Lightroom :: Export Photos With Sharpen Settings Applied To Them?
Jan 16, 2014
When I shapen my photos in lightroom I can see that the sharpen tool works but when I export my photos, they don't export with my sharpen changes. Here are my export settings:
Quality > 100
Color space > sRGB
Resize to fit > unchecked
Resolution > 300 Pixels per inch
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Mar 12, 2014
I just bought Nikon D800 and I think 36MP is too large to give my customers, and I want to downsize to 16 MP (or any other resolution). This megapixel downsize function doesn't even work on ANY of the photos in a collection when exported. Then I manually set the H x W to 4920 x 3264 px respectively. That worked on SOME of the pictures, while some still remain enormous... (e.g. 7360 x 4912 px) WHY? I have cropped some photos so I figured the resize wouldn't apply to the crops with H or W smaller than the new set H or W. But I cross-checked it and I can't seem to find a pattern, as some photos that are un-cropped remain "untouched" at export. I have set the DPI to 300, but should that matter as long as they're still on my screen?
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Nov 9, 2012
whenever I sync any folder in LR3 some basic develop settings are applied. These happen to be my 'standard' edit settings - contrast, saturation, sharpening etc. but nothing major. I don't know if it's a bug, or something I've done myself. I can't seem to switch it off, I've tried looking at preferences (normal), the import presets (none), restoring Adobe default settings, resetting all settings and using these as the default. Nothing works.
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Mar 6, 2012
LR4 final seems to have a very annoying bug.
When I select a number of images (in the film strip) and either
1) paste settings that I've previously copied from another image or
2) sync settings from one image to the rest
... the settings are not applied to all the selected images. The settings are only applied to a seemingly random subset of the selected images.
I'm going to try to pin down the exact circumstances that make this occur.
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Aug 2, 2013
I'm trying to figure out how to sharpen a specific spot on my photos. How do I do this?
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Oct 19, 2013
When I edit my photos, all of the edits stay but the sharpen. As soon as I switch over to library and/or export the photos, the shapen I did dissapears and only the other edits I did saved. The sharpen stayed when i first got light room but now it doesnt.
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Jul 12, 2013
I've cropped photos in lightroom5, but suddenly the crops are not being applied when I export them. As in the past, if I've made changes in develop mode, I would like those changes to be applied when exporting them from lightroom.
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Jun 26, 2013
Using MacPro (5 years old), OS Lion, full RAM, 4 HD's with 2 TB+ drives, plenty ofroom left over in all.
ALL 44k images located in one LR3 catalog (recent upgrade to LR5 hoping for remedy 2 days ago) show 'read-only' notice, so after doing any kind of work on them in develop, etc. I select all (in specific folder, not 44k photos!) then save it, a notice comes up and says these are 'read-only' files. Thus not able to save any work that is apparent in LR. BUT, when exported as JPG all changes are saved.
I have opened various folders, NOT via LR, but via Finder (OS Lion) and opened one by one using PS 4 and they open fine in RAW converter window. Save as PSD, all files look fine. Same for JPG's.
The issue is LR, or hard drive or something along the chain where the photos, when viewed in LR, say they are 'read-only'.
Via Finder window I have opened various files (denoting read-only notice) and right-clicked to 'get info' on that specific photo. ALL files are 'read and write', there are NO files that are denoted read-only when getting the info. I checked 50+ photos in 25 different folder locations.
Laptop test:
I started a new LR catalog in LR5, with ZERO photos and imported a few folders, with images that had 'read-only' notice to make sure I tested the same photos that had given me the read-only notice.
Did a test on photos with 'read-only' files on a laptop (OS Mountain Lion), pulled files from HD where ALL 44k photos are located. Copied to thumb drive, imported with LR5, copied to desktop in test folder, all photos came in fine, slected all, did global edit to all images, saved all, all images were saved with NO 'read-only' notice. This is true for a series of folders.
So my test, if it proves anything, is that either LR is messed-up or the HD is messed-up on MacPro tower or something is telling LR to show the 'read-only' notice to pop up.
Back-ups were done from HD where all 44K photos reside, to 2 (two) other drives, within MacPro tower. So ALL 44k photos are essentially the same. This was a drag-n-drop not using Super Duper or similar byte-verification software.
why ALL 44k images say 'read-only', when viewed in LR5 in MacPro tower but NOT in laptop? HD is 5 years old...could this be the weak link?
