I installed Adobe CS6 on a new Windows 7 64 system. When I try to save for web (64 or 32), I get the error "The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error [CANT]".
Somebody suggested that the problem is that I lack the correct runtimes, or they need updating? But WHAT runtimes? MVSC 2008? MVSC 2010? .NET? What version or versions of .NET?
Is it me or is 'save for web' totally broken in Illustrator CS6, when saving a file with a space in the filename? First it says the file already exists (whether or not this is the case) and when I click 'replace' it just doesn't do anything. Tried with different files, even after relaunching Illustrator.
One difficulty that I experienced today was an inability to save my file in Photoshop R7.0
I imported a pdf file and began working on it. When I tried to save it as a psd file the following message came up;
"Could not save as C:folderfile1.psd because the file is already in use or left open."
I had to lose the file, so then I tried a regular jpg and the same message came up when I tried saving it. Then I closed and re-opened photoshop. I drew some lines on a blank canvas, and attempted to save. Now the same message came up again.
Do you know what would cause this? Do I have to re-install Photoshop?
I am getting this error every time i try to save a drawing as PDF :
Published with a warning(s) Cannot create font
As you can see the font has no name so I can't install any missing font.
I found out that this error occurs only in drawings created from the company template wich I believe was created years ago. If I use any other template from inventor everithing is ok.
Now no save for web operation completes due to an error "Could not complete this operation. An unknown operating system error has occured."NOTHING has changed on the system.
I've trashed Photoshop pref... all of them.I've reinstalled the Mac OS 10.7.5 combo update.I've rebooted to a different drive and repaired disk and permissions (no issues found).I've Safe Booted.I've disabled ALL plug ins.
Uninstalling and will reinstall/update to see if that works.
Photoshop Extended 13.0.4, Mac OS 10.7.5, 8-Core 2012 MacPro 32GB RAM, SSD boot drive, separate internal dedicated scratch drive, nVida 5870 driving 3 monitors, Wacom Intuos 5
I have just updated Illustrator CC to v17.1 and now it will no longer launch.There is a bouncing icon in the dock for about a second and then no activity, no warnings or errors.My mac is quite old (MacPro5.1 Quad-core running osx 10.6.8) which may well be the problem.Never the less Illustrator 17.0 ran perfectly well prior to the update.
Uninstalling Illustrator 17.1 and reinstalling v17.0 works.If Illustrator is allowed to update as recommended it no longer launches.Is there something in the update that prevents my older spec mac from running it?
I am trying in Illustrator 64 on Windows through a plugin to open document and get the documents setup.My code is as follows.
I first acquire the required Suites ( AIDocument, AIDocumentList, AIFilePath etc ) and all the Suites are acquired with NO Errors and have valid pointers
I have also tried using AIDocument->GetDocument and AIDocumentList->Activate both after opening the document and they also return DOC?, though the theDocument Handle returned by open document appears to be valid.
Just started a pen tool exercise in illustrator, at some point while using the pen tool I don't know why or how it happens but my screen stops "updating", "refreshing" or "drawing" while I drag it with the hand tool. What I mean is that if I start dragging with the hand, the rulers move as normal, but anything inside just stays a still picture and only when I release the mouse button is the screen changed to where I have dragged. Although the very edges of the artboard/workspace near the rulers behave normaly, I can see bits and pieces flying past there, but it's like there's this big square at the center of my screen that is a still image.
The problem is only inside Illustrator, the rest of my computer and screen behave normally.
I am using Windows XP SP 3, all updates 'n' stuff.
The background is a gradient mesh(ignore the crosses). I used eyedropper tool(shift-click/normal-click both gave the same result) on the background and it gave me a strange result. As you see the back ground is blue-to-black gradation but the color picked is green-ish from nowhere.
Using transform tool to rotate, often gradients do not rotate. In the example below only the "w" gradient did. Good news is the rotate tool works fine.
Appears this has something to do with compound paths, as this normally does not happen on a new single path. Releasing the compound also rotates the gradient unexpectedly.
I'm using the save for web function to save a large number of files (not batch saving)usually, when I open a file and start saving for web, it will remember the folder that I most recently exported to, and by default open that folder for that file, until I "save for web" into a different folder.
Out of seemingly nowhere, the save for web seemed to "forget" this folder (and any other folder I tried to save to), and now defaults to the "Documents" folder, causing me have to click through to find my intended destination folder. I'm on CS5 & Mac running Mountain Lion. On my work computer (exactly the same, Mac + Mountain Lion) I am using CS6 and have not encountered this issue.
