Illustrator :: How To Invert Selected Parts Of A Logo

Mar 26, 2013

I am trying to invert select parts of a logo in illustrator. I want to invert the black and white portions of the logo but maintain the blue hues in the finer parts of the logo. When I invert currently the blue hues change to a red. I want to keep the blue but I am having a difficult time figuring out how to do this.

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Illustrator :: Moving Selected Parts Of Text?

Nov 16, 2012

how do I move select parts of text? I have a "B" and a "G" that I put into Illustrator using the text tool. When I go to move the "G" onto the lower corner of the "B", it selects both letters and moves them as a block.

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Illustrator :: Invert PDF In CS6?

Jan 15, 2014

I have architectural detail drawings in pdf. In photoshop CS6 I can invert them but the quality drops, it becomes pixilated. I want the background to be black and lines/writings to be white. How can I achieve this in Illustrator CS6?

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Illustrator :: Invert The Entire Page?

Feb 9, 2014

I am trying to invert the entire page. All of my artwork and words are black and the page white. I want to turn the page black and everything else white.

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Illustrator :: Easily Invert Pattern Color?

Nov 5, 2012

I'm working with a couple Illustrator stock patterns. I'd like to simply invert them so they're white instead of black. Any way to do this without actually editing the pattern itself? The one I'm working on is too complex to edit effectively...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraints Between Selected Parts

Sep 6, 2012

Is there a way to get a list of constraints that exist between two parts in an assembly?

It will take forever to go through each and every constraint for one of the parts, checking the "Other Half" of each just to find all constraints between to specific parts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: CoG Of Selected Parts Within Assembly

Sep 4, 2013

I have a question about getting CoG of my assembly.  The only problem is that i only need 2 parts (the rest are just dummy solids with 'default material'.

When i control select two parts, right click and go 'iproperties' - the physical tab doesn't let me determine CoG of the two parts combined.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Currently Selected Parts To ObjectCollection

Jan 21, 2013

I want the user to have a set of occurrences selected and click a button to run code on them but I can't seem to find a method of getting the names or anything else on the actively selected parts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Position Of COG In Selected Parts?

Jan 13, 2012

I have now been able to select items in an assembly and get weight and COG details of just the selected items, however I guess the COG will be working from the world datum as the xyz data is very wrong?

how do i set the world datum to a known point on one of the parts in the current view so that I can get the COG to relate to a position within the part that I set the datum to?

basically I have a block of metal with a load of parts on one end that offsets the weight / COG and i need to balance this on some brackets that are equally spaced from the COG, so i need to determine where the COG is of all the selected parts but as a position within the block from a known point.

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Xara :: Removing Parts Of Selected Object?

Jul 23, 2013

Question about Xara Extreme 5. When I click on an object, there are a bunch of square dots around the outsite. When I use the pencil tool to go from one dot to another dot, waiting for the ~ to appear, Xara "sometimes" removes the "little" piece I am trying to remove... but other times, removes 90% of the object, keeping the tiny piece of the image (I am trying to remove). Is there a trick or shortcut so that Xara ALWAYS removes the smaller section? I thought that it would be, if you are selecting a piece (i.e. 10% of the selected image), it would remove it... but nope, sometimes it keeps the 10% and removes the 90%. Very frustrating and obviously I do not understand the use of this tool.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hidden Lines In An IDW For Selected Parts

Jan 17, 2012

Is there way that within a drawing view, hidden lines can be shown for only some of the parts of an assembly, rather than just being a global toggle setting for the whole view? I know that it is possible to hide individual lines, but It would be good to be able to do this on a part basis, as some drawings can have thousands of hidden lines that would need to be selected and turned off.

