With the latest Illustrator update through Creative Cloud, every time I try to open the Graphic Styles panel my Illustrator gets the spinning beach ball on the Mac (OS 10.7.5) and I have to force quit.
I'm on a Mac and have Illustrator CS6. Whenever I try to open up Graphic Styles, it freezes.I deleted preferences and even did the disk permissions repair, then restarted. Nothing. I tried to create multiple types of documents too (print, web, etc), but whenever I try to open styles after creating that document, it freezes.
These are the vanilla default graphic styles..It might freeze for other tools, but I'm not sure, haven't gotten that far in the investigation.
I'm designing a game for iPad and am using Illustrator CS3 to create the graphics. I created lots of card sized graphics and gave them all the 'RGB Parchment' graphic style which comes with Illustrator.
The document in the picture is (part of) an illustrator file that I created these cards in. If I take one out to another document to edit it and save it as a .png - it comes back different. As you can see in the picture, in the centre are two mock ups I made for a card. The left is an illustrator file 'placed' in the document and the right is the same file but exported as a .png and then placed in.
The .png keeps the transparencies but the shadow is completely different, it's a horrible brown as well as the shape being slightly different and the quality quite low. I sent the whole mock up picture (which is much bigger) to my iPad and I can still see the lower quality in the right, .png card.
If I want to bring graphics into some software to build the app I can't bring in illustrator files so I cant to create them as .pngs but when they're so different / low quality I don't know what to do. I just want to be able to use that 'RGB Parchement' graphic style and not have it changed so much when I export it.
I make a graphic style with more than one stroke. I choose the brush tool. I click the graphic style. I draw a line. only one of the strokes is applied to the path. I have to select the path again, and then click the graphic style for it to apply."New art has basic appearance" is unchecked.It's time consuming and frustrating. And it takes the punch out of one of the better additions to the program.
I opened lots of graphic styles in one document, they all arrived in the same windo for once (to which I haven't been able to replicate since). How to organise your graphic styles? I've created a few in one document and I need to export to another, but I use these styles often, so I was thinking of saving them to my own styles folder, but don't know what to do?
Scenario: Start with a named graphic style of say 2 pt black stroke/no fill called '2.0 pt'. Create an object using said style, copy and paste it, every time I do this I get '2.0 pt 1', '2.0 pt 2', '2.0 pt 3' etc. insanely populating my graphic styles panel.
This is with CS6 (16.0.4) running on Mac OS X.6.8.
When I use a numeric scale from the scale dialog box, Illustrator will not scale the the strokes and patterns attibutes applied to the layer via a graphic style. Has this always been the case, or is this a new CC feature? You know the ones that keep popping up as I'm trying to get my work done. I have to calculate the scale of all my patterns and strokes MANUALLY?
I'm working on a collaborative process that involves taking a .dxf from autocad and editing it graphically in illustrator. The .dxf file needs to be updated periodically and we have a system where we update the .dxf, open it in illustrator (CS6) and then copy/paste the updated elements into the graphic document in progress. When pasted, the new paths sometimes retain attributes (like stroke color) from the .dxf file, beneath the graphic style attributes of the layer the new work was pasted into.
Is there a way to force the graphic style of the layer being pasted into to override any original attributes from the copied file?
When I try to open a pdf with Illustrator (CS5.5), the panel that has you choose the options is hidden. I have to hit my enter key to progress forward,so it seems that the panel is still a step I am taking, but I cannot see it anywhere.
I recently started working with Illustrator CS6, and noticed that the Transform option panel in the top tool bar is listed as a word, which i need to click on in order to access the x/y coordinates and the object height and width values. I was wondering if there was a way to set this toolbar so that these options are locked in the tool bar so that i don't need to always click on the word to expand it out. I have included a screenshot of the tool bar as it exists. Also the align options are set up in this way as well.
I also included a screenshot of the same tools in Indesign to give an idea of what i'm looking for, where everything is expanded out.
Open Effects>Stylise>Rounded Corners, Turn on Preview (BTW how do I make PREVIEW ON! as the default for all effects panels/windows?)Now I want to Hide the Bounding Box and the Edges... but those shortcuts are now inoperable.
