Have a job upcoming which will involve a massive amount of photos, nothing to exciting, just volume. All of the selects will need to be resized to 4x7 and then have a 1x7 graphic added to the bottom each, so that the finished image fits a 5x7 (7in wide length) print. The obvious answer is to resize each photo and manually drop it onto a template of somesort in photoshop. Any better/easier/faster way to do this with 2000+ images?
I am a photographer shooting photo sets of cars and need to keep them in order of shooting upon uploading. I am trying to attach a graphic logo watermark to the first shot of each set while keeping them all in the same export order. But...I understand in order to attach the logo, I must be in export mode. Upon completion of the first photo watermark attachment.....I need to complete the export before going on to the next first shot of the series in the same library grid.
Maybe I am missing something here but need to figure this out other than in the export mode. If I take the pic to edit in photoshop to apply and flatten I back into Lightroom it puts the watermarked photo at the end of the library grid of photos.Do I need to apply to original instead of a copy to keep in right order?
I just upgraded from LR3 to LR5 - when I export and upload to Facebook - the photos look horrible. Very unclear. Looks like they got compressed in a strange way. I am doing everything the same way I did it in LR3 but getting differnet results.
All of a sudden I am getting an error when I try and export my photos to a dvd from lightroom3. Ive never had this issue before and Im not sure what to do to fix it. how I can burn my images to a disc?
I recently upgraded to lightroom 4 and I am having issues exporting my photos into a jpeg file. Lightroom is decreasing the size of my photo significantly, make them only about an 8 x 10 size and some as little as 3x5. I have tried everything I can think of, and it works as a tiff file, but for some reason it shrinks the picture on jpeg.
LR 4.3 down samples my photos when I export a slideshow to pdf or video. I've tried 1080p,720p, 960x540, 720x480 for video. I can only H.264, nothing else. I use an ID plate (photo frame) and music. Everything works fine when I play the slideshow in LR.
How do I export photos and keep their original size. I do not have the Image Sizing checked but it seems to be resizing my photos anyway. It seems to have started this evening. I exported files fine at file sizes of ex: 5387 kb the original size. Not they are exporting at ex: 478 kb.
It seems like a simple enough request, but I'm just not seeing it. When I export (from Library) I want all the photos and snapshots of each to be exported. Is there a way to do this? Or, do I need to make virtual copies of each snapshot, THEN do an export?
I'm running 64 bit Lightroom 3.5 on Windows 7. I've been using Lightroom for about 2 years, this is a problem that just came up this weekend.
When in the Develop module and selecting Export and selecting Export Location and a folder to export to, the dialog box now only shows me the Desktop and my User folder - it does not show either of the two hard disks in my PC. These disks do show up in Windows Explorer and the Library module is able to find these disks and load the photos on them.
I am relatively new to Lightroom 4 and have had some issues with uploading files to a website that I have already exported from lightroom. I have exported many photos from lightroom to my desktop and then brought them into iphoto. I then went to upload some of those photos, now in iphoto to websites like snapfish, etc. to develop prints or make cards. When I upload these photos to the website, they often look poor in comparison when I look at the same image in iphoto.I then emailed myself the same photo and renamed the image. The photo then uploads true to what it looks like in iphoto. Am I not exporting these images correctly?
I'm designing a game for iPad and am using Illustrator CS3 to create the graphics. I created lots of card sized graphics and gave them all the 'RGB Parchment' graphic style which comes with Illustrator.
The document in the picture is (part of) an illustrator file that I created these cards in. If I take one out to another document to edit it and save it as a .png - it comes back different. As you can see in the picture, in the centre are two mock ups I made for a card. The left is an illustrator file 'placed' in the document and the right is the same file but exported as a .png and then placed in.
The .png keeps the transparencies but the shadow is completely different, it's a horrible brown as well as the shape being slightly different and the quality quite low. I sent the whole mock up picture (which is much bigger) to my iPad and I can still see the lower quality in the right, .png card.
If I want to bring graphics into some software to build the app I can't bring in illustrator files so I cant to create them as .pngs but when they're so different / low quality I don't know what to do. I just want to be able to use that 'RGB Parchement' graphic style and not have it changed so much when I export it.
I am using CorelDRAW X6. I am trying to export a graphic that includes several spot colors. The spot colors are from a library that a printer provided me. It is in the same location as my pantone library, and summa spot color library.
When I export as a pdf or eps to send to the printer it converts the spot color to rgb. If I have a pantone color or summa color in the file they stay as a spot but this new spot library does not. If I have these spot colors in a gradient they will stay as spot colors.
When exporting I have the color management checked to use document color settings, output colors as Native, and I have embed the color profile.
I'm having real troubles exporting a button which has drop shadow applied to it. The vector shape has Gradient Overlay, Inner Shadow and Drop Shadow applied to it as layer effects.
When I export it with transparency, PNG-24 and then open and place it over the same background, the drop shadow looks quite different.
Is there a way to insert a Ai graphic into msWord and the graphic text still be searchable in msWord? I would like the text in my Ai graphic to be searchable once the graphic is inserted in msWord. I have tried different Ai exports, but all come into msWord as pictures. Is there a way to keep the Text Layer in my Ai file searchable in msWord.
How do I paste a graphic over an existing graphic on a header? and how do I determine the amount of pixels to be covered and the amount of pixels in the graphic I am wanting to use?
ive got a red sock and a white sock, and i want to place the colors black red yellow onto the red sock, so that it looks as realistic as poissible. problem is that i cant get the structure of the sock onto the new colors (i tried diffrent blending modes, displace).
I am using PSE 10 on a Mac and I would like to export photos from an album as jpeg files to the hard disk. I would like to rename the files so that the first image in the album will have a the album name and index 1, the second image will have the same name and index 2 etc.
I copied photo folders from my hard drive to lightroom 4 and edited them but then accidentally removed these folders from lightroom. I then imported these folders again into lightroom but all the edits I made orginally in lightroom don't show up for the individual photo's.
I backed up the Lightroom catalogue regularily. Is there any way I can reattach these edits to their respective photos'. There is lot of photo's involved.
I create a graphic in Corel Draw X4 and export it as a .png file. It is a button with rounded corners. It will be going on a black background when put into an iphone app. So as to not have the little white corners show up from the rectangular export window, I made the button on top of a black rectangle, slightly larger than the button. I then selected the black to be transparant during the dialogs of exporting to png. When viewed in an image viewer the black is indeed transparent and does not show up. All looks fine.
To test what it will look like when put on top of a black background, I also make a black square and export it as a .png. I then open the black background in Corel Photopaint and then import the graphic into the background image. A siloutte of it shows up with the marque borders but the graphic itself (the colors and contents of the graphic don't). When combined with the black background it just disappears. Why doesn't it just lay on top of the other graphic?