Lightroom :: Why Does 4.4 Fail To Read Photos On Import

Aug 28, 2013

I insert an SDHC card into a card reader, LR starts, reads the photos and generates a preview so I can select which photos to import. I click on import and LR shows a progress bar that proceeds too quickly. When the progress bar completes LR informs me:
"The following files were not imported because they could not be read. (50)"
50 is the count of files that "could not be read".
1. LR read the files to generate the previews.

2. I can read the files with Explorer and copy them to folders.

3. I can then tell LR to add the folders that I copied to the files to and LR can read them just fine.
This behavior is consistent across multiple SD cards from different cameras with different formats of files (jpeg, nef, mov).
I am running Windows 7.1 64-bit with a quad core i7 and 12GB of memory.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Import Because Photos Cannot Be Read

Jan 9, 2013

The photos are coming up when Lightroom opens but they cannot be imported bc they 'cannot be read'.  Some of these have previously been imported without any problems but none of them can be read now. 

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Won't Import Photos - Files Could Not Be Read

Jan 15, 2014

I'm using 5.3 with OS 10.8.5. Out of the blue I cannot import photos. I've experienced two things: at first the application would seemingly hang-up indefinitely as if were going to import, but nothing happened. I tried importing everything on the card (100~ images) and just one photo. Now I'm getting the following message:
The following files were not imported because they could not be read. (1)
I've restarted my computer, tried running only LIghtroom, etc.

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Lightroom :: Photos In Catalog And Cards - Suspected Duplicates -> EPIC FAIL

Jan 15, 2013

Scenario:  I'm out in the field filling memory cards and reviewing them on my secondary PC (laptop), marking & editing various images at night.  I do not manage to import all of the photos off of all of my cards (and can't due to disk space requirements).  I want to keep the edits and work (and images, due to running out of cards I formated some of them that I _knew_ were in the LR catalogue AND backed up onto other devices). 
I get home to my primary PC and export the laptop catalouge and then import it, WIN.  I start importing images from cards that ARE NOT IN THE CATALOUGE, also WIN.  I put in a card that has AT LEAST _SOME_ (but not necessarily all) images in the exported catalouge.  Lightroom FAILS to notice that images that were imported FROM THE SAME CARD into the Laptop & Desktop with THE SAME CATALOUGE are duplicates!
What I want to do is to BE SURE that all of my images are in my primary/desktop catalouge WITHOUT dupes.  I want to insert the memory card and have LR import ONLY THE ONES IT DOES NOT ALREADY have.  This seems like somehting LR should automagically support, but apparently not.  How do I accomplish what I want to do without doing something rediculous like importing everything regardless, then buying a de-duping tool, deleting the duplicate images using file system tools, then removing the not found images manually from LR?
[URL] ........

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Lightroom :: Get 3 To Read Raw Canon 60D Photos?

Jun 27, 2012

How can I get my Lightroom 3 to read raw canon 60D photos

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Lightroom :: Import NEF Files - Could Not Be Read

Jul 3, 2012

I get a "could not be read" msg while trying to import NEF files to my new iMac. Running 10.7.4 and LR4.1, Camera Raw 7. It doesn't happen every time.  To date, the only solution is to restart my computer and then I'm able to import the image files.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - Import Files But They Can't Be Read

Feb 5, 2013

I tried to import files for the first time and LR 4.3 said they can't be read.  I've already had difficulty with the install not working on my user account so I had to set up a new one for LR to work and now this. 

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - Error Cannot Read Trying To Import CR2 From T4i / 650D

Jan 7, 2014

OS X Mavericks
LR 5.3
RAW CR2 from Canon T4i
I succesfully imported a few times shortly after purchase of LR5 a couple weeks ago. Saw another thread and tried deleting the Preference file--didn't change anything. Stumped and terribly disappointed--this shouldn't be such a chore just getting images imported.

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Lightroom :: Files Cannot Be Read Error When Uploading Photos?

Apr 6, 2013

I am having a new issue with my Lightoom (4) Suddenly, every time I try to upload photos into Lightroom, I get a "Files Cannot be Read" message.  I have never had this problem before. SOmetimes it will upload a few out of the bunch, but not all of them.  I have tried to change all my permissions settings to "Read & Write" but am still not having any luck.  It seems that it works sometimes, but mostly not. 

