Lightroom :: (Read-Only) Is Applied To 44k Photos While Using LR5 - Can't Save Work

Jun 26, 2013

Using MacPro (5 years old), OS Lion, full RAM, 4 HD's with 2 TB+ drives, plenty ofroom left over in all.
ALL 44k images located in one LR3 catalog (recent upgrade to LR5 hoping for remedy 2 days ago) show 'read-only' notice, so after doing any kind of work on them in develop, etc. I select all (in specific folder, not 44k photos!) then save it, a notice comes up and says these are 'read-only' files. Thus not able to save any work that is apparent in LR.  BUT, when exported as JPG all changes are saved.
I have opened various folders, NOT via LR, but via Finder (OS Lion) and opened one by one using PS 4 and they open fine in RAW converter window.  Save as PSD, all files look fine.  Same for JPG's.
The issue is LR, or hard drive or something along the chain where the photos, when viewed in LR, say they are 'read-only'.
Via Finder window I have opened various files (denoting read-only notice) and right-clicked to 'get info' on that specific photo. ALL files are 'read and write', there are NO files that are denoted read-only when getting the info.  I checked 50+ photos in 25 different folder locations.
Laptop test:
I started a new LR catalog in LR5, with ZERO photos and imported a few folders, with images that had 'read-only' notice to make sure I tested the same photos that had given me the read-only notice.
Did a test on photos with 'read-only' files on a laptop (OS Mountain Lion), pulled files from HD where ALL 44k photos are located.  Copied to thumb drive, imported with LR5, copied to desktop in test folder, all photos came in fine, slected all, did global edit to all images, saved all, all images were saved with NO 'read-only' notice.  This is true for a series of folders.
So my test, if it proves anything, is that either LR is messed-up or the HD is messed-up on MacPro tower or something is telling LR to show the 'read-only' notice to pop up.
Back-ups were done from HD where all 44K photos reside, to 2 (two) other drives, within MacPro tower.  So ALL 44k photos are essentially the same.  This was a drag-n-drop not using Super Duper or similar byte-verification software.
why ALL 44k images say 'read-only', when viewed in LR5 in MacPro tower but NOT in laptop?  HD is 5 years old...could this be the weak link?
Also, considering to wipe the complete system drive (not HD where photos reside) and re-load everything from scratch to begin anew.  My concern is will this work and then, will wiping all drives and re-loading all images, then re-loading LR5 catalog will solve this.  I am resigned to a week of doing this if it works as right now, I am at a stand still and cannot go forward or backward.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Crops Not Being Applied When Photos Exported?

Jul 12, 2013

I've cropped photos in lightroom5, but suddenly the crops are not being applied when I export them. As in the past, if I've made changes in develop mode, I would like those changes to be applied when exporting them from lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Export Photos With Sharpen Settings Applied To Them?

Jan 16, 2014

When I shapen my photos in lightroom I can see that the sharpen tool works but when I export my photos, they don't export with my sharpen changes. Here are my export settings:
Quality > 100
Color space > sRGB
Resize to fit > unchecked
Resolution > 300 Pixels per inch

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Lightroom :: Export Downsize Not Applied To All Photos In A Collection

Mar 12, 2014

I just bought Nikon D800 and I think 36MP is too large to give my customers, and I want to downsize to 16 MP (or any other resolution). This megapixel downsize function doesn't even work on ANY of the photos in a collection when exported. Then I manually set the H x W to 4920 x 3264 px respectively. That worked on SOME of the pictures, while some still remain enormous... (e.g. 7360 x 4912 px) WHY? I have cropped some photos so I figured the resize wouldn't apply to the crops with H or W smaller than the new set H or W. But I cross-checked it and I can't seem to find a pattern, as some photos that are un-cropped remain "untouched" at export. I have set the DPI to 300, but should that matter as long as they're still on my screen?

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Lightroom :: Saving Photos With Filters Applied Onto Actual Image Files?

Sep 22, 2013

I tried opening the images that I applied lightroom filters on, and the images did not change at all, though when I go to lightroom the filters are present. Does that mean that lightroom filters only work inside lightroom? Is there a way to save the photos with the filter(s) applied?

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Lightroom :: Get 3 To Read Raw Canon 60D Photos?

Jun 27, 2012

How can I get my Lightroom 3 to read raw canon 60D photos

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Lightroom :: Cannot Import Because Photos Cannot Be Read

Jan 9, 2013

The photos are coming up when Lightroom opens but they cannot be imported bc they 'cannot be read'.  Some of these have previously been imported without any problems but none of them can be read now. 

