Lightroom :: Moving 4.3 From PC To Mac?

Jan 19, 2013

I am running Lightroom 4.3 on a PC Vista 64. All images are held in a seperate folder called "images" within the main Lightroom folder.
I have just purchased a new shiny iMac 27" This has a big Fusion drive and an external 2TD Firewire drive attached to it.

On the Mac I want to change my workflow a bit. I want to only keep my latest images I am working on (Say 2013 images) on the Internal Fusion drive and the keep all my 2011-2012 images on the external firewire drive.  I also want to make sure all the setting, maps etc from my PC are exaclty duplicated on the iMac
To accomplish this I am intending to physically move my folders"Images", "Settings" and the files .Ircat, irData from the PC to iMac.  Hopefully this will completly duplicate my PC setup on the Mac.  I wont move the Catalog Previews folder as I assume I can rebuild that.
Then I was going to greate the Archive empty folders on the external drive.Then within Lightroom on the iMac Move the 2011-2012 images to the new external location.Finally I would create a ne catalogue for the 2013 images.
I hope then archive images are on the extrernal drive accessable in LR by its own catalogue and the new/future images i hace on the Fusion drive with a nice small catalogue.I can then easily switch catalogues in Lightroom to the Archive catalogue (on external drive) or stay on my slick current catalogu(on Internal fusion drive) When I want to archive say 2013 in the future I just move the actual images to a new folder on the external drive fromwithin LR the export the catalogu Will this Work ? or should I just use and rename the catalogue the fresh install has done on the iMac and export the PC catalogue to the iMac then move the images to new folders on the external drive.

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GIMP :: Moving Selected Area Versus Moving Selection / Moving Whole Image

Mar 22, 2012

I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.

If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.

The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.

How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."

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Lightroom :: Moving Between 3.5 And CS5

Feb 7, 2012

I have LR 3.6 and CS5 12.0 running on Mac OS X 10.7.3. I use LR to store and tweak all of the photos I take (raw) with my Nikon D700.I am looking at a photo in LR. I want to jump into PS to do some clean up work. In LR I use the "Edit in..." menu option to open up the photo in PS. Then I do some quick clean up (healing brush, etc.). When I save the image in PS and look at the result back in LR I notice that the *overall* image has changed! Thus, the act of cleaning up my image results in changes to the entire image for some reason. The changes might be overall sharpness, slight tint changes, etc.
what is the right way to move between LR and PS so that I don't modify the entire image each time?

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Lightroom :: Moving 3.5 From PC To Mac?

Jan 2, 2012

I am moving from a PC to a new Mac Mini  (quad core, I have fitted 8GB RAM). I have installed LR 3.5 on the Mac. Whereas the old PC had everything installed on the same internal HD the new mac has got 2 internal drives - a 250GB SSD & 7200rpm 750GB HD I will be using the HD for the data (115 GB of photos were copied over yesterday). Should I copy the LR catalog files onto the SSD or the HD & likewise which should I use for the LR temp cache?

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Lightroom :: Moving V3 From PC To MacPro?

Feb 23, 2014

I have lightroom 3 on my PC.  I want to uninstall from the PC and reinstall on the MacPro.
How do I do this?

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Lightroom :: Moving LR4 / PC Catalog To LR5 / Mac?

Jan 25, 2014

moving a LR4 catalog from PC to a LR5 catalog on Mac.
I need to tell LR where the photos are on the Mac. When I try to import the catalog - it shows my old PC drives...

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Lightroom :: Moving Images Not Possible?

Mar 11, 2013

i want move images library (shortcode (g) )  for overview to the file browser but if i click on pictures i get no data ghost and can't trow the picture in another folder

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Lightroom :: Moving Catalogs From PC To Mac

Nov 15, 2012

I recently converted to Mac from pc, and upgraded from LR 3.6 to LR 4 at the same time.Apple transferred all of my pc files transferred to the Mac, and then I downloaded the LR upgrade. That may have been a mistake, as all of the 3.6 catalogs remained on the PC.  How do I get the 3.6 PC catalogs into the new version on the Mac? I'm thinking that perhaps I should uninstall LR, have Apple repeat the data migration, and then reinstall the LR 4? Or, is there another way?

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Lightroom :: Moving 5 Library From PC To MAC?

Dec 18, 2013

I have LR5 on my PC, with my 400GB NIKON RAW images on an external USB disk (NTFS). Library is on the PC. I shall now move the RAW images, with the edits, to my LR5 installation on a MAC Book Pro, with the images storred on an external thunderbolt MAC formatted disk.
I wonder what is the procedure for doing this, so i get the edits i have done, moved also to the MAC?
I guess i can export the library to the PC external disk, and then connect both the PC USB and the MAC thunderbolt disk to the MAC, and then just do a copy of the images. But how is the library going to get the knowledge of the images now storred on the MAC disk?