Also, considering to wipe the complete system drive (not HD where photos reside) and re-load everything from scratch to begin anew. My concern is will this work and then, will wiping all drives and re-loading all images, then re-loading LR5 catalog will solve this. I am resigned to a week of doing this if it works as right now, I am at a stand still and cannot go forward or backward.
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Nov 27, 2013
What is the difference between sharpen and sharpen copy in the presets section of LR? they seem to have the same effect, dont know which one to use
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Sep 22, 2013
I tried opening the images that I applied lightroom filters on, and the images did not change at all, though when I go to lightroom the filters are present. Does that mean that lightroom filters only work inside lightroom? Is there a way to save the photos with the filter(s) applied?
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Oct 24, 2013
Okay I'm not an expert photographer and I don't do imaging professionally. I'm a web developer who gets the unfortunate task of building slideshows
I don't need them super sharp just clearer, is it even possible? If so how?
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Dec 2, 2013
What are the smallest eports settings for printing up to 8x12? Does resizing to 2400px on the Long edge at 200ppi make sense? I would like the smallest printable file possible. I am emailing thousands of Santa photos to hundreds of people and sending 10MB files is out of the question.
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May 10, 2013
I've built up an extensive heirarchial keyword list in one of my catalogs. I want to export that list to use in other catalogs. I see how you export the keyword list and I get a text file, however, settings applied to each keyword doesn't seem to get exported (i.e. the settings for "Include on Export", "Export Containing Keywords" and "Export Synonyms"). I spent a lot of time building the list such that only the leaf-level keywords get exported to my image. However, when I export my keyword list from one catalog and import it into a new catalog, those settings are lost. Is there a way to export those settings as well? I could create keyword sets, but that would be another time consuming endeavour.
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Sep 21, 2013
I'm using Adobe Lghtroom v4.0.
Is it possible to export the settings of each photo with the photo itself. Like. I want to save the adjustments (clarity, exposure, higlights etc) I made for each photo in some text file or within photo's metedata maybe. Reason being, later if I want to reproduce the same effect on same or different photo I can do so. (I'm not talkin about copy option where it copies the settings and you can apply to the oher pics.)
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Jan 18, 2014
I have attempted to upload to Behance using the LR5 Behance plugin with the following settings:
1. Format: JPEG
2. Color Space: sRGB
3. Limit File Size to 4000k (Behance limits to 50 mg)
4. Resize to Fit: 31.0 megapixels (Behance limits is 32 mpx)
5. Resolution: 72
On each attempt to upload, Behance informs me that I have exceeded the megapixels size of 32 mpx
I have attempted the same saving instead to my desktop. When I attempt to upload from the desktop to Behance, I receive the same error message.
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Nov 13, 2012
I use quite heavy Luminance noise reduction on my images as they are shot at very high speed ISO...
I adjust this in L4, picture in preview looks as smooth as a babies bottom and perfect...
I then export as a TIF file at Adobe 1998 and when I open it in Photoshop 5 the image is really noisy like I've not done the adjustments at all...
I use a 17inch Macbook Pro with the lastest operating system, this is the second performace issue over the last few week (problems with LB too)...I export my files manually using a card reader as RAW files, from a Canon 5D Mark 3...
Is it worth re-installing?
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Dec 18, 2013
In my work flow, I want to export collections for use in printing photos as well as using them in another program to create high quality slide show to view on HD TVs. I will also be storing them on a seperate drive as a back up in case I lose my catalog. I can't figure out if I should use jpeg, tiff in file format. Also in color space sRPG or AdobeRPG or ProRPG. I like jpeg as it takes my raw files from 30 mb to 8 mb so they are managable. The problem with AdobeRPG and Pro is the files become 120 mb and way to large.
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Jan 28, 2013
I can not upload my files to an online site to design a photo album. Apparently they are too large. Any screen print of how the export should be set to produce a quality 10 x 10 album and will upload in a reasonable time frame?
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May 8, 2013
I am having the darndest time figuring out what I'm not understanding with this, "bug". (I call it a bug because it seems to be one, imo.)
Mac OS X 10.75
Creative Suite 5, Photoshop 5.1
If I adjust paragraph settings, like indents, in one file, those options do not return to default when I start a new file. Thus, I find myself wondering why I have such large gaps between lines of copy or to the left, etc. when I start a new text layer. (This actually happens not only in new files, but in new layers - the latter is slightly more understandable in that it's the same file.)
