Lightroom :: Moving 5 Library From PC To MAC?

Dec 18, 2013

I have LR5 on my PC, with my 400GB NIKON RAW images on an external USB disk (NTFS). Library is on the PC. I shall now move the RAW images, with the edits, to my LR5 installation on a MAC Book Pro, with the images storred on an external thunderbolt MAC formatted disk.
I wonder what is the procedure for doing this, so i get the edits i have done, moved also to the MAC?
I guess i can export the library to the PC external disk, and then connect both the PC USB and the MAC thunderbolt disk to the MAC, and then just do a copy of the images. But how is the library going to get the knowledge of the images now storred on the MAC disk?

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Lightroom :: Moving Entire Library To New Computer

Nov 17, 2011

I'm planning to upgrade my Windows system from a 6-year old XP box to a new Windows 7 system. Moving my entire digital photo archive and Lightroom (3.4) catalog will be part of the process. I need a faster system and desperately want to get active, but older, image files onto a fast internal hard drive. My catalog currently has about 110,230 images in it.
Before I begin the transfer I'd like any tips to make the process go as smoothly as possible.Here's the current setup (I license my images as stock from my office so everything is in one LR catalog):
2003-2006 photos on an external Networked Attached Storage (NAS) box
2007-2008 photos on an internal hard drive (#1)
2009-2011 photos an an internal hard drive (#2)
Scanned slides on internal hard drive (#1)
Physical and LR folder structures for all of the above are similar, starting with a top-level "Camera 20xx" and then subfolders for major image categories, e.g. flowers, forests, portraits.
Archived .PSD and .TIF files from a book project on a second NAS box .lrcat file on internal hard drive (#1)Planned new computer setup:
2003-2011 photos on internal hard drives, same folder structure as old system, but drive letters likely to change.Scanned slides on internal hard drive, same folder structure as old system, but drive letter likely to change
After I reinstall LR on my new computer and copy the .lrcat file over, will I simply be able to point LR to one image for each year and it will be able to find all the rest of the photos in that year's folder structure? Or is it going to be more complicated than that to re-synchronize Lightroom with the new folder locations?

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Lightroom :: Moving Images In Library Collections

Nov 26, 2011

I am ruhnning Windows &7 Pro, 64 bit and I'm experiencing inconsistent behavior in Lightroom 3.5 with regard to moving images within collections.  When I try to move an image, to place it in the order in which I would like view the sequence, the image is placed at the end of the sequence no matter where I place it initially.  I've tried the filmstrip view and the grid view and it happens in both.  I recall doing this without problems previously however it was in the imported Library not a collection, but why would this be different??  One still needs to reorder images in collections.  I've made certian to change the "sort" option to user each time I've tried to do this. 

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Lightroom :: 5 - Moving Collection And Images To Main Library

Mar 31, 2014

I have just returned froma trip where I processed images on Lightroom 5 on my laptop.  I now want to move the collections to my main library on another drive and computer that uses Lightroom 4.  What would be the best way to do this and will I need to upgrade the Lightroom 4 to 5?

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Lightroom :: Moving Library From IMac To External HD Permanently

Nov 26, 2012

I have over 200GB on my internal system drive and need to move my Lightroom library to one of my external HDs. Which file I will need to move so the pics follow and then how to assign that new location in Lightroom 4?

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Lightroom :: Moving Library From External Drive To Computer Hard Drive?

Dec 26, 2013

I have my LR library and catalog on an external hard drive.  I have a new iMac with a 3TB hard drive and I want to move the library and catalog from the external drive to the computer's hard drive.  Is this something that can be done with a drag and drop?

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GIMP :: Moving Selected Area Versus Moving Selection / Moving Whole Image

Mar 22, 2012

I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.

If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.

The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.

How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."

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Lightroom :: Access Library From The Web?

Nov 29, 2012

I use a QNAP Network Attached Storage as the home for LR library so that a number of computers in the house can access the same files and various other DLNA clients can do slideshows on partcular directories if we want.
This is great when we are on our home network, but if I want to work on an image in LR while I am away from home I have to remember to make local copies (to my laptop HD) in advance.
I have a static IP and can access the required directories and files through a browser or VPN when I'm away from home.  I was wondering if it's possible to give LR the web address of the directory I want to use as my library so that my photos are available to me anywhere so long as I have a web connection?

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Library

Mar 19, 2012

Delete library. How ? Want to start completely anew.

