Illustrator :: Foreign Fonts Display In Character Drop Down Menu
Feb 28, 2014
When designing a sign for a customer, I take a photo of the existing signs, place on a new document in illustrator cs6, type text then scroll through the text character drop down menu to match the new sign text to the font that is currently on the customers signs, business card etc.
There are many different types of fonts and I would prefer not to have the adobe system fonts, asian, arabic and other fonts that are not used for my purposes.
Is there a way to remove them from this list.
I have tried deleteing them from the window 7 font manager but they are essential system fonts and it displays a message that some programes will not work if I delete them.
I have tried show/hide in the windows 7 font manager but this has no effect on the fonts displayed in illustrator.
I was working on a project and went to change to a different font and all that was there are the last 6 or so that I used. When I go to the drop down menu It doesn't show any other fonts. I know there are a lot of fonts in the computer but cannot get them on the program.
ttf files into the windows/font folder like everybody says, but they wont appear in the font select menu. I've tried closing and opening photoshop, and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop, AND uninstalling and reinstalling illustrator just to make sure, but to no avail. They all appear in the font folder, but photoshop will not recognize them. Furthermore, I've been able to add new fonts in the past, they display in the font menu just fine...but not the ones I recently tried to put in. What's going on here? Are there more than one kind of .ttf ? Is there a way to force photoshop to look at the font folder?
I've been tearing out my hair, trying to do this for hours...
I have Photoshop CS3, and when I try to type with the foreign fonts installed on my computer, I either see regular english letters or lines or rectangles. I have downloaded the latest patch, and have also deleted the preference file by hitting ctrl, alt, shift during setup. I am still experiencing the same problem with the fonts!
When I select a font for the type tool in CS6, there's a list of about 200 fonts - half of which are foreign-language fonts, which I really don't need to see. Is there any way I can remove these from the list of fonts visible in the type tool without deleting them from the system? I don't want to delete them entirely, because I gather that Microsoft's cross-referencing system for font styles needs them. And who knows, one day I might actually need a 14th-century Mongolian font!
It must be possible, because other programs (such as Microsoft Word, and the Visual Studio programming environment) on the same system don't show all the non-European fonts.
I'm wondering why some fonts arent visible in my character viewer. I am using Illustrator Version15.0.2 on a MacBook Pro running 10.9.1. I have included 2 screen shots below for a visual reference.
Additionally, I'd like to understand how the fonts in the character viewer menu are organized. I know they are alphabetical, but what are the grey divider lines representing?
Can I deactivate non-english language fonts so that this menu is less conjested with fonts I never use? I've used Illustrator for years. Which fonts are actually non-english. As a side note, I use Font Explorer X Pro to manage my fonts.
I recently upgraded my 07 macbook pro to a 2012 macbook pro with retina display running 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 memory. I had no issues with my old mac the entire adobe ran perfect now I am having issues with Illustrator CS5. Each time I navigate the character drop down menu Illustrator crashes on me. I get this page:
in Illustrator CS6 I can no longer use my mouse wheel to scroll the list of fonts [which appear when you click the down arrow next to the font family] in the Character control panel. I could do this in CS5.
One of the few software that didn't play nice was CS3, so I had to re-install it. Now, many of the fonts won't show up. I'm doing a logo for a client and I need some fonts but fonts from the following- New Peninim, Corsiva Hebrew, Ariel Hebrew and/or Raanana-- don't appear after you engage the Type tool. What shows up in both Photoshop and especially Illustrator is a square box with nothing in it.
columns on line and followed 4 or 5 different "solutions"-- nothing seems to work. I even, against my suspicions, called the Adobe customer service and the best they could offer was to post a question here if my answer was not apparent.
Bearing in mind that I've put fonts in the Adobe folder, reset characters and a few other things since yesterday.
I am creating a document in Tamil. Normally I type in Google document. Then copy and paste in Word. It works perfectly.
Now I am creating a poster in Adobe illustrator. I did type in google and pasted in notepad. It works perfectly.
When I copy and past in Adobe Illustrator the font is not displaying correctly.
In preferences-->Type-->Text Engine options I selected 'Middle Eastern', previousy it was 'East Asia', after that the Tamil letters are getting displayed correctly.
I have seen another post which says I need to enable show Indic option. [URL] Unfortunately I do not have Indic option. My screen looks different
I have some tamil fount installed. When I tried to change the fount to tamil font, it does not work either. I have another font called Latha. When I changed to Latha font the character displayed in Tamil but all spelling went wrong in Tamil.
Was going to do another round of revisons to some ice cream labels, this came up while opening 11 flavors. Only came up on one, and is gone now. Seems like the fonts for showing the font technology changed to a font similar to Apple color Emoji, amybe a font in the show package contents.
When selecting a sub menu from within a main drop down menu the arrow points to the right but the actual sub menu pops up on the left in most cases. I have only noticed this recently and wonder if I have inadvertently messed up a setting as in the past I cant recall this being so but I don't use the editor a lot so may be mistaken.
On all previous versions of photoshop, whatever fonts were in the windows/fonts folder were available to use in the character pallet. Now, with CS3, only the system fonts show up. Some of the other fonts are listed separately at the bottom of the list...but by name only. Meaning they are not actually the font style that they claim to be.
What is the best way to remove the text from this image (an RPG menu) so I can make my own game menu out of something completely different? I would also want to remove the character icon... + all current text.
I use photoshop to create basic layouts and templates for some websites I make and I have a client who wants a 3 layer drop down system. eg. contact > employees > names
I have one built in html and java but I dont like it and doesn't work to great across all browsers so I was wondering if anyone here knew how to make a drop down menu system in photoshop?
Im using cs3 on the mac but could adapt for any version or platform.
I have been using photoshop cs4 since its release and yesterday the drop down menus at the top have started loading to the left instead of to the right. I have gone through recommended fixes from this forum and others and cannot fix the problem.
- I reset the program preferences. - Changed the handedness in the Wacom preference file. - My tablet pc input panel was disabled to remove flicks…so I cannot access it. - My trial copy of PhotoshopCC is not experiencing the problem
My commands on my text drop down menu are invisible, some appear when I run cursor over them, some remain invisible. Same when I go to options, all text commands are invisible unless I run cursor over them. I have tried deleting my text menu and repopulating a new menu to no avail, same happens. I have tried a reinstall and a repair, neither worked.
Windows XP, adminastrators rights, I have purchased a ACECAD tablet and confirmed that it is working as it should. Now, this tablet has pressure sensitivity.
When I try to add a value in the drop down menu to the pressure tab in the configure input devices window I get the following message when I try to save....
Could not create 'C:Documents and SettingsOlly.gimp-2.8devicerc': Permission denied
I no longer have a drop down menu for "File Handling" for selecting a secondary backup HD while importing images from my card reader. I am using LR 5.3.
Is there any way to edit these underlined letters "hotkeys" in the inventor drop down menus? Having to add lots of leader lines and such to multiple weld symbols get old. Or is there a way to make a key alias to do this? I have not been able to find where this is done in inventor. Ive done it many times in CADD.
I am trying to use the Faces Editing drop-down box, and in my book it lists the options as Taper Faces, Move Faces, Copy Faces, Offset Faces, Delete Faces, Rotate Faces, Color Faces.
I cannot recall the command or the name of action to set my AutoCAD MEP 2012 to have a drop-down menu from the cursor when I am trying select an object that is in a cluster of other objects. I had the command active previously but just re-installed the program last week and have been stumped about it since.