I recently upgraded to lightroom 4 and I am having issues exporting my photos into a jpeg file. Lightroom is decreasing the size of my photo significantly, make them only about an 8 x 10 size and some as little as 3x5. I have tried everything I can think of, and it works as a tiff file, but for some reason it shrinks the picture on jpeg.
In LR3, when exporting a raw file as a jpeg the only choices given at the top of the dialog box are Hard Drive and CD. Is there a way to export directly to a thumb drive or external HD without exporting to the HD then copying the file (s) over?
I am using PSE 10 on a Mac and I would like to export photos from an album as jpeg files to the hard disk. I would like to rename the files so that the first image in the album will have a the album name and index 1, the second image will have the same name and index 2 etc.
When I export from Illustrator CS5 with "Use Artboards" checked it adds a "-01" to the end of my file name before the extention. I'm assuming that its because its artboard #1 or something. It happens with the all or the range button checked. It doesnt show the -01 when you are saving the file name. This is pretty annoying because I have to go back and re name the files when this happens.
I installed the 4 beta and am liking it quite a bit, but I'm having trouble with gamma shifts when exporting images. When I export the image, my blacks get completely crunched -- it doesn't match Lightroom at all. It's not just the JPEG being displayed wrong -- I've looked at the exported image on a few different computers and they always appear crunched.
My monitor is calibrated (using an X-rite i1 Display 2), and I re-calibrated it yesterday to make sure that isn't the issue -- it made no difference. I made an image to demonstrate the problem:
I just spent 30+ hours editing a set of 123 wedding photos in RAW file format. When I export to JPEG, the colors change on just about every photo. I understand that if I would have correctly set up the camer calibration prior to editing, this would have possibly solved my problem. However, the photos are already edited. When I export the files in TIFF, they look fine. It's just the JPEG file format that changes the look of my images. I'm using Lightroom 2.3. My last brainstorm involved importing the already edited TIFF files and then trying to export those into JPEG, the color format was still off.
When exporting a file to jpeg the dialog box that normally appears and lets you select the quality of the jpeg is not popping up but the files saves but I now have no options in saving the file.
LR 3.6 has serious limitations causing what should be an easy task hours to trouble shoot. Exporting original size JPEG images to DVD should be a no brainer but the application was not built to handle MS OS 7 64bit. Choice is to upgrade to LR v 4 but will it work?
I just spent half a day designing my first book in LR 4. I completed the book a few minutes ago, and it was only then that I realized I don't seem to be able to export as a Jpeg or as a spread--only as a PDF, and then only single pages, so each spread is chopped in half.
LR is supposed to be a pro tool and this book module seems to be acting more like a consumer tool. If I am correct, then the entire module is basically useless to me and I have wasted half a days work, as I'll have to begin all over again in a new program.
I shoot raw and after developing and exporting the pictures to jpeg in OSX, the new files show the export date as the creation and modification dates. How can I keep the shooting date as the creation date to sort the pictures in the finder appropriately?
Print to JPEG in LR5.2 produces a corrupt JPEG file that cannot be opened.
Lightroom is running on MacPro. When printing I am attaching an ICC profile provided by the bureau that is going to produce the prtins. Having said this the file cannot be opened neither on a Mac nor on a Windows PC.
Up until now, i used to exported as TIFFs but after reading Jeff Schewe book The Digital Print i have become convinced that printing through LR to a file is much more efficient.
When I export as a jpeg the images obviously are compressed, however, they also get darker and more saturated. Is there anyway to compensate for this without having to overcorrect the image before exporting?
When exporting from lightroom this message came up: Could not create a JPEG that met your limit of 500K bytes. (1) I have tried making the size smaller, but nothing seems to work. I have never seen this message before.
I want to shoot tethered in studio, and shoot RAW + JPEG, but I want Lightroom to only import the JPEGS so as to improve the speed. I shoot a Canon 7D.
I just upgraded from LR3 to LR5 - when I export and upload to Facebook - the photos look horrible. Very unclear. Looks like they got compressed in a strange way. I am doing everything the same way I did it in LR3 but getting differnet results.
All of a sudden I am getting an error when I try and export my photos to a dvd from lightroom3. Ive never had this issue before and Im not sure what to do to fix it. how I can burn my images to a disc?
Have a job upcoming which will involve a massive amount of photos, nothing to exciting, just volume. All of the selects will need to be resized to 4x7 and then have a 1x7 graphic added to the bottom each, so that the finished image fits a 5x7 (7in wide length) print. The obvious answer is to resize each photo and manually drop it onto a template of somesort in photoshop. Any better/easier/faster way to do this with 2000+ images?
When I export my photos as JPEGs, the changes that I've made aren't saved. I open the exported photo but it looks just like the original with no changes made to it. I am using the trial version right now as I am waiting for the software in the mail. Could this be why? Below: the left picture is the exported photo and the right picture is what it should look like!
LR 4.3 down samples my photos when I export a slideshow to pdf or video. I've tried 1080p,720p, 960x540, 720x480 for video. I can only H.264, nothing else. I use an ID plate (photo frame) and music. Everything works fine when I play the slideshow in LR.
How do I export photos and keep their original size. I do not have the Image Sizing checked but it seems to be resizing my photos anyway. It seems to have started this evening. I exported files fine at file sizes of ex: 5387 kb the original size. Not they are exporting at ex: 478 kb.