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Won't Import Photos - Files Could Not Be Read

Jan 15, 2014

I'm using 5.3 with OS 10.8.5. Out of the blue I cannot import photos. I've experienced two things: at first the application would seemingly hang-up indefinitely as if were going to import, but nothing happened. I tried importing everything on the card (100~ images) and just one photo. Now I'm getting the following message:
The following files were not imported because they could not be read. (1)
I've restarted my computer, tried running only LIghtroom, etc.

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Lightroom :: Why Does 4.4 Fail To Read Photos On Import

Aug 28, 2013

I insert an SDHC card into a card reader, LR starts, reads the photos and generates a preview so I can select which photos to import. I click on import and LR shows a progress bar that proceeds too quickly. When the progress bar completes LR informs me:
"The following files were not imported because they could not be read. (50)"
50 is the count of files that "could not be read".
1. LR read the files to generate the previews.

2. I can read the files with Explorer and copy them to folders.

3. I can then tell LR to add the folders that I copied to the files to and LR can read them just fine.
This behavior is consistent across multiple SD cards from different cameras with different formats of files (jpeg, nef, mov).
I am running Windows 7.1 64-bit with a quad core i7 and 12GB of memory.

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Lightroom :: Files Cannot Be Read Error When Uploading Photos?

Apr 6, 2013

I am having a new issue with my Lightoom (4) Suddenly, every time I try to upload photos into Lightroom, I get a "Files Cannot be Read" message.  I have never had this problem before. SOmetimes it will upload a few out of the bunch, but not all of them.  I have tried to change all my permissions settings to "Read & Write" but am still not having any luck.  It seems that it works sometimes, but mostly not. 

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Lightroom :: Save PS Edits In XMP File To Be Read By LR?

Jan 12, 2014

The reason I ask this is I have hundreds of photos that were taken on a 5D with a scratched filter, so I am treating the marks as dust bunnies and getting rid of them in the same way, using spot healing and for the scratches, whtever the feature is called where you use the spot healing brush but you 'draw lines'.However I am one of the many who suffer appalling performance in Lightroom edits so after maybe 20 spot heals the computer slows down so much so as to be unusable. So I then send the file into PS/CS6 as the same doesn't happen there. I quickly fix all my spots and scratches and then I appear to only have the option of saving the file as a TIF back to LR. What I'd love to do is save the xmp file, and then have LR update the image given those xmp changes.Is this possible or do I have to continue to have the extra TIF file?

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Lightroom :: Copy New Photos Doesn't Work In Import Dialog

Nov 12, 2012

When I import pictures from my SD Card I usually leave copies on the card for a while so I have them as backup, and to also be able to see recent pics on my camera.  However each time I go to import pictures from that card within LR, it defaults to selecting all pics on my SD card even though I have the "New Photos" filter selected at the top of the import box.   It always puts all my photos in the "New Photos" section, so I have to deselect all the photos that I have already imported into my catalogue so I don't get duplicates.  How do I get LR to only import pics that haven't been imported bfore?  
I am aware of the "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" option, but that is not the samea as what I am looking for.   It only deselects photos that still exist in my catalogue.   Any photos that I have deleted from my catalogue remain selected in the import box as it doesn't see any duplicates.  
what I'm missing to have LR only select photos that haven't been previously imported from that card?

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Photoshop :: Photos Opening In Blue / Green And Purple Colors As If Filter Applied

Oct 29, 2013

When I go to open photos - they are opening in blue-green-purple colors as if a filter is being applied.  The color pallette is also appearing with the same blue-purple colors.  In the layers pallette - the icon of the image appears in the normal colors and no filters, etc. have been applied.  It's all starting from when selecting the photo to be opened in photoshop. 

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Lightroom :: Slider Controls In LR4 For Process 2010 Photos Do Not Work Properly

Mar 16, 2012

In upgrading to LR4 I wish to keep my process 2010 photos as process 2010. There is no need to redo them because the update pretty much forces you to start again with most processed photos.
My problem is that I now find that LR4 greys out the detail and color sliders for Luminance and color noise reductionas if they are process 2003 photos. That is, I do not have access to the detail and color for the noise reduction section.
I can only assume this is a bug or that Adobe have changed the Noise reduction engine.

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Lightroom :: Why Does The Sharpen Not Save With The Photos Apply It To?

Oct 19, 2013

When I edit my photos, all of the edits stay but the sharpen. As soon as I switch over to library and/or export the photos, the shapen I did dissapears and only the other edits I did saved. The sharpen stayed when i first got light room but now it doesnt. 

