Lightroom :: Export Photos To Disk Or CD?
Aug 21, 2012Export photos to disk or CD?
View 3 RepliesExport photos to disk or CD?
View 3 RepliesExport files to disk or CD?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhenever I try to delete fom disk nothing happens. I've tried doing this directly by hitting the delete key on keyboard, but also by deleting rejected photos. Nothing happens.
I'm on a Mac, OSX.
I cannot get Lightroom 5 to delete photos from my hard disk. Placing x and then responding to the question "Delete from disk" doesn't work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy does my photos decrease in pixels when i export them onto a disk?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI loaded some old, saved images I have on disk to Lightroom. When I attempt to export the image to email, the command states It can't locate the mage, even though I am looking at it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedLR 5.2 Windows 7 Pro
How do I move numerous folders and subfolders of photos to a different hard drive?
The hard drive I want to move to shows up in the LR Library Left Panel under Folders, but I can't drag and drop the photos from the C Drive to this D drive.
I have been working with LR for about a month; and I've uploaded about 2000 photos I have taken since about a year ago; organized by folders for year and date. I just realized LR has been putting almost all my photos on my C Drive. There is one folder of photos in LR on the D Drive. I don't recall how I got that folder to go on the D Drive while the rest are on the C Drive.
I don't want any data on my C Drive. I use my C Drive primarily for my Operating Systems and applications.
My wife and I have been using LR for a long time. We're currently on version 4. Unfortunately, she's not as tech-savvy or meticulous as I am, and she has been unknowingly "Removing" photos from the LR catalog when she really meant to delete them from the hard disk. That means we have hundreds of unwanted raw photo files floating around in our computer and no way to pick them out from the ones we want! As a very organized and space-conscious person, I can't stand the thought. So my question is, what is the most efficient way to permanently delete these unwanted photos from the hard disk
I did find to synchronize the parent folder with their respective catalogues, select all the photos in "Previous Import," and delete those, since they will be all of the photos that were previously removed from the catalogue.
This is a great suggestion, but it probably wouldn't work for all of my catalog since my file structure is organized by date (the default setting for LR). So, two catalogues will share the same "parent folder" in the sense that they both have photos from May 2013, but if I synchronize May 2013 with one, then it will get all the duds PLUS the photos that belong in the other catalog.
I recently went bi-platform (IMac and Windows computers being used). I have a home network. My Lightroom cat and all my images originally resided on my Windows computer's harddrives (four on board). After purchasing the IMac, I installed Lightroom on it and copied my cat files to it as well. All my photos continue to reside on my Windows computer's four internal harddrives so I turned on Sharing on the Windows computer for a test drive. (Yep, the photos are backed up to external drives). Anyway, when I launched my cat on the IMac in Lightroom, the thumbs and corresponding data appear just fine but when I point the thumb to the photo file on the shared harddrive, the thumb in the catalog disappears. Major bummer! Fortunately, I haven't done a bulk "find" otherwise I would have lost the entire catalog contents.
Will Lightroom not work with photos stored on shared internal harddrives via home network?? I have read that it does work with photos stored on external harddrives but I would prefer to keep my photos on the four internal harddrives.
I love deleting my photos from both the catalog and my disk but the default "lit up" button on LR3 is only to delete from the catalog. Why to do that and then have an uncataloged picture sitting on their drive.
Is there any way to shift the "default" highlighted button to the delete from disk button so I can just press return when I go to delete my rejected pix?
When I update my photos in LR 5 from the disk it drops my color label.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have one hard disk filling up with photos, so I have purchased a secondary hard disk to expand my storage. I would like to move my shoots from 2010 to that new hard disk, but I don't want to loose all of the edits saved on them in LR3. I have experimented with moving non-important images that have edits on them, then re-importing them. Unfortunately, LR3 does not preserve that history.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working on a team of 3 photographers. And when we go to events, we syncronize our cameras in date and time so we can work easly in the editing stage. But the problem that I´ve encountered is that when I edit my photos in my lightroom and then export them, and then import them again with everyone´s pictures in the same lightroom, mine don´t mix, don´t syncronize with the times and dates of the other pictures and also, my red tags and stars don´t appear. And this is making us waste so much time, because the moments of a wedding for example, dont match and we have to order them manually...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm running Windows 8 and for some odd reason I'm not able to export anything from Lightroom. When I try to press the export button from any location it will just freeze up. There are no error messages or anything, it just freezes. It was working fine before and I don't think I changed any export settings or anything and it just randomly stopped exporting. I always have to kill it off now with task manager. I had the problem in 4.3 randomly yesterday and then I upgraded to 4.4 and I still have the same problem. I made a new catergoy and that still didn't work. I'm still able to edit photos and such but its just the export feature that isn't working from what I know.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to export my virtual images of my Nikon NEF (raw) photos to a outside printer. Lightroom, however, only offers the option to export the photos as jpegs.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am unable to export my photos from Lightroom 5. The Warning that I get is: Unable to Export: An internal error has occurred: Win32 API error 2 ("the system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a batch of photos that were imported in Lr, edited, and exported with a watermark. I then deleted the original file. Well, the pictures still show up in my photo strip in Lr, but it won't let me export it because it's saying the "file is missing or offline". I know I deleted these photos and have no way of retrieving them. Question is: Since I can still view them in Lightroom, is there any way to export them now? Even if I have to open in another program and save them, I don't care. I just need these photos w/o the watermark.