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Lightroom :: Moving Files Outside LR

Mar 22, 2014

I used MAC OS X to move over 40,000 photos to an external drive and of course the metadata and develop settings did not transfer. Short of individually copying and pasting each metadata and setting, is there a way to fix the problem? I still have the original photos on my MAC. To make things more difficult I have added new photos (and developed them) to the new location.  I have tried fixing this on my own but I am stumped.  I have since checked the "write metadata to file" option.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Won't Add To Catalog Without Moving

Dec 28, 2012

I'm trying to import the images from a CF card to Lightroom 4.3 however the only options available to me are Copy as DNG or Copy....Move and Add are dark grayed out and I cannot select them.  I do notice when I go to the Import module, the Add selector is white for a few moments and then it goes to black. 

I'm running:

MacBook Pro Mac OX 10.6.8 
Trial version of LR 4.3. 
CF card is coming as .NEF from a Nikon D800. 
I have done this before, regularly, it seems that with this update it is not possible.  I'm not interested in importing because HDD space is limited AND I don't use this computer for editing/file management.  The imports go to a drive array in another location.  I don't want to be to overly emphatic about this, but I'm not interested in importing to the HDD on the MacBook Pro.BTW, I have tested it and it does import just fine into the catalog to the HDD. 
Below is a screen shot of my catalog import options.  I've looked for ways to change the settings but even setting it to Copy back to the card itself does not allow me to Move or Add Without Moving.  Only Copy in two different formats is available.

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Lightroom :: Error When Moving Files

Oct 25, 2012

I can repeatedly reproduce an error when moving files into folders within LR4.2.My current folder structure is setup like:
F:picturesYEARFolder nameSub folder
When I'm moving files from "Folder name" to "Sub folder" I will be moving approx 6 - 20 photos at a time when sorting them into sub folders. After a while of moving files, LR will stop allowing you to move files and will show up the O symbol with a line through it. Until you close and re-open LR will it allow you to start moving photos again.
I've had this happen 3 times on me now and is completely reproducible. As above, move a small amount of files from a parent folder into a child folder repeatedly and eventually it will refuse to move any more photos until you restart LR.

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Lightroom :: Moving Catalog To A New Computer

Jun 7, 2012

I recently purchased a new computer, and I need to transfer my existing Lightroom (3.6) catalog to the new machine.  I have installed Lightroom on the new machine, and have updated it to the same version as on the old machine.  All my images are on an external drive that I can move to the new computer. 
Can I simply export the existing catalog, move the hard drive, and import the catalog into the new instance of Lightroom on the new computer?  Obviously, I want to retain al the keywords, develop adjustments, etc., that I had in the original catalog.

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Lightroom :: Moving LR Photos And Catalog From PC To MAC?

Mar 31, 2014

My photos and catalog (LR5) are on NTFS formatted hard drives. What do I need to do to, to be able to use them with LR on a Mac?

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Lightroom :: Moving Adjustment Brush

May 19, 2013

My adjustment brush doesn't want to move away from painting local colour adjustments. I would like to move it to paint local exposure adjustments. What I am doing incorrectly.

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Lightroom :: Moving Files That Did Not Get Imported

Jul 11, 2012

After importing folders into LR, are there any issues with going into those folders and moving out .png, .gif, .pdf and other files that LR does not import?

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Lightroom :: Moving Map Into Another Disk Out Of Sight

May 7, 2013

After using a map on my ssd I want to move it to an other disk.. just drag and drop you say... yes but that wanted disk is way down under and out of sight; and the window is not scrolling down when I "pull" on it.

So I can not reach the wanted disk.. what to do?

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Lightroom :: Moving Settings For 5.2 To A New Computer?

Sep 24, 2013

My computer HDD died :-(   Luckily, I have made full HDD backups quite regularly and haven't really lost anything.
However, I'm making a clean install of everything to get a fresh start.  Over the years, I have built up quite a large set of LR Develop and Export presets along with several custom lens profiles and camera colour calibrations.  Having started from LR2 then upgraded 'in place' over the years, I have a feeling the files for all these might be scattered all over the place on my Windows 7 installation/appdata files.
Apart from the obvious catalog file, where else should I be looking to get my fresh LR5.2 installation looking like it used to with a full recovery of all my various profiles and presets?
I think I found a few in my backed up %appdata% files but there is so much in there, I don't know what is essential and what is just 'junk' from older versions.

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Lightroom :: Moving Catalog And Files?

