Lightroom :: 5.4 Just Corrupted All Raw Files On Memory Card?
Dec 14, 2013
I just downloaded lightroom 5.4 the other day and today was the first time I went to download images with it.
I could review all my images before I plugged my card into the card reader and attempted to download them, when I opened the import window in lightroom the first image on the card had a preview, but it was greyed out and the rest of the images came up with the .CR2 icon and when I tried to import them I got an error message saying that the files cannot be read.
I tried ejecting the card and putting it back in my camera, but now I can't see the images on my camera either or save them manually to my hard drive.
The files are from a Canon 5D mk II and I shot all the images in RAW with no JPG's.
I accidentally deleted some photos from a memory card. I recovered them using software called "Recover My Files". This software recovered the files but now I can't open them in CS3. I took these with an old Canon Rebel DSLR and they should not need converting, they opened fine before I deleted them.
My Lightroom 4 on a Mac has stopped importing from a memory card. It used to do so, but now it hangs up and never actually imports the photos. If I save the photos from the card to a folder on my desktop, it works just fine. I have tried several different memory cards at different speeds, sizes, fullness, and it doesn't seem to matter. What can I do to go back to importing directly from the memory card?
When I import images from my memory card, the images in preview are colored but when rendered in LR4, they are automatically converted to black and white. I made sure that in the import panel that 'Import During Import'> Develop Settings> None. My images show up in LR4 colored for an instance then convert to black and white. This is the first time I have encountered this problem. Am I missing something. I've checked my camera settings with nothing that I believe is the problem. I've been successful in using the other presets under 'Apply during Import' > Develop Settings, but using 'None' doesn't prevent the images from being converted to black and white in LR4. the same is true for importing to Bridge in PS-CS6. I get the same results of all the images being converted to black and white.
I normally choose to "Move" images from my memory card to a hard drive folder when importing into Lightroom so that the card is then clear to use again. I cannot think of any settings I have changed Lightroom no longer gives me the option to move or add from a card. Is this an undocumented "Feature" of v3.3
It seems as if there is no rhyme of reason as to how the import process presents the previews to select for import. I did s shoot last night and the images are spread out over different areas between other photos that I took in the past. Shouldn't they just be sorted by image name so they are presented together?
I am suddenly getting the error message "No images on the memory card meet the download conditions" when I try to import my pictures into Lightroom 5. My other cameras are importing to Lightroom as always... just fine. I have tried a direct import from the camera and also an import with my card reader and I get the same message. I have also changed cards with this camera and get the same error message.
I have unchecked the box for "Show import dialogue when memory card is attached" in LR 4 and checked it in LR 5, but LR 4 is still opending every time when I insert a card in my card reader.
I want to import photos off of a memory card onto an external hard drive and have that external hard drive linked up with adobe lightroom so I can work with the photos that are on my hard drive.
Lightroom 5.0 fails to detect memory card and open import dialog. This has always worked fine in Lightroom 4, 3,and 2. Same cards, same camera, same iMac using OS X 10.8.4. Manual importing works OK, card is detected just fine.
I love tethered Shooting but as default (at least for Nikon) Lightroom does only save the file on the computer, not on the memory card.
Now I want to have a backup of the image file on the memory card additionally to downloading it. The tethering software digiCamControl can do this with my camera, so it is technically possible.
So how can I achieve this using Lightroom tethering?
Since I upgraded to Lightroom 4 last week, I've had two occasions where Windows 7 operating system at boot tells me I have corrupt files on the separate 2TB drive I use to store Lightroom catalog and photos on. One difference between my LR3 vs LR4 settings was that I turned on the option to write XMP data to files per advice from Adobe evangelist that this is a better backup strategy in case LR catalog gets corrupt. Wondering whether the LR 4 background process to write out XMP is causing the problem.
It might be a self inflicted wound, as last night, I was importing iPad screenshot PNG files into Bridge, batch renaming them and then exporting them to hard drive as JPG (when is Lightroom going to support PNG?) and synchronizing that folder in LR4 so that I can view in LR4. Maybe the fact that I have LR4 and Bridge open at the same time and doing some operations corrupted them? LR4 got stuck at 1% progress in creating previews, so left the computer on overnight and when I come back in morning, black screen of death. When reboot, says I have to check that drive and finds lots of corrupt record segments. Never had this problem with LR3 and Bridge open at same time before LR4 and turning on the option to write XMP data to files.
I use a fully registered Lightroom 5.3 with my Canon 5D Mark III, and I have this kind of corruption on some of my CR2 files from times to times. If i reimport the .cr2 file in another catalog or even on another the resulting file is still corrupted.
The wierdest thing is that the original import was successful and I successfully exported it several times correctly. The corruption should have happens afterward:
This is absolutely inacceptable from a professional software.
