Lightroom :: Rendering Intent For Export?

Nov 24, 2013

Is there a way to select rendering intent for exports in LR? I supopse the default one is relative colorimetric, correct?

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Lightroom :: What Rendering Intent Used When Export Using Custom Color Space

Oct 17, 2012

What rendering intent is used by LR4 when exporting using a custom colour space as there is not an option as there is with the print module.

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Lightroom :: Rendering Intent Exporting To AdobeRGB And SRGB

Jan 8, 2014

LR works with the color space ProPhotoRGB. With highly saturated colors this colorspace is larger than AdobeRGB and sRGB. As I see it now is that while exporting to these color spaces, Lightroom uses the method as in Photoshop called Convert to Profile, which maintains the color appearance, but shifts the color numbers. High saturated colors will be clipped. Is this assumption correct? Is it possible to use in Lightroom the method Assign Profile, where the color numbers (and detail) are maintained?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Softproofing / Change INTENT (Develop Module)

Mar 6, 2012

I'm able to specify a desired profile from tose already on my system; however when I print, I use Absolute/Relative.  Intent seems fixed at Perceptual/ Relative.How can I change that?  Is is changeable?

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Photoshop :: Why Can't File-export-render Video Into MPEG4 Rendering Into Small MOV File Format In CS6

Dec 5, 2012

I create short videos using the PS frame animation panel. I used to be able to FILE-export-render video- and choose MPEG-4 Video in the settings panel which would render my file into a small .mov file. Now in CS6 the new render video panel does not have that option. I tried the QT options in the export window and my file is hugh! The H.264 option gives me an .mp4. I put the .mp4 into my web page via Dreamweaver and my video does not play when uploaded into the sever. The video plays fine in Dreamweaver before I upload to the server. After I upload to the server I just get a Q and no video on my web page.  If I render the same file in CS5 I am able to view it in my web page. ADOBE WHY DID YOU CHANGE YOUR EXPORT VIDEO RENDERING OPTIONS in CS6?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Background On Rendering And Attach / Create New Material In Library For Rendering

May 21, 2012

why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012. 

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - Rendering Of D4 Raw Files

Jun 14, 2012

LR Rendered my D3 and D3s Raw files very closely to the Nikon software and the camera jpgs, but since I have started using a D4, I am noticing a dissapointing difference between the LCD rendering, the jpgs. and the LR raw rendering of my files. I think I last saw this in LR2, with early D3 files, but it's been a while. 
So if I shoot a NEF file and a JPG file at the same time, the JPG files look really good, the same sweet goodness I saw on the LCD. Now I have been doing this a while, and I know about camera profiles, custom camera profiles, and that Raw files need a little massaging, but I don't want to break out the nikon software to get the best results from my raw files, and that's what I have been doing lately on my final picks.
I am attaching a sample. Left - Right, in camera jpg, jpg from view nx2, LR jpg from untouched nef (camera standard profile). You will notice the skin tones and the dynamic range are best on the left, in camera jpg.

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Lightroom :: No Preview Rendering At All?

Dec 27, 2012

Yesterday when I was importing my pictures from the CF card the energy was off for a couple om minutes (a failure in the electrical net in the town) and the computer crashes (or something like that). When electricity came back I restarted LR and tried to import the images once again. Result: images are in the hard disk, they were imported correctly but no preview was rendered at all!. In the preview lrdata folder I can see two files root-pixels and root-pixels.db-journal that are there since yesterday (I do not know what they mean)...if I try to render previews from the Libray menu....nothing happens....seems that LR does not like to render previews from my most recent import..
I do not know what to do with the next my new images are still in the corresponding CF card...

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Lightroom :: How To Export A Window Without Export Buttons At Bottom

Mar 1, 2014

Win 8.1 64 bit A Toshiba Satellite laptop, LR 5.3. When I try to export I get a window without export buttons at the bottom to do the export. Further if I try to resize the export window the export window disappears and LR freezes requiring to ctrl/alt/del to close it. I cannot export anything to HD or email, etc.
I was in a class last night where everyone had Macs and the buttons appeared on their versions and worked fine. Totally repeatable. I can supply screen shots.
Makes LR totally useless.

