Illustrator :: Resize Tool Icons And Bar Info
Feb 15, 2014How can I resize my tool icons and bar info. It is too small for me to see well
View 2 RepliesHow can I resize my tool icons and bar info. It is too small for me to see well
View 2 RepliesMy right side tool bar: function icons keep disapearing. I cannot find a place to restore them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe 'Template' checkbox gets activated in Layer Options dialog box, and the box gets closed, then, the Layer name and several icons at the bottom of the Layer Panel disappear.The Layer is still there without a name, and rolling over the icons on the Layers Panel I can see the Tool Icons.Illustrator Prefs were trashed/restored using the Opt-Shift-Command restart shortcut.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen resizing a vector group in Illustrator CS5 with a custom made symbol in the group I get distortion of the proportion of the shape.
Tried resizing with selection tool holding down shift or option
Turning off align to pixel grid in the transform panel
Turning off align to pixel grid in the symbol option
Checking Enabled Guides for 9-slice scaling is turned on
Checking Scale Stroke & Effects is turned off in preferences
I just installed Illustrator CS6 trial. I have been on Illustrator 9 for years. I am used to clicking on the type tool, then clicking on the artboard and typing a single word. I am not using actual text boxes. When I do that in CS6 I cannot get a bounding box to show me how to resize it using the transform tool (arrow tool). I've gone to view>show bounding box, but it does not do anything.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhenever I try to resize a text box with the selection tool, it won't allow me to resize. I tried the text tool as well, but it didn't work. I don't want to resize the text, just show text that is hidden. I'm currently using CS4.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter upgrading to 5.3 I don't have minimize, resize or exit icons at top right of screen.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am experiencing two problems. One is the tool icons in Photoshop are disappearing on the screen. I move the cursor and see nothing on my screen.
The second problem is at other times the proper tool icon and function is not showing up and working. I select for example the pen tool and the hand tool icon show up and the function works as the hand tool not the pen tool?
I'm working on a project where I need a higher resolution version of the Photoshop and Lightroom tool icons. I've scoured the internet and can't find any icon sets of tools. I could do a screen capture of the tool palette and try to res them up, but they fall apart quickly.
I did open the package contents and poked around in there and found a few things like the eyedropper as PNG files, but could not locate any of the Photoshop tool icons.
trying to find out what the different icons?
View 8 Replies View RelatedCan I change the size of the tool icons in the tool bar?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have created a tool palette with all the blocks that I use on a daily basis. The only thing is that now when I put my cursor on the palette I have no icons just words. When I adjust the size to the palette my icons appear.
My view option is set to text and icons.
How do you enlarge Tool icons on Elements 5.0?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got a copy of CS2 and, I have questions.
I dont do any freehand work and always require pixel precision, also I work with small resolutions <600px at 72dpi/16bit.
How the heck do I kill anti-aliasing, when i set the brush to 1px I only want 1px!?
I have 272x480, 72dpi/16bit image and 2px from the edges I want a 4px border.
(path, drop shadow, inner glow, bev & emb, color overlay, stroke) then I want to bisect it in a number of locations. The problem is I cant do perfect pixle placement and get ugly overlapping. Last program I used I would select path and throw in x,y in all the locations I would want, then select the corner and bevel it to whatever I want. Using the rounded rect tool is nothing but a headache.
I went to use my laptop with autocad LT 2012 which I do not use that much. When I lookd all the Icons on the tool bars are missing. The tabs still work but it is hard to figure out what they do. I have not changed any settings.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow best to take icons from the tool palettes into the ribbon menu ?
I am currently going through the laborious process of moving my company tool palette commands into ribbon would be great to find a quick way to grab our custom icons from the palette and use them in the ribbon.
My icons, tool bar, option doesn't appear!! D: Circle, Views, 3D, Layers !!! I don't have it!!!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI´m using PSE 12. Is it possible to scale the sidebars and the tool icons? These are much too large compared to my workspace.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to edit, why do I get 2 tool icons?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe new cage tool is fantastic to solve the following problem.
I take a photo with the smartphone of a book page. I need two hands for this. The page does not lies flat (see [URL].... because no more hands available to keep the page flat (and no glass sheet at hand...). Using the cage tool with 3 nodes above and 3 below the text produces an acceptable result see [URL]....
Question: Is there any better method? Any GIMP plugin or even Android app to solve this problem?
I can trace the deformed rectangle that enclose the page text, but then I don't know how to pass this info to the cage tool and ask to make it a real rectangle.
I'm having a hard time viewing the tool icons and constantly have to squint and put my face on the screen to choose a tool! I'm using a PC in case that matters.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the size of the tool icons in CDR X6? They are too small for my eyes. I have looked everywhere.
View 8 Replies View RelatedJust installed AutoCAD 2012, started to set up my tools and found many of the ACAD toolbars displaying the wrong, or no icon for the commands. Example: Modify TB
displays "move" for erase
"mirror" for rotate
"fillet" for explode
This is true with the Draw TB, Dimension TB, UCS TB...and more..I have not even customized any toolbars yet...just turned on/off the AutoCAD ones.
I have adobe photoshop elements 11. I am trying to figure out how to make the options bar and tool icons larger. I am straining my neck and eyes everytime I need to change tools, or change image size/resolution or save my image.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to make the color sampler tool show hsv values in the info panel instead of rgb?
View 10 Replies View RelatedFor some reason when I use the cropping tool the floating tool bar has blank icons on it. Sometimes there may be lines in them like they tried to load but most of the time they are just completely white.
They still work and everything but you have to run your mouse over them and wait for the box to pop-up thats says what it is to see which one you need.
I just made myself another toolpalette, and the icons/images don't show up.Well, none of the icons/images show up except for the Junction Box (J with a circle around it.)I found that the Junction Box block is the only one that is NOT Annotative. All the other ones are ANNOTATIVE (as they should be.)
In Windows Explorer, it looks like images were saved for each new block I inserted into the toolpalette, but the images are blank except for the Junction Box of course. Is there a special way you have to put your Annotative blocks into a toolpalette so the icon/image shows up??
After loading JPEG into CS6 I select move tool. I use to just grab bounding box and pull outwards to resize and now when I pull outwards it basically zooms inside frame. How do I fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedExactly what the title says, how do I change the Pencil tool to a desired pixel size? I've been using for a while and I haven't noticed that the Pencil tool is fixed at 1 pixel.
Also, is there a way to dock the floating panel (Colors, Tools), maybe put them below the Menu bar and accessible via dropdown button?
Here's my problem
When I try to resize an layer using the move tool (as opposed to the Free Transform tool), while I'm in the process of moving the scaling handles, the bounding box reflects my movement but the layer preview stays at it's original size. When I stop moving the handles there is a few seconds delay and then the new scale size shows up. If I try to move the handles again, without commiting to the transform, the layer preview reverts back to it's original size until I've finished moving the handles.
I didn't have this problem with CS4 and I've only recently upgraded. I work around this problem by using the proper Free Transform tool (ctrl+t) but it would be nice to know why the hell this happens. It seems to me to be more of a graphical glitch than a software preference but I thought I'd check just-in-case.
Photoshop CS5 V12.1 x64
Intel Xeon W3505 @2.53GHz
Nvidia Quadro FX580
i cant resize my pen tool path and fill shape at the same time, it just changes the size of the path and leaves the fill separate and unchanged.
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