In lightroom 3 on my Macbook Pro, my orignal photograph is clear, in focus, and sharp. After I export the photograph, it turns into a blurry, out of focus, fuzzy photograph..
I have the mac version of photoshop elements 10 which does not support exporting of photographs in the organizer.I use to be a Windows user of the program and like this feature. It is a major flaw in the mac version. Corrected flaw in version 11?
All photographs collection contains more photos than in folders - (Using LR 4) There are about 6k more photos that are in my catalog (All Photographs) than what is showing up in my folders below. All of my photos are located on an external hard drive. I have them organized by year. So for example, if in LR I click on 'All Photographs' in the library module, I can see hundreds of photos from 2009. I can also see all these photos on my external hard drive under the 2009 folder. However , these photos do not show up under the folders in LR. I've tried 'synchronizing' my folder in LR, but it thinks all of the photos are duplicates, since they are indeed already in the catalog (just not the folder)
I am currently making virtual copies of all my photographs converting them to black & white I am then choosing which one to keep. If I keep the original no problem, I can remove the virtual copy however if I choose the virtual copy I have to keep the original copy or export the virtual one. Is there a way I can make the original the virtual copy and the virtual the original. As things stand I have loads of photos showing in lightroom that I do not want.
My metadata for the catalouge has become split across two copies of the photographs on different hard drives. Is there a way of recombing the two so that lightroom only uses the photographs at one location? It is difficult to work out which copy of the photo on which disk has the metadata asigned to it.
my internal iMac 1TB HD is at its limits and so I bought a 3 TB external HD, but I don`t know what to do...I want to have all the data on the external HD...
When I use a keyword to find a collection of photographs, I then want to be able to select a subset of them based on ratings, say all 4 stars or above. But when I try to do that, Lightroom displays all photos with 4 stars or above, not just the ones with that keyword. Earlier versions of lightroom handled this well. Is this ever going to be fixed or is there another way to do this.
I am trying to import photographs from an external hard drive to LR4.1. The photos appear to come over ok and be available as long as the external hard drive is connected. Once it's disconnected, however, the photos are still in LR, but each has a line that says "The file named XXXX is offline or missing." What do I need to do to ensure that the photos are moved to the right place in LR so the entire file will be there, without the external hard drive connected?
I'm a long time user of LR. I just purchased and installed LR 5 yesterday and am not having problems in the develop module. Develop module only gives a gray rectangle instead of my photographs (even though the thumbnails are showing below).
I have a catalog of an event which spanned over a few days, and so I made a few collections. I made collection sets for Day 1, Day 2, etc, and in those collection sets I have two folders - General and People.
When I enter say, the General collection for Day 3 and I flag a photo in there as 'rejected', the photo when viewed in 'All photographs' does not show the Rejected flag.
I am trying to import photographs from a SD card shot on Nikon D600. LR keeps saying "Preview unavailable", and that it doesn't recognise the raw format.
I have tried downloading images from card via a recovery programme and filed them on desktop in separate folder, then tried to import from the folder. Still no success.
I can scroll through a bunch of photos while in grid view with the right side slider when I am looking at a folder with 15,000 images or less, but when I click the All Photographs, there is no little slider button. The slider tray is visible, but no button to drag. The catalog has 180,000 images now.
I tried using a text search within my All Photographs which brought up 71,000 images. The slider showed up fine with that many images.
I opened LR today and this time did not click ignore to the message of update to curent. After the update I opened to the current catalog and my images were blurry. I switched to a different catalog and same thing. I selected an image I had not previously edited and it was fine. I started to edit it and after the first adjustment it was not viewable. I clicked to another image and then back. It was viewable, but blurry. To be clear, these are not blurry images, but update is causing them to be this way.
After upgrading to 4.2, any image when displayed on the second monitory appears soft and blurry, even if the image in the first monitor is tack sharp. This happens in any view mode, such as loupe, grid, compare, etc. This was not an issue with 4.1 for me.
I'm running Windows 7 on an HP Pavilion dv7. 8 gig memory installed. It's got an Intel Core i7. 64-bit operating system.