View 4 Replies View RelatedUnable to export photos in lightroom 4 via export photo's. contacted apple and they provided outgoing mail server information..............
Does not work.............also I would like infor how to include contact info from icloud into the lightroom module?
I am having trouble when I use Lightroom 3 and I try to export my raw photos as jpegs. I require the Jpegs so I may send them on the web to either friends, or, to a company like istock. When I view the jpegs, they are often too red in color (this is seen in landscapes but is especially noticed in peoples skin tone...which often makes them look sunburnt or unrealistic) and they do not match my raw photos (often these are processed in CS5 and I view all photos on my Hp LP2475w monitor). Note that both LR and CS5 have been updated to the most current versions. I also calibrate my monitor with a Spyder 3. Naturally, I have tried to individually correct this color shift for each photo, but it can be a most laborious chore and it never looks quite right.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I export my photos as JPEGs, the changes that I've made aren't saved. I open the exported photo but it looks just like the original with no changes made to it. I am using the trial version right now as I am waiting for the software in the mail. Could this be why? Below: the left picture is the exported photo and the right picture is what it should look like!
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I upload or export photos to the web so others can view them, I have more than several, so e-mail is not an option.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI edit my photos in lightroom 5.3 at home, i then have to export the photos to a SD card, so i can get them printed at photo store. photos look great on my monitor at home. when i get the photos back they look very bright and colors are not correct.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have collected a number of archival photos that are scanned from various sources. Obviously- when they are scanned the date of origination is the date they were scanned not the actual date the photo was taken. I can remedy this in the 'edit capture time' feature. But there are thousand of photos and this is time consuming and often a guess. So, sometimes being lazy I forget. However, Lightroom allows me to arrange photos in a specific order. So for the sake of this discussion I can arrange histroical images in what I believe is the best the chronological order. Now I want to export these files without scrambing the order in which they are arranged. Not all the dates may be accurate so I don't want to rely on that feature. I want to export the photos in the sequence in which they are arranged. It might be as simple as adding a prefix 1-filename, 2-filename, etc. I've attempted exporting several times in the past but invariably it arranges everything by an alphanumeric sort.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhy I can't export my photo's into DNG files? I don't see my pictures anymore, only DNG-graphics show up when I try to export them in DNG. My client needs the DNG versions today for his new website!!!
View 10 Replies View RelatedSince upgrading to LR4, I've been unable to export photos to disk. No error is shown, but the UI shows the "exporting" dialog in the upper left of the window, but has zero progress. Here are some details:
Observations: CPU not pegging, RAM isn't getting eaten up. I can right click on any image and ask to be shown the pic in the Finder (I'm on a Mac) and it takes me to the photo. This catalog has been upgraded from every previous version of Lightroom.
I've dumped my LR preferences (at ~/library/preferences/.com.adobe...)
I've upgraded to 4.1 RC2.
I've done the "test integrity of the catalog" check and didn't have any errors.
This repros with ANY photo in my catalog.
When I perform the export command, the folder I direct Lightroom to does get created by LR, but no photos ever show up there. I've also tried directing the export to an already created folder, and still there is no export.
Environment: Mac OS X (10.7.3 I believe)LR 4 (now at 4.1 RC2).
I use Lightroom 2.3 64-bit on a Windows 7 Home Premium operating system to process my RAW photos. When I export a post-processed photo to a folder on my hard drive, it appears very dark and muddy-looking, even though it seemed fine in the Lightroom catalog. I've had prints made from the exported files, and they also appear very dark and muddy. Also, oddly enough, when I return to the Lightroom catalog after exporting a photo, ALL the photos in Lightroom appear darker than they were prior to the export. If I close Lightroom and return later, they seem OK again (except for the already exported photos, which remain dark).
View 8 Replies View Relatedis it possible to export photos from lightroom 5 in trial mode.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a number of wildlife photographs that I would like to make available to staff for field identifications. They do not have access of LightRoom or CS5. Is there a plug-in or other software that can capture the key words and EXIF data and make it available thru MS Access or Excell?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to e-mail about 50 photos to someone. I can reduce the size of the photos in "Export," but even if I compress them into an archive file, the file is too big to send. I tried compressing just 10 photos at a time... the archive file is still too large to e-mail. Is there another way to e-mail large groups of photos from Lightroom? I have Lightroom 3.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm doing a print photo book layout in InDesign using photos that I am processing in Lightroom 4 & Photoshop CS6. My question is, do I need to "File > Export" the files from Lightroom before placing them into InDesign? Or are the Lightroom final changes I make embedded in the .tif file?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've just installed Lightroom 4 upgrade. Now I can't export photos. A window pops up and says "Some export operations were not performed. The file could not be written." Before installing the program, I purchased a new hard drive. After installing LR, I installed Photoshop 6 and Nik Software.
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