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Lightroom :: How To Save A Tracklog With A Collection Of Photos

Jun 3, 2012

After every start of a catalog in LR 4, I have to load a particular tracklog in the GPS module again. It looks like it doesn't seem to be stored with the photos. Is there a way to save a tracklog with a collection of photos?

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Lightroom :: Auto White Balance Didn't Work - Photos Turned Out Very Purple / Pink All Over

Jul 13, 2013

I shot an event for a couple (a reception) and I didn't have my gray card so I set my Canon 5D mkII on auto white balance (shooting with a Canon 24-70 2.8 and a Sigma 85 1.4). As you'll see from the two example photos - the shots taken in the venue lobby looked fine, but the shots from inside the event itself were amazingly saturated. The room had a ton of very bright uplighting in purple and pink - the shots looked fine in the viewfinder, but once I brought them into LR4, there was a nearly complete purple/pink cast over everything. Setting the white balance in LR to auto, tungsten, flourescent - nothing worked. Adjusting the temp sliders - only slightly better. Reducing vibrance and saturation useful a little more, but I'm really having a hard time finding a fix!

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Lightroom :: Folders Preset To Save Photos By Date?

Aug 22, 2013

I've imported my first set of photos, but it looks like the folders are automatically saving them into ones by date. I need to customize my folder structure, but I cannot figure out how to do that once the photos have been imported.

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Lightroom :: Why Don't Photos Save When Importing Via Data Reader

Aug 6, 2012

I've just started using a data reader to import my photos to my mac but have realised that the photos that I have imported have not saved to the hard drive. If I remove it and try to edit a photo in previous import, it says it can't find the file.

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Photoshop :: CS5 64 Bit Crashes At Launch / Save As And When Opening Photos From Lightroom?

May 10, 2013

I have had this problem intermittently for years with different versions and different computers, but this time it is not going away.  I need to use the 64 bit version for large files, but it keeps crashing in several different ways.
1- I open the program from the desktop.  It shows the spash screen, shows the workspace for a couple of seconds, and then crashes with the message:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH  Application Name:Photoshop.exe  Application Version:  Application Timestamp:4d90d339  Fault Module Name:StackHash_8d67  Fault Module Version:  Fault Module Timestamp:00000000  Exception Code:c0000096  Exception Offset:0000000078e650ac  OS Version:6.1.7601.  Locale ID:1033  Additional Information 1:8d67  Additional Information 2:8d672743ada8a2e1e75c51ac7051c8c2  Additional Information 3:354b  Additional Information 4:354bf194360e47150cf5d5ca4e71d674 

I am using the latest version.My video card drivers are totally up to date.I am using a decent computer with 16 gig of ram.I am opening the program as an administrator.I have reset the prefrences too many times to count by deleting the prefrences and holding down ctrl+alt+shift at startup.
2- If by some wild stretch of the imagination I get the program to start with totally cleared prefrences and running as administrator then the program will crash about 75% of the time when using "Save As".If I try to do anything special like create a new folder to put the file into then the chances of a crash increase greatly.
3- If I try to open up a file from Lightroom, even if the files are opening every other way, Photoshop will crash very often.
What is going on here?  I have made no changes to my computer, have not installed any new programs, and, as I stated earlier, have everything updated.  I even stopped using plugins a long time ago because I did not want to take the chance that it was going to cause this fragile program to crash, so all plugins are uninstalled.  Why does this keep happening?  When this has happened before everything will work fine for months and then suddenly I cannot get the program to open.  When it does open again, for seemingly as unknown a reason as when it stopped, it will work anywhere from a few minutes to another couple of months.
This seems to be a problem that tons of people have, but I have not been able to find any answer other than "Delete Settings" or "Run as Administrator" or "Update *****."  What can I do to keep this from happening and to fix it when it happens?

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Lightroom :: How To Set Default Save Format For Photoshop Edited Photos

Oct 14, 2013

I just spotted that some of my photos that I've edited in Photoshop from Lightroom are a whopping 450MB. Looking deeper I found that they are saved as uncompressed TIFF files, this despite the default save format for Photoshop in Lightroom's preferences being set to ZIP compressed TIFF files. So why doesn't this setting work and how can I make Photoshop save things compressed?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X5 Can't Upload Or Read Photos

Aug 15, 2012

The installed Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 does not work properly, it can't upload or read photos-- .jpeg format. Also from the sample of the editor there are photos when I try to use it and drag it to timeline, it says unreadable.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Read DEM File With Rectangular Spacing Doesn't Work

Jun 27, 2013

Seems every application but Autocad Civil 3D can read in a DEM with rectangular spacing.

how to approach this? I have a lot of files, I really don't want to have to resample them all at a square spacing so Civil 3D feels good.