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Lightroom :: How To Export All The Snapshots At Once In A Single Export Step

Jan 20, 2013

I've created various snapshots of a series of photos and I'm ready to export. Is there a way to export all the snapshots at once, in a single export step? Up to now, I've been doing this step by step, exporting one version of the image, than going to the next snapshot and exporting again.

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Lightroom :: DNG Files Rendering As Mono

Sep 7, 2013

I am having problems with LR5.2RC rendering a substantial number of my .dng files in monochrome. There appears to be no logic to this, and files appear in colour in Finder. I am using an iMac with Mountain Lion.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 Color Rendering For Nikon NEF

Oct 25, 2011

I was very happy with the color profiles available in the LR3 version, to use with Nikon raw files (from a D700 camera). I managed to have almost the same color and contrast impression as the ones delivered by Nikon RAW software (Capture NX), using camera standard color profile. And the workflow is thus much easier woth LR3.But lately I discovered some problem for average grey value as seen on the comparaison of the same image processed by the 2 software below :
extract at 100% scale of the image processed by LR (using camera standard profile).The same image processed with Capture NX :You can see that the grey are purple, and event almost green in some areas. I had already noticed few years ago a some problem with LR2, but I thought the problem was gone with LR3. Now it is back with LR3.5 --? This color problem does not happen when using ACR 4.6 rendering in LR, but the global color impression is different. I must had that except from this, the global color rendering is very close to NX.

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Lightroom :: Stopped Rendering Previews?

Mar 12, 2012

I am running Windows 7.  I have been using Lightroom 4 for several days with no problem. Today it stopped rendering previews.  When importing for a card or adding from a drive the files get added but then the program says "Rendering Standard Previews" but they never render. You can see the images in Develop but the previews do not stay.  
I have tried deleting and reinstalling the program. That didn't work.
I went back and tried Lightroom 3 with the same setup and it worked fine.  I tried this in case it was a drive problem.

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Lightroom :: Why Is V4 So Bad At Rendering Fujifilm X Trans RAW Images

Jan 5, 2013

Lightroom 4 is constantly put down as being very poor at rendering Fujifilm X Trans RAW files.  Fujifilm claims to have assisted Adobe with this new sensor design yet LR falls down hard.  Why is that?  Will it get better or are we stuck with what LR can do now?

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Lightroom :: Photos Not Rendering When Trying To Upload To Blurb

Oct 7, 2013

I successfully created and uploaded a book to Blurb a few months ago.  I edited a little bit of text and tried uploading again, and now I'm getting an error message that photos can't be rendered.  I'm at a loss about what this message means.  I'm in Lightroom 5.0 now. 

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Lightroom :: Rendering After Import Changed Colour?

Aug 26, 2012

I moved from Windows to Mac. Today I imported a set of photos from my camera to my disk. After rendering all of my photos became B&W (LR4 changed color treatment of my RAW files). It surprised me a lot. I did it again and again. All my photos are B&W. I have to change color treatment in all of them. I would prefer my old importing scheme (photos are color after rendering). I did not use any preset and all oprions were as usual (only changed a name of photos).
I noticed that LR4 changed a few other options: decreased highlights by 100, increased shadow by 100, increased clarity by 50, changed tone curve to strong contrast, increase sharpening to 100, noise reduction to 40, and so on. Increadible! How can I came back to my way of importing?

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Lightroom :: Images Not Rendering In Develop Module

May 9, 2013

OK i have been running LR4 fine and upgraded when needed. I'm currently on 4.4 and all has been well until now. When viewing images they don't look sharp! Before when clicking on a thumbnail the image would pop up all fuzzy then get sharp real quick....always has done. This also happens when zooming in to the image, it just looks fuzzy, it does not click into a sharp image to work on, the images come up but don't get sharp. Also there is not always a thumbnail in the top left above the presets. Also if you add a preset the image just disappears!! Sometimes there is just no image at all. I have deleted all references that I can find to LR on my PL including the catalogs and have re loaded LR inc the upgrade plus created a new catalog but the problem still persists.!

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Lightroom :: Rendering Sigma Dp1x X3F Files Black?

