I'm trying to move an object a certain distance at a certain angle. I select the object and hit Enter to bring up the Move dialog. I enter the angle and distance, and instead of moving the specified distance, it moves some other distance. I don't get it. Am I doing it wrong? I can't imagine how else it's supposed to work. Here's a simple example:
Based on the angle and distance I entered in the video, the duplicate square should have been placed so that its lower right corner touches the upper left corner of the original. Instead, it only moved half an inch or so.
AI cs6 64bit window gets all 'blocky'! when i try to move objects, when i click on nodes on a path etc. Please see the video to see what i mean. 32bit is working jsut fine!
I have my grid set to 10px (with subdivisions set to 1). Snap to Grid is enabled. I had "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" checked when I created the document.
When I draw an object, it will snap to the 10px grid as I am drawing it. However, when I go to move the object around, it will not snap to the grid at all. In Photoshop and Fireworks, this was a piece of cake, but in Illustrator I've never been able to get this to work, nor find a solution for it. The only way I can kind of get it to work is to set my grid to 1px, but I really don't want to be zooming in that far constantly when moving things around.
For what it's worth, this is happening in Illustrator CC, but I've had this same issue with older versions as well.
Sometimes, after moving stuff around (groups, layers or artboards), I notice that hidden objects didn't move with everything else.
How this can be if no objects are locked ?I cannot make this happen on purpose with a simple example and it is really annoying not to be sure that everything was moved properly.
Illustrator CC keeps crashing whenever I try to move a path or an object in a live paint group. I've tried it on other computers, but they seem to work fine. It seemed to only affect my laptop, so I'm not sure what happened. Restarting and updating it doesn't seem to solve the problem.
Here are the technical specifications for my Macbook Pro:
Mid-2009 Macbook Pro 15" 2.8 GHz model w/ SD card slot Intel Core 2 Duo Has Mavericks 4 GB of RAM
In CS5, you could move a group/layer/artboard along with all of the child objects, even if some of the objects are locked. But in CS6 the locked objects remain unmoved.
Having trouble moving objects between layers by simply dragging the right-hand dot to a new layer? CS6 won't let me drag the dot on any kind of selected art from any kind of file I've tried..
Click the name of the desired layer in the Layers panel. Then choose Object > Arrange > Send To Current Layer. Drag the selected-art indicator , located at the right of the layer in the Layers panel, to the layer you want. But method #2 doesn't work at all for me. In fact, the cursor doesn't even change when I mouse over the selected-art indicator dot.
I want to take the traced star (and maybe the text) to use in a video project. I need to make individual objects that I can fill and animate in AE or Premiere. Is Illustrator the right app to use? And where is a tutorial on how this is done?
In the link below you will find a jpeg of a sew on patch, then a pdf of just the logo. I am wanting to learn how to create the outline look of the patch around the group of objects that form the logo. I have tried the appearance, outline trick but for thsi project it does not even come close. [URL]
I have tried the offset path, however it gets too large. I am looking to keep things simple but need a bit more definition that just a simple outline will give. On this particular image I am looking to create an outline or fill shape behind the words and pistol but wanting to keep roughly the same shape.
Is there an easy way to create bleeds and trim marks for multiple objects on the same page?
For instance, I have a playing card that I've tiled across the page 6 times ( so that I can create 6 cards out of 1 page ). Each card needs it's own bleed/trim marks.
I'd also like to have printer registration marks for the page, as I have to print the card backings on another page and then glue the two pages together.
The only way I've found that I can do this is to manually create the trim marks for each object's bleed and just have them all within 1 artboard.
I tried doing it with multiple artboards within one larger artboard, but couldn't get that to work.
Is this something that just needs to be manually done?
I am trying to use the selection tool or the direct selection tool to create a rectangular marquee somewhere within the boundaries of an illustration.
I want to select only those objects that are fully or partially within that marquee.
I can use the lasso to select objects in this way. But if I try to use the selection or direct selection tool, it selects and moves the first object I touch.
