Lightroom :: Develop Defaults 0 For New Imported Images

Aug 14, 2013

I upgrade to lightroom 5 from lightroom 3. Now all of the develop defaults are "0" for new imported images. In lightroom 3, it would apply default settings at import. In addition, all of my presets are not adjusting exposure/blacks/whites etc like they used to. I am using a Canon XSi. Do I just have something unchecked somewhere?

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Lightroom :: Sharpening And Noise Defaults In Develop Module

Jun 15, 2013

Capture Sharpness
There are three distinct phases: Capture Sharpening, Creative Sharpening and Output sharpening
With regards to Capture Sharpening I’ve noticed that when I import a CR2 file into Lightroom 3.6 there is an Adobe pre-set in the Develop Module. Is this a form of Capture Sharpening default?
Amount: 25
Radius: 1.0
Detail: 25
Noise Reduction
Luminance: 0
Colour: 25
Detail: 50

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Lightroom :: 3.4 Distorts Images In Develop?

May 16, 2011

This problem started when I updated to Lightroom 3.4 on my new Windows 7 Toshiba Portege R700 laptop. I did not experience it with prior revs of Lightroom 3 on the same laptop. Here are the symptoms:
When I enter Develop, then some of my images stretch upwards when displayed on a second large monitor if the image is as wide as possible, and stretch sideways (inwards) on my laptop monitor if the image is already as tall as the laptop monitor allows. in either case, the image is distorted so that it is appears taller and thinner. When I exit back to Library mode then the image is normal in appearance again.Some images do the opposite and stretch downwards!The files are all RAW. It appears to be a problem only with Olympus RAW (.orf) files and not with Canon RAW (cr2).  The same thing happens when I disconnect the secondary display.I can do this multiple times.I took an image, made a virtual copy, reset it and the same thing still happens.There is another similar post where the solution was to start with a fresh preview file. I tried that and it did not work (I closed lightroom, renamed the preview file, and then openned Lightroom again forcing it to create a fresh preview file.One some images, I find that my mask has shifted over. For example, I have an image where I desaturate everything apart from the main figure. Now, the main figure is partially desaturated, as if the mask has moved sideways when I export the image.

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Lightroom :: Images Not Rendering In Develop Module

May 9, 2013

OK i have been running LR4 fine and upgraded when needed. I'm currently on 4.4 and all has been well until now. When viewing images they don't look sharp! Before when clicking on a thumbnail the image would pop up all fuzzy then get sharp real quick....always has done. This also happens when zooming in to the image, it just looks fuzzy, it does not click into a sharp image to work on, the images come up but don't get sharp. Also there is not always a thumbnail in the top left above the presets. Also if you add a preset the image just disappears!! Sometimes there is just no image at all. I have deleted all references that I can find to LR on my PL including the catalogs and have re loaded LR inc the upgrade plus created a new catalog but the problem still persists.!

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Lightroom :: Images Not Found In Develop Module

Apr 7, 2012

After successful import, when switching to the Develop module, I receive 'image not found.'The filmstrip at the bottom of the module shows no images. The images are there when I switch back to Library. I have to quit LR4. When I repon the catalog, LR opens to the first image in the Develop module.Mac OS 10.6.8

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Lightroom :: Just Updated To 3.6 Images Won't Open In Develop Modal

Dec 13, 2011

I just update lightroom to version 3.6 from the last current version. I am on a Mac pro operating system 10.6.8. Everything appeared to be normal until I tried to open an image in the develop module and nothing happens and the program freezes with the lovely spinning rainbow wheel and the program must be forced to quit.

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Lightroom :: 5d Mark II Images Not Same In Develop And Library Module

Mar 2, 2012

I am having trouble with the Raw fies that have been adjusted in the Develop Module loosing all of their luster and pop when switching back to Library and exporting. In other words, my adjustments are generally flattened out and colors muted when going from Develop to Library. I see that the Camera Calibration shows only ONE profile option: Matrix. However, the same single option for my 7D is also Matrix but the Raw files appear to hold my adjustments after being made in the Develop module.
I am using LR 2.7 and Camera Raw 5.7.

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Lightroom :: Upright Images In develop Module Are Distorted

May 27, 2012

When I select an upright (portrait) image  from library, the develope module displays a distorted landscape view. This happens to every upright file in the folder. Other folders seem to work ok without this problem.
While messing around with image rotate, read metadate, save metadata, etc I managed to make one image open up correctly but I have been unable to recreate that work around. In any case, that fiddly way would take too long as I have hundreds of files to correct!

I normally work with auto rotate ON in the camera.

