Lightroom :: Corrupted Catalogue - Getting Syntax Error?
Dec 7, 2011
I am not much of a computer programmer, but an amateur photographer who just had the catalog with 1.5 years worth of my baby picture edits corrupted. I am so upset. I don't understand the SQlite program, I get a "syntax error" when trying to follow directions for fixixng it.
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Dec 23, 2013
Got the <Unexpected error opening catalogue> dialog when starting Lightroom 5.2. Will not allow me to save a new catalogue. Deleted old catalogue thinking that might prompt Lightroom to create a new catalogue or allow me to create and save a new one.Create Folder with New Catalogue allows me to enter a new catalogue name but then Select Catalogue dialog box is empty. Program wont open!
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Feb 9, 2014
I cannot open one of my catalogs in Lightroom 4 .
It's a large catalog, created in LR4, and it's always worked fine. It lives on an external hard drive (along with all the pictures in that catalog).
The other night, I set another hard drive down and touched the first drive, accidentally disconnecting it from the computer while LR was open (or possibly while LR was in the process of opening).
When I reconnected the drive and tried to open the catalog again, I received a message that the catalog couldn't be opened since it was open in another application. (Nothing else was open or using it, obviously.)
I researched the internet, found a suggestion, and removed the .lock file from the catalog folder. NOW I am getting the message "Unexpected error opening catalog. The catalog could not be opened due to an unexpected error."
---- IF I have to reload the software, do I lose anything? Do I lose my edits, my history, my preferences?
I want to preserve the history of all of the edited photographs, not just the "composite LR adjustment" or whatever you call it... some of the folders of pictures have matching .xmp files and some do not. I think this might be due to a preferences change a few months after I created the catalog - I guess it doesn't apply this change retroactively, or perhaps it would have had I opened those folders... not sure. I had backed up the original RAW files (which are still present on the external hard drive and seem just fine), but the catalog hasn't been backed up recently. I think I have to re-install LR4, and I just want to make sure I can keep all the work I've done.
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Jan 27, 2014
I am getting an error message sayig that My Lightrroom 5 catalog can not be opened because another application already has it opened.
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Jun 22, 2012
I have changed from 32 bit pc to 64 bit and can't open my previous catalogue, I get an error message saying catalogue might be open and used with another program (which it isn't) or I might need permissions.......
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Sep 22, 2013
I have been using lightroom 5 today and it suddenly asked me to update my catalogue to LR5, which I did and now I cannot open up the programme at all.
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Jan 10, 2014
I am currently using LR 4 and am unable to open a catalog outside of LR. When I attempt to open a catalog from where it is stored in My Photos I get two dialog boxes (attached screen shots). The only way I can open a catalog is to open LR and go to Open Recent. I keep catalogs for every year and export that year of photos as a catalog and store it where I keep the photos. Up until a few months ago I was able to go to the folder of the year I wanted to open, double click the LR catalog and voila! No problems. The catalog opened.
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Dec 25, 2013
Its Lightroom 5.2 64 bit
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Mar 15, 2011
Now is the pattern problem in hands! I try to attach patterns to wall: Materials, Cut pattern, New, Drafting pattern, Custom, Import:
And path: C/Program files/Autodesk/Revit Architecture 2011/Data
And there: Revit.pat (or any other *.pat file that I have).
And there it comes: An error! Syntax error in line 2 or 12 or 10 ? What has happened? Before I was managed to attach patterns ok. To an other project I mean.
Where on earth is the problem? In the project? The whole program? In the pattern file?
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May 16, 2012
Working in LR 3.6, Mac OS10.6.8, 8GB RAM, accessing from an external USB 2TB harddrive, and when opening an image I get the error:
"Lightroom encountered an error when reading a catalogue file and needs to quit.
"Lightroom will attempt to diagnose the problem the next time it launches."
I've run "Optimize Catalogue" and that didn't relieve the problem. Also have deleted preference files and still no joy. I also have upgrade to LR4 in hopes that it will fix the problem and it didn't. So I've removed LR4 for the time being until I can figure this out in LR3.
Here is a screen shot:
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Oct 22, 2012
I am installing LR4. I tried to update the catalog.I received the message that LR encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of Lightroom. When I click on the See Adobe Technote button, I received the message that that file is unavailable from the Adobe Website. I don't want to loose all my catalog information from my previous instralling of LR2.7.
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Mar 16, 2013
I have been using Photoshop elements for many many years and am now looking to use Lightroom as an Interface.
At the moment, I have a Folder structure on my computer. At the Top I have Photos. Under Photos I have 43 additional Folders such as ( Cindi/Ivan Pictures, Cory & Jess Pictures, Barry & Janie Pictures, etc..) Now for each of these folders, such as Cory & Jess Pictures, I have a set of folders basically broken down by month/year. Now in a Given Month/Year Folder, I have a set of folders with each one containing the pictures of a given event that occurred ( birthday, trip, etc…). Guess my initial question is how do I get these pictures into a Lightroom Catalog and do I continue to use the same Structure.