Photoshop allows me to hide bounding box, and the rulers, I think, when having an effect window open, why does Illustrator not permit this?Is there an alternative other than canceling out and starting again with the view qualities changed?
Seems needlessly long winded to cut off these shortcuts just because an effects settings window/panel is open.
Is there a way to insert a Ai graphic into msWord and the graphic text still be searchable in msWord? I would like the text in my Ai graphic to be searchable once the graphic is inserted in msWord. I have tried different Ai exports, but all come into msWord as pictures. Is there a way to keep the Text Layer in my Ai file searchable in msWord.
I have an InDesign document, where I have defined some Object styles for my text frames - such as the size (width x hight) of the text frames, and this works fine.
I would like to do the same thing for my graphic frames, but I can't find this option. I figure it must be possible somehow?
An object style which makes the picture frame ex. 50 x 50 mm. with the picture centered in the frame.
I have many layer styles installed - over 100. I do this because I like to experiment with a lot of styles during the creative process and prefer to have them quickly available. When I click the panel menu icon in the Styles panel, the list of available styles fills my screen. However, not all of the installed styles appear.
• Is this a bug? • Is there a technical limit to the number of styles that can be loaded at any one time? • How does Photoshop decide which styles to show if it doesn't show all installed styles? • Does where the styles are installed (program presets folder vs. user appdata folders) make a difference? • Is there any way to scroll the list of styles when there are too many to display in the pop-up window?
The computer I use (a work laptop) is running Photoshop CS 6 and Windows Home Premium x64. It has a 3td gen. Core i7 processor with 8gb of RAM and a dedicated video card.
I've recently moved to CS6. My object styles panel is blank.
THe panel is there with no info inside it. When i open the same job on another machine with the same specs as mine, the artwork is fine and i can see my object styles. WHen I open old artwork that has object styles set, I cannot see them, but again are fine on another machine.
I see numerous redundant copies of every font family style listed when I select a font family STYLE of any typeface, such as Helvetica or Arial, for example.
Throughout the day the list increases copies of each style exponentially by the hour. At the end of the day I am scrolling through 98 copies of Helvetica Bold to get to the next style, like Black. There should only be one Helv. Bold, one Black, one Condensed, and so on.
My fonts are cleaned and organized frequently with any corrupted fonts being removed immediately. I use FontExplorer X, Font Doctor and other type apps to manage fonts because FontBook is still retarded.
OS X 10.8 (12A256) Mac Pro 2x2.4GHz Quad Core 40 GB ram ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB (1) 27" Apple LED Cinema Display, (2) LG W2361 23" Displays
I would like to assign keyboard shortcuts for functions inside the paragraph styles panel in PS CS6. It seems that no option to do this is exposed - is this correct?
how to sort (alphabetically, for instance) the Graphic and Text styles in the Graphic and Text Docker? I need the styles "Roads-county", "Roads-State" & "Roads-US" near each other and "apples" listed first.
It is there in the directory, and I can see it in xara 6 as well. But I go to use it and it says it isn't installed and that I should install from help menu.
I have tried so many tings and recently I tried changing the permissions, still no go.
It's weird cause I also own Xara Web designer 6 and they open in that program fine...
Whenever I try to open the Brushes panel, the Bridge window pops up. I know that Bridge is a media manager, so I'm not sure why is it opening. I really need to edit the brushes and I can't find a way to do it. Is there a way to disable bridge or another way to open the brushes panel that won't open bridge?
i closed my pallet/styles box which i have never closed and have no clue how to reopen it. as my nephew is 4yrs old he wasn't of much help either. i can find nothing anywhere in photoshop CS2 version that allows me to reopen that or any other box that normally is there when i open the program.
I have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow.
I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.
For the longest time, when I open ID, the Info panel is there. Now suddenly the same thing is happening in PS. This is driving me nuts; I don't want the Info panel there when I open the programs. How can I prevent this?
Is there a way to leave the Options Panel opened as its default position? Right now I have to click each time on the blue botton to open the Options panel at each clip that I decide to edit (it closes automatically each time) on VSX3
I installed the new trial version of PSE11 and for some reason the layer panel does not show up automatically and when I try to open it under the windows menu the layers part is greyed out. The entire layers dropdown menu is also entirely grey.