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GIMP :: How To Remove Selection Area Around Parts That Don't Selected

Nov 6, 2012

When I use the Fuzzy select tool or the select by colour tool, how can I remove the selection area around the parts that I don't want selected. For example. I have red car on a white background which I want to cut and paste to a black background. I select the white background, but although it selects all the white, it also selects other small areas on the car which are a similar colour. If the threshold is lowered too much when I use these select tools then I get a very small white border around the object when I paste it on to a dark surface. So instead of selecting using the default (15) or even less, I have to ramp it up so as the selection is closer to object and does not show the white jagged line. I thought that I could use the other selection tools with the "remove from selected" option selected, but each time I place a rectangle around the selected area that I want ot deselect, it does away with the entire selection area. I just cannot get it sussed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Section View Only For Selected Parts In An Assembly

Sep 1, 2011

Is it possible to define a View Representation in an assembly such that a half section view is active, but only for a certain set of parts within the assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Turn On Origin Planes On Selected Parts Within Assembly?

Aug 19, 2012

 Is there a way using ilogic,that when you select/highlight a part within an assembly and run the code that it will turn on the Origin planes only and also turn turn them off ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Send Custom Properties From Selected Assembly View In Drawing To All Parts

Nov 4, 2013

I want to create a rule with CommandManager.pick who see the name of assembly and send a custom ipropertie to all parts of this assembly view in drawing, this is my none finish rule.

Dim doc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim entity = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(
modelName = IO.Path.GetFileName(ActiveSheet.View(entity.Name).ModelDocument.FullFileName)
PART = Left(modelName, 11)
EXT = Right(modelName, 3)
FIRST = Left(modelName, 3)


I have the rule "SEND TO PARTS" in my assembly but i have this error message


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Illustrator :: Formatting Logo For Web?

Apr 1, 2013

formatting a logo for the web.
1.) I am putting an Illustrator logo on a Photoshop web banner graphic. What is the best procedure to apply this to the banner? Right now, I am exporting it from Illustrator to a native Photoshop file with export options as follows:
Color model RGB
Screen 72 dpi
Write layers checked
Preserve text checked
Maximum editability checked
Anti-aliasing checked
2.) What is the best format to to send to my client if he plans to use this logo for future web use? Simple RGB, or should I output on Save for Web and Devices for other options such as a GIF or PNG-24?

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Illustrator :: How To Export Logo To DXF

Oct 9, 2011

I need to export my logo from illustrator to a dxf for a sign I'm having made. However, they said that illustrator is exporting it using "splines" and they need me to change my settings to export as "polylines." How to do this and didn't see it in my export options. I'm using Illustrator CS4..

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Illustrator :: Typography Logo For WEB

May 21, 2013

I am loosing way too much quality when exporting to PNG or "saving for Web" using either AI or way to create a simple typography Logo and save it in a high quality for web.
I understand there might be some loss of quality doing it the way I am currently, but it is so bad it looks awful on a retina screen (i-phone).

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Illustrator :: How To Edit A Logo

Aug 11, 2013

how to use the software?

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Photoshop :: Illustrator Text On Logo?

May 6, 2004

I am having to throw some text on a logo and realize Illustrator would be the best place to do this (IMO).

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Illustrator :: Give Logo Some 3D Elements - Possible With AI?

May 29, 2013

I've set out to give this logo some 3D elements for some pop. I don't want to just extrude the thing as if it was a cylinder, I want to extrue the Triniti symbol, circles, as well as the black and green quadrants in some way. Not exactly sure, but I'll figure that out later. Afterwards I will possibly be dropping the logo into Aftereffects and making some kind of animated 3D intro with it. Here is the logo:

So I took a png of the logo, auto traced the image in illustrator, and used the 3D extrude effect. This was the result:
Obviously not what I'm looking for. Even if I only extruded parts of the logo, the behavior of the 3D effect would never give me what I'm looking for. Looking at tutorials, the extude effect seems to only be good for text and non layered shapes.
What I'm trying to accomplish is something that I could see working just fine in some kind of CAD software like Solidworks. I would just select the features I want, and extrude them as I desired. I do have access that piece of software, but I feel like that is a wierd work around, and I would have problems when it came time to apply the proper colors, and when I would bring the logo back into after effects for animation.
I also tried dropping the logo into After Effects directly and did the whole "convert shapes from vector layer" and using ray tracing tried extruding it there, but I can only extrude the entire logo, not individual parts.