I can use the selection tools and begin from outside the image area and create a rectangular marquee of selected objects. But I can't do this if I begin within the image.
I'm extremely new to scripting; I managed to create a script to extend the artboard of my documents (which I was extremely proud of given my inexperience!) and another to align a couple of objects alongside each other, but my attempts to script some new code has met with failure.
Firstly, I need some Illustrator CS4 Javascript code that will create a bounding rectangle for the selected object(s). The selected object(s) will always be rectangular; no irregularly-shaped objects. I know this should be simple, but I can't work out the variables/attributes involved.
Secondly, some code to select the leftmost object in a document. And the equivalent for the rightmost object.
If it makes any difference, I'll be stitching these scripts together with an action to achieve the following workflow.
Two EPS files are dragged into an empty document as 'Linked Files'.The two Linked Files are aligned alongside each other. (Using a script I've already written.)The leftmost Linked File is selected and has a bounding rectangle created, which is then used to mask the Linked Object.The rightmost Linked File is then selected and has a bounding rectangle created, which is then used to mask the Linked Object.Both masked Linked Files are selected, and a bounding rectangle is created to mask them into the same Clipping Mask group.The artboard is set to the dimensions of this combined masked pair (I've managed to write that script already).The Linked Files are embedded into the document.
The reason for this is because we have EPS map files exported from AutoCAD that are left- and right-hand pages. These need to be combined into one file, but when they are brought in they lose their masks as the BBOX element is not recognised by Illustrator. The double-masking in my process above is needed to ensure that content from either map doesn't overlap the other half of the map.
Somehow I've managed to disable a feature in Illustrator CS6 that does two things: 1) it causes a small box to follow the cursor when I'm drawing an object 2) the light green lines or x's are gone now, too. How can I get them back? Are they only visible under certain circumstances?
When I open up my AutoCad LT some of the items are grey, but when I open the same drawing in my regular autocad everything is in their normal colors. What setting is causing this? See attached picture.
I have designed 18 "tee-signs" for our disc golf course. They print fine from Illustrator to various color printers. Now, we are getting them printed on a sticker which we will affix to a metal plate and post near the tees. The printer we are working with requested eps, so I saved a few in illustrator eps format and had him print them to test. They look great except for a few artifacts. For instance, for hole 8, around the "8" in upper left there is a very light shaded rectangle. This doesn't correspond to any shape that is buried in there. What it *should* look like is [URL] .... (note, this does NOT show the artifact). So, I printed the eps files myself, and I don't get those artifacts, but I do get a few random lines, and also the corners of the stroked fonts look like they are "selected", i.e. tiny circle.
After setting up a layout tab, all of my objects turned light grey. When I went to model space they were the same. if I list an object the color says bylayer but the display (in model space or in paperspace remains grey even afret doing a regen, or closing the drawing and reopening it.
I don't have much experience in Illustrator, and I'm experiencing an issue with the 3D Extrude & Bevel effect. Namely, there are "artifacts" where the anchor points lie on the paths.
Here's a sample:
You may need to zoom in on this image to see them, but there are thin white lines that bisect the extrusion where the anchor points lie. There are also abrupt changes in the appearance of the extrusion at these same points. These anomalies don't appear in Illustrator, and it's only when I convert to an image or PDF that they show up.
Is there any way to remove these artifacts using this effect? And if not, is there a different (better?) way to achieve the same effect?
I have an illustration I did and when exporting as a PDF I get these white stitch marks inbetween the layering. My steps previous to that were Object > Live paint, where I finalized colouring of my illustration. I'm guessing live paint probably made the layers space out a bit, but I wouldn't see why. The layers are fine when in Illustrator, it's only when I export it into PDF. I would have put a image up but the forum doesn't allow me to post PDFs for some reason.
