Illustrator :: How To Erase Portion Of Font Letter Tail
Nov 7, 2013
I want (no need to!) erase the long tail 'f' on my this logo. So I added a white text box and filled it in. (see figure 2) That worked until I wanted to put the logo on a colored background.
I originally did this on Microsoft Word. The Illustrator people told me that this would work and so I spent a boatload of money this stay at home mom does not have.. and now I'm awfully frustrated because 14 hours later....lots of tutorials later. I'm back to square one.But, I did learn a lot of info that I don't need to know.Â
Besides the fact that I looked at about 5,000 different f's in fonts.
I think stretch is the right word I'm looking for... I figured out how to outline the text, and I ungrouped the outline. However if I stretch the whole letter, the left "leg" of the 'R' goes down as well. I just want to stretch the right "leg" of the 'R' so that it reaches the bottom of the word Agency.
I am trying to find the best way to make the wall/roof shown below. I have experimented with the normal route of using walls and roofs with no luck, then I tried a conceptual mass, then I tried model in place component which is how I made the model below and that worked to get the exterior form I need, but I cant void the interior part of the crossing forms so I can finish the floor plan on the interior. I need to somehow erase the portion of the two buildings where they overlap so I dont have the interior wall of the smaller building. I use revit architecture 2010.
I have a project with many different blocks of text, and colors changing from letter to letter within words. Â How do I identify what any given color is? Â When I click on a letter, it shows me a visual block of the color, but doesn't tell me what the corresponding color number is. Â Problem being, if I see one letter and want to take its color to use it elsewhere, I have no way of knowing what that color is.
I am having trouble getting the erase tool to erase part of an elipse shape in Corel Draw. I select the erase tool and click and drag across the part of an elipse that I want to get rid of (so far so good), then I release the mouse and an outline of the nib tool is left behind. Â
Wblock when run from the command line used to erase the entities selected, now it seems it does not, but the dialog box shows an option to keep or erase the selected entities.
Any variable name that controls this functionality?
I am currently using CS2 working in a sign shop designing signs, banners and vehicle lettering. Â When working with text I need to know the exact letter height, not the em and without the leading. I need it exactly the way it would measure if converting the text to outlines. The reason I need this information is that when I output the lettering to a cutter/plotter to cut vinyl media I need to know the exact measurement so I can nest my lettering on my media size. The media is typically 24" wide which gives me 22.5" of available space once the pinch rollers on the machine are considered. Pinch rollers are rollers that engage a knurled driving wheel and "pinches" the media between them and thus guides the media through the plotter. Of course, when using any media one must make the best use of it to avoid making scrap or using more than is needed for the job at hand. Converting text to outlines gives me that measurement. Â One time awhile back I did a google search on this and found a one or two button fix that made the bounding box snap to the exact "ruler" height of the text. It worked great. But I got away from design work for a short period. When I returned I'd forgotten the process. Back when I did find it I never bookmarked or made a text file explaining the process and I'm ost in finding it again. Â I don't know exactly how I worded the google search but the answer I was looking for came up on the first page. That's probably why I didn't feel the need to bookmark it or write it down. Now, I've googled dozens of different wordings for my question and get nothing. It's likely a nomenclature/jargon issue and I've yet to stumble on it again. Â As it is, when I get to the point that I need to know the exact ruler height of my lettering I convert my text to outlines. But then, as sometimes happens, I'll desire to change the font or try someting different but the text is not live so I'll have to start over with that line of lettering.
I thought I once knew how to change the leading of an individual letter in a text, but now I can't remember how to. Do you know the short cut? An example would be using the word Tooth and changing the T to have the top aligned with the cross of the other t in the word!
It seems like the Warp tool is just another way to scale an object though it allows you to scale only the selected portion of the object that you touch with it. Is this correct? Does the Warp tool have other functions?
I am trying to print a version of a letter head and footer on a A4 page. I sent the file directly from Illustrator CC to a desktop laser printer. On the screen looks all right but printed version has footer moved all the way up just under the header.
How to prevent the layout changes?
(BTW: My printer settings and Illustrator settings: Do Not Scale, Print Actual File Size)
After opening a file from another designer, this Chinese font has taken over my "omens – regular" font file. Anytime I use it, it converts to this font and each time I need to change a font weight, I must do it manually. As you can imagine, I use our company font all day so this slows me down quite a bit. Have you heard of this? It seems like some sort of font virus. I've researched removing it, yet can't seem to find the original font file to get rid of, which is even weirder."
We tried moving the font family to the trash, emptying the trash, rebooting the machine, and re-adding the font family and it still is happening.
I have made a circular crest type image with a uniquely defined stroke (so it looks like a stamp). I want only the outside of the stroke to be bump and the inside be smooth (of the circle). Before I was just layering other white circles over it but now I need the inside to be transparent. Is there a way I can convert my stroke into an object so I can easily erase the bumpy inside? How else can I get around this? Top image is what I have, bottom image is what I want. Only to have a transparent center.
Sometimes when I view vector art on the screen the letter I shows up extra wide and big, but the printed version works fine. Example below. This only happens some of the time to me, but not always with the same piece of artwork. I think this must be a common problem.
I have downloaded a Jpeg file into illustrator. It is black and white. I need the white portion clear and the black portion white. how do I do this?
Is there a way to specify a given system font that should be substituted for a given missing font? For example, the document I'm working with contains CourierStd and CourierStd-Bold which are not installed on my system. I would like to set Illustrator so that any time a document that contains these fonts is opened, Courier New and Courier New Bold are substituted automatically.
An eps file opens without any problem with the preview as .pdf on Mac OS 10.7.5In illustrator when I open the same file, the main font is not recognized and no warning said the font is not available.
Apparently the issue has been happening since as far back as CS2. The flashing text cursor is only visible in the upper left hand portion of the screen. If the text your are attempting to edit is on the far right or bottom of the screen, the cursor vanishes. Some people have suggested zooming in and out, but this only appears to solve the problem because the art board may get nudged into the "good" portion of the screen. I did a screen shot and found that the cursor is only visible in about a 930p x 600p area of the window (not including toolbars). Incindentally, the is the same size that the window defaults to when initially opened. On a HD monitor, this amounts to a very small space.
I'm trying to select a portion of a path by using the direct selection tool and shift clicking on the anchor points. But when I click and drag the brush over onto the path, the brush stroke is applied to the entire path..... which I dont want to happen. I only want it applied to the section of the path.
I need to desiign a "rooster tail" effect for a boat designer's web site. I guess I can best describe the vision of having a boat cruise across the intro page screen with the wave it creates behind it.
I am creating some logo’s and was looking for someone who knew how to create a devil’s tail from a letter… I want to let the letter S end in a devil’s tail like a comic book style.
how to make an tail effect of an image that looked like it had moved from point A to point B, leaving behind the tail line in a form of a ghost effect. I was wondering about making a curve line that start small at one end and become bigger at the other end...
For example, a fly that is buzzing around and we would see the line but instead of a line, it would be a shadow of a fly along the way.
Can I have use both the horizontal and vertical secton tail in the same project? Â When I change the tail in one system family it changes the tails on all the types.
What setting controls the rotation of leader tails? Specifically in point labels. My dragged point labels maintain their orientation, as I want, with Plan Readability set to False and Dragged State Components - Display set to As composed. But the leader tails are horizontal to the view rotation.
Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1 Dell Precision T7400 Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz Nvidia Quadro FX 4600 12 GB RAM Win 7 Pro, 64-bit