Illustrator :: How To Change Page / Print Order Of Artboards
Sep 13, 2012
How do I change the page order / print order of artboards in Illustrator CS6? I know it was a much griped-about neglect in previous versions once artboards were introduced, but surely it has been fixed by now. It's just I can't figure out how to do it. It is not intuitive by any means.
I get several dwg's a day with up to 40 layouts in each one. All the settings are correct ACCEPT the plotter. Is there a way to set all page setups for all layouts at the same time? Something like select all layouts and do a page setup for all. Possibly with LISP or VBA?
I'm currently working on a project which involves over 16 artboards in the same document, though when i want to change the order of the artboards [for saving as a PDF] i have to move all my artboards content to new artboard, etc.etc. This is really annoying, especially when i want to insert a new artboard between some excisting ones.
So is it possible to somehow change the order of the artboards, or they numbers [basically the same]?
Printing pdf's to an HP Designjet 1055 using the new Acrobat X version. I can't change the page size from 8.5x11and nothing comes out at the 1055. Works fine to our Xerox 6204 printers. Looks like I could be going back to Acrobat 9.4...
I have a set of Lightroom Print templates that I am trying to use, that are all for a 4x6 print. I can't get it to work because my page setup in the print module defaults to letter size. When I go in and change the page setup, it messes up the template and it gets all jumbled. Then when I go on to the next template, it switches back to letter size again. I want to create and hold a 4x6 canvas so these templates can either be saved to a 4x6 .jpg or printed on 4x6 paper. I know I can save a printer and page layout as part of a template by clicking the "update settings" once I have it all as i want it, but I can't even get that far because it messes up the template as soon as I change the page settings to 4x6. How do I get the canvas to 4x6 on templates that are already created so I can save them as a 4x6 .jpg or print to 4x6 paper?
I even just installed a printer that only prints 4x6 to see, but again, when I change the page layout it completely messes up the template.
I am working in Illustrator CS4 and I am currently having a problem resizing text boxes to either enlarge them to add more type or reduce them to eliminate unused space within the active box. When I place the cursor on the corner of an active box, I get a square symbol instead of an arrow which would indicate that I can change size. All I can do with the cursor now is move the position of an active box.
Setting a stroke profile (variable line width) on a closed shape changes the stroke width from narrow to wide. I would like to have the "wide" width in a different place and a "narrow" width somewhere else. I guess a way to do this would be to change the node orders of the closed shape?
I created a single piece art work in illustrator CS3 and all is well, prints perfectly aligned. No problems. However, now I realize I want to save paper and place multiples, up to 3 per page, to do so everything will need to change orientation so all 3 can fit to print out on a standard size piece of paper. Is it possible to copy all layers of text and images as one unit, rather than having to recreate the entire piece 2 more times and getting it perfectly aligned again. I have spent hours getting it perfect.
How can I print mulitple different .ai files onto one page in Illustrator CS6? I have all of the files organized by Arrange Documents>Tile All in Grid and I would like to print the files in this format so that they can all be seen at once when printed out onto one page.
Some background is that I have 16 different cad drawings that I have converted and edited in illustrator. I'd like to basically make a contact sheet with all 16 drawings so that they can be reviewed on one sheet of paper after printing. But each drawing is in it's own unique file, and I have not figured out how to put them all onto one page for printing.
i have created a business using photoshop and saved it as a PDF, i also have a friends business card in a PDF version....both have bleeds and crop marks....what is the easiest (or longest if necessary) way in Illustrator CS3 to put say 3 colums by 4 rows of the same business card on one sheet, with crop marks and all, and print it?
I'm printing a letter size document from illustrator at 50% size. All pages have a white background so I would like to have the document print with a black rule/ border around it so I can tell what it will look like. Is there a way to do this without manually putting a rule around all 25 existing artboards? Or is there a way to do this in the Acrobat pdf I'm outputting from this doc?(CS5)
I am trying to print a version of a letter head and footer on a A4 page. I sent the file directly from Illustrator CC to a desktop laser printer. On the screen looks all right but printed version has footer moved all the way up just under the header.
How to prevent the layout changes?
