Illustrator :: Stretching Single Characters In CS6?
Apr 18, 2013
I am working on a logo which has the word "E-Commerce" in it. I am using a font that works quite well for it but the dash is way too long, it's in fact longer than an m dash and the font doesn't have anything else.
Short of modifying the font file or turning it into outlines, is there a way I can just make that one character shorter? I seem to remember that in earlier versions of Illustrator you could set the font width but all I can see in the character pane in CS6 is kerning and tracking. I don't want to use the transform tool because it would stretch all the text inside the box.
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Nov 28, 2012
Why the image stretches when I'm trying to place it on a page of a 3D book I created in Illustrator? I do realize the geometric lines vary depending on the shape of the page I'm placing the image on, but how can I avoid the stretch? Is there a way to move the lines, or? I read somewhere that if you rasterize the image, it shouldn't stretch. However, it still does (or I just don't know how to rasterize properly)
Here's a link to the image: [URL] ... (everything stretched out weirdly in the middle)
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Sep 18, 2013
I'm working with a typeface that I need to stretch horizontally while following a circular shape. I don't want to distort it other than the horizontal stretching.
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Jun 28, 2013
I have a complex object (a plot with a bunch of text labels, etc.), and I want to stretch it horizontally or vertically without distorting text. I have an option to scale or not to scale strokes,. However, whatever I select here, the text always ends up distorted.
Is there a way to stretch it so that the text retains it's original shape?
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Nov 21, 2013
So I want to type in a column, so I went to type > type orientation. However, Each character is vertical. I want to type two characters on a line, then break to the next 'line', as I'm working on a calendar piece and I want all numbers to be aligned straight up and down.
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Jan 28, 2013
I am exporting a table - save from Excel to PDF. Open in AI and export to EMF. The word 'Difficult' in one column comes out 'Dif cult' in every occurance. It worked with a different table one time last week but now happens with every table I attempt to export. I even went to an extra step of saving the PDF to AI and then exporting to EMF. Same results.
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Feb 23, 2014
How do I type hebrew characters in a document. Is there an on-screen keyboard that I can use similar to how microsoft word does? I am using Illustrator CC.
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May 3, 2012
Code snippet to show me how to iterate through the selected text (not the frame!, not the words, only the selected chars) and make any change on the characterAttributes (size, color, etc.)?
In the property "app.activeDocument.selection" usually the selected objects are stored as an array. Now when I select characters in a textframe (or TextPath, whatever) there is a [Textrange] in it. I already tried some combinations like this snippet underneath but I still get errors, that selectedChars[i] is undefined.I'm on Illustrator CS4, Mac OS X, Javascript
var selectedChars = app.activeDocument.selection.characters;
for (i = 0; i < selectedChars.length; i++ ){
selectedChars[i].characterAttributes.fillColor = myNewCMYKColor;
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Jun 12, 2013
I'm using Illustrator CS6 on a Mountain Lion Mac. Got a weird problem with one of my fonts. I'm used to type accented characters like é by typing option-e plus e. Which works so far. On one of my fonts however, EuroComic, when I want to type the é character and start with option-e, it already changes the font to Myriad Pro. Typing the e after that makes it é, but in Myriad Pro, not EuroComic. It has always worked before when I was still using Snow Leopard. And it's not a font problem I think, cause in Indesign that same way of using option-e plus e works. The é is at the correct spot in EuroComic cause when I select all text and change it to EuroComic (after having typed that é), not only does all text turn into EuroComic again, but also that now Myriad Pro é turns back to EuroComic é. What could it be that could make illustrator turn the font to Myriad Pro after typing option-e on that parcitular font? With other fonts like Arial etc.
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Dec 21, 2013
Let's say I create a poster with a couple of blocks of text in Illustrator, using a single font. Then, I generate a PDF of the poster.
Now, on the same computer, I open the PDF in Illustrator, and Illustrator pops-up an alert saying some text has been outlined to preserve appearance. And, indeed, here and there throughout the text, some words, combination of words, or whole lines of text have been outlined, but most of the text is still live.
Why does this happen? There's no difference, font-wise, between the text that is untouched, and the text that got outlined. Same face, same weight. In fact, the same word, set the same way, will be untouched in one line, and be outlined elsewhere in the text. It's really baffling.
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Feb 28, 2013
I need to access certain unicode characters (namely the x/8 fractions). I have the appropriate font installed, and the characters display in every other program on the machine, but they are not displaying correctly in Illustrator. If I type the characters in using alt codes, the 3/8 character displays as "", the 1/8 character displays as "[", etc. Is there some setting I need to change to enable support for Unicode characters?
If I type the character in another program, copy it, and paste it into Illustrator, it shows up as a box with an X through it. If I highlight the box and change the font to one that supports the character, then the character does display correctly. Is there a way to type the character directly into Illustrator?
