Lightroom :: Resizing Large Images
Jan 28, 2014
I'd like to resize a large batch of images to a more manageable size. I shoot a lot of weddings and find when shooting with my Nikon D800, the files are enormous when shooting Raw. Until now I would export all my vertical images first to a folder and then the horizontal ones and then resize in photoshop to say 11x17. Is there a way to resize ALL my images before I even bring them into photoshop? I'd like to resize them all (both vert and horizontal images) at one time. If I select the batch of images I'd like to resize, and them click export, it takes me to a menu which gives me the option to resize. I just don't know what settings I should use? Can I just click width and height and punch in say 11x17 and leave it at 300dpi? I want to preserve the aulaity for print purposes but reduce the file size so it's manageable for both my client and me when I then go into Photoshop to edit.
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Aug 7, 2012
This is probably a basic one for most people, but I'm pretty clueless... I've got a fairly large image (3000px) that I need to scale down to 500-ish px. How do I best go about doing this without getting that awful 'halo' effect? I've tried gradually scaling down without much success.
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May 18, 2009
I want to output jpg files as a slide show (not video) to various large LCD screens. Can someone advise me of the best image pixel dimensions and ppi for this? I have tried 4256 x 2835 at 300 ppi as generated by the psd file and it looks dreadful on a large screen. I don't have ready access to large screens, so I am not able to experiment myself. Also, when resizing images (both increase and decrease) is it best to have the "resample" box in "image size" ticked or not?
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Aug 27, 2012
I have a very large PDF that I need to open in Photoshop (It is a template image). The size of the image is 125.9843" x 91.5354".
However, when I open in Photoshop the image is automatically resized to about 106" x 79". I have tried to manually input the dimensions upon opening the file, however, when I open the file and check "Image Size" the dimensions are 106" x 79" again.
I can open the image in Illustrator at the correct dimensions automatically, and the PDF file itself is at the correct dimensions.
[I am using Photoshop CS5.1]
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Dec 12, 2012
I need to be able to re-size images that are large than 1MB in order to put them on our MLS site.
My previous computer had 2 arrow icons on the desktop.
One was for re-sizing horizontal pics and the other for re-sizing vertical pics.
I could simply drag/drop the image file onto these re-sizing icons and they would be re-sized.
The smaller file size thumbnail would appear on the desktop.
How can I get these re-sizing tools on my new computer's desktop?
I am using CS6.
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Apr 17, 2013
Exporting large file sizes. In short I'm trying to export some images for large format printing but am having trouble preparing the right size in LR4.
Specifically I'm trying to produce w 30" x h 20" images. I understand that to do this I'll need a image that is 9000 x 6000 pixels set at 300 ppi. My problem is that when I export this, with the dimensions set to width and height in pixels and resize unchecked LR4 produces an image that is 9000 x 4887?
what i'm doing wrong here? Is it simply that the aspect ratio of image is wrong to produce this size image? My concern is not producing an exact file size for printing.
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Jan 17, 2013
Using Lightroom 4.3 on OS X 10.7.5 (Mac Pro with 24GB of RAM) I'm having problems stacking sets of images. The groups of images I'm stacking can range from 50 to 1400. No matter the size, stacking a group of images stalls and I have to quit Lightroom. At best I'll stack one group, quit, restart and move on to the next group. The stack doesn't show before quiting, but appears to be stacked on restart. If I'm lucky I can get a few sets of images stacked before things devolve into this dysfuncitonal cycle of stacking, quiting LR, opening LR, confirming stack is complete and stackin a new set of images. Is this a known bug? Any fixes to get past this? I'm working through 15000+ images to edit and organize for a project of mine. The total image total is higher, but I've stopped collecting images in LR for this project until I sort out this problem.
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Oct 18, 2013
When I move a selection of image files from one folder to another within lightroom there is always an error with at least one image and it doesn't make the move and is left. I can then reselect this image and then move it again.
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Jul 15, 2012
I would like to be able to export large numbers of images at a time with the same size, compression, etc. and be able to save these export settings so I can use them again. Does LR have this ability? What is it called?
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Sep 9, 2012
After uploading images from a card reader to LR 4.1 and 4.2, the option to review large images is present for the first 10-20 photo, then LR preview will only display a small image (the size of a thumbnail.). I can uplaod all the images from preview to the LR catalog. But then I have to go into the catalog and delete unwanted images.
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Oct 11, 2013
I had to restore images I deleted off my SD card and when I uploaded them into LR they appear whole in the scroller at the bottom but when clicked on, some have large chunks of the image missing. Is it possible to restore the WHOLE image?
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Jun 27, 2013
I currently work for a fashion company whom do lots of designs using photoshop and the rest of the adobe applications.
When they save PSD files they're about 1GB in size.
Storage on the server seems to be getting very low now and we need to do something about it. We have several options in place for extra storage but would like your advice on down sizing the PSD files?
For example:
1) Are there add-ins to downsize?
2) Are they saving the files wrong?
3) Are they using wrong effects. layers etc?
4) Is it normal to have 1GB PSD files?
5) What can they do to have smaller PSD files?
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Apr 3, 2009
I have created 2 web galleries--one html and one Flash. I saved them to my local drive and they work perfectly. Then I uploaded to our server (I checked to see that all folders/files made it, and they did) and then when I access the index.html file, neither the thumbnails or the full-size images show. Here are the two URLs
FLASH: [URL] .......