Another example - Under the Barry/Janie Pictures Folder, one of the many Folders in this Folder is called Trips. Inside the Trips folder, I have folders for every major trip that Janie & I have taken since 2004 (21 different folders) (For example there is an Isreal Folder). The Israel Folder is made up of a set of folders, for each individual event or place that we visited during our Trip - i.e. 59 different folders. How would this Trips Folder be brought into Lightroom?
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Jan 14, 2014
I'd like to move my existing LR catalog and keywords from 2.7 to my LR 5 catalog. I am using a windows PC, my mac stopped working last month.
What I want is to end up with 1 catalog with all my photos in LR 5 with all my previous edits from LR 2.7 and the keywords as well. By the way, my LR 5 has photos in it as well.
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May 4, 2011
Any "fix" for issues with Corel PDF import "the file is corrupted" error? We do custom apparel and recently added an on-line design tool that exports in PDF. Corel cannot read the files so we are forced to import into AI then expert as an AI file to import into Corel. I am at the point where I believe if there was a book written with all the quirks of X5 it would be a telephone book in size.
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Nov 23, 2012
"extrusion file is bad or corrupted" error when a file is chosen, photoshop then "stops working" and windows shuts it down. I then have to restart to make another attempt.
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Dec 29, 2012
today i downloaded gimp 2.8.2 for windows 8, but when i tried to run the installer it downloads halfway and then displays an error message.
it says something in the style of: An error occurred when trying to copy a file. The source file is corrupted.
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Mar 20, 2012
Since I upgraded to Lightroom 4 last week, I've had two occasions where Windows 7 operating system at boot tells me I have corrupt files on the separate 2TB drive I use to store Lightroom catalog and photos on. One difference between my LR3 vs LR4 settings was that I turned on the option to write XMP data to files per advice from Adobe evangelist that this is a better backup strategy in case LR catalog gets corrupt. Wondering whether the LR 4 background process to write out XMP is causing the problem.
It might be a self inflicted wound, as last night, I was importing iPad screenshot PNG files into Bridge, batch renaming them and then exporting them to hard drive as JPG (when is Lightroom going to support PNG?) and synchronizing that folder in LR4 so that I can view in LR4. Maybe the fact that I have LR4 and Bridge open at the same time and doing some operations corrupted them? LR4 got stuck at 1% progress in creating previews, so left the computer on overnight and when I come back in morning, black screen of death. When reboot, says I have to check that drive and finds lots of corrupt record segments. Never had this problem with LR3 and Bridge open at same time before LR4 and turning on the option to write XMP data to files.
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Feb 23, 2014
I use a fully registered Lightroom 5.3 with my Canon 5D Mark III, and I have this kind of corruption on some of my CR2 files from times to times. If i reimport the .cr2 file in another catalog or even on another the resulting file is still corrupted.
The wierdest thing is that the original import was successful and I successfully exported it several times correctly. The corruption should have happens afterward:
This is absolutely inacceptable from a professional software.
PS: I had this kind of curruption with an old version of Lightroom with my previous pentax K7d, but I though this was past
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Mar 6, 2012
Since the last update I am having images corrupted (truncated) by lightroom, when I open some files in CS5 i get the message about the file being truncated and then only half the image come up.
If I export the file again from LR it works so it's not the usual card malfunction or import errors, my hard drive is in fully working order and tested with drive sentinal.
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Mar 31, 2012
I just had a few RAW files from my 5D mk III get corrupted on import. Either half of the image horizontally, or the bottom right quarter is severly corrupted.
I tried converting these same files with the DNG converter, then importing, and they work fine. I checked before wiping the card!
Edit: Update: I also tried re-importing the files directly from the card into LR 4.1RC and they are fine the second time around.
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Jun 12, 2012
I recently updated from LR3 to LR4. About halfway through my edit, LR crashed. Upon trying to open up the catalog that I was currently working on, it says that the file is corrupted and prompts me to a dialog box that asks to repair catalog, quit, etc.
I attempted to click to repair the catalog, however another error dialog box pops up saying that it cannot temporarily repair the file.
I've tried everything I could possibly think of, restarted the computer. Copied the raw files and catalog and tried to open it that way -- with no luck. I was editing away and then boom.. no longer have access.
