Illustrator :: How To Know The Exact Letter Height
Sep 19, 2013
I am currently using CS2 working in a sign shop designing signs, banners and vehicle lettering.
When working with text I need to know the exact letter height, not the em and without the leading. I need it exactly the way it would measure if converting the text to outlines. The reason I need this information is that when I output the lettering to a cutter/plotter to cut vinyl media I need to know the exact measurement so I can nest my lettering on my media size. The media is typically 24" wide which gives me 22.5" of available space once the pinch rollers on the machine are considered. Pinch rollers are rollers that engage a knurled driving wheel and "pinches" the media between them and thus guides the media through the plotter. Of course, when using any media one must make the best use of it to avoid making scrap or using more than is needed for the job at hand. Converting text to outlines gives me that measurement.
One time awhile back I did a google search on this and found a one or two button fix that made the bounding box snap to the exact "ruler" height of the text. It worked great. But I got away from design work for a short period. When I returned I'd forgotten the process. Back when I did find it I never bookmarked or made a text file explaining the process and I'm ost in finding it again.
I don't know exactly how I worded the google search but the answer I was looking for came up on the first page. That's probably why I didn't feel the need to bookmark it or write it down. Now, I've googled dozens of different wordings for my question and get nothing. It's likely a nomenclature/jargon issue and I've yet to stumble on it again.
As it is, when I get to the point that I need to know the exact ruler height of my lettering I convert my text to outlines. But then, as sometimes happens, I'll desire to change the font or try someting different but the text is not live so I'll have to start over with that line of lettering.
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Jun 20, 2013
I am trying to add an anchor to the left and right sides of a rectangular path at the exact same height. The easy method seemed: drag a guide to the right point and add the anchors at the intersection. But this is adding the anchors to the guide rather than the path "underneath" the guide? How can I place the anchor on the path?
Or is there a better way to achieve this?
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Jun 26, 2013
I have a project with many different blocks of text, and colors changing from letter to letter within words.
How do I identify what any given color is?
When I click on a letter, it shows me a visual block of the color, but doesn't tell me what the corresponding color number is.
Problem being, if I see one letter and want to take its color to use it elsewhere, I have no way of knowing what that color is.
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Feb 27, 2014
I think stretch is the right word I'm looking for... I figured out how to outline the text, and I ungrouped the outline. However if I stretch the whole letter, the left "leg" of the 'R' goes down as well. I just want to stretch the right "leg" of the 'R' so that it reaches the bottom of the word Agency.
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Jun 30, 2013
Is it possible to divide a letter into three different colors? That is top one color, middle another color and bottom a different color.
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Nov 5, 2013
through cutting diagonally the letter X which is part of a word. ( illustrator CC)
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Mar 20, 2014
I have two rows of type and when I select a letter in the top row the type tool keeps grabbing the word underneath? What do I need to do different?
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Jan 4, 2013
I want to delete some parts, pieces from that large black M letter. How can i do that?
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Sep 4, 2012
how can i copy paste objects from one place to another at their exact location? for example i cut a circle located near the left edge of a rectangle, i cut it and paste it into new layer but it gets pasted at a different location just like it happens in photoshop. i have to move it separately to the desired location.
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May 15, 2012
Illustrator CS6 won't let me enter an exact number into the height and width fields. For instance, if I create a circle and enter 9mm into each field, it gets resized to something like 8.993. If I create a square and enter 144mm x 63mm, Illustrator changes it to 144.005 and 62.999.
I have Snap turned off.
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Jun 13, 2013
I thought I once knew how to change the leading of an individual letter in a text, but now I can't remember how to. Do you know the short cut? An example would be using the word Tooth and changing the T to have the top aligned with the cross of the other t in the word!
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Nov 7, 2013
I want (no need to!) erase the long tail 'f' on my this logo. So I added a white text box and filled it in. (see figure 2) That worked until I wanted to put the logo on a colored background.
I originally did this on Microsoft Word. The Illustrator people told me that this would work and so I spent a boatload of money this stay at home mom does not have.. and now I'm awfully frustrated because 14 hours later....lots of tutorials later. I'm back to square one.But, I did learn a lot of info that I don't need to know.