HTML : [URL] .......
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Aug 28, 2013
My catalog in Lightroom 4 is spread over several hard drives and broken into years, with subfolders holding each seperate shoot. I recently replaced the harddrive that only held 2009 with a 3TB drive that should be able to accomodate 2010,2011 and 2012. I would like to move those files onto that drive within Lightroom so that it tracks where they are.
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Feb 25, 2008
Is there a way to re-size heaps of photos at once? Instead of having to go into the menu and changing the size, photo by photo? For example: If I download pics from my camera how do I change them all. Also, does anyone know how to make a folder name and it automatically updates all your .jpg file names for you? For example, a folder could be Jack's 21st and all pics become jack' jack's21st002.jpg etc.
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Jul 3, 2006
I have a batch of about 75 photos that i want to resize to about 8" x 6", Right now they are all at 36" x 27". is there a way I can set it up, so that they are all resized in one single batch, or do I have to manually do them one at a time?
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May 21, 2013
I have a large amount of photos to send to a customer and i need to edit them to send by e-mail.
My question is does GIMP have a way to resize a large amount of images in one go instead of doing them one at a time.
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Aug 12, 2004
I've about three hundred images that I want re-sized (they're currently around 3000 pixels wide).
Is there a way to re-size them all at the click of a button? Can I for instance record an action, and then apply it to all the images at once?
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Feb 20, 2004
I take photos of jewelry and work with them in Photoshop 6.0. I'm trying to take photo of very small items in closeup mode. If I print them out at normal size, they come out very clear but if I resize them so that I may fit many shots on a 8.5 X 11 inch page, the become very blurry. How do I resize closeup shots in photoshop so that they come out clear at smaller sizes?
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Apr 16, 2008
I am using Photoshop CS (older version). I am having a problem with resizing images. Prior to sending this, everything was working okay and now nothing will resize. my file path was file menu > automate > batch > and then I would choose my source and destination for the resized images.
In the end, all the newly resized images would stay the same size as before.
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Sep 22, 2005
reguarding digital photographs. I have been working in Photoshop for 10 years, but I just started serious digital photography. I purchased the Canon Eos Rebel XT 8mp camera. My question is what is the best way to resize images? The camera produces 3456 x 2304 pixel images. Which comes out to 48 x 32 inches at 72 dpi. I have tried the Bicubic Smoother and Sharper settings. For example I am designing a magazine cover with one of these images, obvisouly it needs to be a high res image for printing. What is the best way to size down that image? On the flip side, I want to print one of those images at 24x36 for a poster design, alsohigh res printing. What is the best way to size that as well? I am just looking for a workflow and getting the most out of this great camera.
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May 5, 2004
I'm currently learning PS and I'm cant figure out how to re-size an image
that has been placed on to another image.
For example, I have a picture of a beach and I place a logo on to that image.
Now, I want to make it a bit smaller. Do I have to re-size it BEFORE I
drag it on to the other image?
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Feb 3, 2012
I have two images that I didn't create, but need to be re-sized. A wide gradient bar with rounded-corners and a box with rounded corners (attached). I suspect I may need to recreate these in GIMP (unless there's another way).
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May 5, 2003
photoshop to resize multiple images at once?
I've got all these huge size images taken with a digital camera that I want to shrink down to 640x480 or so for upload to my galleries at I'd hate to do them one by one.
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May 21, 2004
How can I shrink an image to like 1/20th of the size, but still keep clarity?
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Apr 16, 2004
I am resizing photos for the web and it is a tedious job to do one at a time.
Is there a way to do all at once?
They are all going to be the same size.
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Jun 9, 2004
Is there a way to resize multiple large images(like ones just downloaded from your digital camera) to a size that several can be e-mail at one time?
Not really interested in loss of quality, just want to share several images by e-mail.
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Dec 1, 2004
I am in the process of resizing Tiff images to JPEG thumbnails, 640x433 pixels. The problem is finding the best solution to do batch processing. I have archived my "Clouds," files on 10 DVDs so far and still have the original folders on my HD.
I want to now resized them to archive on CDRs, for distribution to stock houses etc., thus I need your assistance. The integrity, color, quality has to mirror the original images.
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Nov 20, 2008
Formerly using other image software, I have just loaded up CS2 and have a quick project to output that has about 1,000 images in it. All the images need to be stretched width wise by about 133%. Can someone direct me to a quick way to do this on ALL the images quickly instead of one by one as I did with my old software? The images are all .BMP's
Also, and second to the above, if someone can direct me to Adobe CS2 tutorials either free online or purchasable on DVD that would be quite helpful.
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Aug 16, 2004
I have a folder that has about 100 photos. They are 2048 x 1536 and are around 1.2 MB in size. Also, their orientation is mixed. Meaning, some of them are horizontal (landscape) and some of them are verticle (portrait).
How do I mass-change their size?
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Jun 6, 2011
I have a jpg file 1500x1024 pixels. If I resize it down to 400x300 and save it, the image quality is fine in the Gimp window. When I view it outside of Gimp, like in Image Viewer or FSpot its very blurry.
I resized the same image on a Mac using Photoshop and this did not happen, the resized image was perfect. Is it some sort of limitation in Gimp?
In the Scale Image dialog box the interpolation is set to Cubic. In the Save As jpeg dialog box I have checked Optimize Smoothing is set to 1.00 Subsamplingis set to Best Quality
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