(BTW: My printer settings and Illustrator settings: Do Not Scale, Print Actual File Size)
I want to print a type specimen covering a page of paper and have illustrator generate it for me while I only have to pick the type font. How is this possible?
Here I have several concentric squares in an uninterrupted stack.I moved the topmost (small orange) one vertically.I then went to the Alignment panel, selected all the squares and clicked on the one I moved.Then I clicked on Vertical Distribute Center.
The right hand picture shows what happened.One of the squares (that big orange one) near the bottom of the stack shot up so that its centre was above the centre of the topmost one in the stack.The centres are evenly distributed but why is the stacking order not controlling the order in which the squares are arranged?
Fortunately the positioning of that big orange square was easy to correct, but something tells me this is not the way things are supposed to happen.Seemingly this does not always happen. I have tried the method on several stacks. Some were o.k., others showed similar behaviour to the above.
After moving a page in my document the master page elements no longer display on screen or in print. If I move the page to a different location in the document the master displays but if it is in the specific position that it needs to be it will not display. The document has multiple Masters and others do work on the page but the one that I need will not. I've tried deleting the page and adding a new one and that does not fix the problem. I've checked and "Hide Master Items" is not checked. The page in question is in position 48 with F-Master applied. If I move it to position 49 it works, 50, it works, 51, or any other it works. If I apply a different master to the page, it works. If I delete the page, add a new page and apply F-Master it still does not work. The only page that this problem is happening on is page 48.
Apparently, in the CS3 is impossible to do any scripting and using any actions. Can it be done using plugins sdk, without creating a new document? I tried using the functions SetPageSetup and SetCropBox but no effect
I use and action to print, save, save to desktop as PDF(using custom preset), close.New acocunt I am working on requests 2 printouts, but cannot record that in the action. If I can edit my actions. Am inexpereinced with this code but my guess is this is the area:
I love the new versions of Illustrator, but get left in the dust with new innovations that I can't figure out.
I am trying to go to File > Document Setup and all I get is a new dialog box that completely leaves out page orientation and page size as well. I just want to have an artboard that is 11" x 8 1/2" but there is nothing I see in menus or in palettes that give the old comfortable page orientation change that you used to be able to do in older versions of Illustrator. How do I set page or artboard size and orientation?
I made this gorgeous table of contents with nice paragraph styles and a text frame on the master page. I put the text in the first frame and that filled my pages as intented. After that I used my paragraphs titles and the table of contents was done. But now I have a problem because I need to change the page order. I'm completely lost cause now my document is a mess. So is it possible to make a table of contents without using connected text frames because I know that I will have to change page order later and I want to avoid the mess I just made?
I have trial version of Elements 11; Also have full version, but have not installed yet, as I wanted to wait until I completed current project. I created/edited an album of wedding photos in the Organizer. I tried to upload album to Shutterfly to make an archival DVD and also make a photo book in Shutterfly. The photos uploaded individually to the Shutterfly print page to print individually, but the album will not upload to My Pictures, it shows the album name, but it is empty. How do I get the photos to upload?? Shutterfly was not sure how.
In PSE 11 in organizer I select a photo and hit order prints....then hit order shutterfly prints (I have acct) It shows preparing files but the Shutterfly order page does not open....just goes back to the selected photo.
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
I am guessing this will be a no but is there a way to change page setup for more than 1 page at a time? I have multiple pages in a drawing that I want to change to all the same page setup.
I'm an experienced CorelDRAW user (so I do have some vector graphic experience) but a noob to Illustrator and trying to evalutate switching.In CorelDRAW when I export an EPS it doesn't matter what size paper the CorelDRAW file uses, the EPS bounding box is only the size of the drawing.
In Illustrator, however, it seems that I have to set the art board to the size of the drawing. Otherwise when the EPS is pulled into another program (like InDesign) the frame created is much bigger than the actual drawing leaving white space around the drawing.
Is there an EPS setting I'm missing somewhere that would make AI set the bounding box to the drawing and not the artboard?
Or (as most of the Illustrator files we'll be working with are created by someone else) is there a way to automatcially set the size of the paste board to the size of the drawing?
I need to create two art boards in my design document. They are off by a pixel and won't line up like some weird snap feature is on. I've checked and turned off all snap features. Still not lining up.