Lightroom :: Place LR On MacBook Pro And Windows XP PC?
Oct 28, 2012
I just purchased a new MacBook Pro and would like to place my copy of Light Room on it as well as on the XP PC. I see in my list of registered products it is a "multiple" platform product.
I just bought a MacBook Air as my travel device. I have a Windows laptop that I use for everyday activities and processing. I just did a shoot and imported my RAW files into a brand new catalog on the MBA. I flagged picks and did some processing (both heavy processing and light processing) on the MBA. I saved Metadata to file, ejected the external hard drive from the MBA and then hooked it up to the Windows device.
Issue #1: I cannot open the new catalog created on the MBA on my Windows device. It just fails. Issue #2: When I simply synchronize the drive to the Windows laptop, the files do come in and the processing that I did comes in too. However, the flags do not transport. And, any adjustments I did with the adjustment brush are not available for editing on the Windows laptor. (If I "reset" it does go back to the original RAW file, but before resetting, I have no access to the adjustement brush settings on the Windows device)
Can I run 1 copy of CS6 on MacBook Pro (64)bit (new install) and upgrade the CS3 to CS6 on a windows vista (64)bit machine? Basicly, can I put CS6 on my two machines?
I have just purchased CS6 upgrade single user (volume licensing). Currently I have a Windows desktop and a MacBook Pro. I would like to install the primary on the Windows desktop and the additional on MacBook. Am I allowed to install primary on Windows machine and secondary on Mac machine as per EULA? I am the only user.
if it is allowed as per license since I have heard that multi platform is not allowed but I couldn't see anywhere in the EULA forbidding this.
Is there any way to fix the windows in place when opening a file that already exists?Example: I go to my image folder, right-click to open a .png in GIMP, and the window opens up like this with the right corners of the image window off the screen. I have to resize every time, just to see the right-most parts of my image when I zoom in.
This is what I want my default settings to look like - perfectly set within the screen, with each corner of the image window visible.I've messed around with the Preferences menu, but so far all I've been able to do is make it so my toolbox pops up in the same place.
I just upgrade to Windows8 x64 and I'm using Illustrator 64 CS6. I am trying to drag and drop a TIF file off my desktop in to a document like I have so many times before in Illustrator but my cursor is showing the 'No' symbol (circle with line thru it).
I an currently using LR5.3 on a PC. I have purchased a MacBook Pro and want to move all of my files to the Mac.Since my purchase of LR5 was a download will I have to pay for the program again or can I get a download for the Mac?
In CS5, you could have mulitple images open in tabs, and there would be no additioanal padding around the canvas area; the image would lock in place to the upper left.
Now in tabs in CS6, the canvas floats in space. Any way to have tabs and get rid of the space/padding?
I am currently trying to update OS from XP to 7. In the past (XP) I was able to put my code just about any place in the Program directory. Win 7 on the other hand is giving me all kinds of write errors.
Movies from Sony NEX 5n (ADVHD) import fine, thumbnails look OK, player provides broken horizontal lines filling screen with movie playing in back ground. Macbook OSX 10.6.8 4gb ram.
I use LR on a MacBook for tethered shooting on location. During the shoot I 'Pick' all of the images that I want to rework and supply to the client as I am shooting.When I get back to the office, I load all of the RAW files from the shoot into my storage array, open up LR on the big computer, and start editing.
What is missing is the information about which images I have 'Picked', so I have to go through and 'Pick' the files again.What is the best way to retain this 'Pick' info when moving between computers? Is there a way to get LR to embed this in the RAW file?
I don't hve the fastest computer, admittedly. But dowloading raw pics cand take ten minutes per picture. I am downloading to an external drive - is that the problem, or do I simply need to get a more modern/ faster computer?
I typically shoot in raw and export jpg versions..
Just switched from Elements 10 to 11. How do I slide multiple windows to place them around the computer screen withiout leaving a cutout area (as in E11) as they do in Elements 10?
Why can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only works on Windows 7.
I have attach one drawing if you open and copy this from one place to place then dimension is automatically increases. can i know how this increase or what type of this dimension it is.
I am using Photoshop cs6. I purchased a template for magazine advertising purposes. The images have been taken out but there are custom designed objects (masked shapes) where I am supposed to place my images. When I attempt to place a photo into one of the shapes, using the Place Command, it does not work.
The new ability to allow duplication of an adjustment brush marker is great, but I can't seem to find a way to place/move the duplicate. It seems to just get dropped right overtop of the original which makes it completely indistinguishable. Seems the only way to access the original marker(s) underneath is to delete the one(s) on top. Am I missing something?
The next time I back up a catalog I'd like it to go to a new place (I want to put everything in the cloud so it's going to a dropbox folder). How would I tell it to do that so that it backs up there each time?
I am using Photoshop CS6. I have a question about Photoshop command Place.(File- Place) . Here are some pictures below. It shows the problem.
I opened the PSD file that has a green circle(picture 1) and using Place command to import other PSD file that has a red circle(picture2). Those 2 PSD files are same size, same canvas size, 1024x1024. So it should place the red circle precisely on the green circle, but as you can see, if I import the red circle PSD into Green circle PSD, Place command won't place the red circle pensively on the green circle. There is a gap between those 2 circles.(Picture3) It's really frustrating, because I have to move the red circle layer manually to place it just onto the green circle.
This command "Place" isn't reliable, so usually I don't use this command, and use Duplicate layer or group to import contents of other PSD, but if Place command can import other PSD file without this gap problem, I will use it because it's much faster than duplicating.
Do you know why and how to place those 2 files without the gap? Is it a glitch? I should not use Place command to import other PSD file?