When a lightbuld goes on for me: "Check your type settings." And, lo-and-behold, there things are: space before or after a paragraph; right or left indents. All settings that used to be cleared when a new file - or a new layer - are opened. This is excruciatingly annoying.If I apply a layer style (e.g., drop shadow) to a shape layer, and then I create another shape layer, the latter one automatically gets all the same style settings applied. That is, the new layer has the all the same layer styles applied to it by default. Meaning, I have to then delete those as they are often not what I intend.
In any case, it used to be that I could choose what I want my own new files and layers to look like, not have previously used settings automatically applied.
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Mar 20, 2014
I am working on a team of 3 photographers. And when we go to events, we syncronize our cameras in date and time so we can work easly in the editing stage. But the problem that I´ve encountered is that when I edit my photos in my lightroom and then export them, and then import them again with everyone´s pictures in the same lightroom, mine don´t mix, don´t syncronize with the times and dates of the other pictures and also, my red tags and stars don´t appear. And this is making us waste so much time, because the moments of a wedding for example, dont match and we have to order them manually...
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Apr 18, 2013
I'm running Windows 8 and for some odd reason I'm not able to export anything from Lightroom. When I try to press the export button from any location it will just freeze up. There are no error messages or anything, it just freezes. It was working fine before and I don't think I changed any export settings or anything and it just randomly stopped exporting. I always have to kill it off now with task manager. I had the problem in 4.3 randomly yesterday and then I upgraded to 4.4 and I still have the same problem. I made a new catergoy and that still didn't work. I'm still able to edit photos and such but its just the export feature that isn't working from what I know.
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Jan 4, 2014
I am trying to export my virtual images of my Nikon NEF (raw) photos to a outside printer. Lightroom, however, only offers the option to export the photos as jpegs.
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Aug 4, 2013
I am unable to export my photos from Lightroom 5. The Warning that I get is: Unable to Export: An internal error has occurred: Win32 API error 2 ("the system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
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Aug 21, 2012
Export photos to disk or CD?
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Aug 6, 2013
I have a batch of photos that were imported in Lr, edited, and exported with a watermark. I then deleted the original file. Well, the pictures still show up in my photo strip in Lr, but it won't let me export it because it's saying the "file is missing or offline". I know I deleted these photos and have no way of retrieving them. Question is: Since I can still view them in Lightroom, is there any way to export them now? Even if I have to open in another program and save them, I don't care. I just need these photos w/o the watermark.
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Aug 28, 2012
Unable to export photos in lightroom 4 via export photo's. contacted apple and they provided outgoing mail server information..............
Does not work.............also I would like infor how to include contact info from icloud into the lightroom module?
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Jan 2, 2012
I am having trouble when I use Lightroom 3 and I try to export my raw photos as jpegs. I require the Jpegs so I may send them on the web to either friends, or, to a company like istock. When I view the jpegs, they are often too red in color (this is seen in landscapes but is especially noticed in peoples skin tone...which often makes them look sunburnt or unrealistic) and they do not match my raw photos (often these are processed in CS5 and I view all photos on my Hp LP2475w monitor). Note that both LR and CS5 have been updated to the most current versions. I also calibrate my monitor with a Spyder 3. Naturally, I have tried to individually correct this color shift for each photo, but it can be a most laborious chore and it never looks quite right.
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Nov 24, 2012
When I export my photos as JPEGs, the changes that I've made aren't saved. I open the exported photo but it looks just like the original with no changes made to it. I am using the trial version right now as I am waiting for the software in the mail. Could this be why? Below: the left picture is the exported photo and the right picture is what it should look like!
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Feb 7, 2014
How do I upload or export photos to the web so others can view them, I have more than several, so e-mail is not an option.
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Dec 17, 2013
I edit my photos in lightroom 5.3 at home, i then have to export the photos to a SD card, so i can get them printed at photo store. photos look great on my monitor at home. when i get the photos back they look very bright and colors are not correct.
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Dec 13, 2013
I have collected a number of archival photos that are scanned from various sources. Obviously- when they are scanned the date of origination is the date they were scanned not the actual date the photo was taken. I can remedy this in the 'edit capture time' feature. But there are thousand of photos and this is time consuming and often a guess. So, sometimes being lazy I forget. However, Lightroom allows me to arrange photos in a specific order. So for the sake of this discussion I can arrange histroical images in what I believe is the best the chronological order. Now I want to export these files without scrambing the order in which they are arranged. Not all the dates may be accurate so I don't want to rely on that feature. I want to export the photos in the sequence in which they are arranged. It might be as simple as adding a prefix 1-filename, 2-filename, etc. I've attempted exporting several times in the past but invariably it arranges everything by an alphanumeric sort.
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