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Illustrator :: Logo Distorted When Scaling Down

Sep 2, 2013

How could this happen? I tried to scale a logo down to fit a stamp and Illustrator destroys it by distorting the paths.

This is the original logo

And this is what Illustrator does with it when i scale it down. (Image is scaled to same size to better illustrate the distortion)

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Illustrator :: Distortion On Rotation 3D Logo

Jan 23, 2014

I have some problems with rotation in Illustrator CS5. I created the logo and after that i need to make another position of entire logo on 90 degrees (vertical). But when i rotate the objects i have distortion effect only on that part where i use 3D effect.

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Illustrator :: Trying To Take Off White Background On Logo

Feb 27, 2014

A logo file was sent over to me with a white background.  I am very new to Illustrator so I do not know how to change this.  I checked the layers and it only shows 1 layer and an image file.  I tried saving for the web, but there is no transparency area there either. 

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Illustrator :: Blend Logo To Path CS5.5?

Mar 19, 2013

I would like to add my bottom logo (in black) to the curve I have drawn (in black).
ignore the yellow lines and existing chrome 'precise formwork ltd'.
I will need to resize the logo 'precise formwork ltd' (in black) to match similar size to the chrome photo behind with opacity turned down.
How can I align the top of my ruler markings to the black path? I have tried object > blend > replace spine but the option is not selectable.

I tried object > make with warp which is working well, however I will have to guess co-ordinates all night and will never be perfect;

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Illustrator :: How To Make Logo Look Less Flat

Sep 5, 2012

Ive made a logo. But for some reason it is still looking a little 'flat'.
See here for the logo: [URL]
Which techniques I could use to make it more alive?

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Illustrator :: Logo Outline Transparent For Web?

May 25, 2013

I have created a logo. I did it with black fill and white lines. This works well for a white background, like in print; but for the web the white needs to be transparent so the background colors show through and where lines cross you can see the background.
I have tried making the lines with out fill, but of course, that gives no defination of the small spaces that I want not to be black.

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Illustrator :: How To Make A Logo Look Distressed

Sep 24, 2013

Attached is a vector logo a client supplied to me. I'm trying to achieve the same distressed look for a logo that I will be having a stamp made from.

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Illustrator :: Convert PNG Logo File To Vector

Jan 15, 2014

The logo on a website needs to be scaled for printing purposes and it was originally created with photoshop without the original .psd layered file.  What i have is the .png file which I am looking to convert to vector.  I've read from this forum that I can convert to smart object but that is if I had the layered shapes.  What is the easiest way to go about doing this?
The logo that I'm referencing is located on the top left hand corner of [URL]

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Illustrator :: Graphic (Logo) Grouped In AI - How To Ungroup

Jan 5, 2014

I have a small graphic (logo) 'grouped' (in .ai) and it won't 'ungroup'? Never happened b4.  ???

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Illustrator :: Make A Logo Background Transparent

Oct 31, 2012

I have seen that there are several posts regarding "transparent backgrounds," but but they're difficult to follow.
I'm using AI within CS5.5 but new to it. I am importing/converting a JPG file to vector format. The image is a logo with a large black circle boundry and a white opaque background. The background elements inside the boundry circle are also opaque white, and I wish to leave that as is. The edges of the circle touch the  boundries of the JPG file tangentially by about 100px or so on each side when the JPG is viewed at original size.
My objective is to make everything outside the boundry circle a "transparent" background. What would be the best/easiest way to do this within AI? Is there, for example, a tool that will draw a circle that I can expand to get on the edge of the black boundry circle, and then make everything outside it transparent?

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