Besides the fact that I looked at about 5,000 different f's in fonts.
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Aug 29, 2012
Is there a way I can cycle through the characters in a textRange and adjust the individual tracking of each character?
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Apr 16, 2012
This has happened during a few different projects I've had:
Short Version: I'm just trying to make sure that the colored box prints the exact same color as the PDF's color and it's not.
Long Version: Say I'm given a PDF, it's a poster, and it needs to have bleed (a border around it) added. I'll open Illustrator, put the PDF in there, and use a colored box for the additional bleed/border I'm adding. I'll use the eye dropper, click on part of the PDF - it'll give me the color of that spot. I'll take that color and apply it to the colored box, it changes color.
The issue is that sometimes, that color the eye dropper picks up doesn't actually match the PDF's true color. I can fill in the colored box with whatever color the eye dropper picks up, but it's often a weird color, like with CMYK number values being at 98.35% or something And even when the color value on the PDF and box are the same, you can see a slight difference between that colored box and the real PDF.
I'll even export that to a PDF and make sure it's correct, using the Object Data Tool or whatever it is, and then using the eye dropper there, and seeing that the color for my box and the PDF are at the same CMYK color values. And you can still see it's incorrect very slightly, and then when you print it it's obviously not the same. Even when I try picking it up in HSB or RGB, it's no good.
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Apr 5, 2013
I want to design letter S like following image with sharp edges and in vector, So that I will not loose quality if it made into any big size.
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Jul 2, 2013
I am trying to print a version of a letter head and footer on a A4 page. I sent the file directly from Illustrator CC to a desktop laser printer. On the screen looks all right but printed version has footer moved all the way up just under the header.
How to prevent the layout changes?
(BTW: My printer settings and Illustrator settings: Do Not Scale, Print Actual File Size)
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Jan 4, 2013
I am realtively good with actionscript, so I am trying my hand at this to streamline our image exporting process. I am using CS5 on a PC.
We build our illustrator files to be a combination of different layers. Sometimes just one layer is exported at a time, and sometimes layers are combined to form a more complex image. We use layer names with instructions of what layers should be on and off.
An example of the layer naming might look like this:
03 (01-ON, 02-OFF)
02 (01-OFF)
I have been able to figure out how to check if there is a note to turn a layer on, my question is how do I select the layer to turn on the visibility without using the exact name of the layer?
In my example, when layer 3 gets exported, it should have layer "01" visible and layer "02 (01-OFF)" not visible. Since our files are always constructed differently (meaning 02 might not always have a note about 01 being off), I can't use the getByName option because I don't have an exact name to call the layer and turn the visibility on. The layers always start with 01, 02, 03, etc. Is there a way to use getByName and only have it look at the first 2 characters of the layer name?
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Nov 4, 2012
1. Is there an easy/precise way to place a guide in the exact center of an artboard?
2. I want to use the guide to create a balanced design for a poster by making sure that I place my focal image on the center of guide to ensure that half of it displays on either side of the guide. How important is it to strive for complete balance? Sometimes I see ads that seem to have balance while other times there might be tons of white space an some graphic element on one side or the other of the layout.
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Aug 31, 2012
I am making a website on Illustrator 1,200 px 1,200 px. When i export it to .PSD i open it as a much larger file in pixels than this and with a whole Canvas/ Artbord white area which i don't need.
Is there any way to keep the page size like the final ouput without the white canvas area in the export?
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Apr 2, 2010
Sometimes when I view vector art on the screen the letter I shows up extra wide and big, but the printed version works fine. Example below. This only happens some of the time to me, but not always with the same piece of artwork. I think this must be a common problem.
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Jun 19, 2013
How to change all the text font, leaving previous letter formatting? I mean leave Bold, Underline, Italic, e.t.c.
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Feb 19, 2013
Is there a way to find the exact area of an irregularly shaped object? If there is, does the procedure work for compound paths (objects with holes in them)?
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Aug 13, 2013
I'm trying to resize my artboard to an exact mm size via a script so then I can add this to a batch i'm trying to achieve.
