Lightroom :: Why Does The Sharpen Not Save With The Photos Apply It To?

Oct 19, 2013

When I edit my photos, all of the edits stay but the sharpen. As soon as I switch over to library and/or export the photos, the shapen I did dissapears and only the other edits I did saved. The sharpen stayed when i first got light room but now it doesnt. 

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Lightroom :: How To Sharpen A Specific Spot On Photos

Aug 2, 2013

I'm trying to figure out how to sharpen a specific spot on my photos. How do I do this?

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Lightroom :: Export Photos With Sharpen Settings Applied To Them?

Jan 16, 2014

When I shapen my photos in lightroom I can see that the sharpen tool works but when I export my photos, they don't export with my sharpen changes. Here are my export settings:
Quality > 100
Color space > sRGB
Resize to fit > unchecked
Resolution > 300 Pixels per inch

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Lightroom :: Difference Between Sharpen And Sharpen Copy In The Presets Section?

Nov 27, 2013

What is the difference between sharpen and sharpen copy in the presets section of LR? they seem to have the same effect, dont know which one to use

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Lightroom :: Apply All Preset To Photos

Nov 6, 2012

I just finished editing 300 photos and im not sure how but selected apply all on a preset to all my photos, I try hitting cancel and undo but it wont stop changing all my weeks worth of editing.

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Lightroom :: Apply Watermark To All Photos?

Apr 18, 2013

Howw can I apply my watermark to all my photos? How can I apply my own personaly designed watermark to all my photos?

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Lightroom :: Apply Keyword To Group Of Photos?

Nov 19, 2012

I am trying to apply a keyword to a group of photos, and am holding down the shift key as instructed. However, only the first picture is getting the keyword attached. I am using Lightroom 4.

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Lightroom :: Batch And Select Photoshop Action To Apply To Group Of Photos

Jun 25, 2013

In Bridge, I can go to tools > Photoshop > Batch and select a Photoshop Action to apply to some group of photos. Can I do this in Lightroom?

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Lightroom :: 3.5 - Save Custom Crop Preset To Apply To Images On Import?

Dec 10, 2011

Is there a way I can save a custom crop preset to apply to images on import on Lr3.5?

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Photoshop :: How To Sharpen Photos

Oct 24, 2013

Okay I'm not an expert photographer and I don't do imaging professionally. I'm a web developer who gets the unfortunate task of building slideshows
I don't need them super sharp just clearer, is it even possible? If so how?

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Photoshop :: Save And Sharpen

Mar 19, 2005

I have a large number of images that I want to apply the same unsharpmask too. Can I do this with an action? How do I get it so save and close automatically.

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Photoshop :: How To Non-destructively Sharpen / Resize And Save Images

Nov 15, 2013

Ok... here is my dilemma. I am having an incredibly difficult time understanding the best way to sharpen, re-size and save my images for both posting on the web and giving them to clients. I completed my first paid photo shoot (yay!), but as I finished editing each image, I re-sized it and posted it on my FB photography page. I later learned from a fellow at my local print shop that this is a destructive and irreversible edit (not yay! ).
So...  before I pull out every last strand of hair on my head, I REAALLLYYYY need to get a good grasp on how to do the following things so that I can establish a good workflow: 1. Sharpen my image well {w/ Smart Sharpen}. Does this have to be done on a flattened image... and isn't flattening irreversible?  2. Re-sizing my images for both web display and client work/printing. Is it true that once I set it to 72ppi for web display, that I lose a great deal of the detail and quality? Do I need to create a copy of the file and have 2 different image sizes?

I am self taught, learning off the cuff through tutorials and constant error... and I just want so badly to have a smooth and beneficial work flow in place.
Currently, my workflow is as follows... 

1. Load images into LR and convert to DNG files 
2. Quick initial edit & then send into PS CS6 
3. Perform detailed/layered edit(s) 
4. {I know I'm supposed to sharpen now, as the last step, but am afraid to permanently flatten my image in case I want to tweak the layers later..} 
5. Save the file (unflattened) 
6. Go back into LR and Export the file to the appropriate place on my hard drive
So... at this point, my image is still at 300ppi {not appropriate for web display}, unflattened {I'm told flattened images are ideal for client work and printing} and not as sharp as I want it to be {because I don't know when to apply Smart Sharpen filter}.

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Lightroom :: How To Save A Tracklog With A Collection Of Photos

Jun 3, 2012

After every start of a catalog in LR 4, I have to load a particular tracklog in the GPS module again. It looks like it doesn't seem to be stored with the photos. Is there a way to save a tracklog with a collection of photos?