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Lightroom :: (Read-Only) Is Applied To 44k Photos While Using LR5 - Can't Save Work

Jun 26, 2013

Using MacPro (5 years old), OS Lion, full RAM, 4 HD's with 2 TB+ drives, plenty ofroom left over in all.
ALL 44k images located in one LR3 catalog (recent upgrade to LR5 hoping for remedy 2 days ago) show 'read-only' notice, so after doing any kind of work on them in develop, etc. I select all (in specific folder, not 44k photos!) then save it, a notice comes up and says these are 'read-only' files. Thus not able to save any work that is apparent in LR.  BUT, when exported as JPG all changes are saved.
I have opened various folders, NOT via LR, but via Finder (OS Lion) and opened one by one using PS 4 and they open fine in RAW converter window.  Save as PSD, all files look fine.  Same for JPG's.
The issue is LR, or hard drive or something along the chain where the photos, when viewed in LR, say they are 'read-only'.
Via Finder window I have opened various files (denoting read-only notice) and right-clicked to 'get info' on that specific photo. ALL files are 'read and write', there are NO files that are denoted read-only when getting the info.  I checked 50+ photos in 25 different folder locations.
Laptop test:
I started a new LR catalog in LR5, with ZERO photos and imported a few folders, with images that had 'read-only' notice to make sure I tested the same photos that had given me the read-only notice.
Did a test on photos with 'read-only' files on a laptop (OS Mountain Lion), pulled files from HD where ALL 44k photos are located.  Copied to thumb drive, imported with LR5, copied to desktop in test folder, all photos came in fine, slected all, did global edit to all images, saved all, all images were saved with NO 'read-only' notice.  This is true for a series of folders.
So my test, if it proves anything, is that either LR is messed-up or the HD is messed-up on MacPro tower or something is telling LR to show the 'read-only' notice to pop up.
Back-ups were done from HD where all 44K photos reside, to 2 (two) other drives, within MacPro tower.  So ALL 44k photos are essentially the same.  This was a drag-n-drop not using Super Duper or similar byte-verification software.
why ALL 44k images say 'read-only', when viewed in LR5 in MacPro tower but NOT in laptop?  HD is 5 years old...could this be the weak link?
Also, considering to wipe the complete system drive (not HD where photos reside) and re-load everything from scratch to begin anew.  My concern is will this work and then, will wiping all drives and re-loading all images, then re-loading LR5 catalog will solve this.  I am resigned to a week of doing this if it works as right now, I am at a stand still and cannot go forward or backward.

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Lightroom :: Auto Import Metadata - Get LR To Read XMP File?

Sep 15, 2013

I shot using an eye-fi card. The card autmatically generates a xmp file with geodata in it. LR auto imports these images and adds lens correction and a copy right tag.
What I can't do is automatically is get LR to read the xmp file and include this in the catalogue. I am having to right click images and select read metadata from file.
There must be a better work flow then this.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Read Images When Try Complete Import?

Feb 2, 2013

I am a Canon shooter and a seasoned Lightroom user. About a month ago my Mac stopped allowing me to import images from my CF card into Lightroom. I have worked with Mac and Adobe to no avail.  At this point I know that my Mac can see the card and will me allow me to download images into iPhoto. It will generate thumbnails in Lightroom, but will tell me that it's unable to read the images when I try a complete import.  If I switch users on my Mac to a dummy user, I am able to import the same images off my CF card. I didn't changed any settings, at least not intentionally. 

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Lightroom :: Cannot Import From Epson Scanner V750 Pro - Unable To Read Preview

Apr 5, 2013

I cannot import files from an epson scanner V750 pro. The screen reads unable to read preview. I am scanning B/W negatives using 16 bit Grayscale and tiff image format?

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Photoshop Elements :: Photos Fail To Send

Feb 24, 2013

even after i reinstalled elements 6 my photos will not send. all seems okay until i hit send button, then nothing happens.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Map Import Fail In 2014

May 1, 2013

I am getting the following two errors when try to Mapimport either SDF or SHP files. Is there a setting I'm missing?

C3D 2014 SP1
W7x64; i7 8gb; Radeon HD 5700

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Import Media FAIL

Aug 10, 2012

I'm having some difficulties in importing the material for the 2013 Smoke PR-2, when he gets care LINKED with the file, if I change the file folder on the desktop it disappears. How should I proceed?

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Photoshop Elements :: Photos Fail To Transfer To From Camera?

Feb 1, 2013

When I try to transfer photos from my Olympus SZ-12 camera, I get a message that the transfer failed because the files are not supported.  It is the same camera I have used may times before and the photos are jpeg format.  How can I fix this?