Frequently LR directs my display to actually change 1:1 sharp previews to blurry, and if I come back to them later, they are sharp for about 1 sec and become blurry again.AND there is no "loading..." note.
No, these are not modified files. They are fresh imports with 1:1 previews as always.I can get proper 1:1 in the app window. Lucky I know this or I'd have thrown away lots of stuff.
It's the Window>secondarydisplay>show that fails. That display is actually the DVI input.The primary screen app window is the VGA input.
I noticed a weird preview bug in Lightroom 4.3 under Windows 7.
In Library mode, preview window set for single large preview:
1. Hit a portrait-oriented photo in the filmstrip below. The photo is previewed properly (sharply)
2. Hit a landscape-oriented photo in the filmstrip below. The photo preview is blurry
3. Hit another landscape-oriented photo in the filmstrip below. The photo is previewed sharply
4. Hit the landscape-oriented photo from step 2 again. The photo is previewed sharply
Every time I hit a landscape-oriented photo immediately after a portrait-oriented photo, the photo is previewed blurry. But if the same landscape-oriented photo is previewed immediately after another landscape-oriented photo, then everything is fine.
In other words, previewing a portrait-oriented photo screws up the preview for the next landscape-oriented photo. It looks like not every portrait-oriented photo has this effect. But the ones that do have this effect consistently in 100% cases.
I read the list of fixes in the upcoming 4.4 version and they mention the fix for blurry previews on Mac only.
When moving the sliders the image becomes blurry until the slider is stopped. You do not see the change until the slider is at rest. This occured in the early LR 5.0 beta version but eventually went away in the final. I really do not like this effect.
When I zoom to 1:1 with LR5 in the Develop module, I get a sharp image almost instantly, but when I then go to full screen (or go to full screen first and then zoom to 1:1), the image is blurry and stays that way, and the only way I can fix that, strangely, is to use the left or right arrow key to go to a neighboring image, and then return, at which point the blurry image comes into sharp focus in a second or so. My system seems to handle everything else in 64-bit LR5 with ease. Any thoughts re what's happening and how to fix it. A great product overall, and I love the full screen feature in other respects.
When I am in Survey View and hit the Z key, some of the previews are blurry. The same thing happens in Grid View. However, in Loupe View, the images are fine when I the 'Z' key. Using Survey View would make things go faster when making my picks.
I tried rendering 1:1 but the returns a mesage that says renders are up to date and rendering was done.
I am a photography and most of the time I send my jpeg files to a professional lab In LR3 the images are exposed correctly but when I recieve them back from the lab the are too dark.. I have a Hiti printer and home and when I print the images come out a little over exposed. My question is how can I export a file from LR3 correctly and be confident that when I send them to a Lab they will come back correctly exposed?
When I export a RAW file that I want to be changed to JPG, the file does not show up in my Lightroom folder until I synchronize the folder that I exported to. What LR setting is needed so that the exported JPG file will show automatically?
I'm using Lightroom 3.6 for Mac and when I export to CD/DVD it takes several minutes to burn the CD. For example, I have about 50 jpg images that I export at 100% quality and at 300 dpi with no watermarks, etc. I can use Finder to burn to disc funtion and I can burn 2 cd's in the time it takes Lightroom to burn. I want to be able to use Lightroom for all my processing from importing to corrections to printing to exporting on CD. When shooting events we take the images in jpg, import and put them into folders for each client. Once the client purchases a CD of all their images we burn the CD. I do not want to use separate software to burn the CD if at possible. Is there settings or something I can change in Lightroom to speed up the process?
When using the ctr E keyboard shortcut to edit in PS6 from LR4, multiple raw files are generated in PS CS6 and only stop creating when PS is forced closed. Using the Drop Down menu in LR makes the transfer to PS6 no problem.
I recently got a new computer because my other one is going out on me. I downloaded LR3 onto my new computer but need to somehow get Ithe presets I created off of my old computer and onto my new one. Anything I find just tells you you have to export them one at a time which would really suck if that were true because I have hundreds.