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Jun 25, 2012
I know there are lots of LR4 performance issues floating around, but I havent been having the normal develope modue issues. My issues are more related to general catalog loading and responsivene
Basically my catalogs tend to slow down drastically over a couple days of useage until they are pretty much useless. When I first import in a catalog they seem to be pretty quick, previews load correctly and when i go to develope it loads up in a couple seconds. Give it a couple days or a few hours of useage though and all of a sudden the catalog will refuse to load images that were not already in cache and trying to open an image will cause the LR to come to a hault and just sit there. If you leave it for a few hours it will eventually load them up usually. I have lost a couple catalogs to this issue. Closing the program and reopening usually results in LR not opening at all. Windows wont even let me kill LR through taskmanager sometimes. I usually have to log out and log back in, but sometimes it will still say the catalog is currently in use.
Running window7 64bit, i7 2700k, 16bg ram, intel 320 ssd (os, LR, and LR raw cache 8gb), nvidia 240gtx, images drive is a seagate 7200k 2TB drive. Raw files are from a d800 and d700. Seems to be more issues with the d800 files though.
I honestly have gotten to the point where I have to back up my catalogs as jpegs daily and often times to complete a wedding I need to use 2-3 different catalogs. LR3 had no issues at all on the same system.
Consider a full OS wipe and restore, or trying to convert to DNGs before editing.
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May 13, 2013
I've been getting about one or two of these per 3000 photos recently, and obviously it's not a huge deal until it's the ONE image you wanted. I've gone back to the memory card and the file is fine when opened from the memory card and fine when I re-copy the image. Sometimes it's just the preview that looks like this, but when I open it in develop mode it's fine. The file also shows up corrupted when navigate to the folder and open it in photoshop.
This is a rather new phenomenon for me, last year in 125,000 images probably 3 total, but in the last month (10,000 photos) I've had 6. Is it the new version (4.4) of lightroom? Is it my hardrive? Is it my card reader? The only thing I think I've ruled out is my memory cards and camera.
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Oct 16, 2012
I've imported images into LR4 from my External HD and and a few the files are corrupted. I realize that LR is not suppose to do anything to the files on the disk when importing... but I've checked the RAW images from back-ups and they are not corrupted prior to import into LR. AFTER import into LR the actual file (on the external HD) IS corrupted in both LR and then on the External HD.
My workflow has been to copy files from my CF Card to the External HD (Western Digital 3 TB) ino the appropriate file then go to LR4 and import.I replaced the Card Reader..same problem occurs. I've checked numerous RAW files in Bridge none are shown as corrupted (prior to LR4 import)
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May 25, 2012
When I select embed medium JPEG, the preview image is corrupted (folded over itself parallel to the long edge) when I view the preview in other programs like irfanview.
Two examples: http:[url]......
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Dec 14, 2013
I just downloaded lightroom 5.4 the other day and today was the first time I went to download images with it.
I could review all my images before I plugged my card into the card reader and attempted to download them, when I opened the import window in lightroom the first image on the card had a preview, but it was greyed out and the rest of the images came up with the .CR2 icon and when I tried to import them I got an error message saying that the files cannot be read.
I tried ejecting the card and putting it back in my camera, but now I can't see the images on my camera either or save them manually to my hard drive.
The files are from a Canon 5D mk II and I shot all the images in RAW with no JPG's.
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Nov 5, 2011
Why oh why when I export any image from one folder to another do I end up with most keywords applied to that image written to my hierarchical keyword list as a new 1st level keyword and not under the parent keyword as they should be? I've tried everything. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit, with the latest LR 3. Export Synonyms, Include on Export, Export containing keywords are all checked with all the keywords and I've unchecked the Write Keywords as Hierarchy in the Export dialogue. With every export I have to clean up my keyword list and I'm at wits end with wasted hours.
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Nov 8, 2012
My hard drive is failing and my catalog is running really slow. I moved all my files onto a new Hard Drive ( mix of Jpegs and Raw). But what do I do now? I need to recover all my actions.
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Jan 8, 2013
After a recent hard disc failure I have reinstalled LR3 and upgraded to 3.6. The catalogue has been recovered from backup but LR is not seeing it and I have been unable to discover from within LR where it expects the catalogue files to be.
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Feb 23, 2012
I will giving a presentation on editing options to our photographic society in a couple of weeks. One of members raised this question to me.
He is currently using PSE 10 to manage around 11,000 photos. He is getting into problems with the data base crashing and is looking at moving to Lightroom. He has been told that there is no way to make the transfer and will need to wait for LR 4 for a fix.
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Nov 9, 2013
I'm trying to import a catalogue into Lightroom 4.4. The catalogue I'm importing has 3397 images but only 1806 of these images have been imported. I tried to reimport, but the import dialogue box won't let me tick any of the boxes. With the preview window open in the import dialogue box it seems that some images are missing, yet they are all there when I go to the folder. The images and catalogue I'm trying to import are on my desktop. I have verified and repaired disk permissions after clearing my caches.
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