Nov 10, 2012

I just got a Sigma dp1x.  LR renders all my x3f raw files black.  A normal preview will show up, but when I attempt to edit the photo, the picture goes completely black.  I am running LR4.1 and ACR 7.1 win 7.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 Not Taking Advantage Of Cache When Rendering 1:1 Pics

Dec 10, 2011

I usually import my pictures and ask LR to generate standard previews at the same time, which is fine for a full screen preview.When going to loupe view and zooming, LR inevitably processes a 1:1 view. This is fine for me. However, after scrolling on other pictures and going back to the same exact picture which has already been 1:1 rendered, LR displays the 'Loading' message and actually proceed to another 1:1 rendering. It doesn't take advantage of the cache even though 1. dat files are present in the ACR cache directory 2. I flushed the cache and tried again 3. I set a higher limit (20 GB).I'm running LR 3.5 on Windows 7 x64.

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Lightroom :: Fuji F770 EXR RAW Support Wrong Rendering

Jan 9, 2013

I have just bough a Fuji F770 EXR camera. I took few pictures in RAW + JPG and RAW onluy mode in low light.Some part of the RAW (RAF) file rendering show completely desaturated areas using the Rendering 2012 and 2010.Ex: a green shirt and an orange shoes appear grey.
This does not happen if I set LR to use the 2002 engine. Of Course this engine shows less details and more color noise.Is there any way I can send the sample RAF file so that an engineer so that he can have a look at it?

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Lightroom :: 5.2 - Slideshow Image Quality / Color Rendering

Nov 6, 2013

I´m quite frustrated after discovering that some of my images look quite poor displayed by the slideshow module. My situation ist as follows:

LR 5.2 running on Mac OS X 10.8.5, 1:1 previews are rendered, preview quality is set to high, and I´m using a sample image showing a dark cloudy sky with some fine gradients; my slideshow preset doesn´t use any borders as I read this often causes quality issues.
When I´m in the Develop module, there is no problem at all, even in fullscreen display mode on my 1920x1200 display the gradients are perfectly rendered.

In Library module, when displaying fullscreen, quality is okay, but I can see some slight difference compared to the Develop module - which I understand after reading that in Develop the output is based on the actual raw data, and in all the other modules on rendered previews.

Now, when in Slideshow module, the image quality is significantly lower than in Library and I see some quite obvious banding in the gradients. I don´t have problems with blocking artifacts but the banding/posterization is considerably worse compared to a JPEG export with a quality setting of, for example, 75.
I can´t imagine LR´s slideshow tool would be working with a lower color depth than the 8 bit as in standard JPEGs, right? Did I miss any of LR´s parameters that influence the image quality of Lightroom slideshows or of the previews used therefore? Otherwise do you have some other explanations or hints for me in order to get this fixed? We do everything to capture our images in the best possible quality so we should also be able to present them properly after all...

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Lightroom :: Loupe View Not Rendering Properly All Time

Jun 30, 2013

I have noticed this as an occasional random ongoing problem in Lightroom and just encountered it again in LR 5, running on Win 7 64 on a 30" 2560x1600 monitor.  While the develop view renders properly, the louple view is very soft.  Here is an example:
1:1 from Develop

1:1 from loupe

There is no indication that you need to wait for the final rendering and the image never gets sharper.  Zooming in and out does not fix the rendering in loupe view.  Resizing the lightroom window to a smaller size does not work.  Rebuilding 1:1 previews does not work.
The only thing that works is to close and reopen Lightroom.  It appears that some flag in the program instructing the loupe rerender sometimes does not get set.
This is a serious problem because a user could easily decide to delete an image based on the loupe view.  This has forced me to preview all my images in PhotoMechanic.  I simply cannot rely on Lightroom.
This is a difficult problem to reproduce as it seems to happen randomly. In a search and based on recollection, the zoom in and out seemed to fix.