See attached files.

Even Spacing

18m x 18m grid spacing

Rectangular Spacing

18.2 x 17.2m grid spacing

Civil 3D 2014 (SP1)
Win 7 Pro x64
DELL Precision Workstation T3500
Intel Xeon 3.3GHz (w3680)
24Gb Ram
NVIDIA Quadro 2000 (1GB)

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Save / Save As / Copy / Cut / Export And Some More Tools Doesn't Work

Jan 11, 2012

I have a problem with CorelDraw X4, some tools like save, save as, copy, cut, export doesn't work.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Edits Are Applied With Delay?

Dec 15, 2012

I notice a rather strange behaviour in Lightroom 4.3 in the Develop module:  it appears that the Develop preview ("zoom to fit" setting, I guess that's what 99% of people are using when using the global adjustments) is only updated when moving the mouse pointer AWAY from the slider that controls the adjustment (it doesn't matter if it's Clarity, or Highlights, Shadows, whatever).
I happen to often click somewhere on the sliders range, say somewhere in the middle between 0 and +100, to get an idea what a Clarity ~50 might look like. If I keep the mouse pointer hovering over the knob, the Develop preview will look pixelized/blocky, and not update to a more refined preview.
Only if I move the mouse pointer AWAY, the preview will be updated. It's as if the rendering is delayed until you're really sure you want that setting, perhaps to improve responsiveness/performance? This didn't happen in LR 4.2.
I tried this with a NEW catalog and only imported something like 100 photos to it, and no plugins - the behavior stays the same. I uninstalled the latest AMD/Catalyst graphics driver and let Windows 7 (64bit) "fall back" to a default driver - again, behavior stays the same.

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Photoshop :: Save Slices To One .psd File So Be Applied To Another .psd File?

Jun 5, 2008

I just had a question about the slice tool. Is there anyway I can save slices I make to one .psd file so they can be applied to another .psd file?

For example with these two layouts (2 images):

If I could apply some certain slices to the first one, it would be nice to automatically be able to apply them to the second.

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Lightroom :: Adjustments Aren't Applied To Files

Jul 26, 2012

Lightroom 4 adjustments arent applied to files.I have done some work and adjustments on Raw files in Lightroom 4 , but when I look at the files in Finder , the changes appear not to have been applied .
If during  making adjustments I also edit in Photoshop 5 , then I see that the changes are applied and saved as I wish but I don't always need to make changes in Photoshop , so why do my files appear to be unaltered ?

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Lightroom :: Develop Settings Being Applied On Sync In 3?

Nov 9, 2012

whenever I sync any folder in LR3 some basic develop settings are applied. These happen to be my 'standard' edit settings - contrast, saturation, sharpening etc. but nothing major. I don't know if it's a bug, or something I've done myself. I can't seem to switch it off, I've tried looking at preferences (normal), the import presets (none), restoring Adobe default settings, resetting all settings and using these as the default. Nothing works.

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Lightroom :: Metadata Changes Not Applied To All Selected Images

Dec 12, 2011

I am having 2 problems.

When I am in lightroom's library (3.5), I would like to change the time of capture for multiple photos, and apply keywords.
However, when I perform either of those actions, the changes are only applied to the image shown in the "more brightly highlighted" image, not all that are selected.
Is there a setting I am missing?  I just cannot seem to figure out why this is not working.

Also, I aplogize if my searching skills are weak and this has been covered already.  I did attempt to see if this question has been answered before posting.

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Lightroom :: Lens Corrections Applied To Corrected Images?

Aug 29, 2013

I was just looking through some images and I realized that somehow I have managed to apply lens corrections to exported jpeg and tiff files. These are images that I exported from raw to tiff to jpg through Photoshop and what I think happened was that I didn't notice that Lens Corrections were being applied when I reimported the tiff back into Lightroom. Of course, the lens correction was applied when I developed the raw and made the tiff in Photoshop (or JPEG when I exported thru Lightroom), so a second correction just distorts the image.
is there some mechanism in Lightroom that keeps you from shooting yourself in the foot this way?

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Lightroom :: Importing Raw Files - Presets Applied To Images

Oct 21, 2012

When I import raw files into Lightroom 4 it seems to apply different settings or some presets to the images which changes the look of the raw file slightly. How can I setup Lightroom so it doesn't apply any changes to my raw files? I prefer to make the changes myself starting with camera calibration, exposure, white balance etc.

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