photos. Sorting through them I imported all the recovered files into a new "Recovered" catalog. That works fine.
When I tried to import this catalog into my previous catalog it imports the photos fine but doesn't render any previews. Not in small batches, nothing. The progress bar just stays put at 1 of .... If I take the photo to the Develop module it will load and render a preview after a few seconds. But this can only be done one at a time and is very laggy.
I've had similar issue with this catalog before: no previews rendered on import. Except now it's a giant batch and it can't be processed manually.I'm on Lightroom 4.0

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Lightroom :: 3 - Stalling While Optimizing Previews Catalog?

Dec 6, 2011

When I last opened LR 3, I got a dialog box saying it needed to quit because of a problem reading the previews cache .  Then when quitting it is stalling with optimizing previews catalog.

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Lightroom :: How To Put Catalog On A Separate Drive From Previews

Dec 3, 2012

I know the two normally go together, but is it posssible to put the Lightroom catalog on a separate drive from the previews?

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Lightroom :: Creating Smart Previews To Images In The Catalog?

Dec 23, 2013

I'm wondering if it's possible to create smart previews for images that were imported into the catalog in a prior version of LR.  As my catalog continues to increase in size, I'm considering relocating my images to an external drive (currently on the hard drive).  I'm obviously concerned about doing any unintended damage to the catalog and workflow. 

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Lightroom :: Move Catalog And Previews In Default Location To Another Drive?

Mar 17, 2014

How do I move the catalog and previews in the default location to another drive?

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Lightroom :: Previews Missing At Catalog And Drive Level - Unable To Use Filters

Apr 15, 2012

Using LR4 (not 4.1) and Win7 Home Premium. Catalog had been upgraded from LR3 and  LR4 catalog was working fine until now. I've been using LR since the beginning.Two problems, probably related.  106K photos over two drives, almost 3Tb.
At the catalog level, there are no previews.  Normally previews of all 106K photos would be displayed. Message is "Click the "import" button to begin."  Filter function does not work Message:  "No photos match the filter".At the drive level, there are no previews.  Message is "No photos in selected folder" Filter function does not work Message:  "No photos match the filter". At the folder level, everything is fine, except two folders give the same message "No photos in selected folder"  Filter function does not work in these two folders: Message:  "No photos match the filter"  14K photos between the two bad folders. Dozens, hundreds, of other folders and subfolders are fine. Filter function works fine at folder and subfolder level. Collections are fine, including photos in the two folders giving the mesage "No photos in selected folder"
Tried to import the missing folders.  Won't import because they're already in the catalog.  Won't import even if I uncheck "Don't import suspected duplicates". Exported as a catalog one of the "No photos in selected folder" folders.  It appeared to create a viable catalog with previews, search filters, etc.  I edited a few photos with no problems.  Although it did give a message saying several hundred previews were missing.  But they seem to be there anyway.Deleted the folder from the catalog and imported from catalog the working folder catalog that I just created. Exported as a catalog  the other "No photos in selected folder" folder.  Same result as the first bad folder.  I.e. It appeared to create a viable catalog with previews, search filters, etc.  Although it did give a message saying several hundred previews were missing.  But they seem to be there anyway. Haven't done anything with this second folder catalog.  Intriguing, the same message about missing previews. The actual files and *.xmp files are in the bad folders.

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Lightroom :: Slow Catalog (edits / Previews / Ratings / Collection) Import

May 1, 2012

Since starting to use LR in 2009, I've been making separate catalogues for every 6 months worth of photos. I've now decided to consolidate all my photos in a single catalog, but the process is taking forever, even though I'm not moving the photos, just importing edits/previews/ratings/collection etc.. How to speed things up.BTW, all of my catalogs have been converted to LR4 format.

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Lightroom :: Gray Previews With 5.3 64 Bit And Windows 7 64 Bit?

Jan 30, 2014

All what I get are gray previews with a newly built catalogue and also with an older one after having moved my pictures and LR to a new PC. The pictures contain some metadata like numbers and scores (stars or colors) of a former evaluation. These gray pictures appear in all modules, except in the web module. Only there I get the normal appearance. The monitor is recently calibrated, and I also deleted the .irdata file and got a rebuilt one, but this did'nt change the situation.

