Illustrator :: Use Artboard When Exporting To PNG Format
Jul 29, 2012
I just installed Illustrator CS6 and find out that I literally have to manually checkmark "Use Artboard" when exporting to png format EVERY time I export an image.
I often use my illustrator models for animation for powerpoint presentations, so 1 artwork can easily be animated into 30 png images.
Is this a really bad joke from the developers side, or am I missing something?
PS: In CS4, you can just checkmark "Use Artboard" once every session (ie. every time you open Illustrator).
I have a CS5 document with two artboards. Can I save the artboards to separate files? The File | Export command doesn't support the AI format and the "Use Artboards" option is disabled when using the File | Save As command.
why when i export artboards there are not the size i specify but 1 px more than the one i wanted.(fil>export>artboards checked).i checked if it overlapping or not it s the same result
I need to export with artboard. Illustrator automatically adds a number to my original file name. It won't even let me replace the old file. It is extremely annoying and makes flow with other programs really hard because they can't auto update, since the file name changes. When you have multiple files, you can't be manually renaming all the time.
What is the best export/import format for sending 3D files. I need some neutral format files, possibly Solidworks but I am not sure. Also any export settings to make sure I get decent quality files.
Nothing like getting a surface model when you want solid model.
IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 / Win7-64 EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel 950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller) Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82 SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11
1.) I dragged out vertical and horizontal guides from the rulers and then created a new art board. The new art board now has the horizontal guides carried over from the first art board. How can I have separate guides on each of my art boards? I am using art board rulers.
2.) Is there a way to layout vertical and horizontal guides on an art board and copy them over to a new blank art board?
How do you export from coreldraw to illustrator without it cutting up compound paths?
Currently if you have text that has been converted to curves, all of the letters with counters (or holes in them like O, P, B etc) get cut in half. Surely there's a way to stop this?
I'm new to Maya and the 3D design environment. I'm going thru the online tutorials and built the sample Greek temple. I have a MakerBot replicator 2. I did convert the Nurbs to polygons for the column bases and the temple roof. I exported the individual pieces to obj format to print. My question involves the export of the roof/torus group. The "roof" is not smooth but slightly faceted (I'm not using the correct jargon here I'm sure). It's kind of tortoise shell like in smoothness. What do I adjust during export so the rood object comes over smoother?
I'd attach the roof file but the site doesnt allow for some reason.
I have artistic text on a simple schematic diagram that I am trying to export out as a .cgm file, but the lines convert from solid lines to dashes and the vertical text does not stay in place after the export.
I have a large model that I'm trying to export to .dae to use in Torque3D. The problem is when I export it, I loose all of the textures. I read that in order to export the model properly I have to change the map# of the textures to be within a certain range?
I tried just exporting a single object from the model but when I export I receive warnings/errors saying that It was not able to apply the texture map# 20 because it is not supported outside of 3ds max..
I imported an .stp file into Inventor 2011, saved it as an .ipt, and edited several features. When I export this edited file as an .stp and sent it to a client, they said that the file contained multiple errors: it showed no solid bodies (only surfaces), and the 3D thread feature I created (using a thread cutter and Inventor "Coil" command) did not read correctly (the thread I created was an edit of a previous thread, and apparently the .stp file simultaneously showed the new thread and the old, unedited threads).
Creating an assembly (.iam) and shrinkwrapping it before exporting as an .stp does not work.
(When I open the stp file I created [in Inventor] the file, of course, reads correctly. All solid bodies are visible, as well as the single thread.)
How to export an .stp so that it reads correctly in SolidWorks?
I am not getting an option of exporting in mpeg 4 format? Infact when I am rendering in AVI file the size of the file is extremely huge. Need reducing the file size & exporting in MPEG4 format.
what is the best format to use for my finished video project. The video format is currently MP4. I have imported the video to add and edit the audio and video portions of these videos. I would now like to export the finished project so that I can both embed the videos with controller on my website as well as put them in a zip file for potential clients so that the can download the set of videos then play them back with controller included with video. I would also like the format that I use to prevent user edits or tampering. If so what format is the best to use for the requirements presented?
Since 2013 is the first version to have pressure networks, do I need to explode the objects before saving to a previous version? Or is there another method? I will lose all my properties if I explode the objects I believe...
I am drawing pictures for the Second life game. I need that the file I export to be exactly 512 X 512 pixel, and TGA format. Of course, the objects in the picture are small, and don't use al the 512X512 space.But even when objects don't use all the space, I need my "small objects within the 512X512 size file.
Although my picture is, in corel draw 512 X 512, when I export to TGA , I have no the good results.I use yhe File/export/menu and define TGA Bitmap for format.
On the following menu,
if I click on "Maintain original size", Objects remains with original size, but the file size is reduced to fit around the objects..
If I click on "Maintain aspect ratio",, I can fix the size file to 512X512, , but the objects are streched to fill the 512X512 file.
The only way I found to avoid resizing is adding a 512X512 transparent object on the background, but I wonder if there is a better way to do it.
I have a big artboard with a simulation of a webpage, and a smaller artboard within it, where I'm designing the artwork, so that I know how the big picture will look. In the end, I intend to export the contents of the small artboard. The problem is that whenever I click by accident on the small artboard, my view of the web page gets off-centre.So in short, If I could just lock the small artboard, that would solve this annoyance. For now, I have two options: either delete the artboard and set it back in the end (it's got to be perfeclty positioned though) or, quite practically, just create a custom view with a shortcut that I can use instead of the "Actual size" one (Cmd+1).
I have a AI CS6 file with 16 artboards. I need to 'save for web" a jpg of each artboard. Is there a way to automate this, by setting up an action - or is there any way to do this? I'll be having to do it frequently.
I have a bunch of artwork that I need to fit to artboards that need to be the same size, basically I'm looking for something similar to "Fit to Frame" in Premiere/After Effects.
I'm designing some business cards, which have an 1/8" bleed, along with elements that hang outside of the border of the card. Is there a way in Illustrator CS3 that I can say, "hide everything outside of the Artboard" so I can see what the finished product will look like?
I know I could print them out or output to PDF and see it without the non-Artboard items, but these approaches seem clumsy and labor intensive. I'd like it if I could have some sort of "cropped view"--where everything not on the Artboard is hidden--to work in.
I'm finding that when i add a second artboard to an existing ai, then save and close, it has disappeared on reopening.
I have both pieces of artwork (one for each page), but 1 of the artboards will have disappeared. Irritatingly the remaining artboard sits between the 2 pieces of artwork - in the wrong position for both!!!
I am struggling with the "sAIArtSet->MatchingArtSet()" in restricting it to find the artset from the selected artboard only.
One way is to iterate through the found art set and compare art's artboard index with the index of the selected artboard. Wanted to know if there is some internal SDK suite which does this iteration in a more optimized way ?
I need to get rid of the black border around the artboard. The two images show my drawing lined up with the art board and then inside the artboard. The dark gray is not the artboard.
As you see, the artboard has a black border. I need to get rid of it. It shows up in my project when my color key is green. The black won't go to transparent.