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Lightroom :: (Read-Only) Is Applied To 44k Photos While Using LR5 - Can't Save Work

Jun 26, 2013

Using MacPro (5 years old), OS Lion, full RAM, 4 HD's with 2 TB+ drives, plenty ofroom left over in all.
ALL 44k images located in one LR3 catalog (recent upgrade to LR5 hoping for remedy 2 days ago) show 'read-only' notice, so after doing any kind of work on them in develop, etc. I select all (in specific folder, not 44k photos!) then save it, a notice comes up and says these are 'read-only' files. Thus not able to save any work that is apparent in LR.  BUT, when exported as JPG all changes are saved.
I have opened various folders, NOT via LR, but via Finder (OS Lion) and opened one by one using PS 4 and they open fine in RAW converter window.  Save as PSD, all files look fine.  Same for JPG's.
The issue is LR, or hard drive or something along the chain where the photos, when viewed in LR, say they are 'read-only'.
Via Finder window I have opened various files (denoting read-only notice) and right-clicked to 'get info' on that specific photo. ALL files are 'read and write', there are NO files that are denoted read-only when getting the info.  I checked 50+ photos in 25 different folder locations.
Laptop test:
I started a new LR catalog in LR5, with ZERO photos and imported a few folders, with images that had 'read-only' notice to make sure I tested the same photos that had given me the read-only notice.
Did a test on photos with 'read-only' files on a laptop (OS Mountain Lion), pulled files from HD where ALL 44k photos are located.  Copied to thumb drive, imported with LR5, copied to desktop in test folder, all photos came in fine, slected all, did global edit to all images, saved all, all images were saved with NO 'read-only' notice.  This is true for a series of folders.
So my test, if it proves anything, is that either LR is messed-up or the HD is messed-up on MacPro tower or something is telling LR to show the 'read-only' notice to pop up.
Back-ups were done from HD where all 44K photos reside, to 2 (two) other drives, within MacPro tower.  So ALL 44k photos are essentially the same.  This was a drag-n-drop not using Super Duper or similar byte-verification software.
why ALL 44k images say 'read-only', when viewed in LR5 in MacPro tower but NOT in laptop?  HD is 5 years old...could this be the weak link?
Also, considering to wipe the complete system drive (not HD where photos reside) and re-load everything from scratch to begin anew.  My concern is will this work and then, will wiping all drives and re-loading all images, then re-loading LR5 catalog will solve this.  I am resigned to a week of doing this if it works as right now, I am at a stand still and cannot go forward or backward.

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Lightroom :: Folders Preset To Save Photos By Date?

Aug 22, 2013

I've imported my first set of photos, but it looks like the folders are automatically saving them into ones by date. I need to customize my folder structure, but I cannot figure out how to do that once the photos have been imported.

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Lightroom :: Why Don't Photos Save When Importing Via Data Reader

Aug 6, 2012

I've just started using a data reader to import my photos to my mac but have realised that the photos that I have imported have not saved to the hard drive. If I remove it and try to edit a photo in previous import, it says it can't find the file.

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Photoshop :: CS5 64 Bit Crashes At Launch / Save As And When Opening Photos From Lightroom?

May 10, 2013

I have had this problem intermittently for years with different versions and different computers, but this time it is not going away.  I need to use the 64 bit version for large files, but it keeps crashing in several different ways.
1- I open the program from the desktop.  It shows the spash screen, shows the workspace for a couple of seconds, and then crashes with the message:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH  Application Name:Photoshop.exe  Application Version:  Application Timestamp:4d90d339  Fault Module Name:StackHash_8d67  Fault Module Version:  Fault Module Timestamp:00000000  Exception Code:c0000096  Exception Offset:0000000078e650ac  OS Version:6.1.7601.  Locale ID:1033  Additional Information 1:8d67  Additional Information 2:8d672743ada8a2e1e75c51ac7051c8c2  Additional Information 3:354b  Additional Information 4:354bf194360e47150cf5d5ca4e71d674 

I am using the latest version.My video card drivers are totally up to date.I am using a decent computer with 16 gig of ram.I am opening the program as an administrator.I have reset the prefrences too many times to count by deleting the prefrences and holding down ctrl+alt+shift at startup.
2- If by some wild stretch of the imagination I get the program to start with totally cleared prefrences and running as administrator then the program will crash about 75% of the time when using "Save As".If I try to do anything special like create a new folder to put the file into then the chances of a crash increase greatly.
3- If I try to open up a file from Lightroom, even if the files are opening every other way, Photoshop will crash very often.
What is going on here?  I have made no changes to my computer, have not installed any new programs, and, as I stated earlier, have everything updated.  I even stopped using plugins a long time ago because I did not want to take the chance that it was going to cause this fragile program to crash, so all plugins are uninstalled.  Why does this keep happening?  When this has happened before everything will work fine for months and then suddenly I cannot get the program to open.  When it does open again, for seemingly as unknown a reason as when it stopped, it will work anywhere from a few minutes to another couple of months.
This seems to be a problem that tons of people have, but I have not been able to find any answer other than "Delete Settings" or "Run as Administrator" or "Update *****."  What can I do to keep this from happening and to fix it when it happens?

