I'm using LR4.1 on OSX 10.6.8. I convert my NEFs to DNGs at import, do my edits in LR. Most of the time when I want to create output it's for screen use. I use "Export" and produce JPGs.
But when I'm preparing files for printing at the lab, I use the Print module, and Print to File, because I like to create a JPG where the image size is smaller than the paper size, for framing purposes. For example, I use the Print module to output a JPG where the "cell size" is 11x14 but the "custom file dimensions" are 12x18, then I have the lab use 12x18 paper, leaving me a white border on my print that makes it easier to mat and frame.
Two questions, really.
1. Does LR do anything differently as it creates a JPG, depending on whether you use Export or "Print to File"? I'm assuming not, but just wondering.
2. Is there a way to do what I want to do -- create a JPG where the picture is one size but the paper size is larger -- through the Export dialogue (like ideally, through an export preset) or do I indeed have to go through the Print module to do this?
No emergency here, my method is working for me. (Though using an export preset to do what I'm doing, rather than having to go through the Print module, would be a little quicker, I suppose.)
I am trying to resize my digital photos to the normal 4x6 inches for printing, but when I enter the parameters to resize, either the width or height automatically changes and I can't get it to 4x6.
I am trying to resize a photo for printing to a 8x10 as it still crops off the top and bottom when printing. I took this with my D3100. How can I do this? I have tried printing several times.
how I should prepare several photos for a professional printing lab. Photoshop is not entirely new to me, but there are still several concepts I am still mastering and or trying to fully comprehend.I am trying to create some poster-sized images of some co-workers to hang up around the workplace here. They will replace some older out-dated photos that we already have on the walls. The older, framed and mounted photos are right at 24"(W) x 36"(L). That size includes a thick black border around the actual photo. The actual photo measures approximately 15"(W) x 23"(L), for the portrait orientation.
What I am looking to do is get some new photos printed to the same specifications as 24" x 36". My question is, should I change the image size of the photos I took within Photoshop to match those specifications, or allow the lab to use their "Blow-Up" software?
I've used Lightroom 4 to crop, and make minor edits to my photos. how I should continue with my photos in Photoshop, in order to create the same black border around the photos as well as add a "Motivational Poster-Look" to a couple... All while not losing resolution when planning to print to such a large size.
I am drawing pictures for the Second life game. I need that the file I export to be exactly 512 X 512 pixel, and TGA format. Of course, the objects in the picture are small, and don't use al the 512X512 space.But even when objects don't use all the space, I need my "small objects within the 512X512 size file.
Although my picture is, in corel draw 512 X 512, when I export to TGA , I have no the good results.I use yhe File/export/menu and define TGA Bitmap for format.
On the following menu,
if I click on "Maintain original size", Objects remains with original size, but the file size is reduced to fit around the objects..
If I click on "Maintain aspect ratio",, I can fix the size file to 512X512, , but the objects are streched to fill the 512X512 file.
The only way I found to avoid resizing is adding a 512X512 transparent object on the background, but I wonder if there is a better way to do it.
When I was using an older Photoshop version ...I could select "print with preview" and there I could adjust the size and proportion of the image to the paper size - I would see the paper in a preview box and could adjust the image by sliding the box at the corner points and size the image any way I wanted ... and could see the actual preview of how the image could fit on the paper .... in Elements 11 - even if I do a PDF and print in Preview- there's no way I can see to do that ... I only see options for set sizes- even under the custom sizing menu ... I'm using exactly the same printer that I used with Photoshop - so I'm assuming this is a limitation with Elements ... I don't even see the option in Elements printing to change the image percentage as I've been used to with any other page setup before ....
I'm attempting to print a picture for a present and I can't get file printed like Corel X6 displays it. I'm using a Deskjet printer. What are the correct settings for a quality printing?
I want to print or export the metadata from Photoshop or Bridge for collections of photographs to create a hardcopy of the data to store with the printed images. This is for an archives where we print all digital images received, but do not currently have an easy way of transferring the metadata.
I'm new to Maya and the 3D design environment. I'm going thru the online tutorials and built the sample Greek temple. I have a MakerBot replicator 2. I did convert the Nurbs to polygons for the column bases and the temple roof. I exported the individual pieces to obj format to print. My question involves the export of the roof/torus group. The "roof" is not smooth but slightly faceted (I'm not using the correct jargon here I'm sure). It's kind of tortoise shell like in smoothness. What do I adjust during export so the rood object comes over smoother?
I'd attach the roof file but the site doesnt allow for some reason.
I am trying to get my first 3d print of a model and am having problems getting it into a format that the printing service can use. I've read up and attempted stlout, 3dprint, and export commands to no avail. I get the message that the objects need to be 3dsolids or watertight meshes.
After reading all the hype on 3d printing and being very excited about it, I"ve got to say that I'm a bit overwhelmed with the steps it appears one has to take to get an architectural model to print.