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Lightroom :: Library Filter In LR5

Dec 3, 2013

I am using the library filter in Lightroom 5. I have flagged some photos and want to use the filter to find these photos.The filter is including both the flags and the star rating. I only want to search the flags and don't know how to stop the filter from using the star rating at the same time.

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Lightroom :: Does Not See IPhoto Library

Mar 10, 2014

Lightroom does not see my iPhoto Library

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Lightroom :: 5 Library Will Not Open?

Jul 19, 2013

Using LR5 and for some reason, the library module just won't open (image goes gray then error message "an error occured when attempting to chage modules") . Had been on beta with no issues and used the upgraded version for the past few days. Rebooted system (iMac 10.8.4) with no success.

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Lightroom :: Library On Mac And Windows

May 23, 2013

I am considering moving to Adobe lightroom. Currently we have all our photos in iPhoto.My wife prefers to use Windows, but I like Mac. I have setup my iMac as dual boot and I will by an external SSD HD to hold all our photos and can be accessed by both mac and windows. Is it possible to be able to use Windows to work in Lightroom, and the next day boot into Mac and see the same library? And when I make changes, add photos etc in Lightroom, they are visable in Windows?

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Lightroom :: Importing LR4 Library Into LR5?

Sep 12, 2013

I have LR4 and LR5.
1.How do I transfer the Library (collections, folder, etc.) from LR4 to LR5?

2.Once that is done, how do I import into LR5, the keywords and descriptions as well?

3.Can I also import my LR4 presets to LR5 as well?

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Lightroom :: TIFF To JPG In LR5 Library

Aug 25, 2013

After converting a photo in NIK it comes back into LR asa tif is there a way to convert to jpg besides exporting?

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Lightroom :: Controlling The Library In 3?

Feb 4, 2013

I have moved some files around using Windows Explorer to split up some large file directories. LR3 sytill thinks the library is as it was bvefore the move and I cant seem to stop it.
How do I tell LR3 that the files have moved and rebuild the library?

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Lightroom :: V3 Library Is Completely Gone

May 25, 2013

I was in the middle of editing when Lr3 froze up, I tried to restart, it prompted me to force quit Lr3 which I have done in the past.  When I reloaded Lr3, my entire library was gone. 0 files.

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Lightroom :: Copy Of Library

Jun 25, 2013

Master photo library resides on a RAID6 & a drive failed, so I copied entire library to desktop so that I could continue working while RAID was repaired. LR4 won't recognize this library & wants to IMPORT/ADD all photos again. I just need LR4 to access the library I already have.

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Lightroom :: How To Backup Library

Sep 16, 2012

I am very new to Lightroom I am wondering how I would go about backing up my library when I used Apple Aperture It would have a file called " Aperture Library " and I would just copy that over to my external hard drive every month. How would I do this in Lightroom ?

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Lightroom :: Moving 4.3 From PC To Mac?

Jan 19, 2013

I am running Lightroom 4.3 on a PC Vista 64. All images are held in a seperate folder called "images" within the main Lightroom folder.
I have just purchased a new shiny iMac 27" This has a big Fusion drive and an external 2TD Firewire drive attached to it.

On the Mac I want to change my workflow a bit. I want to only keep my latest images I am working on (Say 2013 images) on the Internal Fusion drive and the keep all my 2011-2012 images on the external firewire drive.  I also want to make sure all the setting, maps etc from my PC are exaclty duplicated on the iMac
To accomplish this I am intending to physically move my folders"Images", "Settings" and the files .Ircat, irData from the PC to iMac.  Hopefully this will completly duplicate my PC setup on the Mac.  I wont move the Catalog Previews folder as I assume I can rebuild that.
Then I was going to greate the Archive empty folders on the external drive.Then within Lightroom on the iMac Move the 2011-2012 images to the new external location.Finally I would create a ne catalogue for the 2013 images.
I hope then archive images are on the extrernal drive accessable in LR by its own catalogue and the new/future images i hace on the Fusion drive with a nice small catalogue.I can then easily switch catalogues in Lightroom to the Archive catalogue (on external drive) or stay on my slick current catalogu(on Internal fusion drive) When I want to archive say 2013 in the future I just move the actual images to a new folder on the external drive fromwithin LR the export the catalogu Will this Work ? or should I just use and rename the catalogue the fresh install has done on the iMac and export the PC catalogue to the iMac then move the images to new folders on the external drive.

