how do I remove a spot in a photo ? I clicked on the " Develop" tab I clicked on the word " heal " , I get a round circle , I place it over the spot of the picture , than I click the mouse but the spot stays on the picture it does not go away.
I still have lightroom 3 wich works great but a couple of weeks ago I got a problem with the spot removal tool. Short explanation, it's not the same.I don'd know what I did but I dont have the regular spot removel tool.WHen I shoot the spot removal tool the cursor dissapear when I get over the picture like it hides behind the image.When I click I get a very tiny circle and when I drag it makes an arrow. WHat is up with that?
I must have synched a picture that had several spot removals on it. Now the entire group of pictures (1000+) has the same spots removals. I resynched after removing all the spot removals on the first picture, but the spot removals are still there on each picture. What will remove the apot removals on ALL the pictures?
I have a picture - it's of a house from 1937, from the archives. Unfortunately, it has writing on it (in large white handwritten letters). I'd like to remove the letters; I only have LR3, not photoshop - is there a way to do this?
I've used Lightroom 3, 4 and now 5 so I know my way around the software pretty well. Never had an issue like this in previous LR versions. Basically, when I Spot Edit a spot (such as a speck of dust that was on the sensor or lens) there is alway s a "ghost" of the speck that remains, no matter what I do. The Opacity is set to 100, yet the tool behaves as if it is set to 90. It happens with Clone and Heal. I have also tried adjusting the Feather setting, to no avail.
I've got LR4 and a bunch of photos with 3 nasty dust marks.Spot Removal does not allow to mark one of these spots (the pointer does not turn into the marking circle).Probably LR cannot see it as needing repair.
I have adobe photoshop 7.0, and I want to use for some basic things, but even after searching I'm unsure if and/or how it can be done. Basically I want to "cut out" part of a picture like a cookie cutter, and then place it on a different background. For example, if there is a picture of a lion at a zoo, I want to isolate the lion, and paste it on a african sahara backdrop.
I'm not looking to do anything fancy, its just for a personal project, but I don't even know what terms to search for in the help section of photoshop. I've always had trouble finding how to do this and I don't know why because has to be one of the most common procedures in graphic design. Is this accomplished by using a mask or what..?
How to make it blend in so you can't even tell it was Photoshopped into the picture. I use the magnetic lasso but there are always areas where it isn't smooth or part of the background is showing. Especially the hair.
On top of that it will be better or worse quality than the picture I'm adding it to. Or it will be darker or lighter, etc etc.
I took some pictures outside recently and when I looked at them later realized there were sun spots on them. I have Coral Paint Shop Pro x2 and how to remove this sun spots so I can salvage the pictures. Some of the spots are yellowish color and some are white. They are all on peoples legs so I have not been able to find a way to remove them. I have tried the cloning but it looks funny. I have also tried creating a new layer and removing the color yellow from the picture but that doesnt seem to work either.
I need removing a background from a picture. My boss wants some t-shirts made but the only image I have is one with a tie-dye background and I need it to just be the black and white that is on the image. I have been trying for 2 weeks to do this and I can get real close but it leaves the colors around the edges and I need this gone. I have the original photo and the one with almost everything removed.
Reference tutorial=> Remove Photo Backgrounds with the Background Eraser {URL]
a) I follow the tutorial above to remove backgrounds. However, the background has similar color than picture (in this case "white" - picture attached - FIG_2). So, when I use "background eraser" tool, it erase part of my picture as well. So, how to handle it properly?
b) The tutorial was usefull to other image that has different backgound color (FIG_3 attached). But using other software (Gimp) I could just take the transparency index (color=> color to alfa) with "one click" without the request of erase background manually. So, is there any similar way to do it easily in Paint Shop?
With both tools, I can make a few changes and then both will leave a black brush spot. It works, and then it is like the program is too challenged & it just leaves a black spot. Sometimes if I move my mouse to the history panel to back up to get rid of the black spot I get a swipe of the tool all across the image when I'm reaching with the mouse to go back in history.
I have placed a photoshop file in illustrator CS, the file contains a spot channel transparency that I want to print as a pantone plate. When I print separations my spot channel prints as a shade of grey. Several other vector items (generated in illustrator) using the same pantone print as a solid 100% black. I'm worried that my file will print with the transparency part of my pantone as a shade of its self when I send the files to the printer.
I have a problem with Lightroom (=LR). When i use "the spot removal tool", there is only one circle, around the spot i want to remove. The other spot, that use to show the clean area that the tool is sampling from, does not come up.
When i left-click on the mouse, LR remove the spot, but i do not have any influance on where LR samples the clean area from.
I have just updated LR from version 4.2 to 4.3, but as far as i remember, the problem was there before i updated.
When using spot removal in Lightroom v 3.3, my system becomes very slow and lags.Searching this on google mentioned turning off Lens correction. I have not touched the Lens correction panel.
I have a good, but very snotty, baby photo. Desnotting her is proving most difficult. Is it possible to use spot heal to bring in her less-snotty nose from a different photo?
I just started using the image retouching options - spot removal to be specific. (In my defense, I've read instructions, youtubed and googled till I'm blue - So, I click on the Spot Remover tool, then click on the target and drag to the spot I want to "heal" from. As long as I'm holding down the mouse button, I can see the intended result. But as soon as I release the mouse button, it reverts to the original blemish.