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Lightroom :: Importing Images - Library / Develop And Other Tabs Disappear

Jul 1, 2013

When I open The Lightroom, I do see the Tabs such as: Library Develop and other Tabs on the Top of page.

When I click on Import and I choose a folder I do see all the pictures of that folder in the middle of the page,,But The Tabs such as Library ,Develop, and other Tabs disappear. I am watching a Video Tutorial and I  think I am doing some thing wrong.

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Lightroom :: Copy Develop Settings On Multiple Images From One Folder To Another?

Apr 5, 2014

I have a bunch of Fuji X-T1 raw images that I have converted to DNG form. Once Lightroom supports X-T1 raw images directly, I would like to replace the DNG files by the corresponding raw files (which I have saved) without having to redo all of my edits.
I've tried an experiment with a NEF file, which Lightroom supports: If I convert it to a DNG file, import the DNG file, then replace the DNG file with the corresponding NEF file, Lightroom still thinks the file is named DNG. This behavior makes me nervous. So what I would like to do is to import all of the Fuji raw files, then transfer the develop settings from each DNG file to the corresponding raw file, then finally archive and delete the DNG files.
Is there any way to do this other than by hand? That is, if I have a folder with a few hundred DNG files, is there any way to tell Lightroom to take the develop settings of every file in the folder and transfer them to the correspondingly named file in the folder of raw files?
way of accomplishing this that does not involve copying and pasting the data for every image by hand?

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Lightroom :: Image Disappear In Develop Module After Deletion Of Other Images?

Sep 21, 2013

In Lightroom 5 and 5.2, when using the X key, then Delete Rejected Photos, the central display box no longer displays an image. If I switch back to Library mode an image will appear but if I go back to the Develop module, again it's a blank screen! If not, how do I report this directly to Adobe?

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Lightroom :: Imported Images Not Showing In Catalog?

Aug 14, 2012

I have imported images from my Canon 5D markIII and somewhere along the way, I've made an error in the settings.  The images are on my computer but not showing up in a folder in the LR4 do I get them into the catalog?  When I try to find them, they are all greyed out and I can't move them - a message says that it seems that duplicates are already on the computer (or something like that). 

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Lightroom :: Keywords / Tags Imported From PSE Not Associated With Images?

Jan 22, 2014

Why are the tags I added to images in PSE not assocated with the images when I import them into LR.  Some of them are on the keyword list, but not all.  And none of them are associated with an image.  I am trying out LR but its difficult if I have to go and retag things again?

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Lightroom :: Why Does Sharpening Done In Develop Module Not Transfer To Library Or Exported Images

Oct 28, 2013

I've been having problems with LR 5.2 when I do sharpening (and sometimes spot removal) in the develop module. It looks fine in the develop pane, but when I move to library module the sharpening and spot removal disappear (and reappear when I switch back to develop). The exported images are the same as the view in Library mode. How do I get the exported images to have the sharpening and spot removal that I've done in develop?

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Lightroom :: Rename 4.4 Imported Images With Unique Numbers?

May 7, 2013

I want to rename images imported from a card into Lightroom 4.4 with a single set of initials followed by a sequence of unique numbers. I would like the number sequence to continue from one import to the next. However, each time I start a new import, Lightroom starts again at 00001. Is there a way to instruct Lightroom to automatically continue the renumbering sequence from one import to the next WITHOUT manually resetting the "start" number each time?

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Lightroom :: Moving Imported Images In LR4 From Mac HDD To EX HDD Without Loosing Data

Apr 20, 2013

i've managed to fill my mack up with images as i imported all my photos to the MAC HDD rather than an external HDD,,,school boy error :   (but i am new to lightroom) as there's 30,000+ is there a way of moving them with out having to reload them to the new HDD?  i only found out my mistake when the computer was running on 1% memory.

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Lightroom :: Find Previously Imported Images (Already In Catalog)

May 24, 2012

Back in LR1 and LR2, when I tried to import images that were already present in the catalog, I had an option to show me / select the already imported images. This is gone in LR4. How can I find in the library the already imported images without fecthing them one by one ?

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Lightroom :: RAW Files Are Imported As Black And White Images

Feb 11, 2014

My RAW files are imported as Black & White images.  Did I click on something by mistake?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Import Previously Imported Images

Mar 25, 2013

Unable to import previously imported images. Don't import duplicates NOT ticked.

All the images are "greyed" out, any new images I add to this folder have a tick as normal. I have LR on another PC and all is OK when I try this.

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Lightroom :: Images Displaying Differently In Library View To Develop - Also Affecting Exports

Jun 17, 2012

I've run in to a strange problem since the 4.1 upgrade.When displayed in the Library view, images are not appearing correctly.  In my case, there is a huge amount more noise in the Library view compared to the Develop view.  This is also affecting Exports.