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Oct 30, 2013
I need to open a 4 page PDF that was originally created in word in Simplified Chinese. But when I open the PDF in Illustrator with Simplified Chinese open, some of the characters change. My client in the past has had success outlining the chinese before she sends. But it is no longer working for some reason. How can I match what I see on the PDF without having to convert it to a rastered image.?
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Jan 11, 2014
Illustrator Version CS3-CC
Preferred scripting: Visual Basic (VBScript)
In the Adobe Illustrator CS5 Scripting Reference (VBScript), I see the following code for setting character attributes.
iCount = textRef.Characters.Count
i = 1
Dim charRef
Do While (i < (iCount + 1))
dSize = dSize * 1.1
textRef.TextRange.Characters(i).CharacterAttributes.HorizontalScale = dSize
textRef.TextRange.Characters(i).CharacterAttributes.VerticalScale = dSize
i = i + 1
Is there a way to set character attributes on a range of characters at once?
Iterating through the characters one by one is really slow, especially in higher versions of Illustrator (like CS6).
I want to be able to set character attributes, for example, from the third character to the sixth character of a paragraph textrange.
Basically, I want to do something like itembyrange in InDesign scripting.
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Jan 18, 2014
I was just wondering what would be the finest way to convert a comic character (like Gaston Lagaffe or Tintin or...) into a vector for personal use?
The idea is just a poster or canvas with a cat of a famous comic series just for my office decoration.
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Oct 23, 2012
I'm sending this message regarding this link : URL....Just need a favor with all my respect to you and i think you will not let me down asking u for 2 script to divide characters in the textbox like the following:
1st : (TEXT FRAME) : Each letter alone and delete the space character .. with out moving any character from it's position
2nd : (TEXT FRAME) : Each word alone and keep the space character
"both in multiple text frame".
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Aug 7, 2013
I want to create a small custom set of extended uppercase characters for a company logo.
I am starting with H&FJ's Idle wild and then extending it even further. I'm initially squashing it vertically to 75%. This looks as bad as you'd imagine - the contrast of the letter forms is distorted (the horizontal lines look too thin compared to the vertical lines). However my earlier rough attempt to mimic the original contrast (ratio of width of vertical lines to horizontal lines is approximately 7:6) created something that I'm fairly happy with.
(Note that whilst I have now purchased Idle wild, I initially copied sample text from the H&FJ website and used Illustrator's trace function to create what is shown below, which explains the rather random bezier point placement. Incidentally I actually quite like some of the quirks this introduced to the letter forms - in particular the terminals of the S and the top of the A)
The word has only seven characters - ACHORST
Some of these (HT) are easy to fix manually. But in particular the round letters (COS) require a bit more thought.
I'm pretty sure back 15 years ago I could have got most of the way there quickly with CorelDRAW. From memory there was an option to use strokes ('outlines' in Corel terminology) which weren't uniform height and width. So in this instance I'd create a 'nib shape' for the stroke which was much taller than it was wide, and applying this to the letterforms would restore the contrast to roughly that of the original. (I know that typographers don't simply do something like this to create different weights of a typeface, but for my purposes I suspect it would get me most of the way there and then I could tweak it visually.)
The only wasy I can see to alter the stroke shape in Illustrator is via the Profile dropdown in the stroke dialog options, but this seems to be purely for 'artisitc' effect and entirely inappropriate for my purposes.
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Sep 18, 2013
Lino's CrTronic used to have a command to set horizontal scaling to 100% for these 3 characters, and leave the rest alone.
® circle R
© circle C
• bullet
Because those 3 characters are circles we often want them proportional even if the rest of the copy is horizontally scaled.
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Feb 19, 2014
I'm having a problem with Adobe Illustrator CC 17.1.0 with colors, types and groups.
If I select a text or a group and try to change its color, the Fill color stays correct a the panel, but the text or the group maintains the old color, like the screenshot below.
The only way to change color its is selecting all text characters or all group's elements.
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Jun 10, 2013
Why is this so and what can I do?
I use several scripts in Illustrator. Some of them I use in this way: [URL] ....
Now I tried to built in two other scripts in the palette. In this scripts it is required to use special characters in variables. Standalone these scripts are work correct. Here is an simple example:
// exampleScript.jsx
var a = 'u201d'+" example "+'u201d';
I get this (correct) result:
But when I call this example script with bridge talk:
var scriptToLoad = new File(pathToScript + "/exampleScript.jsx");
var win = new Window('palette', 'own palette');
var btnSelect = win.add('button', undefined, 'example');
[Code] .....
Here is the same script and the wrong result:
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Sep 24, 2013
When I convert a font into outline stoke its converted into double path.Still I hadn't get single path in Illustrator, InDesign & Photoshop CC too..