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Photoshop :: Canvas Disappear - Adobe CS6 On A Windows 7 64 Bit Notebook

Mar 13, 2013

I'm rather puzzled with what happened to my Photoshop, i'm using Adobe Photoshop CS6 on a Windows 7 64 bit Notebook.when i'm in the office, it's docked at its station and connect to a larger monitor (via standard VGA plug on the dock) and i use both monitor (not closing the lid on the notebook) today, i had a spare monitor around that i can use, i plug it through the Displayport plug on the dock, it's all working fine, all three monitor display the desktop.
but when i load up photoshop, making new files or opening existing files, there is nothing in the screen although the layer panel shows there is something there.when i unplug the new monitor, everything back to normal.

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Lightroom :: Developing DNG In 4.3 / Win7 64 (Catalog Sync Fails / Metadata Conflict)

Dec 17, 2012

After upgrading to Lightroom 4.3 in Windows 7 64Bit I often get random problems during DNG developing. The first problem: LR during developing shows on image thumbnail the exclamation mark icon of "metadata conflict" warning (see attached screen snapshot). This problem occurs when an external program (i.e. PS) has modified the DNG file and LR Catalog is not synchronized. Of course no modification at all has been done externally by any software but LR itself! It seems a problem of DNG/catalog sync that in some cases fails (very disappointing). The second problem is the black exclamation mark (see again attached screen snapshot) that means problems during reading DNG!! This problem is absolutely random too. Developing is still possible on this files and usually the problem disappear ...
This problems don't affect proprietary RAW files (NEF from my Nikon D300s) and I've never seen them in Lightroom 4.2.

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Lightroom :: Import All Folders / Collections And Catalog From Laptop To Desktop?

Feb 8, 2012

I just purcgased an iMac (and installed LR3) after running LR3 on a MacBook for several months. Is there a straightforward way to copy all of my content (folders, collections and catalog) from the laptop to the desktop?  I'm essentially trying to duplicate what's in my laptop LR3 on my desktop LR3.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Crashes When Watching Video Over Remote Desktop On Windows 8.1

Feb 25, 2014

I am running Lightroom 5.3 and a fairly fresh install of Windows 8.1 / 64 bit. It works perfectly when I use my local machine, but when I access Lightroom over Microsoft Remote Desktop from another computer, as soon as I try to open a video, Lightroom crashes.
I have tried reinstalling, rebuildin library, etc. But, it still crashes every time. I'm pretty sure this is a bug with the software.
I use remote desktop for most of my lbrary management and it's really frustrating when it crashes all the time (note that it will crash often just if I go to to the video folder, even if I don't try to play one!)

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Photoshop Elements :: Sync 12 Between Laptop And Desktop?

Feb 24, 2014

After retirement my wife and I travel with a laptop that collects our photos into PSE.  When we return home I'd like to sync all of the photos and PSE edits to my desktop for color editing. I am using Windows 7&8 as OS's. 

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Lightroom :: Merge External Drive Images To Desktop Drive Within Same Master Catalog?

Aug 18, 2013

I have about 900 raw files on an external drive. I edited those files using my master catalog using a laptop while still travelling. When I got home, I copied the master catalog from the external drive to the desk top, then opened the master catalog on my desktop. I can see the edited images on the external drive. So far so good.
I want to copy (add) the edited images to my desk top. I tried to export the images as a new catalog and then import it into the desire location on my desktop drive. However, LR5 does not allow that. I get this message: "There is nothing new in the catalog you have selected. All of the catalog's photos are up to date in this catalog." Yes, but the edited  images are not on my desktop.....
I also tried to Import from the external drive and then Copy the files to the desktop, but then I lose all of the work done in the develop module and the keywords.
I watched Kost's LR 3 video on merging catalogs, but she dodges the question of how to deal with this issue since the "merge" is within the same catalog.I'm using LR5 with Windows 7.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 Metadata Auto Sync Switch Missing From Sync Button

Jun 29, 2013

I am using Lightroom 4.4 on a 2013 Macbook Air OS 10.8.4.
I cannot see the Switch enables auto sync on the Metadata sync button. Its currently visible on another machine a MacPro with Lightroom v4.3. I find this useful to be bale quickly enable and disable the syncing of metadata. Has this been dropped in v4.4 or have I missed a prefs setting somewhere?

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Lightroom :: Move Catalog Between Mac And Windows Machines

Jul 11, 2012

I'm considering adding a MacBook Pro Retina to my hardware setup.  To date all my LR3 work is on a desktop and laptop using Win 7.  If I add the MBP and run a Mac version of LR on it can I still move the catalog back and forth between the Mac and Windows machines? One option is to use Parallels on the Mac but looking for all the alternatives and potential issues before I bite the bullet.