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Photoshop :: Windows Fonts Fail To Import Completely...

Apr 10, 2009

I created some graphics with text using Arial Narrow Bold in PS CS before I reformatted the HD on the same machine with the same XP OS disk. When I reinstalled Arial Narrow didn't appear in the Fonts list but was in the Windows Fonts List and available to other Folders. I am running XP, not Vista.I have tried dragging Arial Narrow into Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeFonts etc to no avail. I have also tried removing and reinstalling the Arial Narrow fonts without success. I have not worked out how to edit the Adobe Fonts File to include Arial Narrow.I have reinstalled CS, trialled CS3, and even reinstalled an earlier version of PS 7 which used to support Arial Narrow as a dedicated font, but not any more.Granted, in PS CS3 you can select Arial, then select <Narrow> in the adjacent drop down menu, but you can't select Arial Narrow Bold which makes it impossible to edit or alter the text in the earlier graphic that I created, something that is essential for either letterheads or business cards.If anybody has a fix on how to be able to create / edit / alter Arial Narrow Bold in either PS CS or PS7 I would be very grateful.

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Import Fail - Stops At 95%

Sep 28, 2012

Photoshop Elements 11 Import Fail - Consistently - new catalogs, individual folders..Also have Lightroom 4 loaded.

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Lightroom :: Library Says Photos Not There - Import Says Photos Are There

Apr 7, 2013

I add five photos to a folder in Lightroom 4.3.  The photos are in the specified folder in Windows.  Import shows the five photos as imported but greyed out and  semi-highlighted.  Library does not show these five photos.  What can I do?

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Illustrator :: Why Does Excel Pie Chart Fail To Import As Vector Elements

Nov 6, 2013

I' m importing Excel 2008 excel pie charts to illustrator CS5. I am cutting and pasting content between the applications to import. When importing a pie chart - the chart imports OK, but the pie elements import as low resiolution non-vector elements. Is there a way to import as 100% vector elements? Note - all other chart types - bar graphs etc import fine!.

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Lightroom :: How To Import Photos Into PS

Nov 19, 2012

When I go to import photos into PS from lightroom, I am losing my edits.  Not sure what the deal is. I checked the color profile and also proof set up and they seem to be right... [URL]...

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Lightroom :: Can't Import Photos

Oct 27, 2012

since updating from lightroom 4 to lightroom 4.2 I cannot open new photos in My Pictures with lightroom - therefore, I cannot import new photos.  I uninsalled the 4.2 - but I still have no option to open photos. 

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Lightroom :: 5 Won't Import New Photos?

Jun 18, 2013

I have Lightroom 5 installed on a Dell desktop running Windows 8. LR 5 won't import any files - they just don't appear in the LR browser. Photos already in the catalog appear as expected. I still have LR 4 installed and the same photos import as expected.  The same photos are read as well in Photoshop CS6 and Elements 10. The latest video drivers are installed. As a result, LR 5 is unusable. How to make Lightroom 5 import photos?

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Lightroom :: How To Re-import Photos

Jul 10, 2012

My wife imported some images and saved them to an external hard drive. I then took the hard drive with me on an air force deployment to the desert. The photos are still on the memory card, is there a way to reimport them and save them to the desktop? Right now they show up darkend and she cannot check the box to import.

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Does Not Import Any Of Photos?

Feb 11, 2014

my lightroom 3.6 does not import any of my photos.

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Lightroom :: How To Import Photos From NAS In LR5

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to import some 30,000 photos from a Synology NAS.
The catalogue is on my Macbook Pro HDD, NOT on the NAS.
LR seems to work sometimes but crashes very frequently.
I have tried importing one folder at a time and it STILL crashes.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 Will Not Import Photos?

Sep 25, 2013

Lightroom 4.4 will not import, saying it can't read the files. I can see them and import into iPhoto

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Lightroom :: Can't Import NEF Photos In V5

Jan 29, 2014


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Lightroom :: Import Photos Into V4.1

Aug 25, 2012

I had repeated crashes today while trying to import photos into Lightroom V4.1.  After reading the forum about import problems and suspected causes of peripheral devices, I disconnected an iPad3 from the USB port on my computer.  The import problem has disappeared.

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Lightroom :: Won't Import All Photos

Jan 22, 2013

I've unchecked the 'don't import suspected dupcliates' box, and still it will not import all my images.  I've shut down, restarted, done everything I can think of and still it only imports some of my photos and not all. 

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