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Jun 21, 2008
I would like to know how to change the colour of a single layered, single coloured gradient (foreground to transparent) image. There is nothing more to it than that other than I don't want to use the hue/saturation adjustment as it's hard to get a specific colour.
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Feb 6, 2013
I created a clothing price tag design (consisting of some vector artwork, text, and a raster image as a background), and now i'm attempting to create a grid layout of the tags for print (20 tags on a letter-size page i can print using a desktop printer and cut apart manually).
Sounds simple enough, right? Just duplicate the artwork 20 times. Easy.
But here's the catch: 20 copies of the artwork (i.e. 20 copies of every point, line, object, and image) makes for a freaking huge file, too big for the printer to handle. It gets acceptably smaller if i save it as a PDF without preserving Illustrator editing capabilities, but then that defeats the purpose; i need to be able to change the prices at will.
Now, it would seem to make the most sense to save the individual tag design as its own AI file (let's call it ''), then simply Place into a new file as a link, and duplicate it 20 times to create the print layout. Theoretically, i would only need to edit the artwork itself once (to change the price, change a color, etc.), and the changes would be automatically applied to my layout file. However, this is apparently too much to ask: each time the linked artwork is copied, it creates a new, separate link. To further frustrate things, when i edit the artwork file, i then have to update all 20 links manually, meaning that 20 different times, i get an Open File dialog, and have to select 20 separate times. In the end, it's an exercise in extreme redundancy, and the file size of the layout isn't made any smaller.
Is there something i'm overlooking, or is there really no better, more efficient solution than just making 20 copies of everything and ending up with a file size of 80-90mb?
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Dec 3, 2013
In illustrator i design some artwork and now the total layers are about several hundreads. so now i'm about to combine all those artowrk layers in one layer, so that it will be a nice clean file with text layers that are to edit and one single artwork background layer.
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Aug 27, 2012
i'd like to 'write' texts on paper with plotter's pen. i cannot use "Type>Create Outline" because i just want a single-line writing look. is there any way to achive that without me having to vector draw the whole text manually?
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Dec 11, 2013
I auto traced a piece of artwork (a large bunch of leaves) & the strokes are made up of 2 paths.
Is there a quick way to reduce the paths to a single path
Or is it necessary to delete each leaf's secondary path manually
Is there something I should be doing differently when auto tracing.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have just been updated to CC at work and I am having all sorts of issues. But the two main pressing ones are:
1. When I save, it keeps "not responding". Sometimes it crashes, sometimes it doesn't. When it does, I lose everything. It takes anywhere from 1 - 5 minutes to save. I thought it was an issue with a large file, but it does it to me in a one page file with only one photo in it as well.
2. Layers. This is the killer right here. Again, I thought this was a capatability issue when using old files, but it has proved me wrong. As I create layers and new artwork, it works fine. However, once I save and re-open the file, all the artwork has been combined to a single layer and then I have to dig it all out to do anything to it, only to have it do the same thing the next time I repoen the file.
Is it me? Is it default settings somewhere in CC? I have major deadlines that I think I am going to miss if things keep continueing the way they are.
System Specs:
Illustrator CC 16.0.3 (Tried to update to 17 and it said everything was up to date, twice)
Windows 7
Dell Optiplex 7010 with Core i7 and brand new AMD video card.
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Sep 27, 2013
I have one file, that contains 100 different artboards. I need to add 50 more. Is this possible. When I tried to add new artboard, the "New Artboard" button becomes inactive and the "New Artboard" option from the popup menu is disabled.
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Mar 11, 2013
I am trying to work out how to rotate a pattern swatch without that rotation affecting all the other pattern swatches on my palette. I don't want the rotation to apply to just one instance of fill, I want to edit the actual swatch so that whenever it is used in the future, that rotation is applied.
I have tried the obvious - eg going to object, transform, pattern only... and it works, but it also rotates all my other swatches; and I can't work out if it's rotating it for just that object or if it's actually updating the pattern swatch orientation.
Additionally some comprehensive tutorials on making patterns using the updated CS6 software - everything I've found so far just raises further questions for me. I'm talking about, for example, being able to change the width or rotation of a stripe within a pattern and have it still tile seamlessly.
I'm using CS6 on a PC.
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Jun 16, 2013
I am wanting to create 3D text where a vanishing point is behind the text in a perspective grid.
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Mar 11, 2013
I am aware of 'round corners', but I can't find the command or tools to round individual corners. I searched the manual but can't find anything. Perhaps it's so obvious I'm looking right past it.
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Feb 2, 2011
i have 2 square shapes on my artborad. each square shape has its own gradient fill. i would like to merge these 2 shapes to form a single shape. not a groupe of shapes, but a single, flattened (compounded?) object.
the gradient of the first square includes a zero-alpha. the second image is the two shapes simply layered, but i want to basically flatten them together to form one shape.
what steps are involved in merging these shapes to form one shape so that their gradients are unaffected by merging with the other?
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