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Lightroom :: Moving Between 3.5 And CS5

Feb 7, 2012

I have LR 3.6 and CS5 12.0 running on Mac OS X 10.7.3. I use LR to store and tweak all of the photos I take (raw) with my Nikon D700.I am looking at a photo in LR. I want to jump into PS to do some clean up work. In LR I use the "Edit in..." menu option to open up the photo in PS. Then I do some quick clean up (healing brush, etc.). When I save the image in PS and look at the result back in LR I notice that the *overall* image has changed! Thus, the act of cleaning up my image results in changes to the entire image for some reason. The changes might be overall sharpness, slight tint changes, etc.
what is the right way to move between LR and PS so that I don't modify the entire image each time?

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Lightroom :: Moving 3.5 From PC To Mac?

Jan 2, 2012

I am moving from a PC to a new Mac Mini  (quad core, I have fitted 8GB RAM). I have installed LR 3.5 on the Mac. Whereas the old PC had everything installed on the same internal HD the new mac has got 2 internal drives - a 250GB SSD & 7200rpm 750GB HD I will be using the HD for the data (115 GB of photos were copied over yesterday). Should I copy the LR catalog files onto the SSD or the HD & likewise which should I use for the LR temp cache?

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Lightroom :: The Library Button Has Disappeared?

Mar 2, 2013

The button to select the Library module has disappeared from the module toolbar.  how to get this back?

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Lightroom :: RAW Exports To JPG Lighter Than They Appear In Library

Jan 8, 2013

I'm new to the photography world and having a bit of trouble when using Lightroom.I have a new Olympus PEN EPL-5 and Lightroom 4.3 running on Windows7.
When I import RAW (.ORF) files they are dark in general, but when export them as JPG they are brighter, similar to what native JPG from the camera looks like.  Then if I "correct" the ORF file in Quick Develop or Develop it becomes too light/bright/over-exposed.
Here on the left is the RAW file import with Develop Settings = "none" and to the right is an export to JPG color space "sRGB".Now if I adjust the RAW (.ORF) file in LR I can get it close to the JPG on the right above, but then when I export it, it becomes way too bright
why the RAW Library image is so far off from the exported JPG image?Obviously this "issue" makes using Lightroom very difficult as I can't tell how changes in LR will really turn out once exported.

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Lightroom :: 3/4 - Reorder Stacks In Library UI

Jan 12, 2012

Have 100K photos in about 800stacks.
Want to change the UI presentation of the stacks .  Can stacks br ordered items like file name, attribute, etc.  Looked at the LR3 PDF and it appears mute on the subject of stacking presentation order.  Is this possible in LR3?  Is it something new in LR4?

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Lightroom :: Images Not Visible In Library Using 5.2?

Dec 3, 2013

I am using Lightroom 5.2 and only gray squares appear in the Library mode.  How can I get my images to appear ? A couple of additional details are:
I have my images stored on external portable HD drives.
I have been successful using this set-up on a previous installlation of Lightroom 5.0.

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Lightroom :: Missing Library Module Name?

Jul 8, 2013

For some inexplicable reason, on my LR 4, the word Library is not listed at the top of the home page where the other 6 module names are...Devleop, Map, etc.

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Lightroom :: Use Same Publishing Services With Different Library?

Mar 19, 2014

How can I sync all the publishing services in one library to my others librarys?
I don't want to set up all publishing services to all my librarys...
I use LR 5 and OS X.

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Lightroom :: All Photos In Library Are Not Showing Up?

Jun 14, 2012

All my photos in my library are just showing gray.. here's a screenshot

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Lightroom :: Import Column In Library?

Aug 18, 2013

I don't know what I clicked, but all of a sudden above the import column in library, where it usually says"source", there is nothing.  I clicked on something (arrows?) and am able to get it to give me a limited choice to choose from, but this is not good.  when I have my ext HD attached and want to choose from one of the folders, I have to select one folder at a time, wait for pics to appear, then go back and start over if it isn't the one I want.  Be4, all the folders showed up in the column (as well as other sources for pics), and all I had to do was click on one, e.g., COLORSPACE 1, COLORSPACE 15, etc, and pics showed up and I could choose. 

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Lightroom :: Access To Library From Elements 11?

Dec 17, 2012

How do I gain access to my library from an expired "trial version" of Lr?

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