Feb 10, 2012

Currently my Catalog and photos reside inside a directory c:/Current (path shortened for simpliicty!) and I want to move the whole lot to a new location on the same drive, c:/NewLoc.
I see many explanations of moving to other drives or machines but cannot find an explanation of a 'simple' move to another directory on the same drive!

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Lightroom :: Moving Pictures Within A Folder?

Oct 15, 2012

For a reason I don't understand pictures that I imported into a Lightroom catalog are not in original file sequence.
I tried to drag & drop to re-sort them but was not able to do so.
Is there some way to move individual files around within the same folder?

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Lightroom :: Moving DNG Files To Another Computer?

Jun 24, 2013

I have a lot of photographs in Lightroom 4 on my laptop. All are DNG and tagged with keywords and caption added to each image. When I move these to Lightroom 4 on another computer keywords and captions are lost when I view the images in LR4. I thought keywords and caption were stored in the DNG-file. How do I move the files to another computer without losing keywords and captions?

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Lightroom :: Shortcut Moving Between Folders?

Sep 9, 2013

I know that there is a short cut or hot key that allows one to move from one folder to a previous folder. As, for exaple, to jump between folder ALPHA to folder ZEBRA. I have searched and cannot find it.

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Lightroom :: Copying / Moving From One Catalogue To Another?

Jan 12, 2013

I have two very large LR4 catalogues.  I would like to copy about a dozen photos (each with extensive adjustments) from one catalogue to another.  Is there a way to do that without having to export/import the entire catalogue?

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Lightroom :: How To Keep Image From Moving When Cropping

Aug 14, 2012

I have been using LR for quite a while, but all of a sudden when I crop a photo, the image slides to the left or right and out of view.
In the past when I move the crop frame the photo would not move, that way I can see exactly how much of the photo I am cropping.
I have tried doing searches regarding a setting, but all I get are answers about locking the crop ratio and that is not what I need.
I need to keep the entire image in view when I slide the crop window.

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Lightroom :: Edited Photos In 4 Not Moving Over To CS5?

Jan 1, 2013

I just upgraded to Lightroom 4 this week and am haing trouble getting CS5 to open the Lightroom-edited photos.  For example, if I adjust the exposure, clarity, etc. in LR 4 and then hit command E to take the file over to Photoshop for further editing, CS5 isn't opening that edited file.  It is opening the original file that was imported into LR 4 but not the edited version.  These are RAW files. 
Interestingly, all of the older files that I originally edited in LR 3 (they have now been moved into the LR4 catalog) will still move over from LR4 to CS5 when I hit command E.  Only the files that were imported  from my camera card directly into LR 4 aren't cooperating. 

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Lightroom :: Moving 4.2 Previews Folder?

Nov 12, 2013

I am running out of room on my OS SSD and have a spare SSD and would like to move the Previews folder.
I tried using this link:
Which says the method will redirect LR to another folder on a different drive - but it doesn't seem to work for me (Win 7). If I do what it suggests and delete the previews folder (after backing it up), LR just begins to recreate new previews on the C-drive LR folder in My Pictures.

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Lightroom :: Moving Pictures To New Drive

Dec 23, 2011

On my laptop my C drive is getting full,i want to move my Pictures folder to my D drive which is empty.(i have to first find out how to do this) if i move them will Lightroom be able to find them.

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Lightroom :: Moving Pictures To A New Location

Feb 1, 2014

I just purchased Lightroom 5 to replace Lightroom 3. I assumed that all settings would be carried into Lightroom 5, so I imported some new pictures wiothout checking the destination. They are now in the Lightroom Catalog, but not where the remainder of my pictures are. Is there a way that I can move them to the desired location?

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Lightroom :: Moving Images From 4 To Photoshop CS 6?

Dec 29, 2012

I cannot move my images from lightroom 4 to photoshop cs5.Iam using a Nikon D600.Other images shot on other camers I can move.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Moving Files To External HD?

Feb 3, 2014

I am using LR5.3 and can't manage to move files to my external HD. I did it already but for some reason it does not work anymore.

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Lightroom :: Moving Folders In LR5 In Windows 8

Jun 25, 2013

I've been trying to move folders within the library in LR5. The new folder is created and the raw files are moved ok. However, xmp files are generating error messages. Also, any other files in the folder are causing the same issue. After the raw files are moved over the original folder remains in the library, although it is now empty. It can be removed from the library subsequently.Also, after checking the "new" folder in windows explorer it appears that the xmp files have been moved after all.
I'm using a Chillblast photo oc desktop with i7 overclocked at 4.5 Ghz, 32Gb of Ram, Win 8 64 bit professional. The original folder was on a fast SSD scratch disk and was being transferred to a 1TB RAID backup drive.Problem with LR, Win 8, or file permissions? LR3, LR4, on win XP or Win 7 machines.

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