InDesign :: Place A White Background PSD On And Get Black Stroke Around The Edge?
Apr 15, 2014
The stroke only shows up when I save the file as a pdf as I zoom in the line gets smaller and smaller but never goes a away. In InDesign and on the PSD file the edges look fine just all white around the "horsefly"
I seem to be having problems when I lasso round a specific part of a photo taken with a white background and then try to add that part of the image to a plain #000000 black background.
I always seem to get a white outline around the image when I place it on the black background, even when its on ZERO feathered. I don't like using feathered as it adds a smudge round the outside of the image.
I am using CS5.5, and I was watching a video of someone using CS6 inking a sketch with a calligraphic brush that has black stroke and white fill. I am trying to do the same thing, but every time I select the fill color and start using the brush it goes back to "none" as the fill option. Is this a CS6 exclusive feature?
I'm typesetting a book where the last sections of each chapter should have a colored background, full width of the page (a percentage of the spot color I use). The spot color at 100% is also used for section headings and the like. That means some pages have a completely colored background, for which I made a master page. The first of these pages should only have a background for the sections concerned (the rest of the page should have no background). So I made an object style with exactly the same color and transparency settings as the frame on the master page.I anchor a so-styled frame to the spot from where the page should have a color (so it will always start at exactly the right spot). Works fine.When I print directly from Indesign, there is no problem. When I export it to pdf, there doesn't seem to be a problem either.
But when I print the pdf pages, black text on the page with the anchored frame doesn't show on the background. On the rest of the page it does. Colored text does show, even on the background. On the other pages (with the colored master page) there is no problem either.
When I export in indesign cs6 pdf file (I made a digital flipbook and I want to upload it on my website) there is a white default color in the background. Is there a way to get rid of this white default color or make it transparent in indesign?
I am trying to place a black background on a drawing so once it is printed it will be easier to read. I place a solid hatch in a boundary and use the DRAWORDER command to place in underneath everything else, but when I plot the dwg to pdf the black hatch comes out grey in the pdf (see attached pdf)
Is there an alternative that I can use to add a black background to a dwg?
I have some black and white photos from my wedding and I want to add some colour to them. It looks like it will be too much effort to recolour the whole photo so I might settle for just colouring the waistcoats for a splash effect.
I have read lots of tutorials for Paint.NET and for GIMP [URL] Essentially I do the following:
Add a new layer Use lasso to select the waistcoat Use bucket fill with the purple colour Select multiply for the layer.
This gives me the result I am looking for, but only in the region that I have selected.
Not surprising really, but something that I can't get right and that seems to be skipped over in all the tutorials is: how do I select the area correctly?
Unless I go down to a really high zoom and spend ages with the selection, I end up either not selecting everything or I end up with leakage into other parts of the clothes.
This tutorial [URL] for a paid for product seems to let you just roughly choose your selection then it uses some algorithm for edge detection to make the correct selection.
Is there anything in Paint.Net to choose the selection like this? I have tried the magic wand, but the since the picture is greyscale, it chooses random selections all over the image instead of just the waistcoat.
I have just purchased this upgrade software having used XARA Xtreme4.0 for many years.How can I change the black background screen with white writing to grey with black writing?
Basically I'm trying to print a bar code onto black card. I need there to be a white background underneath the bar code otherwise the entire thing will come out black.
I've tried creating a "draw filled shape" with white and pasting the bar code onto a layer above that but it does not work!
I'm trying to use a smoke brush in Illustrator CS5 and colour it blue. However, when I place a black square at the back of the image as a background, the brush appears to have a grey outer edge. I have tried other brushes as well and some produce the same results.
I am wondering if this may be a setting that I'm unaware of or something else.
I'm currently deployed in a computer came in the mail broken so I'm unable to do this. How to take away the black background to make it white or transparent.
i have seen some concept drawings JUST DRAWINGS where the pen lines n stuff have been turned into white and the background has been turned into black its sort of like a blackborad and chalk effect and it looks really good for presentational ideas... can anyone possibley tell me how i can achieve this myself if i were to scan in my own drawings?
I just finsihed setting up this new computer. I reloaded AC 2012 LT. I need to reset my settings. I do not rmember how to change that black background to white.
I use to be able to click on the outer box of text and give it a white fill to clarity when placing text over compex flow diagrams in CS3. I don't seen to be able to do this is CS6?
Why does pse 10 use black background with white text. Its harder to read and customers have complained, why use it when everyone knows black text on white background is easier to read. For example this discussion board is after all black on white!
I am using the trail version of pse 10 and its great but I don't think I will purchase because of the hard to read text.
I'm trying to make the attached icons have a transparent background. Tried just selecting the white space but this causes the edges to look awful on dark backgrounds.
I've also tried the Grim Color Reaper but cannot find a setting that keeps the icon as it is, only making the edge semi transparent.
I just want to cut out/lasso an item in a pic and not have a black or white background..just the item itself..
I have *picked a photo *click layer *chose transparency *added alpha channel* *cut/lasso item out *selected invert *pressed delete on keyboard *pressed select and none
I then get this picture which looks perfect right???
But when I copy and paste it or open file in paint or anywhere else it ends up like this? I want just the cut out and not the background too but no matter what I do the stupid thing comes with..
The instructions say <<< In the Background panel, select the Background Color option and click the color swatch to choose the color. >>> But I can't seem to find any way of changing the background colour from the default, white. ! (I want black.)
I was working with a document in PS and I must have inadvertantly done something to turn my background sceen to black. How do I return it to the standard white?
I have a darkish image which is layered on top of a white background. How can I make the edge of the image less sharp and mould into the white background less sharply.
I need to produce a text logo with the first half of the canvas background black with white text, and the second half white with black text. Do I split the background or join two individual canvases together ............ or something else?
I wanted to make a decal to place on the acrylic window of my PC. I found the perfect picture, which is in black and white. For it to look right though, I need to switch the black to white, and vice versa. Is there a way with Photoshop to automatically switch these, instead of having to manually switch them.
I'm having this problem with the stroke weight on my objects staying the same pixel size when I adjust their size. I had this issue in 5.5 and learned how to fix it by the 'Transform Object' panel and deselecting 'Adjust Stroke Weight When Scaling'.
Well, that's turned off in CC, but the stroke is still obviously getting bigger when I increase the size of my object. The stroke weight still says it's the same, but a person can easily tell that the stroke is bigger. And, the 'Adjust Stroke Weight When Scaling' is greyed out. I can't turn it on or off. Something is going on.