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Lightroom :: How To Move Auto Imported Images Into A Destination Folder

Sep 30, 2012

I have a working "watched folder", established through Lightroom's auto-import settings.  When I place an image into that folder, it is imported into my lightroom catalog. 
However, if I put a folder of images into that watched folder (i.e. "James and Stephanie" is put into a "wedding" folder), nothing happens.  I do not want all of my images in one single folder; that's why I have Lightroom, so they can be organized in folders but collected in a database. 
I also do not understand why Lightroom wants to move auto-imported images into a destination folder. 
I would like to drop a folder into the "watched folder" and have Lightroom import (without moving the image) into my catalog.
I was surprised to not find this issue in Internet searches; is it dreadfully obvious, or is there a better way that I'm not familar with?

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Lightroom :: Imported Images Black / White Not Color As Shot?

Jan 8, 2014

When importing images from a CF card, they are imported black/white, not color as exposed. Previous imports were normal color.

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Lightroom :: After Making Edits In Develop And Returning To Library / Module By Images Continue To Be Adjusted

May 27, 2013

I have gone through the process of hitting alt/option when in develop to reset default settings in develop to no avail as the images keep being altered whether you are simply viewing in All photos in library module or a single image in develop .

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Lightroom :: Images Imported 0 Some Ruined With Blank White And Color Banding

Sep 28, 2012

I'm using Lightroom 4..i've been importing my RAW images from my external harddrive. Some show up in the catalog as ruined with a blank white section and color bands.  I've checked the actual image on the external hard drive and it is fine. I've deleted the ruined files from the LR catalog, then re-imported those problem ones... still come in as white with banding.  I've even tried deleting them from the catalog, then from the hard drive... then back onto the HD from the camera, then back into lightroom. Some look ok until I look at then in loupe view and the same problem happens.  Mean while the images on the HD and on the camera's CF card are fine.

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Lightroom :: Main Develop Module Controls Have Disappeared From Develop Window

Feb 11, 2014

The main develop module controls have disappeared from the develop window.  How do I recover them?  I'm working with Lightroom 5.3.  The missing controls are the sliders for exposure, contrast, clarity, etc.  I must have inadvertantly clicked something that made them disappear but nothing I've tried brings them back.  I've never had this experience in the years I've been using Lightroom (since version 1.1).

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Lightroom :: Basic Develop Tab Has Disappeared In Develop Module?

Jun 29, 2013

I can't process any images as the basic tab has suddenly can I get it back?

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Lightroom :: Images In Library Module Aren’t As Sharp Compared To Develop Module

Nov 28, 2013

For some reason images in the library module aren’t as sharp compared to the develop module. If I’m in develop images are nice and sharp but as soon as I select the library you can see the image quality drop and image becomes less blurry!

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Lightroom :: How To Copy Imported Images Or Folder To A Specific Folder On Hard Drive

Dec 3, 2013

When importing something off of a DVD or CD how do I direct Lightroom to copy the imported images or folder to a specific folder on my hard drive? It seems to default to MyCatalog but leaves the location on the CD rather than copying it to the drive. If I remove the CD the images is reported as missing.

When I go to the top of the screen for importing I can change the source but the location info on the right is not active or changeable.I am new to lightroom and coming from Photoshop Elements background.

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Lightroom :: Developed Settings Now Becomes As Defaults

Jan 16, 2014

I'm new to lightroom and heres what happened.
I edited a batch of photos, exported them and .xmp files were created in Lightroom Export folder.
Later copied the .xmp files out of the Export and and pasted them into the main folder of the cr2 files.
When I opened LR again, there was a prompt and I messed with it. The result now is that the developed settings are the defaults instead of the unedited/tweaked photos.

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Lightroom :: Kodak ESP Printer Defaults Ignored?

Apr 4, 2013

I'm having problems printing from Lightroom. I'm printing on a Kodak ESP C315 with Epson (not Kodak) premium quality paper. As per Kodak's instructions, I turned advanced dot placement mode off. The problem is - even after I've done this and set it as a default in the printer control panel (I'm using Windows 7 pro, by the way), Lightroom insists on turning it back on. Because I can print using the same settings perfectly happily from Photoshop.

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Lightroom :: Way To Create More Color Labels Than Just Ones That LR Defaults To?

Dec 5, 2013

Is there a way to create more color labels than just the ones that LR defaults to?  Here's my use so you'll know what I'm trying to do. I use a different color for the "model" photo of a particular insect family. This allows me to search using this color and use the photos as my "easy cheat sheet" for making IDs. Since there are more than 5 insect families, I need more color options.

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