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Lightroom :: Import Elements 8 Catalog Into 4 In Windows 8?

Apr 2, 2013

I want to import an Elements 8 catalog onto a different machine running Windows 8 and Lightroom 4. The existing work around seems to be for importing a catalog when one machine has both programs, but I don't think Elements 8 will run on Windows 8. The 'import catalog from Elements 8' option isn't showing in LR4 - presumably because it didn't see the catalog on install. The catalog is on a shared drive accessible to both machines...

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Lightroom :: Toggle Sync Button To Auto Sync State

Jun 12, 2012

I am trying to adjust two D800 files simultaniously. Thus I select both images, toggle the Sync button to the Auto Sync state.
But, the adjustments done to the most selected image do not copy over to the other image, while this is the expected behaviour.
LR4.1 / Mac OS X Snow Leopard 1.6.8 / Macbook Pro i7 2,2 GHz

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - Can't Import Catalog Created On MacBook Air To Windows Device

Jun 28, 2012

I'm using LR4.1 on both devices.
I just bought a MacBook Air as my travel device.  I have a Windows laptop that I use for everyday activities and processing.  I just did a shoot and imported my RAW files into a brand new catalog on the MBA. I flagged picks and did some processing (both heavy processing and light processing) on the MBA.  I saved Metadata to file, ejected the external hard drive from the MBA and then hooked it up to the Windows device. 
Issue #1: I cannot open the new catalog created on the MBA on my Windows device.  It just fails.
Issue #2: When I simply synchronize the drive to the Windows laptop, the files do come in and the processing that I did comes in too.  However, the flags do not transport.  And, any adjustments I did with the adjustment brush are not available for editing on the Windows laptor.  (If I "reset" it does go back to the original RAW file, but before resetting, I have no access to the adjustement brush settings on the Windows device)

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Lightroom :: Sharing V4 Catalog With Multiple Users On Same Windows Machine

Jul 19, 2013

I just started out using Lightroom 4 for managing family photos. What I want to do is to share the LR catalog so that my kids and wife can access the database from their own accounts. I tried sharing the directory with the catalog and all the photos. But when I open lightroom from my kids's account, I keep getting an "unexpected error openning the catalog".
I am using Windows 8, 64bit

The catalog was created in my account (adminstrator)

the other accounts are normal accounts
I have searched around but all the questions ask about sharing on network drives. But I just want to share the catalog on the same machine on local harddrive. I made sure that all the other lightrooms are closed in the other accounts (everyone else is signed off) before I tried to open it from my kid's account.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Sync Catalog Files To A Second External Hard Drive

Nov 6, 2012

I have a catalog that is tied to Elements Organizer Sync Agent 10.0.  This causes thumb.5 cache to give an error process tied to another process when I try to do anything with this file.  I want to sync my catalog files to a second external hard drive..  I want to remove this .

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Photoshop :: CS4 With Image Previews. Using Windows Vista

Feb 4, 2009

I just installed CS4 Design Premium and am having a problem with Photoshop images.

When I look in the file folder on my computer, PSD files do not have an image preview.

I checked in the preferences under "file handling" and "always save" is selected for "image previews."

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Photoshop :: Psd Previews In File Browser Windows XP

May 20, 2009

is there any way to have previews of psd images instead of the icons in the File Browser? (I have windows XP).

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Lightroom :: Previews Of Deleted Images Themselves Automatically Deleted From Previews Folder?

Apr 15, 2013

Are the previews of deleted images themselves automatically deleted from the previews folder?

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VideoStudio :: X2 And Windows 7 - Audio Out Of Sync?

Oct 19, 2010

I have used X2 for a couple years, but recently bought a new PC with Windows 7. I finished a project (successfully), then after finding and downloading the Windows 7 patches, I was able to burn the project. However, at some point roughly 5 minutes in, all the audio is ahead of the video by about a half a second, and remains that way for the remainder of the project. Watching the project in X2, it works fine, so it is a burn issue. I tried normalizing audio, but that doesn't work. It just seems like a software glitch.

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Photoshop :: CC Will Not Install On Windows Desktop

Jul 28, 2013

CC will not install on my windows desktop.  How do I troubleshoot?

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Photoshop :: Word For Windows Doesn't Show Illustrator (mac) Tiff Previews

Aug 12, 2004

Just changed to Illustator CS and now when we save with Tiff preview (opaque) and the graphic is imported into Word on a Windows box there is no preview (just a blank box). The file prints correctly. The preview shows ok on Word on a Mac. Anyone have any ideas?

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