I have designed an Ad in Illustrator which I need to export to insert into an email. When the client views on the Mac (I am working on PC), compression like artifacts are visible around the text (see below... it is mainly around the white text in the red background header box). I have tried: Outlining fonts Saving as JPG / PNG300ppi / 600 ppi..how to save it so it is clean and crisp (like the AI design)
My goal is to change all of the objects colors in an xref drawing to gray to use as a background to my work. All changes to the xref drawing were made in the drawing itself, none of this was done in the base drawing.
The quickest way I could find was to change set by layer mode to color only and use set by layer to change all of the objects (select all). This seemed to work fine, until I noticed that certain text would move slightly when the color changed. Long story short this text (single line) moves slightly when the color is changed, even if I select one text and change the color in its properties.
My question is why would text move or change in some way when you only change the color. It doesn't seem to happen to mtext, only dtext.
I am using Adobe Illustrator CS6. The first image above is the result of drawing paths then expanding appearance and then live paint->make and filling shape with live paint bucket fill. The second image is the exact same artwork after selecting the object and clicking live paint->expand. I did this because I want to then group my expanded live paint object to be able to select the fill I just created.
This artwork is meant for screen render only in a flash game I am making, I don't want to print it. The first image above is the desirable look that I am going for. I have figured out that I can expand my live paint object (and it looks bad like the second image) and then alter the fills the way I want and select everything again and go live paint->make and then the black strokes look great again. My question is, is this normal? Do I always have to make an object live paint once I am ready to export my image to png format?
By the way, replicate what I have done by following my instructions, although the artifacts around the black strokes can only really be seen when your fill color is pretty dark (like my dark green fill). With lighter colors you probably wouldn't even notice the artifacts around the black strokes. The set-up for my document is: Color Mode: RGB PPI: 72 for screen rendering. I have initializing turned on (which I want and need).
I recently started a trial for a program called PDF2CAD, the test file I converted worked fine. Everything is selectable and editable. When I move something it does show up while moving/copying. However, when I make additions to the drawing, text for example, and try to move/copy it it does not show up while moving.
PDF2CAD converted the PDF to a DXF format, which I then saved as a DWG.
I'm working on this massive architecture scene and i'm trying to move some rather small braided steel cable in the scene when i go to move it the objects moves in rather big increments instead of small ones. I check to see if snaps was on and its not, on what i can do to can more precision over my placement of these cables.
Custom Core i7 at 3.99 GHz, 8 gb ram, Nvidia Quadro FX 3800
I just started on the roof of the round house I'm working on. I use spacing tool to copy shingles around but now I'm thinking is there an easier way. This takes time. Can you think of any? I was always missing one "tool" in MAX and I think there probably is one. You know when you select many objects and use scale to scale them all (using one center, not each owns), and the objects move as if they are pieces of explosion or implosion (towards or away a centre). But also, they change size of course. Is there a tool or a way to just MOVE the objects this way? Away or towards each other but not scale them?
I used to set precision to 3 decimal places which is in millimeters in my case. That is enough for the building industry. Recently, I found out a co worker worked on my drawing while I was on vacation. Something seem out of place, so I set the precision to 8 decimal places and noticed everything is off by a bit. In general, 0.00000002 isn't going to affect the project, but it just bugs me a lot. I spent hours lining everything up perfectly, just to find out most objects shifted again by a tiny bit after 2 days.I tested out a few lines by fixing them in the block editor and saving it. But everything I reedit them, they shifted again.I asked the co-worker if he remember what he did, but couldn't come up with a solution.
can I alter the BACKGROUND COLOUR from the Grey to a lighter grey as in P/Shop Album 2.00 which is just what I want..I hate the darker colour as background..I have just purchased the Elements 11.
So I am working on a very large project (AutoCAD Architecture 2012) and when I rotate my view, some of the 3D objects will randomly fly out into space. The strange thing is that the grips for the object are still where the object needs to be.
Below should be a picture to explain what I'm talking about.
Grip error.jpg
Is this a bug? Is there a fix? Is this user error?