I've been trying to use the following, but i cant work out how to add the size I want in mm?
#target illustrator
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var docVB = doc.visibleBounds;
var myVisibleBounds = doc.visibleBounds; //Rect, which is an array;
myVisibleBounds[0] -= 20; //left coordinate (use negative values to add artboard)
myVisibleBounds[1] += 20; //ltop coordinate
myVisibleBounds[2] += 20; //right coordinate
myVisibleBounds[3] -= 20; //bottom coordinate (use negative values to add artboard)
doc.artboards[0].artboardRect = myVisibleBounds;
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May 30, 2012
Is there a way to remove redundant points whilst maintaining the exact shape of the path?
After using Pathfinder or Expand there are often many redundant points which can't be removed using Simplify or Unite.
The VectorScribe plugin has a Smart Remove Points feature which is exactly what I want. I'm presuming the only way I can get that feature is to buy the plugin.
A simple example is shown below: The path is part of an exact circle and I need to remove one of the anchors.
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Oct 25, 2012
how to apply a filter to a Floor Plan to color code my Walls by Unconnected Height for coordination purposes?
I want to disseminate which walls are currently modeled to deck and which ones stop short so I can selectively coordinate this.
This seems completely logical, but I don't see the option to allow this.
Why does Revit allow me to schedule the Length of a Wall, but not it's Height - am I missing something?
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Dec 13, 2013
illustrator cs4. when press on drawing or text, it cannot be adjust on it width or height by mouse! Photo 1 cannot adjust. Photo 2 (sample) can adjust
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Feb 20, 2013
What is the max size of width and height in all measurement (Points, Picas, Inches, Milimeters, Centimeters, Pixels) when you create a new document? I would like it to use it together with cartesian coordinate system and ruler.
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Apr 16, 2013
In a training video on Illustrator cs6 a device is shown as follows, as the instructor manually resizes an Artboard using the Artboard tool:
Justin, the instructor, calls the little box that immediately shows width/height a "width and height box" but searching on that term is not productive. When I run the program the device is not available, not does the video explain what option makes it available or what might have changed on my particular copy to obscure or disable the box. While I know I can get the same effect by choosing the Info window, and can even adjust the parameters more precisely using the control panel bar, I would like to have the convenience of this box.
I note that in the same video series (from the same type of display device is shown when the instructor resizes a graphic. After some 30 minutes of Google searches and searching for the identity of this device and how to enable it I come up empty.. An experienced Premiere editor, I'm trying to widen my skill set into more of the Adobe suite and new to Illustrator;
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Sep 1, 2013
I'm totally new to Illustrator and need to make a document that is going to be placed in a magazine ad (it's a free placement, hence why I'm just trying to do it myself). I can get around in PhotoShop, but Illustrator is confusing to me. The ad dimensions are supposed to be:
2.33" w x 7.5" h
700 x 2250 pixels
When I create a new Illustrator document, leaving the Raster Effects setting in the Advanced section at 300ppi, if I change the Units setting to pixels, put in 300 for width and height, then change the Units back to Inches, it says the width and height are 4.17 in.
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Sep 13, 2012
I found this script that makes the selected objects the same width AND height. I am very new to creating scripts. is it possible to modify this to make an object the same width leaving their heights the same?
mySelection = activeDocument.selection;
if (mySelection.length>0){
if (mySelection instanceof Array) {
for (i=0; i<(mySelection.length-1); i++){
[Code] ......
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Jan 15, 2013
I reseted my illustrator settings because it was having some problems, the settings I reset was changed everything back to pixels. I am working with small graphics that need to fit within 20x20 pixels
the problem is, when I resize something, example: 1x5, and I up the 1 to 2, it will increase it to 2 pixels from the middle of the object making it's coordinates ?.5 instead of a round number. I do not want to turn on snap anything because it worked just fine before I reseted my settings, it doesn't show it as being off at .5 but when I select multiple objects that the coordinates are at whole numbers, combines they make a number .5.
What I want - instead of the object increasing, when I up its size, from the middle of the object, I want it to increase down and to the right, keeping it's coordinates the same.
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