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Lightroom :: How To Set Default Save Format For Photoshop Edited Photos

Oct 14, 2013

I just spotted that some of my photos that I've edited in Photoshop from Lightroom are a whopping 450MB. Looking deeper I found that they are saved as uncompressed TIFF files, this despite the default save format for Photoshop in Lightroom's preferences being set to ZIP compressed TIFF files. So why doesn't this setting work and how can I make Photoshop save things compressed?

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Photoshop :: Best Way To Sharpen Using Both Lightroom 4 And CS6?

Feb 13, 2013

I have Martin Evening's latest Lightroom 4 and Photoshop CS6 books, but no mention of which methods are better,  or better for which subjects/ conditions.  It seems that Camera Raw and Lightroom are the same, so I'm tempted to just do it all in Lightroom with the Develop module Detail panel, and the adjustment brush for local sharpening. But can I be doing more with Photoshop CS6, or Lightroom and Photoshop together?

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Lightroom :: Output Sharpen For Halftone?

Jun 5, 2012

With LR4, is it no longer necessary to use PK Sharpener? I need to publish several photo books on an HP Indigo (through a company I use called SharedInk) and I'd like to know the best route to take. I can either output sharpen all the images in LR4 or use PKS. I've been told that LR3 is optimized for Inkjet ouput only and not halftone. I'm unsure about LR4.

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VideoStudio :: Apply Pan And Zoom On 1,000 Photos At One Time?

Dec 27, 2012

I'm currently creating slide show with about 1,000 photos. BTW, I need to apply automate pan and zoom feature on all 1,000 photos. Is there any method to apply this at one time instead of manually every single photo?

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VideoStudio :: X3 - How To Apply Standard Display Time To Photos

Dec 11, 2011

I have upgraded to Video Studio X3. I am making a simple collection of photos into a film. I have imported them all into the timeline but a warning message that they were too large to accept the default 10secs display time.

How do I apply a standard display time?

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Photoshop :: Getting Tool To Sample Photos Texture And Apply To Another Photo?

May 12, 2012

I am bringing into an old photo which is in fact a scan of a printed photo, an item selected from a recently taken photo and I need it to look as if it belongs to the old photo.
The immediate difference is in the texture, best shown with a photo here. try viewing it also by moving head laft and right !  I can even see a regular pattern of something within the cruder pixels. I could take days to try out various filters, it may be it requires a combination of filters and given the variables involved the chances of hitting upon the right settings and the right filters is remote and it would take days. Is there a way of sampling the recipient photo and then applying the effect it sees to the cleaner looking modern photo ?

I come across this situation all the time when one photo, even a modern digicamera one, taken by someone else, differs from another photo, unless the 'textures' can be made to match, the added in pics stick out like a sore thumb !  A photo with jpg artefacts receiving a cleaner photo is one common occurrence, try geting the cleaner one to look very jpegged, not easy.

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Revit :: Can Save View As Template And Apply To Other Elevations

Jul 26, 2013

I have adjusted my North Elevation (using View Graphics) exactly the way I’d like it to look in elevation, and would now like to apply those same visibility adjustments to my other elevations. Is there a way I can save that view as a template and apply to other elevations, or do I instead need to create a view template, make all the adjustments to that template, then apply the template to the elevations?

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AutoCad :: How To Apply Hatch Patterns To Other Objects By Apply Properties

Jul 28, 2012

I have a hatch pattern in one of my objects. I want to apply exactly the same hatch pattern to other objects but I don't remember the settings for original hatch.

There is a command in ACAD to apply properties of one object to others (brush icon in toolbar). I tries to use this command but it seams that it doesn't work for hatch.

What is easiest way to apply a hatch pattern from an object to the other one?

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Lightroom :: 4.2 - How To Apply Watermarks

Dec 11, 2012

I recently starting using 4.2, first time using any Lightroom application, and I found how to set the watermarks but no way to actually apply them to my photos.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Drag A Group Of Photos Or Even Single Photos To A Publish Folder

Oct 2, 2012

I'm unable to drag a group of photos or even single photos to a publish folder.  In this case it's SmugMug. What is the correct method?

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Lightroom :: Photos Deleted Accidentally - Reattach Edits To Their Respective Photos?

May 28, 2013

I copied photo folders from my hard drive to lightroom 4 and edited them but then accidentally removed these folders from lightroom. I then imported these folders again into lightroom but all the edits I made orginally in lightroom don't show up for the individual photo's.
I backed up the Lightroom catalogue regularily. Is there any way I can reattach these edits to their respective photos'. There is  lot of photo's involved.

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Lightroom :: Merge LR5 Catalogs Existing Photos Are Overwritten By Incoming Photos

Feb 13, 2014

When I merge LR5 catalogs the existing photos are overwritten by the incoming photos

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Lightroom :: How To Apply A Custom Filter

Mar 31, 2013

I saved a set of edits as a custom filter but I can't see how to apply it to a photo or set of photos. There's no "apply" button!

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Lightroom :: Apply Adjustments To Raw Files?

Feb 7, 2014

I need to pass raw files, but I would like to apply my adjastments. Can I do it with Lightroom?

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