Lightroom :: Exporting Photos With Text?
Jan 28, 2013Is there any way that you can export photos in lightroom 4 with text on them? (i want the same text on all of the photos)
View 2 RepliesIs there any way that you can export photos in lightroom 4 with text on them? (i want the same text on all of the photos)
View 2 RepliesI just upgraded from LR3 to LR5 - when I export and upload to Facebook - the photos look horrible. Very unclear. Looks like they got compressed in a strange way. I am doing everything the same way I did it in LR3 but getting differnet results.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen I am done in LR where do I "export" my photos too (what folder)
View 3 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden I am getting an error when I try and export my photos to a dvd from lightroom3. Ive never had this issue before and Im not sure what to do to fix it. how I can burn my images to a disc?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recieved a photo book from Blurb.
All photos were a bit to dark. My farbmanagement is calebrated.
What kind of formatted file will be transfered to Blurb? Other reasons?
Have a job upcoming which will involve a massive amount of photos, nothing to exciting, just volume. All of the selects will need to be resized to 4x7 and then have a 1x7 graphic added to the bottom each, so that the finished image fits a 5x7 (7in wide length) print. The obvious answer is to resize each photo and manually drop it onto a template of somesort in photoshop. Any better/easier/faster way to do this with 2000+ images?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded to lightroom 4 and I am having issues exporting my photos into a jpeg file. Lightroom is decreasing the size of my photo significantly, make them only about an 8 x 10 size and some as little as 3x5. I have tried everything I can think of, and it works as a tiff file, but for some reason it shrinks the picture on jpeg.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to export photos as I get the following error message when trying:
invalid parameter name: colour nosie reduction smoothness
LR 4.3 down samples my photos when I export a slideshow to pdf or video. I've tried 1080p,720p, 960x540, 720x480 for video. I can only H.264, nothing else. I use an ID plate (photo frame) and music. Everything works fine when I play the slideshow in LR.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAny easy solution of exporting photos to a CD directly from LR3 with a 64 bit system?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I export photos and keep their original size. I do not have the Image Sizing checked but it seems to be resizing my photos anyway. It seems to have started this evening. I exported files fine at file sizes of ex: 5387 kb the original size. Not they are exporting at ex: 478 kb.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt seems like a simple enough request, but I'm just not seeing it. When I export (from Library) I want all the photos and snapshots of each to be exported. Is there a way to do this? Or, do I need to make virtual copies of each snapshot, THEN do an export?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm running 64 bit Lightroom 3.5 on Windows 7. I've been using Lightroom for about 2 years, this is a problem that just came up this weekend.
When in the Develop module and selecting Export and selecting Export Location and a folder to export to, the dialog box now only shows me the Desktop and my User folder - it does not show either of the two hard disks in my PC. These disks do show up in Windows Explorer and the Library module is able to find these disks and load the photos on them.
I am relatively new to Lightroom 4 and have had some issues with uploading files to a website that I have already exported from lightroom. I have exported many photos from lightroom to my desktop and then brought them into iphoto. I then went to upload some of those photos, now in iphoto to websites like snapfish, etc. to develop prints or make cards. When I upload these photos to the website, they often look poor in comparison when I look at the same image in iphoto.I then emailed myself the same photo and renamed the image. The photo then uploads true to what it looks like in iphoto. Am I not exporting these images correctly?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to put text under photo's after developing in lightroom 4.3
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of applying a Text Style Preset globally to all photos in your Book? I changed my background color to near black globally and since the default font is also black, all of my captions need to change to white. I'd also like them a little larger. It seems the only way of doing this is by selecting each caption individually, then changing its preset. That's ok for a few photos, but not very appealing for 100.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got an iMac and I've tried to export from Elements 12, but there just does not seem to be a simple way of doing it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I find Photoshop Elements 11 instructions covering the exporting of edited photos to hard disk?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using PSE 10 on a Mac and I would like to export photos from an album as jpeg files to the hard disk. I would like to rename the files so that the first image in the album will have a the album name and index 1, the second image will have the same name and index 2 etc.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen i try exporting text to a shp it just comes in as points but no text. This is with Map3d 2011.
I'm not sure if it's really recognizing it as text in the export dialogue box.
I'm unable to drag a group of photos or even single photos to a publish folder. In this case it's SmugMug. What is the correct method?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI copied photo folders from my hard drive to lightroom 4 and edited them but then accidentally removed these folders from lightroom. I then imported these folders again into lightroom but all the edits I made orginally in lightroom don't show up for the individual photo's.
I backed up the Lightroom catalogue regularily. Is there any way I can reattach these edits to their respective photos'. There is lot of photo's involved.
When I merge LR5 catalogs the existing photos are overwritten by the incoming photos
View 1 Replies View RelatedI export simple text to .ai file format for my vinyl cutter to cut names. However, after importing into vinyl cutting program, the letters are split. The 'o', 'a' and 'e' all have a vertical line through them. However, when I export from X3, there is no issue.
I have checked export settings, converted to curves etc, but nothing works. why this occurs on X5 and not X3.
I permit to come for a new question that concerns the exporting solution in Xara (I have Designer Pro version) in PDF/X mode.
I have some work to do (in Xara as it is my favorite tool), and have to export it 100% correctly in PDF mode for external collaborators, for allowing them to open it and use it in Illustrator software (that's for webdesign : I made the template and external people must be able to use them, in illustrator - or photoshop, it depends).But I get strange results with the texts, with the advanced PDF/X export solution of Xara (the rest is ok).
I can't get a text that can be simply editable when opening illustrator soft. Instead of a rich text editable, in an entire paragraph, I get :
- a "word by word" or "sentence by sentence" editable text. <- that's the best case, but happened only with very simple files, with only few words in it
- a "letter by letter" editable text <- that's unfortunately the more frequent case. If there is a little "too much text" (?!), is works like this.
I send 2 files of examples I made. One simple (with texts, shapes,...), another a very few more complex : just longer texts (only 2). And then the "non editable text" appears : you can select only the letters, not words or better : paragraphs.I put the 2 xara files, and the 2 pdf/X exported files. (I precise the option "convert text into files" is, of course, not effective).
I add five photos to a folder in Lightroom 4.3. The photos are in the specified folder in Windows. Import shows the five photos as imported but greyed out and semi-highlighted. Library does not show these five photos. What can I do?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have been using Corel for a few years now, and have achieved amazing results with corel and 4 color litho printing... HOWEVER now I am dabbling on the internet, and run a site
[URL]....... andwant to use Coreldrawx5 for doing my banners etc, as i am comfortable with the program... BUT if you take a look at my site you will see that the test banners on the top of the page and the Side Box Banners on the sides look " Out of Focus" for a lack of a better word.
I'd like to export text as a JPEG for use on a personal website. How do I export text without a background ?
For example if I create a simple JPEG in PS that consist of the word "HELLO" in blue on a white background, how do I export the word without the backgound ?
I created 61, 9 layer composites that are text only, but I can not figure out how to export it with the alphas for use in keying in Final cut. I exported as Targas, psd's and eps's but nothing give me the alpha and I end up with a flat image that I can only to an add key with in Final Cut...this loses all of my shadows and glows, etc......
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to export a manually generated material list (not an AutoCAD "table") to an Excel spreadsheet or a .csv file. I've tried selecting the text and right clicking, but there is no export option. I've also tried selecting the text and going directly to Export, but I see no option to save it as a .csv.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI use a lot the "Automate -> PDF Presentation", in Photoshop CS6 (english language) feature, but in the last months, something really weird is happening.When I export a file, some parts of the text disappears, like is being corrupted by something.
My pc specs: win7 x64 - portuguese language