I am wanting to display previews (pngs) of the ai files in the plugin that match search criteria on a button. As the user scrolls through the results, change the button picture to be the png for that ai file. I tested it with a default image in case the image doesn't exist. The test image is cropped to the size of the button.
The pngs are necessarily 600x600 pix. (For other applications). I want to resize them for display on the button.
I opened a .pdf with an image in the middle that I need to print (house plot map). I then cropped that image from the center so I could get it a bit bigger. The first print was almost perfect, but it lost a bit on two corners. I didn't change any settings and now it's only printing one corner of the image on a full page...really big!
I just need the image to scale to the page. Of course I've selected scale to fit media on the print page. It shows the image on the left of the print page and it looks perfect. Using Photoshop CS3 on Win 7.
How can I tilt image / picture / selection in Paint.net, for example 25 degrees?
I don't mean rotating, but to tilt picture or selection like letters i and l in text in this picture
How can I do that? Is there some way in Paint.net to do that or some plugin?
Even better would be Perspective-tool, like in Gimp. With it you can stretch each corner / selection point of the picture separately to whatever perspective form you like, like in this picture
So I have been hired to map a pattern onto a picture of a bag so it looks like the pattern is on that bag. I have the whole adobe creative cloud so I have all the programs I could possibly use but I don't know how to make the bag look like it has a pattern on it. I know to to creat a geometrical shape, revolve it, and map a symbol onto it and I know to to make a symbol but what I'm trying to figure out is just to have a plain image and map a pattern on that.
Im working on a class project and what I wanna do is make two paintings and put one painting in the middle of a picture frame while taking the second painting and making it look like it was painted directly onto a picture frame. I took a photo so you all can better see what i am trying to do in the photo you see a painting of the joker i wanna make that painting look like it was directly hand painted onto the white picture frame. How I can make this happen?
I am using both Paint Shop Pro X3 & Video Studio X3. I'm putting together a slideshow and when I use Pan & Zoom to zoom on a particular subject (as a bee on a flower) after so much zoom the picture blurs. I have a very good camera and the photo remains sharp in Paint Shop Pro in extreme zoom. Is there a way to sharpen the image while zooming in Video Studio?
I have an image where there is an object in the foreground that is in the shade and the background that is bright. I want to correct the foreground image. I have tried to extract the foreground image and then drag the original picture onto the extracted one. I assumed that the I could somehow have the extracted image on its own layer and adjust it. When I do that either in the extracted file (before moving the original picture back onto it) or when I try to select its layer in the resultant picture, the entire picture -- foreground and background -- all layers, seem to get adjusted. How can I isolate the extracted image / layer to be able to adjust just that image.
I have searched but I did not find a "How to, . . . " I do not want Image Ready 2 to continue as a default viewer for all pictures (JPEG) on my pc. I have looked in the prference menu to no avail.
I'm trying to assemble a figure for a publication in a journal. one of the images has been created by the person who generated the data using MS paint.the files he has sent so far have not had resolution above 96 dpi, saved as a png. I need better res files to send to the publisher, I'm hoping we can save it out such that it will be 600dpi?
I'm laying out the final figure in photoshop, and have created a high resolution document in which to import this image from paint with some other images. however, when i check the res on the files that he's given me so far, it's screen res.
Recently when I upload photographs in Photoshop Elements 8, the images in the catalogue appear as an hourglass when viewed as multiple images, but when I zoom in to a single catalogue image the picture appears. Previous images in the cataloge appear as normal.
I want to resize an image without loosing picture quality but I'm not making it larger - I'm making it smaller. For example, there are small stars in the background which seem get deleted when I resize it.
But here's the thing - After resizing it (but before "confirming" my changes), it looks perfect. Then I hit enter and then it deletes certain details. Basically I can look at the image at the size and quality I want in PS but I can't save it that way. And it's not a matter of saving it with a higher quality level, it happens as soon as I resize. WTF?
Debian updated GIMP this morning (2.8.2) and I notice that after cropping an image, the crop lines remain on the picture. Is this a bug or a "feature" ?
I have a color picture in Paint.NET, and I want to make it black and white, like, something from 1961. Are there any features that can allow me to do this?
Why is it when i drag one image from the bottom panel over to another picture(solid color) i will only get 50% of the image and not the full image. Same thing when i copy and paste that image over the gray solid colored image also i will get only 50% of the image. The original image of the cat(full view) is about 24.79% and picture is 11.733 x 15.644 in size. the other image (solid color) is at 43.63% or 6.667 x 8.889". size is in inches. Do i have to resize the images and if so how as i am a stupie in this matter. The images are aligned side by side on the main panel or display.I am trying to place the cat over the gray background image and with a layer mask delete the present baackground of the cat to uncover the gray of the bottom layer.
I have drawn a shape as a template for a picture which I want to skew into the same sort of shape. I have tried various tools (including Shear, Free Transform, white arrow and arrow +, ...) but I cannot get it to go into that particular shape, though some have moved it towards the shape, but not exactly.
I thought this would be easy, just using the white arrow and selecting one corner point at a time, moving it to the place I want it to be.
Here is the shape (the yellow part):
How can I get my picture into that shape and angle?
I want to trim off the top of the lines in the picture below. I used white lines to cover the top to show you what look I wanted to achieve, However, I know that using white lines to cover it up is not a practical solution for my application. I know that I should be messing with the pathfinder tool but I just can't get it to work right for me. I am pretty new to illustrator and Photoshop.