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Lightroom :: Rendering Of Nikon D800 NEF Images Still Slow In 5.2

Sep 18, 2013

I just checked whether the update to 5.2 would improve speed of rendering images in the Develop module for Nikon D800 NEF files but alas, LR is still taking its time to render images and going back and forth between two or more D800 NEF files to check focus at 100% magnification remains an excercise in meditation....
I had initially hoped that the move from LR 4.x to LR 5 would improve things but this wasn't the case - so when will Adobe finally catch up with the development in cameras with ever bigger files? The Nikon D800 came out one full year ago...

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Lightroom :: Rendering Of RAW Images In LR5 Vs Canon Digital Photo Professional

Mar 30, 2014

Just as a pre-amble, I love LR and perform 90% of image processing with it (rest in PS). I use a Canon EOS 5D MKIII shooting in RAW, running LR5 on Win7. My monitor is properly calibrated.
Every so often I view a RAW image with Canon DPP mostly to display the AF point. What I am noticing is that the DPP SW renders the image very different from LR and I tried every LR Profile. In my opinion the DPP rendering is sharper, with less noise and a more natural look. My latest example of the difference in image rendering is from images taken with the Canon 200-400 1.4 zoom lens. This difference in image rendering is after RAW import with no images editing on either application. I just wish there would be a LR profile that yields a similar quality image.

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Lightroom :: Slow Rendering Image Previews In Import Dialogue?

Jul 29, 2013

Slow rendering image previews in import dialogue?

My LR 5 is as slow as a snail generating those previews.
Importing my RAWs form the EOS 6D (saved on a 95MB/s 32 BG SanDisk Extreme Pro) it renders only the 12 or 24 displayed previews and leaves out the rest (the next only when I'm scrolling down). For 12 images LR5 needs 8-10 seconds. LR4.4 does the same process for all 150 RAWs in 1-2 seconds.
It doesn't matter if I want to import to my workstation (Dell Precision T1650, 8core Intel Xeon E3-1240 V2, 16GB RAM, 64bit) via USB 3.0 (Reader & Port) or to my laptop (Dell Latitude E6400). So it must be LR, not my hardware.
Are there known issues with the Canon-RAW format? I just updated EOS firmware to 1.1.3, but the renderspeed stays the same. For 1 image 3-4 seconds single...

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Lightroom :: Importing Ceases During The Rendering Preview Process At Image Set

Jul 28, 2013

Importing ceases during the rendering preview process at image 2 of set.  Same if using SD or Flash Cards, small or large import.  No problems using Bridge so reader is operational.

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Lightroom :: Epson 3800 Driver Options To Disable / Enable Driver Rendering Disabled

Nov 18, 2013

Trying to print from LR 5.3 RC using .icc profile in printer settings in Epson Pro 3800 driver the Color Settings and Color drop downs are disabled????  In other applications these options are enabled and selectable. 

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Lightroom :: How To Export To PDF In LR4

Mar 22, 2012

I've created a book in LR's book function:  selected pics, soft-proofed and made gamut corrections, added photo and page captions, etc.  I'm ready to export to PDF but every time (4+ times) I get an error message at what looks like the end of the process.  I do have a file but it includes only the cover. 
I've tried to send the book to Blurb but get a similar message.
I'm using an iMac running OS 10.6.8. Some of the pictures are laid out in 2 page mode--which I mention only because somewhere I read that mode creates export problems.  The pictures are copies in raw (DNG) and sRGB format, and probably 15-20 MB each. I'm wondering if the pictures are too big or...

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Lightroom :: Can't Export From 4.3

Dec 18, 2012

Tried TIF,  JPG and web gallery.  I get the message, "file could not be written".  Just upgraded to 4.3 and I can't export any files.

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Photoshop :: Lightroom Does Not Export Any More

Apr 7, 2008

I was using a trial version of lightroom on windows xp sp 2 and now after 2 weeks it is not exporting images any more. I was willing to purchase a full retail version but does the full retail version has the same bug?

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Lightroom :: No Export Dialogue Box?

Dec 19, 2012

I am using  Lightroom to version 4.3. The export feature stopped working. When in the library module if I choose a file(s) and click export I do not get the export dialogue box. Lightroom basically locks up until I press the escape key. Interestingly if I right click on an image, go to export and chose a preset it works? Do I need to reinstall Lightroom and If so how do I do this. 

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