How do I convert the colour profile of a Lightroom custom printing package from Adobe Prophoto to sRGB before printing? For that matter, how do I save the thing? I have no interest in saving the template, or the collection separately, since neither has any use without the other. And without saving them as one finished item, I have no way to convert the colour profile of that item. I can see clearly from the appearance of the print preview that the above mentioned colour profile conversion is required.
exporting my CorelDrawX6 files as a high quality jpg for large scale printing purposes. In X4 it was very easy - just export as usual to the highest quality cmyk jpg and open in Photo Paint... now when I export this way it takes forever to bring up the preview page and most of the time it ends up being blank. Sometimes even crashes. I have played with all options in the filter dialog menu that I can find but nothing works. Thought it might be a file size problem but never had that problem in X4 and anything under 200dpi will not be high enough quality.
I've been trying to export jpeg images from LR 3, and sizing them to 1110 x 525 pixels, @ 72dpi, the dimensions of my blog header. However, despite inputing these values, the exported jpeg image is sized at 793 x525. Quality is set to 85 and nothing else is checked. Am I missing something? I've also tried the "dimensions" and the "width/height" box choices, but it always outputs at the same 793 x525.
The files are from a Nikon D2h (a little old), RAW.
I'm running LR 5.2 RC and my RAW are getting resized by one pixel when I import them. My RAW are 3456 x 5184 and need to be this size to be accepted by software I am using. Sometimes they are dropping a pixel from the long edge, sometimes just the short edge.
Is there a way to set a default sizing on import if I can't prevent this bug from happening?
I'd like to resize a large batch of images to a more manageable size. I shoot a lot of weddings and find when shooting with my Nikon D800, the files are enormous when shooting Raw. Until now I would export all my vertical images first to a folder and then the horizontal ones and then resize in photoshop to say 11x17. Is there a way to resize ALL my images before I even bring them into photoshop? I'd like to resize them all (both vert and horizontal images) at one time. If I select the batch of images I'd like to resize, and them click export, it takes me to a menu which gives me the option to resize. I just don't know what settings I should use? Can I just click width and height and punch in say 11x17 and leave it at 300dpi? I want to preserve the aulaity for print purposes but reduce the file size so it's manageable for both my client and me when I then go into Photoshop to edit.
Just updated my LR to 5.3 from the CC and noticed a weird problem that I never encountered before in LR4 or 5.x (before 5.3 that is). I usually export pictures from RAW format to either TIFF or JPG (100% quality) and depending on purpose I use batch resizing, e.g. 1080 pixels on short edge ... well that whole Resize setting gets ignored by LR 5.3! It still exports full size (full RAW size in this case) into JPG or TIFF, but it won't resize .
EDIT: I found out that I checked the "Don't enlarge" box in Export dialog under Resizing, that's when resizing was not working. After I unchecked it then it works fine, but still what does that have to do with anything if we are talking about downsampling images from 5184x3456 pixels to 1620x1080 ...
Is it using the same choices as Photoshop (Bicubic Smoother for enlarging, Bicubic Sharper for downsizing)? There are times when I prefer to use Smoother even when downsizing, as the Sharper algorithm results in over-sharpening (to my taste), but there does not seem to be a way to choose a specific one. Are there any workarounds for the lack of choices in the Export module?
I am a photography and most of the time I send my jpeg files to a professional lab In LR3 the images are exposed correctly but when I recieve them back from the lab the are too dark.. I have a Hiti printer and home and when I print the images come out a little over exposed. My question is how can I export a file from LR3 correctly and be confident that when I send them to a Lab they will come back correctly exposed?
When I export a RAW file that I want to be changed to JPG, the file does not show up in my Lightroom folder until I synchronize the folder that I exported to. What LR setting is needed so that the exported JPG file will show automatically?
I'm using Lightroom 3.6 for Mac and when I export to CD/DVD it takes several minutes to burn the CD. For example, I have about 50 jpg images that I export at 100% quality and at 300 dpi with no watermarks, etc. I can use Finder to burn to disc funtion and I can burn 2 cd's in the time it takes Lightroom to burn. I want to be able to use Lightroom for all my processing from importing to corrections to printing to exporting on CD. When shooting events we take the images in jpg, import and put them into folders for each client. Once the client purchases a CD of all their images we burn the CD. I do not want to use separate software to burn the CD if at possible. Is there settings or something I can change in Lightroom to speed up the process?
When using the ctr E keyboard shortcut to edit in PS6 from LR4, multiple raw files are generated in PS CS6 and only stop creating when PS is forced closed. Using the Drop Down menu in LR makes the transfer to PS6 no problem.
I recently got a new computer because my other one is going out on me. I downloaded LR3 onto my new computer but need to somehow get Ithe presets I created off of my old computer and onto my new one. Anything I find just tells you you have to export them one at a time which would really suck if that were true because I have hundreds.
My continuing story of space issues. Find that I'm rapidly running out of space now that my wife has been uploading way too many 24 mpixel files (~30Gb total) to my Lightroom 5 catalog. Is there any way to export her RAW files to a thumb drive or another external hard drive? The only export functions I see are conversions to Jpegs.
when exporting RAW files from lightroom 3, version 3.6, to photoshop 5, (version 12.04, ACR 6.6), raw files go directly to editor, not camera raw editor. This began only after I went from trial version to full version, before it went to RAW editor. If loading directly into PS RAW files do go to RAW editor as they should, but not from LIghtroom.