PS: I had this kind of curruption with an old version of Lightroom with my previous pentax K7d, but I though this was past
I've been getting about one or two of these per 3000 photos recently, and obviously it's not a huge deal until it's the ONE image you wanted. I've gone back to the memory card and the file is fine when opened from the memory card and fine when I re-copy the image. Sometimes it's just the preview that looks like this, but when I open it in develop mode it's fine. The file also shows up corrupted when navigate to the folder and open it in photoshop.
This is a rather new phenomenon for me, last year in 125,000 images probably 3 total, but in the last month (10,000 photos) I've had 6. Is it the new version (4.4) of lightroom? Is it my hardrive? Is it my card reader? The only thing I think I've ruled out is my memory cards and camera.
I am using corel x3 a long time but never, never had this kind of problem. When i work in corel enviorenment after i have finished my work i go to save my work. But then is the problem It Saves the file with Large Memory on it. let's say if the file normally would be 200 K, now it saves with 3 MB. And if i import some other files in my work then the saved file will be even bigger. If i Delete the files that were imported The Saved File will be Again the same SIZE ! Even if a take one part of the file, let's say if i import only one small text and put it in another file and save it like that, the saved file will be 2 MB. I had a lots of problems, i had saved files on this way with 23-24 MB and when i open them it takes like forever. When you look that file in corel it has nohing in it, absolutely nothing that should be 24 MB. But all of my important work is in that files how to make all things back to normal again,
have been using PSP8 for a long time with no problems. i regularly copy files from my HD to a memory card but recently i have been getting the following error message for no apparent reason:
cannot copy [filename]: the directory or file cannot be created
if i try to copy a batch of files this does not happen for all files - just more recent ones. so half the files get copied, the others don't. i have checked file properties old files vs new and cannot see any difference. my memory card is not full.
My Canon digital camera uses a removable memory card which I then put into an Inca Card Reader. When using Photoshop Elements 11 and try to open the Card Reader to import images, the Card Reader isn't even listed among the various drives attached to, or within, my computer? How can I fix this? I want Photoshop Elements 11 to recognise the Card Reader so I can import the images.
I wish to copy selected photos from my Elements 10 catalogue to a memory card, which I can then slot into a digital photoframe. I have done this many years ago on Elements 4, but cannot remember the procedure.
Try to import CR2 files from CF card - files show in import screen but then will not import
"Import Results
Some import operations were not performed.
The following files were not imported because they could not be read (1):......."
Then lists ALL files on CF card
I tried copying CR2 files to a temporary folder on my desktop but get exactly the same message. Also tried importing iPhone images and get exactly the same message.
This all worked for the first week LR5 was installed and has just started happening after a week
I have been using Lighroom4.3 for nearly a year now with no problems. All of a sudden, it refuses to import any of my NEF files from my SD card. I have tried all my SD cards to no avail. In the import window the files appear as thumbnails, but when I ask to import I get the message 'Files were not imported because they could not be read (3)'
After years of uploading photos with a memory card reader, Adobe suddenly stopped recognizing ithe reader and I can't upload anything. I bought a new reader and got the same results.
I have a Canon SX30IS. When I use PSE9 to download from memory card, if there are any videos present on the card, the Photo Downloader crashes.
I believe that it is something to do with Apple Quicktime. When I uninstall Quicktime , PSE downloader does not crash while importing media form this camera, but cannot play video clips. On reinstalling Quicktime , the PSE downloader crashes while searching the memory card for media.
I have not upgraded PSE twice now because of this crash. What makes it worse is that Apple Quicktime is a very poor media player, managing about 2FPS on the video clips from this camera when both the Canon and the VLC video codecs can manage 30FPS.
I would much prefer if I could choose to use a video renderer, like using any available Windows codecs rather than insisting on using annoying Apple software.
I just installed LR5 on a MAC. I have pics to import from cards, one card loaded no problem, the next card brought up the images and when I go to import them I recieve a message saying "Some Import Operations Were not Performed." giving me the following 2 errors (1) and (563)last night it was (1) and (504) and (505). Seems like it is reading the images as it pulls them up, just not moving them. I have reviewed everything from Permissions to loading the cards with no problem in LR4.
If I use LR to import the RAW files directly from a CF card, there are preview images (but I don't know how to import and save to a different HDD yet so I am still transferring files with Nikon Transfer NX)), but if I use Nikon Transfer to move the NEFs to the HDD, LR reports that it can't read the RAW files. I am using the same NEF format as what I use with ny Nikon D300 (14 bit, uncompressed) and LR will read those files.
Recently upgraded to LR5, and today noticed when importing a job that half the images I wanted to import were greyed out and hovering over one a pop-up stated "This photo has already been imported" - but that's ridiculous because I just took it and have NOT imported it yet.
A search on my system shows that the file 0L2A9857.CR2 does exist - But yesterday's job just won't import - the only way I can add it is to manually copy the files in Finder and then perform an Add import in LR5.
Surely it's not a setting issue, right? I'm using LR5 just as I used LR4, and even toggling the Don't Import Suspected Duplicates checkbox doesn't achieve anything.