In Illustrator CS4, from time to time I will be working on a document, and then go to save it, but instead of the usual "Save", the program acts as though I've selected "Save As". The result is that I have to write the same file overtop of the existing file!
I'm having a problem throught CS6 with the Open, Save, or Save As dialog boxes not opening for a period of time after clicking on the desired functions. It can take over a minute just to get the Open dialog box up to browse for a file. Eventually, the dialog boxes open, but during the time that it's trying to open, the program is unresponsive. It is happening with all of my CS6 programs. I have unistalled and reinstalled with no fix. The programs are updated.
I use autocad architecture 2013 and it works just fine until the save turns to qsave whenever i want to save a drawing by save, save as and ctrl+s it works as qsave..how can I turn it back to SAVE ?
I created a repeating pattern. I made the artboard the exact size of the art. I zoomed in and there are no gaps around the edge. I saved it for web and devices png8 and the top has a gap with transparency showing through. When I use it as a web page background, there is a white stripe showing. I've tried twice to resave it but get the same gap.
I'm trying to upload the two images using the camera icon but nothing happens after I select the image and click the "insert image" button. Again, I've tried twice without a different result.
I currently have AI CS3. Im running a program that requires that I save my images as .xps. Where can I find a download for this that will work with AI CS3.
This should be so easy but it ain't working for me! Original size of my pattern in AI (version CS6) is 800 x 600mm but after saving and viewing it in DWG, the size is 20304.195 x 15239.734mm. The Save As command (when saving it as dwg) gives one the option to save it as 1mm = 1 unit and I did that.
I would like to know if there is a way to save a .svg file to my PC.It's a public graphic from wikipedia, and I just want to play with it on Illustrator. I'm not copying or infringing the copyright.
I have a AI CS6 file with 16 artboards. I need to 'save for web" a jpg of each artboard. Is there a way to automate this, by setting up an action - or is there any way to do this? I'll be having to do it frequently.
All of the work I did and saved in AI for the past several days is gone. When I try to create a new file AI will not save any changes and crashes. I've been using CC for 9 months and it has worked great. Over the past two weeks I have had a couple of AI files that have lost everything and AI is having a problem saving anything. What do I do? I can't afford to keep losing work.
When I try saving an Illustrator file using Save For Web in CS6, if the file isn't split up into slices I get an error "Could not complete this operation. There are no user slices." If I open the file in CS5, it exports perfectly fine (and with the XHTML page creation that used to be part of Save For Web that I'm pissed has been stripped out...)
I never had to create slices to make images export w/ Save For Web in the past.
Everytime I try to do save for web in Illustrator CS6 it gets hung up and I end up having to force quit the program. I have uninstalled and re-installed the software and it works once but then goes back to doing the same thing. I also noticed that now the program is getting hung up when I try to undo a move or text and again I will have to force quit the program.
I have a Windows user running Adobe Illustrator CS 5.1. SOMETIMES when she tries to save an Illustrator file over top of an existing Illustrator file, or over top of an existing PDF that she opened in Illustrator, she gets the "Can't save the illustration. The file may be read only, or the file is in use by another application, or you do not have the required permissions. . . ID = -54"
We are saving it to a network location, and to answer the obvious questions - she has rights, the file is not read-only and no one else has it open. If we save the file to her desktop, we can then overwrite the file back on the original network location. If she reboots her computer, this usually clears the issue up for a few days/hours.
All available updates are loaded, and it seems others have the same issue, but I've never seen a good fix, other than save it to your desktop, and then overwrite the file.
I am new to Illustrator (CS5, Mac OSX)..I made a logo which contains several gradients and transparencies and it is meant to be printed for several purposes.If I don't perform a manual flattening of my artwork (Object > Flatten Transparency) and just choose to save it as as a .pdf with the high quality print preset, will the printed product look as I am seeing it on the pdf?
The color mode on the original .ai was set to CMYK from the beginning at 300 dpi resolution and all, and the final image on the pdf looks all right, just as I want it to be... but I am unsure if saving as a .pdf will automatically flatten all transparencies and effects on the artwork.
Unfortunately the logo is for a client who's on another state, so I cannot see for myself the printed product. I've already encountered several bumps along the way with this client and I want to make sure the file I am about to send will not be rejected.